-w^ BR 142 .T46 1896 v. 4 Wells, Charles L. 1858-1938 The age of Charlemagne Cen epoct)S of Ct)urc|) pistor^ CEDitED b? Tol lY. <3C ten (B^^5c50 of €5utc5 %\%i(^ . 4- THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE (CHARLES THE GREAT) BY CHARLES L. WELLS, PH.D PROFESSOR OF HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA « %%t C^ttetidn feif crdf ure Co. MDCCCXCVIII Copyright, 1898, by The Christian Literature Co, TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER AND TO MY TEACHER IN CHURCH HISTORY A. V. G. ALLEN AS A TRIBUTE OF GRATITUDE I DEDICATE THIS BOOK CONTENTS. PAGE Preface xi Bibliography, xv CHAP. I. -The Age of Charles the Great-The Church-The State— Christianity and Learning i CHAP. II.— Rome and her Legacy to the New Peoples of the West 8 CHAP. III.— The Organization of Christianity and the Origin of the Papacy— The Inheritance of the Church 14 CHAP. IV.— The Conquest of the Empire by the German Tribes— The Foundation of the Prankish Monarchy— The Inheritance of the German People 25 CHAP, v.— The Merovingian Monarchy— Elements of Feudal- ism—Mayors of the Palace 34 CHAP. VI.— Christianity and the Church among the Early Franks— Conversion of Clovis— The Bishops 43 CHAP. VII.— The Spread of Christianity— Monasticism— Mis- sionaries, Irish, Scotch, and English 51-, CHAP. VIII.— The New Powers and Great Purposes of the Mayors of the Palace— Charles Martel and the Church- Foundation of Feudalism 58 CHAP. IX.— Boniface, the " Apostle of Germany "—The Con- version of the Eastern Germans— Organization of the Prankish Church— Union with Rome 68 CHAP. X. — Iconoclasm and the Papacy— The Development of the Veneration of Saints, Relics, and Images— The Emperor Leo III. and the Iconoclastic Edicts— Pope Gregory II. and the Situation in Italy— The Eve of Revolt 80 CHAP. XL — Italy and the Papacy— The Ostrogothic Kingdom —The Lombards— Liutprand and Gregory II 91 vn viii Contents, PAGE CHAP. XII. -Gregory III. -The Lombards and the Franks- Boniface and the Organization of the Prankish Church- Early Synods — Relations with Rome loi CHAP. XIII. — Karlmann and Pippin, the Sons of Charles Martel— King Childeric III.— Retirement to a Monastery of Karlmann, Childeric, and Rachis, King of the Lombards — Coronation of Pippin as King of the Franks i lO CHAP. XIV. — Relations of the Papacy with the Lombards and with the Emperor, from the Time of Gregory II. to the Death of Zacharias 123 CHAP. XV. — Relations of the Papacy with the Lombards and with the Franks— Overthrow of the Exarchate by the Lom- bards—The Pope Crosses the Alps — The Donation of Pippin— The Papal Consecration of Pippin and his Sons as Kings of the Franks and Patricians of the Romans 131 CHAP. XVI.— The Victory of Pippin over Aistulf— Lombard Treachery— The Sack of Rome— The Papal Appeal— St. Peter's Letter— Second Victory of the Franks — Pippin's Donation— The Republic of Rome— The Temporal Power of the Pope— Death of Aistulf— Accession of Desiderius— Renewed Difficulties 140 CHAP. XVII. -The Final Struggle of the Lombards-The Forged Donation of Constantine— The Frankish Conquest of Aquitania— The Aquitanian Capitulary— Establishment of the PVankish Church and the Diocesan and Metropolitan System— Pippin's Relations with Constantinople and with Bagdad 155 CHAP. XVIII. -The Work of Pippin-His Death- Division of the Kingdom between Charles and Karlmann— Revolt of the Aquitanians— Frankish Alliance with the Lombards— Death of Karlmann— Charles Sole King— The Subjugation and Conversion of Saxony— Early Saxon Missionaries 166 CHAP. XIX.— The Lombard Marriages — Repudiation of his Lombard Wife by Charles — Pope Hadrian and the Lom- bard War— Conquest of the Lombards— Charles Enters Rome— King of the Lombards— The Second Donation to the Pope— Additional Powers as Patrician— Pope Leo and his Accusers— The Oath before Charles— Coronation of Charles 190 CHAP. XX. — Frankish Accounts of the Coronation— The Act Contents, ix PAGE of the Pope— Three Theories— The Attitude of Charles — Relations with Constantinople— Renewal and Transfer— Two Emperors and Two Empires — Idea of a World Empire in Union with the Church 208 CHAP. XXL— Theories Underlying the Coronation— Closer Relations with the Papacy— The Old Testament Ideal- Augustine's City of God— The General Admonition— Secular and Ecclesiastical Administration— The Spanish Campaign- Downfall of the Duke of the Bavarians — Submission of the Duke of Benevento— The Conquest of the Avars 221 CHAP. XXII.— Imperial Administration— Central and Local Government— The Missi— The Assemblies— The Capitu- laries 240 CHAP. XXIII. — Theological Controversies — Image Worship — Adoptianism— The Filioque Clause—" Veni Creator Spiritus " 259 CHAP. XXIV. — Political Importance of Ecclesiastical Ofificers — The Metropolitanate — Ecclesiastical Regulations and Re- form—Chrodegang and the Canonical Life — Benedict of Aniane and Monasticism — The Supremacy of the Roman Church— The Model 273 CHAP. XXV.— Closing Years— Attempt at Consolidation- Foreign Relations — Later Wars — Distribution of Kingdoms — Death of the Older Sons, Pippin and Charles— Last Will — Election and Coronation of Louis as Co-emperor — Death of Charles the Great — Canonization — Special Collect for his Day, January 28 — The Great Work which He Accom- plished 288 CHAP. XXVI.— Intellectual Life and Development— The Dark Ages — Influence of Monasticism — Learning in England- Benedict Biscop — Archbishop Theodore— Hadrian— Bede — Alcuin — The Library at York 303 CHAP. XXVIL — Meeting of Charles and Alcuin— The Palace School— Alcuin's Methods of Instruction— Cathedral Schools —Alcuin Abbot of Tours 322 CHAP. XXyilL— Irish Learning— St. Patrick— Columbanus — Irish Missions and Monasteries on the Continent— Irish Scholars at the Court of Charles — Opposition of Alcuin — Death of Alcuin 343 CHAP. XXIX.— Larger Development under Louis the Pious — Contents. The Scholars of Fulda— Rabanus Maurus and Servatus Lupus— The Great Reformers— Agobard of Lyons and Claudius of Turin — Paschasius Radbertus and the Doctrine of Transubstantiation— John Scotus Erigena — Gottschalk and the Predestination Controversy 352 CHAP. XXX.— Accession of Louis the Pious — Weakness of the Imperial Unity— Relations with the Papacy— Regulation of the Empire— Introduction of Primogeniture— Humiliation of Louis 374 CHAP. XXXI. — Birth of Charles the Bald— Disorder in Italy— The Roman Constitution — The Two Parties — Rebellion of Lothair— The Field of Lies — Deposition of Louis — Restora- tion—Reconciliation of Lothair— Death of Louis— Battle of Fontenay— The Strassburg Oaths — Treaty of Verdun- Fall of the Empire 391 CHAP. XXXIL— Christian Missions and Missionaries— Ebbo and the Danes — Ansgar and the Swedes— Olaf and the Norwegians — Methodius and the INIoravians- Secularization of the Bishops— Political Influence and Dependence — Feudal Relations — Reform Movements 41 5 CHAP. XXXIII.— Ecclesiastical Legislation and the Constitu- tion of the Church in the Ninth Century— The Forged Decretals —Origin— Date— Place— Object— Contents— Use — Later History 423 CHAP. XXXIV. -The Height of the Papacy- Nicholas I.- Hadrian II.— John VIII. — End of the Carolingian Line in Italy— In Germany— In France— Degradation of the Papacy 452 PREFACE. HE previous volumes in this series have found their scene of action in the East. It is never to be forgotten that Christian- ity had its origin in the East, among an Eastern and Semitic people, and that the language of its early teachers and documents, and, with two or three exceptions, of its literature, for three or four centuries, the formulas of its faith, its theological discussions and the decisions of its coun- cils, were all in Greek. Even the Church of Rome and most of the churches of the West were, at the first, as Milman strikingly says, " Greek religious colonies." With a consideration of the age of Charles the Great the scene changes to the West, and we are called upon to witness the handing over of the trea- sured possessions of the Roman empire, law, language, civilization, and ideals, to new peoples, the German tribes under the leadership of the Franks ; the devel- opment of a Latin Christianity ; the building up of the great Latin Church ; and the lajang of the foun- dations of the middle ages and of modern times. It would be impossible to treat adequately of these extensive subjects in so brief a compass as that afforded by the pages of this volume. Many of the xii Preface. topics I have not attempted to touch. I have tried to bring into clearer light some of the more obscure though most important features of the period, and to show the deeper relations which underlie the chief events of the history of the church and of its connec- tions with the political history. In the introduction to his *' Life of Alcuin " Lor- enz has said very justly: "The age of Charles the Great is more celebrated than known, and the founder of the new Romano-Germanic Empire has found more panegyrists than historians." In the following pages I have tried to be the historian rather than the pane- gyrist, and to present facts rather than to indulge in rhetoric. While conscious, all the time, of writing for many who will have no time to pursue the history further, I have endeavored, by going deeply enough into the subjects I have considered, to make the book of value to those who desire already, or to those in whom, I hope, it may inspire a desire, to continue the study and to make investigations for themselves. I have let the sources speak for themselves as far as possible, not only in order to be more accurate, but also because thereby a greater vividness and reality could be assured. I have dealt largely with the political side of the subject, as the title requires and as the nature of the history demands. The growth of the Papacy, especially of its tem- poral power and possessions, forms one of the most important topics of the period. In this connection the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals have been treated at Preface. xiii great length, on account of the interest and impor- tance attaching to the subject, and because a good deal of confusion still exists as to their history and contents. They form an admirable commentary on the church history of the ninth century. I desire to acknowledge my special indebtedness to the work of Waitz on the whole subject ; to that of Hinschius on the Forged Decretals ; and particu- larly to that of Mullinger on the intellectual life of the period. As the latter book is out of print and the others are in foreign languages, the large use made of them is perhaps more excusable. Dr. Mom- bert, by a personal letter and by his most compre- hensive work on Charles the Great, has rendered much assistance. I am allowed to quote, in closing, the words of Dr. Noah K. Davis of the University of Virginia in the preface to his book, '* The Theory of Thought " : " If on the whole it is a good book, it will live and be useful; if not it will die, the sooner the better." Charles L. Wells. Minneapolis, December 4, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Works are cited by the first word in this list.] Abel-Simpson: Karl der Grosse (Jahrbiicher des Frankischen Reiches unter Karl dem Grossen ; 2 vols. ; Leipzig, i883 ; 1883). Adams, G. B. : Civilization during the Middle Ages ; New York, 1895. Allen, A. V. G. : The Continuity of Christian Thought ; Boston, 1884. Allen, A. V. G. : Christian Institutions ; New York, 1897. Alzog, J. : Manual of Universal Church History. Translated from the German ; 3 vols. ; Cincinnati, 1878. Ampere, J. J. : Histoire litt^raire de la France avant le douzieme siecle; 3 vols. ; Paris, 1840. Later edition, Paris, 1870. Andrews, E. B. : Brief Institutes of General History; Boston, 1892. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited by Earle and Plummer; Oxford, 1892. Annales : see Monumenta. Ante-Nicene Fathers ; 9 vols. ; Buffalo, 1886-87. Arnold, W. T. : Roman System of Provincial Administration ; Lon- don, 1879. Baur, F. C. : Geschichte der christlichen Kirche; 5 vols. ; Tubingen, 1863-77. Beaune, Henri : Introduction a I'fitude Historique du Droit Coutu- mier Fran9ais ; Paris, 1880. Bede : Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. Translated by Gidley; London, 1870. Old English edition with translation; Thomas Miller; 2 vols.; London, 1890-98. Latin edition; Alfred Holder; Freiburg, 1882. Bede : Historia Abbatum, Opera Selecta. Edited by Charles Plum- mer; 2 vols. ; Oxford, 1896. Boehmer, J. F. : Regesta Imperii, vol. i. : Die Regesten des Kai- serreichs unter den Karolingern ; Muhlbacher; Innsbruck, 1889. XV xvi BibliograpJiy. BoRETiUS, A.: Capitularia Regum Francorum; 2 vols.; Hanover, 1883-90. Monunienta Germanire Historica: Legum, sectio ii. Brosien, H. : Karl der Grosse; Leipzig, 1885. Bryce, James: The Holy Roman Empire; New York, 1880. Bury, J. B. : A History of the Later Roman Empire from Arcadius to Irene; 2 vols. ; London, 1889. Chastel, £tienne: Histoire du christianisme ; 5 vols.; Paris, 1881-83. Church, R. W. : The Beginnings of the Middle Ages ; New York, 1877. Clarke, R. F. : The False Decretals (Month, vol. xli., pp. 354-377; 1881). CouLAXGES, Fustel de : Histoire des Institutions Politiques de I'ancienne France; 6 vols. ; Paris, 1888-92. Dareste, Cleophas: Histoire de France; 9 vols. ; Paris, 1874-80. Darras, J. E. : General History of the Catholic Church. Trans- lated from the French ; 4 vols. ; New York, 1868. DiEHL, Charles : £tudes sur I'Administration Byzantine dans I'Ex- archat du Ravenne ; Paris, 1888. Dollixger, Johx Igxatius von : Fables respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages. Translated by Alfred Plummer ; London, 1871, DoLLiNGER, John Ignatius von: Historical and Literary Ad- dresses. Translated by Margaret Warre; London, 1894. Lecture HI. : The Empire of Charles the Great and his Successors, pp. 73-180. DORXER, J. A. : History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ ; 5 vols.; Edinburgh, 1861-63. DUEMMLER, E. : Geschichte des Ostfrankischen Reichs ; 2 vols. ; Ber- lin, 1887-88. DUFFIELD, S. W. : The Latin Hymn-writers and their Hymns ; New York, 1889. Dupuy: Alcuin et I'^cole de St. Martin de Tours; Tours, 1876. Duruy: Histoire du Moyen Age; Paris, 1890. EiXHARD or Eginhard : CEuvres Completes r^unies et traduites en Frangais; A. Teulet; 2 vols. ; Paris, 1840. EiXHARD or Egixhard : Life of Charlemagne. Translated by S. E. Turner; New York, 1880. Emerton, E. : Introduction to the Middle Ages; Boston, 1892. Emerton, E. : Medieval Europe; Boston, 1894. Franklin, Alfred : Les Sources de 1' Histoire de France ; Paris, 1877. Freeman, E. A.: Historical Geography of Europe; 2 vols.; Lon- don, 1882. Bibliography, xvii Frodoard or Flodoard : Histoire de I'eglise de Rheims (Col- lections des memoires relatifs ^ I'histoire de France; Paris, 1824). Fulton, John: Index Canonum; New York, 1872. FusTEL DE CouLANGES : See Coulanges. Geffcken, Heinrich: Church and State. Translated by E. F. Taylor; 2 vols. ; London, 1877. Gibbon, Edward : Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Edited by J. B. Bury; 7 vols. ; London, 1897. GlESELER, J. C. L. : Church History. Translated and edited by H. B. Smith; 5 vols. ; New York, 1876-80. Glasson, E. : Histoire du Droit et des Institutions de la France; 5 vols. ; Paris, 1887-88. Gregorovius, Ferdinand : History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages. Translated by Annie Hamilton ; 3 vols. ; Lon- don, 1894-95. Gregory of Tours : Histoire des Francs ; 2 vols. (Collections des memoires relatifs ^ I'histoire de France; Paris, 1823). GUIZOT, F. P. G. : Histoire de la Civilization en France; 4 vols.; Paris, 1853. GuizoT, F. P. G. : Essais sur I'Histoire de France; Paris, 1857. Hallam, Henry: View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages ; 3 vols. ; London, 1848. Hardwick, Charles : A History of the Christian Church : Middle Age; London, 1877. Hatch, Edwin : The Growth of Church Institutions ; New York, 1887. Haur^au, B.: De la Philosophie Scolastique; 2 vols. ; Paris, 1850. Hefele, Charles J. : History of the Councils of the Church. Translated; 5 vols.; Edinburgh, 1876-96. Hegel, Carl: Geschichte der Stadtverfassung von Italien; 2 vols. ; Leipzig, 1847. Henderson, Ernest F. : Select Historical Documents of the Mid- dle Ages; London, 1893. Hinschius, Paulus : Decretales Pseudo-Isidoriance et Capitula An- gilramni; Leipzig, 1863. Hodgkin, Thomas: Italy and her Invaders; 6 vols. ; Oxford, 1896. Hodgkin, Thomas; Charles the Great; London, 1897. Hook, W. F. : Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury; 12 vols.; London, 1860-84. Jaff]&, Philippus: Bibliotheca Rerum Germanicarum ; 6 vols.; Berlin, 1864-73. X V i i i Bibliography, Jaffe, Philippus: Regesta Pontificum Romanorum; 3 vols. ; Berlin, 1885. Kurtz, J. H. : Church History. Translated by John MacPherson ; 3 vols. ; New York, 1890. Lea, H. C. : Studies in Church History; Philadelphia, 1883. Lea, H. C. : Superstition and Force; Philadelphia, 1880. Lecky, W. E. H. : History of European Morals ; 2 vols. ; London, 1875. LehuErou, J. M. : Histoire des institutions Carolingiennes ; Paris, 1843. Liber Pontificalis. Edited by L. Duchesne; 2 vols. ; Paris, 1886. Lorenz, Frederick : Life of Alcuin. Translated by Jane Mary Slee; London, 1837. Lot, Ferdinand: Les derniers Carohngiens ; Paris, 1891. Lupus, Servatus : £tude sur les Lettres de Servat Loup ; Nicholas Clermont-Ferrand; 1861. Maitland, S. R. : The Dark Ages ; London, 1889. Martin, Henri: Histoire de France; 17 vols. ; 4th ed., Paris. Mathews, Shailer: Select Mediaeval Documents; Boston, 1892. Matter, M. J.: Histoire du Christianisme ; 4 vols. ; Paris, 1838. Maurice, F. D. : Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy; 2 vols.; London, 1873. MiGNE, Jacques Paul: Patrologia Latina; 221 vols, (xcvii.-cxxxi.) ; Paris, 1844-56. MiLMAN, H. H. : History of Latin Christianity; 8 vols. ; New York, 1871. Mombert, J. I. : History of Charles the Great ; New York, 1888. Monnier: Alcuin et Charlemagne ; Paris, 1864. Monumenta Germanise Historica. Edited by George Plenry Pertz ; Hanover, 1826. [Cited " M. G. SS." and " M. G. LL."] MuLLiNGER, J. Bass: The Schools of Charles the Great; London, 1877. Neander, a. : General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Translated by J. Torrey; 6 vols. ; Boston, 1872-81. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers; 26 vols. ; New York, 1886-95. Perry, Walter C. : The Franks to the Death of King Pippin; London, 1857. Potthast, August: Bibliotheca Plistorica Medii ^vi : Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke; 2 vols. ; Berlin, 1862-68. Ramsay, \V. M. : The Church in the Roman Empire before 170: Mansfield College Lectures, 1892; New York, 1893. Bibliography. XIX Rashdall, HastixNgs: The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages; 2 vols, in 3; Oxford, 1895. Robertson, William : History of the Emperor Charles V • -l vols • Philadelphia, 1870. '' ^ ' SCHAFF, Philip: History of the Christian Church; c vols • New York, 1886-89. Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia; 4 vols. ; New York i8qi Sheppard, J. G. : The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Na- tionalities ; London, 1S92. Sickel: Acta Regum et Imperatorum Karolinorum ; 2 vols. ; Vienna 1867. ' SiSMONDi, J. C. L. S. DE : Histoire de la Chute de I'Empire Romain • Brussels, 1837. Smith and Wace: Dictionary of Christian Biography; 4 vols. ; Lon- don, 1877-87. Teulet, A: CEuvres completes d'Eginhard; 2 vols. ; Paris, 1843 V^TAULT, a. : Charlemagne; Tours, 1888. Vitae: Biographies (M. G. SS., vol. ii.). Waitz, Georg: Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte ; 8 vols. ; Leipzig, 1865—80. Wasserschleben : Herzog, Real-Encyklopadie, article " Pseudo- Isidor. " Wattenbach, W. : Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter • 2 vols. ; Berlin, 1885-86. Werner: Alcuin und sein Jahrhundert; Vienna, 1881. West, Andrew F. : Alcuin; New York, 1892. Wright, Thomas : Biographia Britannica Literaria: Anglo-Saxon Period; London, 1842. Zeller, B. : L'histoire de France racontee par les contemporains • 66 vols. ; Paris, 1883. CHAPTER 1. THE AGE OF CHARLES THE GREAT — THE CHURCH — THE STATE — CHRISTIANITY AND LEARNING. HE division of history into epochs and periods, while presenting many advan- tages for the purpose of detailed study and of careful comparison, is, at the same time, attended with disadvantages and dangers, so that it needs some explanation, if not defence, at the outset. The stream of time, whose events, together with their record, constitute what we call history, is one and continuous. Yet divi- sions may be made and differences noted, if they are not made too hard and fast, too definite and me- chanical. Two cautions must be borne in mind. First, that not all the movements of a period end in that period ; some must have begun, and all must have their ground or motive, in a preceding one, and some will reach the crisis of their development only in a later period. Secondly, a period is not of the same con- tinuous character throughout ; it is full of movement, an ebb and flow like the tide, a rise and fall like the barometer, a waxing and waning like the moon. A I The Age of Charlemagne, Yet without doubt each period has its one great movement, with a beginning, a progress, a crisis, and a fall or change into some other; and, taking up a single movement, one may mark, more or less defi- nitely, its limits in time. In the same way some one great personality dom- inates or at least guides and moulds the develop- ment of a long period in history ; preceding years or centuries seem to have prepared for his coming, and succeeding ones are filled with his spirit and with the influence of the forces which he has set in motion. In a supreme degree this is true of Jesus Christ, and the modern world has recognized it by dividing his- tory into two great periods, one before, one after, his birth, and still proclaims that we live anno Domini. In a less degree we may speak of the age of some great man, meaning the period of his influence, or of the movements of events with which his name is identified, though it begins before his birth and does not end until after his death. All this is particularly true of Charles, King of the Franks, and later Emperor of the West, of whom Joseph de Maistre has so well said, '' This man is so truly great that greatness has been incorporated in his very name " — Charles the Great, or, as the French like to call him, Charlemagne.^ It may be under- stood, therefore, in what sense we speak of the age of Charles the Great, though the empire in which 1 The surname " Great " was his from the middle of the ninth cen- tury. The name " Charlemagne " is a later and misleading French cor- ruption of " Carolus Magnus." See Mombcrt, pp. iii., 502; Waitz, vol. iii., p. loi, note i, p. 648. The Carolmgian Line, 3 that greatness centred broke up soon after his hold upon it was relaxed. This is recognized also in what is a most unusual procedure, the calling his line of ancestors after his own name, as though they were his children instead of his fathers. The line is known to all history as the Carolingian,i though it came into prominence in the seventh century in the per- son of Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, whose son married the daughter of Pippin of Landen, a mayor of the palace, by whom he became the father of Pippin of Heristal, the conqueror of Testry in 687 and father of Charles Martel, who was born a year or two afterwards and was the grandfather of Charles the Great. The age of Charles the Great lies between the two dark centuries, the seventh and the tenth, the results of the earlier and of the later barbarian invasions. With the eleventh century a new life begins, and the period ecclesiastically is rightly named the Hilde- brandine era. These dates mark not only ecclesiastical, but po- litical and intellectual divisions. The period began with the first appearance in action of those ideas and principles which reached a crisis in the life and work of Charles himself, and ended when that movement waned and ceased, or passed into other hands and under other forms and influences. It is because these ideas and principles are so varied and so fundamental, and their influences so far-reaching, that the age of 1 " Carlovingian " is a corrupt form devised in the middle ages as analogous to " Merovingian," from Merovius, the reputed founder of the preceding dynasty. See Martin, vol. ii., p. 230, note i. The Age of Charlemagne, Charles the Great is so long and so important, so in- teresting and so instructive. The church, already having put on monarchical forms, moulded and influenced by the close connec- tion with the civil power brought about when Con- stantine declared Christianity the established religion of the empire, had rapidly increased in power and extent. This power in growing had become central- ized, first in four or five patriarchates, then in two, Rome and Constantinople. The struggle between these two was already on when Mahometanism arose and appeared to suspend it, but it was Mahometanism that decided it.-^ One by one the churches of the East were lost, and in no new direction could the Patriarch of Constan- tinople reach out after more. The growth and vic- tories of the future were with the Pope of Rome. New peoples were converted and owned his sway, his spiritual influence reached wherever Christianity was known, and a temporal sovereignty began in and about the city which he had many times defended by the inspiration of religious awe and by shrewd diplomacy, and had so stamped with his spirit as to make it his own. He took the foremost of these new peoples, converted them to Christianity, changed the Hne of their kings, and made them the instruments of the spirit of a new hierarchical organization far beyond the fondest fancy of the East, the very home of ab- solutism and of priestcraft. Slowly he gained his independence of the Roman emperor, brought about the separation of nearly all 1 Matter, vol. ii., p. 69. The Frankish E nip we. of what remained of the Imperial possessions in the West, created a new empire, and crowned its em- perors. On the basis of his own enlarged possessions he established the States of the Church and the begin- ning of the temporal power of the Papacy, at once the fulcrum of its mighty influence and the stum- bling-block of its spiritual greatness, the last of its powers to be fully attained and the first to be com- pletely lost. The various tribes and kingdoms were brought under the rule of one controlling people, the Franks ; a new and stronger race of kings arose from ancestors who had fought for unity and won it, who had driven back the threatening wave of Mahometan invasion from the South and thus saved Europe to Christianity and to Aryan civilization, who had subdued the savage barbarism of the North and thus made possible the spread of Christianity to the boundaries of the north- ern sea. As trustees for the modern world, they had received the treasures of Roman civilization from the trembhng hands of the aged and decrepit empire, worn out by its labors and excesses, and now too impotent to use or even to hold them any longer. A new empire was founded, in which the peoples of the West might realize their common origin and relation- ship and the great responsibilities and hopes awaiting them in the future. The vision was realized for less than half a century ; the central power was one in name rather than in fact ; and it was left for feudalism to preserve all that was strong and lasting and true, to protect it from the disintegrating forces of barbarian invasion and the The Age of Charlemagne. consequent weakness and confusion, and finally to hand it over to the monarchies of the later middle ages and the newly forming nationalities of the mod- ern world. The great missionary enterprises were begun, al- though their greatest and most lasting victories were not won until a later period. Monasteries were founded, not as places of refuge for idle contempla- tion and selfish asceticism, but as centres of living, active force, true oases in the deserts of the barbarism of western and of northern Europe, lights shining in a dark place, leaven hid in the meal, spreading their influences far and wide, teaching, by practical ex- ample, a higher life, nobler purposes, and loftier ideals, and directly helping others to their attain- ment. Seeds of learning, saved from the schools of Greece and Rome by Irish and English scholars, were sown in the newly founded royal and ecclesiastical schools ; intellectual life and learning were fostered and en- couraged. Through and above it all, a great, far-seeing mind, a brave and wise spirit, a noble and illustrious con- queror, the mighty emperor Charles the Great, who knew and builded much, and yet builded wiser than he knew; whose work seemed to be lost in the di- vision of the inheritance and the weakness of the inheritors, but, though his empire was divided, his schools closed, his monasteries devastated, and the Papacy, which he did so much to strengthen and to build up, plunged into the lowest depths of corrup- tion, yet the treasure was not diminished, though di- Permanent Influence^ vided and given into other hands; was not ruined, though marred and mutilated ; was not lost, though for a time covered and concealed. The work which he did, and which his principles wrought out in his age, made possible the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the nations of modern Europe. CHAPTER II. ROME AND HER LEGACY TO THE NEW PEOPLES OF THE WEST. HEN Charles, afterwards called the Great, succeeded his father Pippin in the leader- ship of the German peoples with the title of King of the Franks, nearly three cen- turies had elapsed since the last Roman emperor had ruled in Ital}^, and about the same time since the Franks had come into prominence and no- tice under their leader Clovis. During these three centuries events of momentous significance had oc- curred. Rome had been doing for the West, in her own way and to the best of her ability, that which Greece had originated and carried on with such genius and glor)^ The elements of learning and of civilization, already existing in the East, Greece had taken up, stamped with her own genius and grace, developed to high conditions of beauty and excellence, and moulded into forms of surpassing purity and power. Rome had received this art and learning, this won- derful civilization, and although in her hands it lost some of its grace and beauty, she gave it greater 8 The Provincial Government of Rome. 9 strength and force by her order, discipline, organiza- tion, government, and laws. Greece colonized, but Rome conquered and gov- erned; Greece civilized, but Rome organized and incorporated. The influence of Greece was mediate, individual, unseen; that of Rome, direct, general, evident, and effective. It was through and by means of Rome's great practical genius for law and government that her in- fluence worked, and it showed itself particularly in her provincial government. By the incorporation of conquered peoples into her own national life she made them partakers by necessity of her language and her laws, and by imitation of her customs and her civili- zation. Although her administration became corrupt and oppressive during the later years of the republic, it was very efficient under the empire, when many of the provinces came under the direct supervision of the emperor, and municipal institutions with a system of representation connected with the festivals of em- peror-worship were developed and extended.! If Rome was despotic, she was protective ; if the prov- inces paid high tribute in taxes and men, they gained peace and security, better government and laws, and a higher civilization. 2 But Rome's power was failing. Her conquests had extended until she ruled the world, and the world was growing too large for one city to rule. Gradually, in the earlier times, she had received into her citizen- 1 Fustel de Coulanges, vol. i., pp. 210-224. 2 W. T. Arnold, "The Roman System of Provincial Administra- tion " (London, 1879). lo The Age of Charlemagne. ship those whom she had first conquered, then civi- lized, then Romanized. Later, however, distant prov- inces were annexed and large numbers admitted to citizenship without going through this gradual initia- tion. The inhabitants of these distant provinces in the North and West, the barbarians, as they were called, were fast becoming a part of the organism itself — introduced first as slaves and captives of war, then in bands of large numbers as coloni on the estates of wealthy and influential Romans. Whole tribes had been received as subjects, and from the time of Caesar and the first emperors, bands and troops had been used in the armies along with the legions. i Unfortunately, however, as this material for, and consequently the need of, assimilation increased, Rome's power to perform such functions diminished with startling rapidity. A great deal has been written about the moral corruption of later Roman hfe, and it might seem difficult to exaggerate the evil ; but its importance as the cause of the fall of Rome undoubtedly has been overestimated, as Dr. Adams has so clearly pointed out,^ by turning the attention away from other more direct and more immediately effective causes, and by concealing the real issue. The secret of Rome's fall was in her failure to assimilate her continued conquests, due to one thing — exhaustion. This exhaustion was moral, but that was not all; it was social, political, and economical. The social and economic effects of 1 Fustel de Coulanges, vol. ii., pp. 365-401. 2 Adams, pp. 76-88. One of the briefest yet most suggestive treat- ments of this interesting subject. Importance of Social Differences. 1 1 slavery were as disastrous as its moral effects. The same is true also of the breaking up of family life, the free games and free food, the luxury and artificial life of the rich. Most serious of all, the result of all these various causes, as well as of many others, was the disappearance of the middle class. The union of the patricians with the plebeians had led to the strength- ening of the unity and power of Rome, immediately followed by the spread of her conquests and influence. It was the rapidly growing gulf between the wealthy aristocracy and the dependent proletariat that weak- ened her and prepared for her downfall. If the dream of the communist were realized, and the so-called middle class constituted the entire com- munity, without the variation of richer and poorer, educated and uneducated, employer and employed, life would be a dead, monotonous level, humanity would stagnate, arts and inventions would cease, and very soon a retrogression would begin, which, slowly at first, but surely and finally, would carry man back to the earlier conditions of barbarism from which civihzation started, and out of which, by slow and painful steps and by great sacrifices of individuals and of communities, it has attained its present height. Unless the few who can are allowed to go ahead and lift themselves above the surrounding level, even if necessary on the backs and shoulders of their fellow- men, there can be no hope of progress, no possibility of advance for the mass of mankind ; and unless rich rewards and great incentives are held out for success, few, too few, will attempt the difficult and oftentimes dangerous enterprise. 1 2 The Age of Charlemagne, On the other hand, some bond of connection, some intimate union of sympathy and of mutual helpfuhiess, must be kept up between the highest and the lowest, the most and the least advantaged in society, or the vital connection will be lost, the organism mutilated, humanity will suffer, the social fabric, and, together with it, the political constitution, will totter to the fall. There will be, there must be, gradations, social, economical, intellectual, and political, but they must be so closely connected and interwoven that there shall be no break between the lower and the next higher. If, by any means, any considerable section of these gradations is removed, ruin is inevitable. This was just the evil in Rome's case, caused by the disappearance of the middle class, eaten out by slavery, luxury, pauperization, loss of independence, and by the absorption of small proprietorships into the vast estates of wealthy and powerful landowners. Many of these evils had been felt already in the clos- ing years of the republic, and had made not only possible, but necessary, the revolution wrought by Caesar and realized by Augustus in the establishment of the empire. This movement, by concentrating the power and energy still remaining in the state, and by restoring, in a great measure, the direct responsibility of the minor officers, postponed the evil day, though it did not provide any radical remedy. Such evils are more noticeable and more dangerous in a republic than in a monarchy, but they are bound to be effec- tive as long as they continue. Another and still greater revolution, implying a still deeper recognition of these evils and dangers, The Revolution under Constantine, 13 took place under Diocletian and Constantine. This was the division of the empire into East and West, its reorganization into four prefectures, sixteen dio- ceses, and one hundred and eighteen provinces, the introduction of Oriental forms and customs, the es- tablishment of a complete system of bureaucracy, the removal of the capital to Constantinople, and the adoption of Christianity as the established religion of the empire. All this, however, while recognizing the dangers, failed to avert them ; and before the end of the fifth century the Roman emperor no longer had any in- dependent rule in the West. Rome had ceased long before to be the seat of imperial power, for Diocle- tian, in 284, had removed thence to Milan, and before the middle of the fifth century the barbarians held the larger part of the imperial territory in the West. This has been called the fall of the Roman empire, but the term is not a very appropriate one. In reality it was the handing over to others the power her hands were too weak to hold any longer, the seizure by others of the treasures she could no longer defend or use. These others were the Christian church and the German people. CHAPTER III. THE ORGANIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY AND THE ORIGIN OF THE PAPACY — THE INHERITANCE OF THE CHURCH. HE Christian church inherited the organi- zation and the centralization of the im- perial power of Rome. Centuries elapsed, however, before it found its head and centre in the imperial city and came into full possession of the unity of organization and the discipline of law which it received with the imperial idea as its legacy. The spiritual head and centre of the Christians was Christ. He was at once the norm and revelation of their faith, the source and standard of their life, the object and inspiration of their worship. The first three centuries of their existence were passed largely in retirement, obscurity, and isolation. Political life was absolutely denied them, as also was social life outside of their own communities. They were the object of suspicion, ridicule, slander, and abuse, as well as of slights, annoyances, persecutions, and punishments, by their Jewish and pagan neigh- bors and by the local civil officials, from which the 14 Tendencies toivards Centralization, 15 imperial law afforded them no protection or redress. Their close organization was therefore natural as the outgrowth of a common- political instinct, especially connected with their marvellous increase in numbers, and as the formal realization of their ideal unity in the one Lord, the one faith, and the one baptism. It was also necessary in order to maintain this growth and inward unity, as well as for outward defence and regulation. Their first and most natural local centre was Jeru- salem; but the intolerance and bitter attacks of the Jews, and the early destruction of the city by the Romans, put an end to its effectiveness as a means of centralization. Their earliest formal organization consisted of single scattered communities, each gov- erned by a gradation of officers at whose head was the bishop, who represented the community and acted in its name. Interchange of thought, of sympathy, and of aid was maintained by letters, travellers, and more formally appointed messengers. Owing to the rise of novelties and variations of faith and of practice, synods including several neighboring communities began to be held, all tending to an increase of cen- trahzation. The bishops of the churches in the chief cities of the empire soon came to hold important and influential positions, especially when they were men of great personal energy and ability, or occupied positions in churches of apostolic or of quite early foundation. The decisions of synods and the declara- tions of individual bishops and teachers had only a moral sanction and authority, but even then showed such growing effectiveness as to bring upon them the 1 6 The Age of Charlemagne, suspicion and finally the active persecution of the empire. It was not on account of religious differences, for Rome tolerated all religions; it was not on account of their exclusiveness or proselytism, for the Jews were exclusive and proselyting ; it was not on account of disobedience to the laws nor on account of the slanders concerning them that the empire in the third century entered upon a determined course of anni- hilation against them. Rather was it because of the increased efficiency and unmistakable reality of their organization, which threatened to form an imperiuin in imperio, not only rivalling the empire and dividing allegiance to the emperor, but tending to undermine the state and to overthrow its ruler. But if Rome was too exhausted to conquer her own corruption and to assimilate her later conquests, she was far too weak to cope successfully with the Christian church in the freshness of its purity and vigor. Her attacks aimed at its highest officials in the middle of the third century, and her efforts to destroy not only its mem- bers but its holy writings, the source of its life and inspiration, at the beginning of the fourth century, were powerless and ineffectual for harm. They came too late. They might prune away some branches; they could not injure the trunk, and only strength- ened the roots of the mighty tree. Just at this time the greatest change of all came to the empire and to the church — the conversion of the emperor and the proclamation of Christianity as the established religion of the empire, and the church as its official form and representative. It is very Christianity as the Authorized Religion, 17 difficult to realize, much harder to describe, and im- possible to overestimate all that this meant to the church as well as to the empire. The organization was drawn into a still closer resemblance to the im- perial constitution, crystallized in that form, and sup- ported by the law and authority of the imperial power. Instead of being persecuted it was legalized ; instead of being forced into obscurity it was made an arm of the state ; instead of its officers being most exposed to the attacks of a hostile power they became the most exalted representatives of that power. Chris- tianity was not only licensed, it became the sole authorized religion. Its rules and regulations, its rites and ceremonies, its creed and organization, became matters of imperial significance. Startling as this change was in itself, it was nothing short of revolutionary in its effects. New standards and ideas, new aims and objects, new purposes and methods, new views and considerations, at once en- tered into the mind and will of the church. Emphasis was laid upon the exigencies of the economy of a visible church which became the substitute for the kingdom of God. There arose the necessity of an external system capable of being externally admin- istered. There followed from this standpoint the localization of God and the necessity of substitutes instead of witnesses for his presence. The church itself came to be identified with the clergy, who ap- peared as its officers rather than as its ministers. The religious life was the ecclesiastical, later the monastic, life. Salvation was something external instead of internal, and an intrinsic value was accorded to works B 1 8 The Age of Charlemagne. which might be noted, estimated, and measured. It would lead too far from the present purpose to carry these considerations further, or to cite any of the numerous illustrations in the theology, morals, life, discipline, and worship forming from this period. The whole process extends through the later history and may be summed up as the substitution of the exter- nal sign for the thing signified.^ This shows why the church in the middle ages must be considered as an ecclesiastical institution rather than as a religious organization. Its moral influence gradually became subordinate to its ec- clesiastical government. It was political rather than religious ; it sought to save the world by ruling it, to serve men by subduing them to itself, and to teach them by exercising authority over them. Centralization became more important than ever. The great patriarchates were established as centres of influence and control. They were Antioch, Alex- andria, Rome, and, later, Constantinople and Jerusa- lem. The importance of Rome was early recognized. Even in the middle of the third century Cyprian had shown the expediency of an appeal to Rome in mat- ters of faith, though evidently without intending thereby to ascribe to her any authority not possessed by other churches equally ancient and apostolic. There were many other circumstances which favored the speedy rise of the Roman Church out of the obscurity in which she remained during the first three 1 The further application of this principle may be read in " The Con- tinuity of Christian Thought," hy A. V. G. Allen, D.D. See espe- cially the second and fourth chapters. The Advantages of Rome. 19 centuries, when the city, as the capital of the empire, was the centre of pagan Hfe and worship. The Latin theology and the ecclesiastical life of the West had their rise and reached their height during the first four centuries, not in Rome, but in North Africa, in Tertulhan, Cyprian, and St. Augustine. When the im- perial capital was removed to the East and the pagan religion was proscribed, the great advantages of the Church of Rome began to appear. Even her early obscurity, joined with her distance from the disputes of the East, had worked to her advantage and made possible that silent, steady growth which enabled her, a little later, to take a high position in the Christian world. The importance and dignity of the city, with all the prestige that came to her as the centre and seat of the empire and mistress of the world, were felt also by the church which had been founded there in the earliest apostolic times, and which claimed two of the chief- est of the apostles as her founders and upbuilders. Indeed, she was the only apostolic see in the West, and when so much depended upon an apostolic foun- dation and authority for proving genuineness of tra- dition and integrity of faith, this was of the greatest worth and importance. Rome kept the advantages thus gained. The regular succession and the personal prestige of her bishops, their general and, with one or two exceptions, undisputed orthodoxy, especially during the long struggle of the fourth century, when for a time the empire and the church at large were avowedly Arian, proved her ability to sustain her responsible position. The Roman Church was also 20 The Age of Charlemagne, wealthy and at the same time generous. Her mis- sionary zeal carried her emissaries into various parts of the West, and many churches were founded, sup- ported, and protected by her, and they acknowledged and repaid their obligation by service and devotion. The conversion of the English, the attitude of Bede towards Rome, and the later labors of Boniface and other English missionaries in complete devotion to the Roman see serve admirably as illustrations of the feeling Rome evoked and the position of moral su- premacy she came to hold among the churches of the West. Other influences also were at work. The need of a centre of unity and defence made itself increasingly felt as the church organization grew more definite and Christianity spread into new and hitherto inac- cessible regions, gaining a foothold among half-savage princes and semibarbarous peoples, while anarchy and confusion incident to the fall of Rome's political power took possession of the Western world. In many ways the Church of Rome met these needs and sat- isfied them. The position of the priesthood generally became more and more subordinate to the higher ranks of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Chosen more frequently from the serfs of the church, who alone had the educational training fitting them for the position, or from the freemen among the still uneducated peoples where the church was spreading most rapidly, their inferiority could not fail to be apparent. The time of the great presbyters had passed away ; the bishops alone were important. But the bishops, as such, The Power of Rome. 21 found their power diminishing. The monasteries, one after another, in various ways gained exemp- tions and became independent of episcopal control. The right of lay patronage and the system of pri- vate chaplains took away from the bishops another source of their power. The rural deaneries and cathedral chapters still further weakened and divided it. Even the metropolitanate, essentially a Roman institution based upon the political importance of certain chief cities in the empire, was gradually dying out. Redivisions, consequent upon the settlements of new peoples, the disappearance of old centres, and the rising into importance of new ones, led to a com- plete readjustment of old relations. New sees, by reason of the greater wealth, renown, or sanctity which they acquired and the larger powers which they could exercise through the rapidly developing feudal system, which comprehended the church as well as the state, soon gained a credit and an influence far greater than the old metropolitanate, which in most cases was attached to some old, decaying, and insignificant Roman town. In all this change Rome steadily gained in power and prestige. The springing up of new church cen- tres taking the place of the old ones had the additional effect of breaking up the old traditions of indepen- dence and obliterated the recollections of ancient equality. The days of the opposition of Irenaeus and the bishops of southern Gaul, of Tertullian, Cyprian, and the church of North Africa, of Ravenna, Aquileia, and Milan, were passing away. The new churches offered no resistance, indeed were eager in their 2 2 The Age of Charlemagne. maintenance and defence of the increasing power and influence of the Bishop of Rome.^ The bishops of Rome began, about the fifth or sixth century, to exercise the right of conferring the paUium, a hnen robe embroidered with purple, which all bishops in the East received at their consecration. By the Bishop of Rome, however, it was sent as a special mark of honor and privilege only to the most distinguished bishops of the West, symbolizing and strengthening their connection with the Church of Rome. The many appeals to Rome for the establish- ment of the faith, for aid and counsel, for the settle- ment of disputes, for the exercise of new powers, for gaining rights, privileges, and exemptions, not only recognized her authority, but increased it, and some- times even created it. Finally there w^as a whole series of imperial edicts and acts of councils which were used, rightly or wrongly, to give a legal foundation to Rome's grow- ing claim to supremacy. Foremost of all, however, was the declaration of Christ to St. Peter as recorded in St. Matthew xvi. i8, first applied to the person of St. Peter and then to his successors in Rome in the fifth century.^ A canon of Sardica in 343 gave to Julius, Bishop of Rome at that time, the right of receiving appeals from bishops condemned for Arianism. Attempts 1 Chastel, vol. iii., pp. 163-178. 2 " First in the time of Coelestine an attempt was made to refer it to the person of Peter. The legates of Calestine at the Council of Ephesus in 431 had said: ' Who, until now and ever, both lives and teaches in his successors.' Thus they claimed universal primacy as of immediate divine authority. Leo I. adopted this view with all his soul." (Kurtz, vol. i., p. 269.) The Papacy, 23 were made to give to this canon a general instead of a specific application, and to use it as a Nicene canon. An edict of the Emperor Gratian in 378 conferred upon Damasus the right of giving a final decision against some schismatic clergy. An edict of Valen- tinian in 445 declared the universal primacy of the Roman see. The later forgeries, culminating in the False Decretals of the ninth century, supplied all that was lacking in the way of precedent and documentary evidence. But all these advantages, opportunities, precedents, declarations, canons, and edicts would have accom- pHshed httle of enduring worth had it not been for the line of good and great men— great in intellect, in ability, in tact, and in influence— who filled the chair of the Bishop of Rome. Indeed, we may fairly say that the Papacy,^ as the special position and influence 1 The Roman bishops were not distinguished at first by any exclu- sive titles. The term " patriarch," while technically belongmg to hem alone in the West, was quite commonly applied to all the Western bish- ops. Even the names " apostolic Pope," '' Vicar of Christ chief pontiff," and " apostolic see " were not confined to Rome and its bish- ops, inasmuch as, originally, all bishops were regarded as vicars of Christ and successors of the apostles, while no distinction had been made as yet between St. Peter and the other ap°,f 1^^. The term " Pope," from the Latin papa and Greek TraTTTraf ( a father ), was applied at first to the higher clergy generally. Ennodius Bishop of Pavia. used it with special emphasis for the Bishop of Rome at the be- ginning of the sixth century, and from the next ^^^^^^^^y;^. ^e^^^^^^^^ fixed tftle. Gregory VII. in 1075 enforced it by law, and forbade its application to any other bishop. Thus it is seen /hat the later tides of the bishops of Rome were those in general use at first, but gradually monopolized by them. . ^, j ,, j ^ a \.., Cn^acsTM The phrase " servant of the servants of God," adopted by Gregory the Great in his well-known opposition to the claim of tli^ Patmrdi of Constantinople to the title " universal patriarch," remained almost exclusively the prerogative of the Bishop of Rome. After their triumph at the Sixth General Council the Roman bish- 24 The Age of Charlemagne. of the Bishop of Rome is called, owes its real origin to the three great popes of the fourth century — In- nocent, Coelestine, and Leo — and to the greater one at the close of the sixth century — Gregory the Great. The Hfe of Gregory i shows how far the Church of Rome had inherited the power and influence and real position of the old Roman empire. The Latin lan- guage had become the language of its Scriptures, its liturgy, its theology, and its laws, while with the lan- guage it had received much of the spirit and ideals of Rome. Thus the empire of Rome had passed on a part of its great heritage to the Church of Rome, and thus the Church of Rome had become able to re- ceive and to administer the inheritance. ops began to take the title " universal bishop," which Gregory had repudiated. " Vicar of Peter " was frequently used, gradually growing in signifi- cance with the exaltation of Peter to the position of Prince of the Apostles, upon whom the church was founded and to whom had been given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. 1 The account given by Milman in his "Latin Christianity," bk. iii., chap, viii., is one of the best brief biographies. CHAPTER IV. THE CONQUEST OF THE EMPIRE BY THE GERMAN ' TRIBES — THE FOUNDATION OF THE FRANKISH MONARCHY — THE INHERITANCE OF THE GER- MAN PEOPLE. HE other inheritor of Rome's power and civiHzation was the German people. Con- stantinople in the East retained the im- perial name as New Rome, but the Ger- man tribes inherited the possessions in the West, divided at first, then gradually united, until the Lombards held the territory of the empire in Italy, and the Franks the lands beyond the Alps. At last Charles the Great, uniting both with new conquests in the North and East, created the Carolingian em- pire. Of the various kingdoms, or, rather, tribal settle- ments we might better call them, which were made within the limits of the empire after the Volkerwan- derung, few were lasting. The movement itself was a slow one and had been going on since the first cen- tury, when the tribes along the Baltic Sea and east of the Rhine and Danube rivers, urged on by increasing population and by the desire of the richer lands in the 25 26 The Age of Charle^nagne. South, and driven by other tribes still farther east, began to approach the boundaries of the empire. Many of them in small bands had been admitted to the empire as servants and laborers and as soldiers in the imperial armies, so that Rome began to conquer them by her civilization before they conquered her by force of arms. It was not, however, until the battle of Adrianople, in 378, when the Visigoths, driven on by the Huns, crossed the Danube and defeated the Emperor Valens in one of the great decisive battles of the world, that the entrance into the empire by force and in any large numbers really began. Not long after the Vandals crossed the Rhine, and the other tribes speedily fol- lovx'ed. They were forced to go on. One tribe was driven by another. Back of them were the Huns, a fierce Turanian horde from central Asia. The Goths invaded Italy and ravaged Gaul. Rome recalled her legions at the beginning of the fifth century and left the frontier undefended, and the first decade of that century saw the real occupation of the empire by the barbarian tribes. The Vandals, passing through Gaul, founded a kingdom in North Africa in 429, from which they attacked and despoiled Rome in 455, one of four at- tacks since the beginning of the century ; but they were overthrown by Belisarius, Justinian's famous general, in 534. Before the end of the seventh cen- tury the whole country was overrun by the Saracens, who in 711 entered Spain and subdued the kingdom which had been established there by the Visigoths just after their famous sack of Rome in 410 under Alaric. Origin of the Franks. 27 The kingdom of Odoacer the HeruHan, who in 476 brought an end to the separate Hne of Roman em- perors in Italy, was succeeded in 493 by the Ostro- gothic kingdom of Theodoric, which was overthrown in 553 by Narses, another famous general of Justin- ian. The Lombards gained a foothold in Italy in 568, after the death of Justinian and the recall of Narses, and their kingdom lasted until overthrown by Charles the Great in 774, and forms an important chapter in this history. The other kingdoms were conquered by the Franks, and annexed to or absorbed into the Prankish king- dom during the fifth and sixth centuries. The Franks first appear in history as a powerful confederation of several German tribes, who in the time of Tacitus inhabited the Rhine districts. Unlike the other great confederations of German tribes, they did not leave their old lands while conquering new ones. They formed, however, two distinct groups : the SaHans, near the mouth of the Rhine, extending west and south to and perhaps beyond the river Maas, thus nearer and more exposed to the influences of Roman civilization ; and the Ripuarians, on the right bank of the Rhine. During the middle and last half of the third cen- tury the Salian Franks had frequent struggles with the Romans, but, though often defeated, they were able speedily to recover. In the middle of the fourth century they extended into Toxandria, between the Maas and the Scheldt, and were acknowledged by JuHan as subjects of the empire. From time to time they were granted lands by candidates for the im- 28 The Age of Charlemagne, perial purple anxious to secure their aid. Thus they gradually increased in power and in extent of ter- ritory. In the course of the wanderings of these German tribes, leaving their old homes and coming into new lands, the old heathen customs and religion lost their hold. As they estabHshed themselves in the richer and more fertile lands of the South, hunting and semi- pastoral pursuits gave place to the agricultural, a more settled form of life, so that landownership and a more advanced political life and organization de- veloped. Wars being more regular and prolonged, the temporary war chieftainship became a permanent kingship. The king, who was chosen by acclamation of the warriors from the chief or royal family, main- tained order in time of peace and commanded the army in time of war, being supported by the volun- tary gifts of the tribesmen, who in peace formed the great council or assembly, and in war the army. As the king's authority and importance grew he came to be the only one to have a comitatuSy or personal fol- lowing of warriors, a privilege, in the time of Tacitus, belonging to every chief of abiHty. In all this development the Salians speedily took the lead among the Franks. When, in the first dec- ade of the fifth century, Stilicho called the legions back from Gaul and the frontier stations for the de- fence of Rome, nothing stood in the way of their advancement, and they extended their settlement to both sides of the Scheldt. They appear also at this time to have had a king with his residence at Tour- nay, while the Ripuarians continued longer in their Clovis. 29 old organization, being settled in and about Cologne as their chief city. They still fought in union with the Romans against the Visigoths, thus extending their influence towards the south. In the great battle of Chalons against the Huns in 451, they served with other tribes under the Roman leader ^Etius. Their first king was named Clogio or Clodio. A generation later came Childerich, who belonged to the family called Merovingian, though the origin of this name is not known. With his son Clovis, who succeeded to the rule in 481, the real historical im- portance of the people begins. Already the last Emperor of the West had given place to the German king Odoacer, and in all the provinces German kingdoms had been founded. Whatever the deeper insight of Clovis may have taught him, whether he beheld, as in a vision, the future glory of the Prankish kingdom uniting all the German tribes in one wide rule, and extending its sway over the whole of western Europe, it is certain that he did undertake and successfully carry out a policy which not only gave to his rule a wide exten- sion, but also paved the way for the union of all the German peoples under the Prankish sway. The foundation of the new kingdom was laid when, in 486, Clovis gained the rest of the Roman territory from the Somme and the Maas to the Seine and the Loire by his victory over Syagrius, whom Gregory of Tours calls King of the Romans. In this conquest he was able to unite the scattered bands of eastern Pranks in a union now for the first time effected. Thus the kingdom of Clovis extended southward, new 30 The Age of Charlemagne, territory was annexed, and the people were taken under his rule. The old northern lands were not given up ; the conquest did not result in a migration and the division of the new lands. The Romans kept their freedom and their personal rights. Unlike Theodoric, Clovis did not try to fuse the Romans and the Germans into one people. This shows the great significance of his conversion to Christianity. With a Christian wife, a Burgundian princess, ruHng a Chris- tian people, in the midst of a Christian land, and having already maintained friendly relations with the Catholic clergy,^ he was not likely to remain long a heathen. Whether or not we accept the story of his conversion on the field of battle with the Alemanni in 496, when, his old gods having apparently forsaken him, he agreed in case of victory to accept the Chris- tians' Christ, the important fact is that he became a Roman Christian, while the other German tribes, converted through the work of Ulfilas and the Goths, were Arians. This fact gave to the Roman element great significance. It is said that three thousand of his followers were baptized at the same time, thus showing the weakening of their old heathenism. Clovis made his residence on Roman territory near Paris. Thus from being the king of a small German tribe he became the lord of an extended, largely Roman kingdom, and by his Christianity entered into relations with all the great powers, of Europe, the emperor at Constantinople and the Bishop of Rome, and began that remarkable career from whose 1 Gregory of Tours, vol. ii., p. 27; Frodoard, vol. i., p. 13; cf. Wait/,, vol. ii., p. 42, note 3. The Victories of Clovis, 31 results arose the great modern states of western Europe. " Connection with the old world was en- tered into at the very moment that a new world began to be formed — almost was formed — by Clovis him- self." ^ The church by her indorsement made his position more secure among the old semi-Roman population, while he became the sole military support of the church in the West against both Arians and heathen. His victories followed one another in quick succession. The Alemanni were conquered in 4.96 ; the Amoricans, on the sea-coast between the Seine and the Loire, submitted in 497. In 500, near Dijon, he conquered the Burgundians and made them tributary ; and again, as champion of the orthodox faith against the Arians, he overcame the powerful Visigoths at Poitiers in 507. In the following year he was made Consul and Patrician of the Romans by the Emperor Anastasius. Though these were empty titles, as far as defined powers and position in the empire were concerned, they undoubtedly increased his influence among the Roman population in his kingdom, and emphasized his relations with Rome and with the church. In extending his possessions to the south and east he came in contact with Theodoric, who was at the height of his power as ruler of the great Ostrogothic kingdom in northern Italy, and here his progress was checked. The remaining years before his death, in 511, were spent in conspiracies and murders, by which he got 1 Waitz, vol. ii., p. 48. 32 The Age of Charlemagne, rid of the other Prankish kings who had not yet sub- mitted. In this way a vacancy was made on the throne of the Ripuarians, and he was proclaimed their king. "And thus," says Gregory of Tours, *' God daily subdued his enemies beneath his hand, and increased his kingdom, for that he walked before him with a true heart and did that which was pleas- ing in his eyes." ^ By his victories and murders he had extended his rule until it comprised practically the whole territory between the Rhine and the Rhone on the east and the ocean on the west and the Pyre- nees on the south. At his death, in accordance with German law and custom, whose breach would have caused much greater evils than its observance, the kingdom was divided among his four sons, who began their reign as four separate and independent, though related, kings. Out of this partition came the two main di- visions of Neustria, the western kingdom, and Aus- trasia, the eastern, corresponding roughly to the older Salian and Ripuarian settlements. It is to be noted, however, that the old German principle of division, which threatened to destroy a unity built up with such effort, and apparently so necessary to the in- tegrity and continuity of the royal power, did not have the effect of permanent disintegration ; for, on the death of one of the brothers, his kingdom very rarely went to his sons, but was shared by the re- maining brothers, so that in this way unity would be restored and thus would tend to reappear from time to time. Besides, this principle was supposed to 1 Gregory of Tours, vol. ii., p. 40. Increase of Territory, 33 check civil strife and to emphasize an underlying family unity. Under the sons of Clovis and their successors, however, bloodshed, treachery, and strife present a dismal picture. Yet the power of the Prankish kings increased and their territory was extended. Thurin- gia, northeast of the country of the Alemanni, was conquered in 530. The complete conquest of Bur- gundy, prevented by Theodoric in the lifetime of Clovis, was effected in 534, and Provincia, south of it along the Mediterranean, was annexed in 536. Bavaria, east of Alemannia, was made tributary in 555, though it did not lose completely its indepen- dence until 787. Vasconia was conquered in 567, and the Vascones, farther south, were brought into sub- jection in 601. In the reigns of Clotaire II. and of his son Dago- bert the Merovingian power seemed to be at its height. CHAPTER V. THE MEROVINGIAN MONARCHY — ELEMENTS OF FEUDALISM — MAYORS OF THE PALACE. HE kingdom thus formed and consoli- dated comprised three principal parts, Austrasia, Burgundy, and Neustria; but, though rarely united under a single king, ^ there was a practical underlying unity which manifested itself in various ways. For a time the nominal power of the kings in- creased with the extension of territory, the increase of wealth, and the growing influence of Roman ideas of government. At the same time the royal power had gradually changed from a simple military chief- tainship to an absolute dominion — a change due very largely to the influence of Roman and ecclesiastical ideas. But other powers were growing at a greater rate. The race of the Merovingians was fast losing its moral and physical strength and courage. Treach- ery and fraud, murders and cruelties, not less than debauchery and licentiousness, aggravated by the removal to a more enervating cHmate and surround- ings, had gradually sapped the strength and un- dermined the valor of tlie kings. While the royal 34 The People — The Chiefs — The Kmg, 35 power was growing by great accessions of wealth and territory, that of the chiefs and leaders grew too, until, from being great by reason of their individual characteristics of superior force and courage, they became a territorial and hereditary aristocracy, and secured the possession of special jurisdiction and the exercise of powerful privileges, which tended to in- crease still further their power, and to make them less and less dependent upon the kings. Thus in the evolution of the government of the middle ages, in the development out of the old tribal relations, and in the change of conditions from the earlier, simple wandering life to the later more settled and complex forms, there were three elements or tend- encies, the popular, the aristocratic, and the royal. First, as to the people in general. It is not neces- sary to enter into the vexed question as to the ori- ginal existence of the mark, or free village community, among the early Germans, though Tacitus affords little if any support for such a theory, while the numbers and importance of a really free population in early times have been very much overestimated. Whatever the numbers may have been, the strifes and struggles, the confusion and chaos, of the sixth and the seventh centuries materially reduced and weakened them. Even though they might have had a fair share in the division of lands consequent upon the conquest of new territory, it would be most dif- ficult and dangerous for the smaller proprietors to attempt to hold them alone. Hence arose the custom of holding the lands as a benefice, or /;/ beneficiOy from the king or from some other great and power- o 6 The Age of Charlemagjie, ful lord, whose protection would secure the use of the land, even if the title had to be renounced. This condition of landholding was brought about in two ways: One who had no land, or had lost it, might receive from some large landholder, at first, usually, in such a case, from the church, land which he might use and cultivate, though without holding the title to it, but guaranteed and protected in his use of it by the real owner. On the other hand, one \y\\o had land which he did not feel himself able to hold any longer might give up the title to some powerful lord, under whose protection he might retain the use. This is the way in which the feudal holding of land grew up. In one other way the position of the free- man was weakened and made dependent, thereby increasing the power of the king and great chiefs. Personal security was uncertain, and a man unable to defend himself commended himself to some power- ful chief, and became his man or vassal, receiving protection and rendering faithful service. This is the way in which the feudal personal relation grew up. There was much in the earlier history of the Roman, Gaul, and German to suggest and prepare for these relations of lands and persons; but the actual reaH- zation of these conditions was due to the lack of security, both of land and of persons, and to the weakness and unsettled state of a central power, consequent upon the strife and confusion which have been described. It was some time before these two elements, the landholding and the personal relation, were united, resulting in the system by which land was held on condition of personal service, the essential The King a7id the Aristocracy. 2>7 characteristic of feudalism. At this time, however, land was held in benefice without any thought of personal relations, and commendation or vassalage existed between a man and his lord without any connection with land. These movements were going on spontaneously and independently all through the sixth and seventh centuries, increasing all the time in extent and fre- quency, at first more particularly in connection with the church and church lands, that the church's estates might be cultivated and the protection and immu- nities afforded by her secured. All this tended to increase the power of the king and that of the great lords ; and the struggle which ensued had this importance — to show whether a strong central power could be established at once in the newly forming Prankish kingdom, and a mon- archy develop directly out of the earlier tribal /:on- ditions; or whether some other constitutional form would furnish a stage of transition to the later mon- archy. As an actual fact the latter condition was realized, and feudalism formed the transitional phase. The contest between the king and the aristocracy was already evident at the close of the sixth century, and although the rise of the mayors of the palace, to which we must now very briefly refer, changed the form of that struggle and postponed the result, it did not make it less certain. With the increasing importance of the kings, all who were in any way connected with them also in- creased in influence. Their court took on more and more the character of the royal courts of older mon- 38 The Age of Charlemagne. archies, and personal service became of high honor, and those who rendered it were correspondingly ex- alted. Foremost of these was the chief officer of the palace, major doimcs, as he was called. This was at first only another name for seneschal, that is, the oldest or first of the servants.^ The position was a purely personal one, carrying with it merely a gen- eral oversight of household affairs, as is shown by the fact that the name appears originally in any court among the officers of the queen's household or of that of a prince or princess. Furthermore, there were several, at first, serving the king, and therefore prob- ably one in each palace or royal residence. As the importance and dignity of the office rose with that of the king, its duties came to be held by a single officer in the kingdom. A great deal of confusion has arisen from a failure to observe the gradual change which took place in this office, unlike that of the other royal offices, and its humble beginning, which will account also for the many and contradictory descriptions given of it. With the development of the royal court, the mayor of the palace became the chief court officer, directing all affairs of court, training the youths sent up for the king's service, maintaining law and disci- pline among the chiefs, and holding the chief place among the secular members of the assemblies held by the king for counsel or judicial business. Later he appeared as the administrator of justice. During the minority or incapacity of the king the conduct of the realm was in his hands. Necessarily also certain * Waitz, vol. ii., part ii., pp. 71, 86. The Mayor of the Palace, 39 financial duties would begin to devolve upon him : the care of the royal property, raising and disbursing the royal revenue, at first merely in household affairs directly connected with the palace and the court, but finally all revenue, since there was no real distinction.^ This control of the royal finances, grants of land, and general administration of the palace and court in- creased his power greatly and gave him a strong influence over the chiefs, whom he could reward or neglect at will. His influence soon came to be felt throughout the kingdom, at first in close dependence upon the king, but soon without, and even almost in spite of, him, in consequence of the growing degen- eracy and many minorities of the. later Merovingian dynasty. It was here perhaps that the power and final victory of the aristocracy were most plainly shown. Originally, like all the other officers appointed by the king, the chiefs had brought it about that not only was he chosen from them, but they were able to exercise a potent influence in his election, thus making him in some sort their representative and leader. His position came to be assured for life, and in this way more and more independent of the king. The issue was decided in the reigns of Clotaire H. and his son Dagobert. Clotaire had been called by the chiefs of Austrasia and Burgundy to the rule of their kingdom after the fall of the preceding admin- istration, which they themselves had accompHshed by 1 Gregory of Tours (bk. ix., p. 43) mentions that Childehert sent the mayor of the palace and the count of the palace to Poitiers to take a census of the people, rectifying the list according to recent changes, in order to assess the tax which had been paid from the time of his father. 40 The Age of Ckarleinagne. the overthrow of Brunhilda in 613. As Perry very forcibly says : " Thus, after a long series of rebellions, the rising aristocracy gained their first great victory over the monarchy ; we say the monarchy, for in the battle which made him king of the whole Prankish empire no one was more truly defeated than the nominal victor, Clotaire II., himself. He was, in fact, an instrument in the hands of the seigniors for the humiliation of the royal power. It was not because Neustria was stronger than Austrasia and Burgundy that the Neustrian king obtained a triple crown, but because the power of the seigniors was greater than that of the infant kings and their female guardian." 1 The edict of 615,^ which issued in a somewhat modified form the decisions of the Council of Paris in 614, sealed the doom of the Merovingian kings ^ by dividing and weakening their power. Further concessions were made; the immunities and privi- leges of the seigniors were confirmed. By means of these immunities — that is, rights of special jurisdic- tion and the exercise of privileged powers, which were given to both ecclesiastical and lay lords — a real grant of public authority was made. This was another element which entered into and built up the feudal system. The leaders of the victorious party, the mayors of the palace, were the chief gainers. From this time on the power of the mayor of the palace grew until it completely overshadowed that of the king. All important business passed through his hands ; all of- 1 Perry, p. 196. 2 Boretius, vol. i., pp. 20-23. 3 Lehuerou, p. 257. Rois Faineants. 41 ficials were responsible to him ; he distributed all honors and favors, took the king's place with the subjects, received letters addressed to the king, issued royal documents and decrees, and stamped his name on the coin of the realm, really occupying the posi- tion of regent or under-king.i Thus, while the once strong Merovingian kingdom was robbed of its power, and in place of faithful sub- jects with definite duties and obligations to their king a strong aristocracy had arisen, exercising royal pre- rogatives and aiming at feudal independence, a check at once appeared in the power and position of the mayor of the palace. The aristocracy found that in freeing themselves from the enfeebled power of their kings they had come into conflict with a new power increasing In strength and importance, and though at first the representative, threatening to become the master of their own. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, the residence of the Austraslan king, and Pippin of Landen were most prominent as mayors of the palace during the early part of the seventh century, and really saved the kingdom from the anarchy into which it seemed about to fall. Though nominally united under Dago- bert, the son of Clotaire II., each division was prac- tically ruled by a mayor of the palace. The Merovingian kings who ruled from this time have borne in history the name of rois faineants, the do-nothing kings, a succession of children or of adults corrupted and weakened in childhood, thus rendered incapable and incompetent. In Austrasia the power 1 Waitz, vol. ii., part ii., pp. 71, 83-100, 397-400- 42 The Age of Charlemagne. of the mayors of the palace continued in the line of Pippin, though an attempt to seize the crown by- Pippin's son Grimoald resulted in his death. But another Pippin arose. This was Pippin of Heristal, the son of Begga, daughter of Pippin of Landen and of Ansegis, the son of Arnulf, Bishop of Metz. The separation had been growing wider and the strife more bitter between the Neustrian and Austrasian parts of the kingdom, and at last there had come open war. At the battle of Testry, in 687, one of the great decisive battles of the world's history, Pippin had led the Austrasian hosts to victory. This victory not only signalized the triumph of the Austrasian, the eastern or German elements, over the more Roman- ized, uniting all under the German sway, but it ended the power, though not the royal name, of the Mero- vingian kings, and established Pippin and his house in supreme control. From his time the title of the mayors of the palace was Dux et Princeps Francorum, and the years of his ofBce were reckoned on all public documents, and his son Charles Martel was also called subregulus. CHAPTER VI. CHRISTIANITY AND THE CHURCH AMONG THE EARLY FRANKS — CONVERSION OF CLOVIS — THE BISHOPS. E must now consider the influence of this important history upon the extension and development of the Prankish church. The migrations and conquests by the German tribes of the North and their set- tlements in the territory of the Roman empire had two results. In many cases they had partly, in some cases wholly, destroyed the missionary work and ecclesias- tical establishments of the earlier period, especially along the Rhine and the Danube, or corrupted them by admixtures of heathenism. But in the case of the Germans themselves the result had been quite gener- ally the uprooting and unsettling of their old heathen- ism, weakening its hold upon them. As they came in contact with the newly Christianized empire, many conversions were made by soldiers, captives, and slaves. The great work of Ulfilas among the Goths in the latter half of the fourth century was the first organ- ized effort among them, however, and his labors, ex- tending to his death in 381, resulted in their general 43 44 J^h^ ^g^ of Charlemagne. conversion. The form of Christianity was the Arian- ism prevaiHng in the empire at that time, and still further spread by the influence of the Emperor Valens. From this beginning Arian Christianity spread among the other related tribes, extending with the Visigoths through Gaul and Spain and with the Ostrogoths in northern Italy. The Vandals in Africa and the Bur- gundians on the banks of the Rhone and Saone were won over to the same faith, as were also the Suevi in Spain, the Rugians and others along the Danube, and the still larger tribe of the Langobards, about to form the great Lombard kingdom in Italy. '* Down to the end of the fifth century Arianism was professed by the larger portion of the German world ; it had more and more assumed the character of a national German Christianity, and it almost seemed as if the whole German world, and with it the universal history of the future, were its secure prey." ^ This explains the immense significance and far- reaching importance of the conversion of Clovis and the growing power of the Franks to Catholic Chris- tianity at the close of the fifth century. That conver- sion was the turning-point for the downfall of Arian- ism and the establishment of the Nicene faith. To the oppressed and persecuted Catholics Clovis appeared as a savior and avenger, while the hope of the future spread and ultimate triumph of orthodoxy centred in him. The long succession of cruel, treach- erous, and aggressive warfare, waged avowedly for the church as well as for the kingdom, was hailed as the work of a modern David, a second Constantine, 1 Kurtz, vol. i., pp. 443, 444. Kings Aided by the Bishops, 45 a true champion of Christianity against heretics and heathens. The alHance was natural, and both sides fully realized the advantages. Avitus, Bishop of Vienne, wrote to Clovis : '' As often as you fight, we conquer." 1 And Clovis expressed himself in a simi- lar manner : '' If we acquire the friendship of the ser- vants of God and exalt them with honors and show our veneration for them by obedience, we trust that we shall continually improve the condition of our kingdom, and obtain both temporal glory and a coun- try in the kingdom of heaven."^ The church did not stop with mere words of bless- ing and encouragement. As the Frankish kings carried their victorious arms south into the Gallic provinces and east to the Moselle and Rhine districts, they found there the old episcopal sees, many still im- portant, some rich and influential, whose bishops had been able to attain great power in their cities as the Roman empire lost its hold. These readily joined with the Frankish kings and aided them in establish- ing their conquest of the country. They were there- fore not merely acknowledged in their positions, but were also endowed with new honors and dignities. Many of them, like Gregory of Tours, were from old senatorial families, and retained the culture and ideals of the old empire, often taking the part of intercessors and protectors for the Roman inhabitants of the cities with their new German rulers. Frequently they pro- vided for the defence of their cities durinsf the contests 1 ** Epistola Aviti, Ep. Vienn., ad Chlodov.," Bouquet, vol. iv., p. 49. 2 " Preceptio Chlodov.," Bouquet, vol. iv., p. 615; Perry, p. 449. 46 The Age of Charlemagne, between the Prankish kings. The kings also made use of them in securing a firmer recognition of the royal power, and this conferred upon them a certain political influence.! Thus their power grew in conse- quence of their close connection with the state. Their spiritual power, enforced by the right of excommu- nication and other ecclesiastical penalties, was now supported by the strong arm of the growing secular power. Large sums of money were bestowed upon the church, the administration of which came into their hands. Landed estates were made over to them, and, as special immunities and privileges were granted on all church lands, they assumed a greater indepen- dence. Superstition came to the aid of the natural feelings of gratitude and devotion, till it became a common saying that as water quenched fire so a gift to a church put away sin. 2 There may be noted, therefore, a great increase in the powxr of the bishops over that of the earlier period. No longer do we hear of great presbyters, but with the growing institutionalism of the church its higher officers came into great prominence and exercised a social and political, as well as ecclesiasti- cal and spiritual, power. Bishops took their place in the national assemblies and councils of the kings, and were able to exercise an influence in the appointment and installation of the counts.^ Li this way they en- tered into and became a part of the growing feudal 1 Waitz, vol. ii., part ii., pp. 57-59. 2 " Sicut aqua extinguit igneni, ita eleemosyna extinguit peccatum.' (Muratori, vol. v., p. 628; Perry, p. 467, note I.) 3 Waitz, vol. ii., part ii., pp. 39, 60. Power of the Bishops. 47 regime, wielding a greater power than the lay lords, by reason of their additional ecclesiastical and spirit- ual position. Chilperic, the Neustrian king in the last quarter of the sixth century, whom Gregory of Tours calls a modern Nero, is reported to have said : " None truly reign but the bishops ; our dignity has departed and is transferred to them." ^ These great spiritual lords, strong in popular sup- port, rich in gold and lands, possessed of what intel- lectual power there was, surrounded by vassals, ruHng their clergy, rivalling, often successfully, the counts and great lay lords, the censors of kings, freed by im- munities from many burdens and obligations, attained a height of power seemingly almost unassailable. Yet in their very greatness lay the source of danger and weakness. The church had transferred to the Prankish mon- archy the old scriptural idea of royal authority and power, and even acknowledged the king as its lord and master. This power he was not slow to accept and exercise. The same despotism which he acquired towards his subjects he showed towards the church. If he fought for the church Hke a Constantine, he ruled it in the same despotic way. He might order churches to be restored, Jews to be baptized, and heathen customs to be abolished ; he could also, as did Chilperic, command that the distinction of persons in the Trinity should be no longer recognized, but the name *' God " only be used, and force this order on all the doctors of the church ;2 add, by his own authority, 1 Perry, p. 472. ? Gregory of Tours, bk, v., pp, 288, 289. 48 The Age of Charlemagne. four letters to the alphabet and introduce them into books and instruction. ^ Especially did the authority of the king show itself in the matter of appointment to the chief ecclesiastical offices, particularly to the important bishoprics. The canonical law, as it had been established before the Prankish conquest, gave to the clergy and people of the city the right to elect their bishop, requiring at the same time the assent of the metropolitan and of the other bishops of the province. Later synods had endeavored repeatedly to enforce this rule. But the kings, perhaps as early as Clovis, claimed the right of appointment, and the church was forced to acknow- ledge it, resisting only a most unreasonable choice, as of a notorious evil liver or of a mere layman.^ Ecclesiastical positions came more and more under the direct patronage of the king, and those who lived about the palace, high in the king's confidence and favor, received appointments to such as their reward. In this way Germans were substituted for Romans in the episcopate, and the church was bound still closer to the ruling power. Promises of aid, actual services, and even money payments took the place of spiritual character as the requirements for a successful candi- date, till one saw in many of the bishops little else but mighty lords, holders of vast estates ; and even counts 1 Gregory of Tours, bk. v., p. 290. These four letters seem to have been derived from the Greek w,

c. 20. ijo The Age of Charlemagne, of the Pope, was the result. Although some shreds of the formalities connecting Rome with the empire still remained, and the papal documents until ']']2 continued to bear the name and date of the emperor,^ this act of consecration, and its consequences, to- gether with the conquest of Ravenna by the Lom- bards and the downfall of the exarchate, presently to be noticed, practically ended all real connection between Italy and Constantinople. Note.— In an old manuscript of Gregory of Tours has been found a note written on one of the pages by a monk of St. Denis, in the year 767. He records that Pippin and his sons, " by the providence of God, were consecrated with the sacred chrism as kings thirteen years before (754). For the said most flourishing, pious lord, King Pippin, by the authority and command {imperhwi) of the lord Pope Zacharias of sacred memory, and by the anointing of the holy chrism by the hands of the blessed priests of the Gauls, and by the election of all the Franks three years before (75 1), had been exalted to the throne of the kingdom. Afterwards by the hands of the Pontiff Stephen, in the Church of the Blessed Martyrs (St. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius), he Avas anointed and blessed as King and Patrician, together with his sons Charles and Karlmann. Blessing was also pronounced upon his wife, Bertrada, and the Frankish princes, and all Avere constrained by threats of interdict and excommunication never to presume to elect a king from another race." (" Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 458, note 31.) 1 Jaff^, " Regesta Pontif. Rom.," vol. i,, pp. 289, 290, No. 2395. CHAPTER XV. RELATIONS OF THE PAPACY WITH THE LOMBARDS AND WITH THE FRANKS — OVERTHROW OF THE EXARCHATE BY THE LOMBARDS — THE POPE CROSSES THE ALPS — THE DONATION OF PIPPIN — THE PAPAL CONSECRATION OF PIPPIN AND HIS SONS AS KINGS OF THE FRANKS AND PATRICIANS OF THE ROMANS. ACHARIAS died before he could claim his reward for the consecration of Pippin, perhaps even before the consecration.^ Stephen II. having died immediately after his election, the next pope, Stephen III., sometimes called Stephen II., soon found him- self in the greatest need. Already, in 751, Aistulf had conquered Ravenna and brought the rule of the exarchs to an end.^ For a moment, however, even he yielded to the persuasions of Stephen, and renewed the treaty of peace made by Liutprand ; but, repenting of 1 According to Sickel, Muhlbacher, and others, Pippin was raised to the throne in November,'75 1 (Boehmer, vol. i., p. 30). Some put it as late as 752 (Gregorovius, vol. ii., p. 267, note 2). Zacharias died^March 14, 752 (" Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 435, c. 29). 2 '' Eutychius (727-752) is the last exarch of whom we have any mention." (Hodgkin, vol. vi., p. 537.) 131 TJie Age of Charlemagne. his weakness, he demanded a heavy tribute, and pre- pared to put into effective operation his designs upon Rome, The papal ambassadors were not even re- ceived, and were sent back to their monasteries with orders not to see the Pope. The Pope heard with dismay of the advance of Aistulf and his breach of the treaty. He headed a solemn procession of clergy and people, barefooted, and with ashes sprinkled on their heads, and visited the shrines and holy places in the city, bearing the sacred image of Christ called the Acheropsita.^ Attached to the cross carried in the procession was the treaty of peace which Aistulf so perfidiously had broken. But reHgious processions were of no avail, and even the emperor could protect Rome no longer, for he had not been able to retain Ravenna. It was then that the step was taken for which the whole previous history had been preparing, and which was fraught v^^ith such far-reaching conse- quences. The exarchate had fallen, the emperor was powerless, and the Pope turned his back upon both, and placed himself and the church under the protec- tion of the Franks. The new king was reminded of the obligations he had incurred so recently, and was called upon to assume the responsibilities of his posi- tion. The first letters, unfortunately, are lost, but from a later one we learn that Pippin sent to Rome 1 " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 443, c. ii. " This is the first mention of this sacred picture. It is painted on wood, is dark, and is entirely Byzantine, representing the Saviour with a beard. It was used in processions in the middle ages, and on the vigil of the Assumption was washed in the Forum, as in former days the statue of Cyljele in the Almo. The nocturnal procession, having degenerated into a bacchanal rout, was abolished by Pius V." (Grego- rovius, vol. ii., p. 274, note 2.) The Pope Crosses the Alps. 133 Drochtegang, Abbot of Jumlcges, and another mes- senger, who assured the Pope of the king's good will.^ Shortly afterwards, having learned that the Pope desired to enter the Prankish kingdom, Pippin and the whole assembly of the Franks despatched Chrodegang, Bishop of Metz, and Duke Autchar to escort him. In the meanwhile an imperial order had been received in Rome commanding the Pope to demand in person from Aistulf the restoration of the exarchate. He accordingly began his journey in the middle of October, leaving the Lord's people {do- mmica plebs) to the care of the Lord and of St. Peter. Before this, on similar occasions, they had been left to the imperial officer, the Duke of Rome. Proceed- ing directly to Pavia, he remained there a month, but his attempts at negotiation with Aistulf proved fruit- less. Owing to the mediation of his Prankish escorts, he was allowed to depart unmolested. Proceeding on his way, he was met by two more messengers of the king, — Fulrad, Abbot of St. Denis,- and Duke Rothard, — sent to conduct him to the presence of the king. It is a significant fact that Stephen was the first Roman bishop to cross the Alps. Tradition, indeed, tells of an earlier visit by Gregory III. to Charles Martel in 741, but it seems extremely improbable.^ During the summer the king had been engaged in a campaign against the Saxons, who, *' according to 1 Jaff^, vol. iv., p. 32, Ep. 4, A.D. 753. 2 He had been one of the messengers sent to gain the papal consent to Pippin's coronation. 3 Alzog accepts it on the authority of Johann von Miiller (Alzog, vol. ii., p. 143, note i). 1 34 The Age of Charlemagne. their custom," as the chronicler says, had broken out again in rebellion, and had put to death Hildigar, Bishop of Cologne.^ In this campaign he had been successful, having forced them to the tribute of three hundred horses annually, and to receive again the Christian missionaries. On his return he received the report of the death of Grifo, his half-brother. A little later came the news that Pope Stephen had crossed the Alps and was already in the kingdom. At this Pippin was greatly pleased, and sent his eldest son, then twelve years of age, to meet him and con- duct him to the court. Thus the young Charles, later to be known as Charles the Great, met the Bishop of Rome. With great honor the Pope was escorted to Ponthion, where the king was spending the winter. The meeting took place on the 6th of January, the feast of the Epiphany. It was indeed a most mo- mentous occasion, signifying as it did the alliance of the church of the old empire with the new kingdom of the West. Elaborate details of the meeting are given by the papal biographer. Pippin rode out a distance of three miles, where he dismounted, and, with great humility, prostrate on the ground, with his wife and sons and nobles, received the Pope, and in the office of a groom walked beside him for some distance. Then with chants and hymns the whole procession made its way to the palace. There, seated in the chapel, the Pope, with tears in his eyes, be- 1 Hildigar was the bishop who in controversy with Boniface had claimed the church of Utrecht, in Friesland, as dependent upon him- self. See Neander, vol. iii., p. 71. Meeting of Pippin and the Pope, 135 sought the king that by a treaty of peace he would settle the cause of the blessed Peter and of the re- public of the Romans.i The Prankish chroniclers add that, *' on the following day, the Pope, with his clergy, clad in haircloth and sprinkled with ashes, prostrate on the ground, besought the king, by the mercy of Almighty God, and by the merits of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, to free him and the Roman people from the hand of the Lombards and from the service of the haughty King Aistulf. Nor would he rise from the ground until the king, with his sons and the nobles, stretched forth the hand and raised him from the ground in token of their future aid and deliverance." ^ It was at this time that Pippin promised to restore that which the Lombards had seized, and to free the church from their power, a promise which was ratified and confirmed by the national assembly or diet at which all the Franks were assembled according to regular custom. The regular national assembly at which affairs of state were settled seems to have been held in March at Braisne, as appears from the Continuator of Fredigarius and the " Annals of Metz." The life of Stephen and that of Hadrian, given in the Pontifical Book, assign these acts to an assembly at Kiersey ; but it appears from Labbe's '* Councils " (lib. iv., p. 1650) that ecclesiastical matters regarding baptism and marriage were settled here. At one or the other, however, the nobles gave 1 " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., pp. 447. 44^, c. 25, 26. 2 " Chron. Moiss.," an. 741-754 5 " M. G. SS.," vol. i., p. 293. 136 The Age of Charlemagne. their assent to the war with the Lombards, not with- out a good deal of persuasion, for there seems to have been a strong Lombard party among them. Already in 753 Stephen had addressed a special letter to them adjuring them to support Pippin in all that he might do for the welfare of the blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles.^ It is to this state of affairs Einhard refers when he speaks of the expedi- tion undertaken by Pippin at the supplication of Pope Stephen, '' after great difficulties, for some of the chief men of the Franks with whom he was wont to consult were so opposed to his will that they openly declared they would leave the king and return home." 2 At this assembly, probably, was drawn up the famous donation of Pippin, the acknowledged basis of the later grant by Charles the Great, and the main foundation of the temporal possessions of the Pope.^ The transactions are thus alluded to in the papal letters : " You [Pippin and his sons] have earnestly endeavored to establish the rights of the blessed Peter as far as you could, and by a deed of donation * your goodness has confirmed the restitution. . . . By your own will, by a deed of donation, you confirmed the restitution of the cities and places belonging to the blessed Peter and to the holy church of God and to the republic. . . . And what you have once promised to the blessed Peter, and by your donation confirmed by your own hand, hasten to render and 1 Jaff.5, vol. iv., p. 33, Ep. 5, A.D. 753. 2 Einhard, "Vita,"c. 6. 3 Boehmer, vol. i., p. 2>Z\ Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 87-90; Gregorovius, vol. ii., pp. 278-287. * Per donationis paginam. Pippins Donatio7i, 137 to give up; for it is better not to promise than to promise and not to perform." ^ *' Ouicl^ly and with- out delay render to the blessed Peter the cities and places and all the hostages and captives and all things contained in the donation which you have promised to the blessed Peter by your donation." ^ " For know that the Prince of the Apostles holds firmly that donation of yours in your own handwriting.^ And it is necessary that you carry out that which you yourself have written,^ lest when the just Judge shall come in fire to judge the living and the dead and the world, that Prince of the Apostles showing that very autograph as having no validity, you are forced to employ very vacillating excuses with him."^ However this might be, the deed, which, we can hardly doubt, really existed, is lost, and it would be difficult to carry out this threat, even if there were no other obstacles in the way. Nor have we any definite idea as to its contents ; indeed, it was prob- ably as indefinite and general in its terms as the foregoing quotations would imply. But already, as the Pope afterwards reminds the two sons of Pippin, the promise had been made to the blessed Peter, his vicar, and his successors, '' that you would be friends to our friends and enemies to our enemies, as also we have determined to remain firm in the same prom- ise;.. . for it is written, ' he that receiveth you re- ceiveth me,^ and he that despiseth you despiseth me. * " '^ 1 Jaff^, vol. iv., pp. 35, 36, Ep. 6, A.D. 755. 2 Jaff^, vol. iv., p. 41, Ep. 7, A.D. 755. 3 Cyrographum vestram donationem. * Ipsum cyrographum. 5 Jaff6, vol. iv., p. 41, Ep. 7, A.D. 755. 6 St. Matt. x. 40. 7 St. Luke X. 16; Jaff^, vol. iv., pp. 160, 161, Ep. 47, a.d. 769. 138 The Age of Charlemagne » It was in consideration of such promises given and received that the union was estabhshed between the Prankish kingdom and the Roman Church. On July 2^, 754, in Paris, in the Church of St. Denis, the Pope, as vicar on earth of St. Peter and of Christ,^ conse- crated Pippin and his two sons, Charles and Karl- mann, as kings of the Franks, joining in his blessing Pippin's wife also, the Queen Bertrada, as well as the nobles and chiefs of the Franks, binding all, by threats of interdict and excommunication, never to presume to choose one of another race as king.^ Upon Pippin and his sons he conferred the additional title of Pa- trician of the Romans. This title was one which the earlier emperors had been wont to bestow upon bar- barian kings, and had been borne in this way by Odoacer, Theodoric, and Clovis. As such it appears to have been a merely honorary title, but it is signifi- cant that at this time it had been borne by the exarch whom Aistulf had just overthrown. Though legally it could be conferred only by the emperor, yet as conferred by the Pope it might serve to identify permanently the King of the Franks with the interests of the city and its lord, the Pope, as patron or protector. It may be noted that the Pope does not connect together patrician and protector, but rather connects the defence of Rome with the anointing as king.^ It may be maintained, however, that by this title of Patrician Stephen sought to express, by a formal 1 Jaff^, vol. iv., pp. 34, 37. 2 " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 448, c. 27; Boehmer, vol. i., p. 34. 3 JafT^, vol. iv., p. 36, Ep. 6, p. 38, Ep. 7, a.d. 755. Patrician of the Romans. 139 term, the legal obligation to support and to defend the Roman Church and possessions in Italy. To this obligation he regarded Pippin as morally bound in consideration of his consecration of Pippin as king.^ The title of Patrician had been held by a long line of exarchs at Ravenna," and now that the exarchate had been destroyed it might be deemed wise by the Pope to transfer its title and relation to the church to some more able upholder. Whether the Pope, by conferring this title, intended to confer or did confer any power of government or control, as Hegel affirms,^ may be doubted. At any rate, hardly will it be claimed that Pippin exercised any such power in Rome, though the next Pope, Paul I., before his consecration, announced his elevation to Pippin in the same terms in \vhich his predecessors had an- nounced their elections to the exarchs.* 1 Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 85, 86; Bollinger, "Charles the Great," pp. 92-98; Gregorovius, vol. ii., pp. 281-284; Ducange, " Glossa- rium," s. v. " Patricius." 2 "Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 403, c. 15, p. 404, c. 16 (Paulus), p. 405, c. 19 (Eutychius). On p. 416, c. 4, Sergius is mentioned as Patrician of Sicily. Also in the letters of Gregory I. the governors of provinces are addressed as Patrician. See "The Epistles of St. Gregory the Great," bk. vi., Ep. 57; " Nicene Fathers," second series, vol. xii., p. 205. 3 Hegel, vol. i., pp. 209, 210. 4 " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 466, note i ; Jaff^, vol. iv., pp. 67, 68, Ep. 12, A.D. 757, April or May. His consecration took place May 29, 757, thirty-five days after Stephen's death. CHAPTER XVI. THE VICTORY OF PIPPIN OVER AISTULF — LOMBARD TREACHERY — THE SACK OF ROME — THE PAPAL APPEAL — ST. PETER'S LETTER — SECOND VIC- TORY OF THE FRANKS — PIPPIN'S DONATION — THE REPUBLIC OF ROME — THE TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPE — DEATH OF AISTULF — ACCESSION OF DESIDERIUS — RENEWED DIFFI- CULTIES. ISTULF now recognized the fact that the struggle for Italy must be fought out with the Franks unless he could nullify the papal influence. In the midst of the events of the famous year 754, and prob- ably just before the consecration in July, Karlmann, the king's brother, came from his monastery of Monte Cassino to urge Pippin not to yield to the pope's persuasions. It was said that he came, and that his abbot ordered his coming unwillingly, but that being in the Duchy of Benevento — that is, on Lombard territory, they were forced to yield to Aistulf's wishes.' Pippin, however, told his brother that he could not do other than what he had prom- * " Einhardi Ann,," an. 753 ; M. G. SS,, vol. i., p. 139. 140 Pippins Offer Refused. 141 ised to the Roman chief. He then ordered Karl- mann to be seized and taken to the monastery of Vienne, where he died that same year.' Pippin then turned his attention to the Lombards. Crossing the Alps, he sent forward his messengers to Aistulf, demanding the immediate cessation of hostilities against the holy church, whose defender he declared himself to be by divine ordination, re- quiring also the restoration of the territory already seized. Aistulf insolently refused to do anything except to show Pippin the way home. The mes- sengers replied : " Pippin will not depart until you return to St. Peter the Pentapolis and all the other cities and territory unjustly taken from the Roman people ; but he offers to pay in consideration twelve thousand solidi." Fortunately for the future firm establishment of the papal power, Aistulf refused this offer and dismissed the messengers with angry threats. Pope Stephen by his letters endeavored to bring about a peaceable settlement in order to avoid bloodshed, but without avail. ^ The arms of Pippin, however, soon accomplished what gentler measures had failed to effect, and Aistulf, besieged in Pavia, promised all that was demanded, and be- sides yielding up the captured territory, promised to pay thirty thousand solidi and a yearly tribute of five thousand to Pippin. In pledge of this he gave as hostages forty of his nobles.^ Aistulf, how- ^ " Ann. Mett.,"an. 754 ; " Einhardi Ann.," an. 753 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 332 and 139 ; " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., pp. 448, 449, c. 30 ; Boehmer, vol. i., p. 25. ' "Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 449, c. 33. 3 "Ann. Mett.," an. 754 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 332. 142 The Age of Charlemagne. ever, all danger from the Franks being removed, broke the agreement which Pippin had extorted from him, and refused to restore the cities which he had seized. Stephen had evidently foreseen that something of this sort would happen, for he had strenuously urged Pippin to remain in Italy until the Lombards had evacuated Ravenna and the rest of the captured territory. It was probably in conse- quence of Pippin's refusal or inability to comply with this request that the pope secured from him at this time a written guarantee that the restitution should be made, even if the Frankish army had to cross the Alps again to force the perfidious Lom- bard to fulfil his promise. That which the pope had feared had come to pass. In the very next year Aistulf's army thundered at the gates of Rome. The pope therefore wrote as follows : " Pope Stephen to his sons and most excellent lords, Pippin, Charles, and Karlmann, kings and patricians of the Romans." He reminded them of their earnest desire to secure St. Peter's rights, and that they had confirmed the promised restitution by a deed of donation. " However, not one inch of land," he says, " was allowed to go back to the blessed Peter and the holy church of God, the Republic of the Romans. Besides, from the very day on which we parted from each other he (Aistulf) has tried to harass us, and to bring the holy church of God into disgrace." He asks them to trust him rather than the lying Lombards, and promises them victory, and urges them to restore and hand over to the church all that by the " donation" they had Papal Appeals. 143 authorized him to present to St. Peter. " Hasten, therefore, to perform what you have promised by your donation, confirmed by your own hand. ' For the blessed Apostle Paul said, Better is it not to vow, than after having vowed not to pay.'"* "And you will render an account to God and the blessed Peter in the dreadful day of judgment, how you have labored for the cause of that prince of the apos- tles and for restoring his cities and places." " This good work has been reserved for you. No one of your ancestors deserved such an effulgent reward, but God pre-elected and foreknew you before in- finite time, as it is written, ' whom he foreknew and predestinated them he also called, and whom he called them he also justified.'^ You have been called, strive to do justice to the prince of the apos- tles without delay, because it has been written, ' Faith is justified by works.' " Farewell, most ex- cellent sons." * In spite of this appeal Pippin made no expedition against the Lombards at this time, and before the year was over he received a second letter from the pope, similar in style and contents, only more urgent and pressing.^ Pippin, however, refused. Affairs at home were pressing. The usual spring assembly was held in March, though it was decided to hold the meeting after this year in May instead of in ^ Unfortunately for Stephen's knowledge of Scripture, this verse is Ecclesiastes v. 5, the nearest approach to it in the New Testament being Acts v. 4. ^ An attempt to quote Romans viii. 29, 30. ^ Cf. St. James ii. 22, 24. * Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 34-37 ; Ep. 6, a.d. 755. ■^ See quotations on p. 137. 144 ^^^^ ^^^ ^f Charlemagne, March,' and the name was changed from Marfield to Maifield. This change, by which the time of the assembly was made two months later, is significant, as the result of the change in the army introduced by Charles Martel. The war with the Saracens re- quired a more extended use of cavalry than that to which the early Germans had been accustomed in the forests and morasses of their northern homes, and the southern plains, where their contests now for the most part took place, allowed the freer use of horses. The need of forage, therefore, in the expeditions, which followed upon the holding of the assembly at which it was decided, required the hold- ing of that assembly later, when the feeding would be in better condition. Meanwhile the pope's distress increased, and three letters followed each other in quick succession in the early part of 756. The first was sent not only to 'the three kings and patricians, but also " to all bishops, abbots, presbyters, and monks, as well as to the dukes, counts, and the whole army in the name of the pope and all the bishops, presbyters, deacons, dukes, the keepers of the records, counts, tribunes, and the whole people and army of the Romans." " The worst had happened. Evils had come thick and fast. The city itself was attacked. On every side it was surrounded by the Lombards-, devastat- ing with fire and sword. Churches were pillaged and burned, images of the saints and ornaments of ' " Ann. Petav. Contin.," an. 755 ; Pertz. M. G. SS., i., p. 11. ' Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 34-48 ; Ep. 8, a.d. 756. A Letter from St. Peter. 145 the altars were destroyed. With a superstition com- mon even to robbers and murderers the Catacombs were entered, and reHcs of the saints carried away as objects of reverence and worship. Fifty-five days did Rome endure the siege, and the Lombard king had called aloud in his fury : '* Behold you are surrounded by us, let the Franks come now and snatch you out of our hands. " "In- deed," wrote the pope, " after God the lives of the Romans are in the hands of the Franks. If they perish the nations will say : ' Where is the trust of the Romans which they had, after God, in the kings and people of the Franks?' " He then proceeds with alternating prayers and threats and promises of reward, appealing to every instinct and passion which might be present in the Frankish breast. This letter he accompanied with one in a similar strain to Pippin personally. Finally, a letter was sent purporting to be written by St. Peter himself. Most of it has been translated by Dr. Mombert with appropriate comments.' It is filled with the most solemn adjurations and frightful threats. " I, Peter, the apostle of God . . . adjure you even as if I were bodily in the flesh, alive, and present before you, firmly to believe that the words of this exhortation are addressed to you, and that though I be bodily absent, I am spiritually present. '"^ " This letter," says Fleury,^ " like those preceding it, is full of quib- bles. The church signifies not the company of be- ^ Mombert, "Charles the Great," pp. 44-48. ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 55-60; Ep. 10, a.d. 756. ^ Fleury, " Eccl. Hist.," 1., xlvii., c. 17. Quoted by Mombert, 1. c, p. 44, note I. J 146 The Age of Charlemagne. lievers, but temporal possessions consecrated to the service of God ; the flock of Christ is represented by the bodies, not by the souls of men ; the tem- poral promises of the ancient law are mixed up with the spiritual promises of the gospel, and the most sacred motives of religion are pressed into the ser- vice of a simple affair of state." These letters, however, met with an immediate response, and Pippin proceeded to cross the Alps again as Patrician of the Romans and Defender of the Church. Passing through Burgundy, he besieged and took Classe, a city taken by the Lombards at the beginning of the iconoclastic outbreak. On the march to Pavia he v/as met by messengers of the emperor, who urged him to restore the exarchate and the other cities to their lawful owner as soon as he regained them from the Lombards. Pippin re- fused point blank, asserting that by no consideration whatever could he be induced to allow those cities to be alienated from the power of the blessed Peter, and from the right of the Roman Church or the pontiffs of the Apostolic See, affirming also under oath that not for the favor of man had he devoted himself so often to the contest, but only for love of the blessed Peter and for the pardon of his sins, asserting this also that no abundance of treasure could induce him to take back that which he had once bestowed upon the blessed Peter.- The siege of Pavia forced Aistulf to surrender with a promise to fulfil his former oath of restitu- tion, and in addition to deliver to Pippin one third ' " Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 452, c. 43-45 ; Boehmer, vol. i., p. 37. The Foundation of the Ternporal Power. 147 of the treasure stored in Pavia, together with an an- nual tribute, and never more to rebel against him.' Roughly speaking, this restitution included, ac- cording to the early chronicles, Ravenna with the Pentapolis, and the whole of the exarchate. Foldrad, abbot of St. Denis, was commissioned to execute a treaty as far as it applied to the resti- tution of the cities. He accordingly went to each of them and received their hostages and signs of submission. He also took their keys, which to- gether with the donation he placed on the tomb of St. Peter, thus giving them " to that apostle of God and to his vicar, the most holy pope, and to all his successors forever to have in their possession and at their disposal." "^ This was the formal act on which was laid the foundations of the temporal power of the papacy. It will be well to stop for a moment to analyze it and to consider its justice and significance. We have noted the steps by which the popes came to exercise a certain temporal power in Italy, ' In the life of Stephen it is declared that this restitution in- cludes Ravenna, Rimini, Pesaro, Fano, Cesena, Sinigaglia, Jesi, Forlimpopoli, Forli, Urbino, Cagli, Gubbio, Marni, Commachio, but the exact territory is still a matter of dispute. Duchesne says, note 51, on p. 460 of " Lib. Pontif.": " The cities are probably those of the treaty and donation of 754, and represent probably all the conquests of Aistulf on imperial territory. At the death of Liutprand, the Lombard frontier extended between Imola and Ravenna, and all these places are situated east of a line between the Apennines and the Po, perpendicular to the route between Imola and Ravenna. As far as identified they are given above, to which may be added San Leo, Vobio or Bobio (Sarsina), Conca, Acerreagium and Serra. See Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 87-91 : 21S-220 ; Gregorovius, vol. ii., pp. 295-301 ; Bury, vol. ii., p. 500 ; Alzog., vol. ii., pp. 144-147. ' "Lib. Pontif.," vol. i., p. 454, c. xlvii. 148 The Age of Charlemagne. especially in the central and northern parts. At first only over the landed possessions or scattered estates of the church, but soon increasing: and ex- tending to other parts of Italy, first, by reason of the strong personality, marked ability, and cour- ageous foresight of popes like Gregory I., II., and III.; secondly, on account of the demand for some strong central power to defend Rome against the attacks of the Lombards, to protect the Italians from the exorbitant taxation and irreverent zeal of the emperors, and from disunion and disintegration ; and, thirdly, because of the inability and weakness of the exarchate to fulfil this function, and the im- possibility of the emperor's doing it owing to his distance from the scene, and the battles in defence of Europe against the Avars, the Persians, and the Mahometans, which engaged all his attention and resources in the East. Thus gradually, almost unconsciously, without charters, decrees, or treaties, the bishop of Rome had come to be the recognized leader and director of the civilized forces of the West, and almost in- sensibly had come to be the self-appointed delegate or representative of the imperial power. In this last attack of the Lombards the imperial forces had utterly failed, the emperor could give no aid, the exarchate had been overthrown, and even the pope, as the only other representative of the imperial power, had been unable to accomplish anything directly against the greedy and victorious Aistulf. Surely the empire had forfeited all claims to its former possessions in the West. But the bishop of Pipphis Gift of Temporal Poiver. 149 Rome, by the spiritual position and prestige which he had already gained, had sanctioned the transfer- ence of the kingly name and power from one family to another in a far Western kingdom, which had won its independence of the Roman Empire cen- turies before, and he had thereby established a strong power and gained an able and effective ally. Upon the representative of this new kingship he had bestowed the spiritual benediction and anoint- ing of the church, giving him as a seal of his mis- sion the title of patrician, not of the empire, but of the Romans, the people of the Apostolic Church of Peter, the chief of the apostles. The first repre- sentative of the new line of kings in the West cre- ated or established, not by the empire, but by the church, had won by force of arms from the enemies of the empire that which the empire had been un- able to keep. In fulfilment of his promise, he now restored to the church and Roman Republic, whose nominal head was the emperor, but whose real head was the pope, that temporal sovereignty which she had been gathering up as the empire had been let- ting it fall, which had actually passed into the hands of the Lombards, and now, by actual conquest by Pippin and by gift from him, she had received. The emperor had lost his power by inability to defend it. Pippin had gained it by conquest from the Lombards, the pope received it because he had ex- ercised it practically before the Lombard seized it, and because Pippin had been willing to bestow it upon him. What, then, was this power, and what was its sig- 150 The Age of Charlemagne. nificancc ? Pope Stephen III. speaks of it as the Republic of Rome, by which he apparently intended to signify the Roman State in general, the leader- ship and authority of Rome, which for so long a time had been personified in him, and so had come to be inseparably united with the power he exer- cised as bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter. Rome had increased in political importance till with the patrimony of St. Peter, consisting of cities and towns scattered over Italy and the island of Sicily, it became a sort of principality under the suzerainty of the Roman emperor. Thus the old idea of the Roman State was revived, and came to be considered a real republic with its own army {ex- crcitus romajius) and its own constitution and inter- ests, the papal. It was mainly by wealth and religious considera- tion that the popes had been brought into such a prominent political position, so that at the failure of the imperial rule the secular powers are found occupying a subordinate place. This is seen also in the way in which even the emperors recognized the influence which the popes were able to exercise over the Lombards. The republic, however, seems to denote no actual constitution, but is a phrase revived and used by Stephen and his successors to indicate a government independent of and apart from the empire. Just what was the form or extent of this power is not definitely stated. Pippin had driven off the Lombards who had har- assed and threatened the pope, and had interfered The Donation and the Temporal Power, 151 with the power he was already exercising in nom- inal dependence upon the emperor. By the dona- tion of this territory Pippin did undoubtedly cede to the church the cities of the exarchate and Pentap- olis free from imperial oversight and from Lom- bard encroachment. " As the Eastern emperor is no longer recognized as having any rights, no more does Pippin claim any such for himself ; nor was there in Rome any mention of an overlordship of Pippin. On the other hand, all connection with the emperor of the East was not given up in Rome, and the regnal years of the emperor continued to be used in assigning dates." * But the great temporal power of the Roman See was not gained by any single act or stroke of policy, nor did it come all at once, norw^as it definitely out- lined at each step of its progress. All has been told that can be known at the present. A further de- velopment and a greater definiteness will be noted under Charles the Great. Pippin returned home after his victories, but the new relations of the king and his people to the Lombards and to Rome had brought about great changes, and gave promise of still greater ones. For weal or for woe, the new kingship w^as irrevoca- bly bound up with the papacy. On a hunting expedition at the close of the year Aistulf was killed by a fall, and the pope informs Pippin of the fact in a letter written in the spring » Waitz iii P 89. This author, referring to Papencordt, p. 134, nite, says that this was used for the last time in 772, but Bury, p. 503', gives 781 as the last year. 152 The Age of Charlemagne. of 757. '* Aistulf, that tyrant and devil-follower, devourer of the blood of Christians, destroyer of the churches of God, has been struck by a divine blow and hurled into the abyss of hell." ' Having left no heir, the choice of the Lombards, " with the consent," we read, " of King Pippin and his nobles," ' turned to Desiderius, Duke of Tuscany, and he became their king. He immediately gained the pope's good will by restoring to him the cities which Aistulf had failed to surrender, although stipulated in the treaty. In April, 757, Stephen himself died, and his successor, Paul I., brother of Stephen, hastened to announce his election to " the new Moses and David." A letter also followed in the name of all the Senate and the whole body of the Roman people,^ assuring him of their gratitude, and declaring that they will remain firm and faith- ful to the holy church and to Paul, by God's de- cree their lord, supreme pontiff, and universal pope."* Desiderius, however, failed to fulfil all his promises, and, the pope having incited the Dukes of Bene- vento and Spoleto to revolt and to seek the pro- tection of the king of the Franks,^ he advanced against them, marching through Pentapolis, pillag- ing and devastating on every side. He even went so far as to propose an alliance with the emperor for the reconquest of Ravenna. At the same time he met the pope in Rome, and after some negotia- ' Jaffe. vol. iv., p. 64 ; Ep. 11, a.d. 757. " "Ann. Met.," an. 7156 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 333. ^ Jaffe, vol, iv., pp. 67. 68 ; Ep. 12, a.d. 757. * Ibid., pp. 69-72 ; Ep. 13, A.D. 757. 5 Ibid., pp. 74, 75 ; Ep. 15, A.D. 758. Papal Diplomacy, 153 tions for the delivery of the cities still held back, Paul apparently consented to order a return of the hostages whom Aistulf had given to Pippin. The pope even sent a letter to Pippin, informing him that his most excellent son, King Desiderius, had come peaceably and with great humility to the threshold of the apostles, promising to restore Imola, one of the cities ; he therefore adjured Pip- pin to confirm the peace with him and to send back the hostages.' He sent a letter secretly at the same time, in which he told Pippin of the proposed league with the emperor, the devastation of the Pentapolis, and the evil inflicted upon the Dukes of Benevento and Spoleto, who had declared them- selves his allies and had put themselves under the protection of the Franks. He affirms his demand for all the cities, and begs Pippin to stand firm and not to yield to the perfidious trickster, and unblush- ingly declares that the other letter was written to deceive Desiderius, so that by seeming to comply he might be able to send messengers declaring the true state of affairs.'' Already the pope, by his attempt to gain and hold his temporal sovereignty, was plunged into the wiles and tricks of worldly diplo- macy. A treaty was finally effected in 760, whereby all the towns but one, Imola, were given up, and the pope and Lombard king enabled to live in friendly relations. As we have seen, the pope continued nominally at least to acknowledge the emperor, though he ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 75, 77; Ep. 16, a.d. 758. ' Ibid., pp. 77-83 ; Ep. 17, A.D. 758. 154 T^^^ ^i^ ^f Charlemagne, ceased to await imperial confirmation for his elec- tion, while the emperor no longer received tribute from the Roman province, nor did any Byzantine exercise official authority in the city. From this time on, however, the temporal rule of the popes, now for the first time formally and authoritatively held, brings about local disputes and strifes. Mu- nicipal rights and popular privileges demanded re- cognition, while the office and position of the papacy itself became an object of ambition and desire to those seeking merely earthly power, position, and wealth. CHAPTER XVII. THE FINAL STRUGGLE OF THE LOMBARDS — THE FORGED DONATION OF CONSTANTINE — THE FRANKISH CONQUEST OF AQUITANIA — THE AQUITANIAN CAPITULARY — ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FRANKISH CHURCH AND THE DIOCESAN AND METROPOLITAN SYSTEM — PIPPIN'S RE- LATIONS WITH CONSTANTINOPLE AND WITH BAGDAD. HE year 756 was an epochal year in the history of the papacy, for from it dates the formal establishment of the temporal power of the popes. The famous " Do- nation of Constantine" was devised also at about this same time, for it is closely connected with the events then happening. The Lombards were making their last strenuous endeavor to con- quer and to unite all Italy in one great kingdom under their own sway. Their aim, which, carried out, would make them masters of Rome, and their nearness to the city, made them more to be dreaded than the distant Greeks, however oppressive at times. Yet the emperor already was losing his hold on Italy, and could no longer defend it, and to the 155 156 The Age of Charlemagne. Franks the pope had turned with a new hope, though not yet seeing his way clear to dispense alto- gether with the Byzantine suzerainty. It even ap- pears probable that Gregory II. had made an at- tempt to form a confederation of States in Italy with the pope at the head, but it had come to noth- ing.' The idea remained, and the donation was put forward to give it an historic basis, and to meet what seemed to be the needs of the period. The form of donation occurs at the end of a long document purporting to be an edict of Constantine, included by Pseudo-Isidore in his collection of Decretals and printed in full by Hinschius in his edition.' The author relates that Constantine more than twenty years before his death was baptized at Rome by Pope Sylvester, and at the same time cured of leprosy.^ Constantine declares his accept- ance of the faith, which the pope had taught him, including a full statement of the doctrine of the Trinity, and exhorts all people and nations to hold the same. He then proceeds, out of gratitude and reverence, to bestow upon the papal see imperial power and honor, he gives to it the highest author- ity over the other patriarchates, and all the other churches in the world, as the supreme judge in all matters of worship and of faith. To the pope, re- fusing to wear the imperial diadem offered by Con- stantine, he grants the tiara, specially designed for him, and all the rest of the imperial ornaments and ' Dollinger, pp. 121, 122. '^ Hinschius, pp. 249-254, cf. Preface, p. Ixxxiii.; Gieseler, vol. ii., p. 118, note 21. Translated in Henderson, pp. 319-329. ' Dollinger, pp. 89-103. A Roman Forgery. 157 insignia. Upon the Roman clergy arc conferred the honors and dignities of the highest ofificers, patricians and consuls, with all the privileges of senators and their insignia. Constantine also gives up the Lateran Palace, the remaining sovereignty over Rome, all the provinces, cities, and places of Italy, as well as of the western regions, transferring the seat of his own imperial power to Byzantium, afifirming that it was not right that the earthly em- peror should have his seat where the heavenly em- peror had established the principality of the priest- hood and the head of the Christian religion. The whole stupendous forgery, of which one does not know what to marvel at most, the audacity of con- ception or the credulity of reception, was undoubt- edly the work of a Roman ecclesiastic at Rome. It is most important as showing that the prevaiHng idea in the mind of a Roman Churchman in the eighth century was the desire to make the pope and his clergy equal in magnificence and ceremonial to the emperor.^ The first apparent reference to this donation oc- curs in a letter written by Hadrian I. to Charles the Great in JjZ,'' bringing it forward as a basis of ap- peal to the king to emulate the deeds of the mighty emperor. Its application to islands as being public domain was first made by Urban II. in his claim to Corsica. By it Hadrian IV. made claim to Ireland, and there- upon proceeded to make a grant of the island to ' Bryce, pp. 100-102 ; Gregorovius, ii., pp. 361, 362. ' Jaff6, iv., pp. 197-201, Ep. 61. 158 TJlc Age of Charlemagne. Henry 11/ It continued to be used in these ways, though with occasional opposition and some limita- tion, but with increasing emphasis from the twelfth to the fourteenth century. Marsilius of Padua, in his Defensor Pads, turned it against the popes by drawing from it the conclu- sion that even the ecclesiastical supremacy of the papacy rested on an imperial grant, and so was merely human and invalid. Its spurious character was proved most effectively by Reginald Pecock, Bishop of Chichester, in the middle of the fifteenth century, and also, though less ably, by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and by Laurentius Valla. Since then it has been universally given up. Dante, trac- ing to it the origin of the temporal power, says of its supposed author : " Ah, Constantine ! of how much ill was mother, Not thy conversion, but that marriage dower, Which the first wealthy Father took from thee."* Though there has been much speculation as to the nature and extent of this power, and though much was left indefinite owing to its unprecedented character, some certain conclusions may be fairly drawn from the facts. First, Pippin did hand over to the pope the tem- poral possession and sovereignty over the cities and lands in question which had formerly been vested in the emperor. This is proved by the fact that * Hadrian's Bull is given in Lyttleton's "Henry H.," vol. iii., PP- 323. 324. translated in Henderson, pp. 10, 11. Also given in Rymer's " Foedera," vol. i., p. 15. ' Dante, " Inferno," xix., 115-118. Longfellow's translation. Facts Regarding the Temporal Pozvcr, 159 Pippin refused at the request of the emperor's en- voys to give them over to the emperor, but said that he should give them to the pope. Secondly, the pope held and exercised this tem- poral sovereignty. This is proved by the fact that in a letter from the senate and people of Rome, written to Pippin, they acknowledged themselves to be the faithful subjects of the pope, and no other authority than his and the officers of his ap- pointment was recognized in these cities, the keys of which had been given up to the Abbot Fulrad and deposited in the shrine of St. Peter. Thirdly, the emperor recognized that he had lost the power over this territory. This is proved by the fact of the proposed alliance between the emperor and Desiderius in order to win back the exarchate. As to the right of the pope to receive this power, it has been well expressed by Gibbon : In the rigid interpretation of the laws every one may accept without injury whatever his bene- factor may bestow without injustice. The Greek emperor had abdicated or forfeited his right to the exarchate ; and the sword of Aistolphus was broken by the stronger sword of the Carolingian." ^ As to the expediency of holding this power and the changes which it wrought in the future character and activity of the papacy, history itself gives the best answer, and the complete consideration of it would require a separate treatise. It has been de- fended by some and deprecated by others. It was the first step and the chief instrument in freeing the * Gibbon, " Roman Empire," ch. xlix. i6o The Age of Charlemagne. church from subservience to any earthly sovereign, and gave it a position of power and influence Vv'hich enabled it to protect and extend the work of the church throughout Europe. On the other hand, its dangers were great, and its results in many cases were evil. It brought about a secularization of the life and aims of the popes and chief ofiflcers which extended throughout the church, whereby it was involved in the conflicts and the strifes of the other temporal kingdoms. It made the papacy itself the coveted object of strife and ambition, the centre of feuds and jealousies, and the sport and prey of unworthy men and parties. This wealth and power led to an increase of pride, luxury, and ambition which fostered evil and corruption in the papacy and set an evil example to others. It was the fruitful source of weakness and the real cause of downfall and decay. There is a legend that on the occasion of Constantine's donation an angel was said to have cried from heaven : " Woe ! woe ! this day poison hath been infused into the church." A contempo- rary of Dante said that Constantine added to the stole of the priests aswordw^hich they did not know how to wield, and thus broke the strength of the empire.' In 768 an antipope was seated on the papal throne by his brother Toto, duke in Nepi. Two of the chief officers at Rome feigned a desire for the mo- nastic life, and fled to Desiderius, bringing back a Lombard army to put down the usurper. After ' Dollinger, pp. 167, 168. Conquest of Aqiiitafiia. i6i severe fighting, followed by an attempt to conse- crate a Lombard, another Stephen was elected, and the usurper and his followers severely punished. Stephen IV. turned to Pippin for support and aid, but Pippin had died on September 24th, 768. Dur- ing the last years of his life he had been constantly at war with the Duke of Aquitania. The Saxons at first had taken his attention, but he had finally subdued them, thrown down their strongholds, forced them to pay an annual tribute of three hun- dred horses and receive the Christian missionaries. In 760 he attacked Waifar, Duke of Aquitania, on the ground of his infringement of the rights and property of the Prankish churches which were situ- ated in Aquitania, as well as for other reasons. Few battles were fought ; as soon as Pippin ap- peared with his army, Waifar surrendered, only to assert his independence as soon as Pippin withdrew his forces. In 768, however, he had taken the mother, sisters, and nieces of Waifar, and in June the duke himself was killed — murdered, it was said, by some at the instigation of Pippin. All Aquitania submitted to him, and measures were at once taken to solidify and unite the newly acquired territory. Counts and judges were established, and the so-called Aquitanian capitulary proclaimed that deserted churches should be restored and their services con- tinued by those who held the income of their prop- erty, all needed for religious purposes not to be alienated, and any taken to be restored. Bishops, abbots, and abbesses to live in accordance with their holy order. Provision was also made for the hold- K 1 62 The Age of Charlemagne. ing and proper care of benefices and regulations for the comfort and convenience of those attending the army or the Maifield. Right of appeal to the king was secured, and the privilege of every man, wherever he might be, to be tried by the law of his own country. Lastly, none should presume to resist whatever was decreed by the king's commissioners and the elders of the land for the king's profit or the welfare of the church.' The internal regulation of ecclesiastical affairs had gone on after the death of Boniface on the lines laid down by him. In July, 755, a very im- portant council was held at Verneuil, at which not only nearly all the bishops of Gaul were present, but Pippin himself was there, and took an interested part in its discussions and decisions. By the pro- visions of this council bishops were to be appointed in each city who should be under the metropolitans, each bishop to have rule over the clergy, both regu- lar and secular, in his own diocese. Synods were to be held twice a year : the first in March wher- ever the king should appoint, and in his presence ; the other in October, either at Soissons or wherever tlie bishops agreed upon at the March synod. At this synod all bishops under the metropolitans should be present, and all others, whether bishops, abbots, or presbyters, whom the metropolitans summoned. The monastic rule should be observed by monks and nuns under the orders of the bishop of the diocese. If opposition arises the metropoli- tan is to be notified, and if that fails, recourse may ' Boretius, vol. i., pp. 42, 43. The Frankish C/mrc/i O^^ganized. 163 be had to the public synod held in March. In the event of further refusal, the offender may be de- posed or excommunicated by all the bishops and another put in his place at the synod by the word and will of the king or by the consent of the bish. ops. There is to be no public baptistry in a dio- cese save where the bishop appoints, but in case of necessity or illness presbyters whom the bishop has appointed may baptize wherever convenient. Pres- byters are to be under the rule of the bishops, and none is to baptize or to celebrate Mass without the order of the bishop of the diocese. All presbyters were to assemble at the council of the bishops. A bishop may depose or excommunicate his presbyters for cause. Being excommunicated, he cannot enter a church nor eat nor drink with any Christian, nor accept his gifts, nor give the kiss, nor unite in pray- er, nor exchange greetings until reconciled with his bishop. If any claims to be unjustly excommuni- cated, he may go to the metropolitan and have a new trial. If still unwilling to submit, he will be forced into exile by the king. Canon XX. of Chal- cedon is repeated forbidding to remove to another city or to serve under a layman except in case of necessity. Wandering bishops, without a fixed dio- cese, shall not serve in any diocese nor ordain ex- cept by the order of the bishop of the diocese. Any offence against this rule is to be punished by the synod. Sunday is to be kept, not after the Jewish fashion of absolute idleness, but so as not to interfere with going to church. But of this the clergy and not the laity shall judge. All marriages, 164 The Age of Charlemagne, both of nobles and low born, shall be performed publicly. Clergy shall not administer estates nor eno-acre in secular affairs except for churches, widows, and orphans, by the order of the. bishop. In case of the death of a bishop, his bishopric shall not be left vacant more than three months except by great and urgent necessity. Surely at the next synod a bishop shall be ordained. No cleric shall be tried by the laity except by the express order of his bishop or abbot. All immunities are assured to all the churches. Counts and judges at their courts shall try first the cases of orphans, widows, and churches, and others afterwards. No one shall at- tain any office or rank in the church for money ; nor shall any bishop, abbot, or layman take any fee for administering justice. This important document completed the estab- lishment of the diocesan system throughout the Prankish kingdom on the lines laid down by Boni- face in the early synods held under Pippin and Karlmann. It also established the system of met- ropolitans. It will be noticed, however, that no mention is made of the Bishop of Rome, and that the higher authority in appeals and other matters above the metropolitans rests with the synod and in the last extreme with the king.' Pippin's interests and relations, however, were not confined to his own kingdom and the neighbor- ing Lombards. In spite of the fact that he had re- fused to hand over to the emperor the territory con- quered for and given to the pope, his relations with the emperor continued to be friendly, and in the ' Boretius, vol. i., pp. 32-37. The New Mahometan Caliphate. 165 very next year (757) he received an embassy from Constantinople bringing rich gifts, and among them an organ, an instrument as yet unknown in Gaul and the object of great admiration. In 765 he had sent an embassy to Bagdad, and in the April before he died his messengers had returned with envoys from the court of Almansor, father of the famous Haroun al Raschid. For, strange as it may seem, just at this very time, when the final separation was beginning to take place between the eastern and western parts of the great Roman empire, and of the Christian Church, when a new kingdom was rising in the West about to have a line of emperors of its own, and a separate ecclesiastical organization was grow- ing up under the Pope of Rome as in the East under the Patriarch of Constantinople, so in the great Ma- hometan empire south of the Mediterranean a mighty revolution had taken place. In 750 the Ommiads, who for nearly a hundred years had held the caliphate, ruling at Damascus, were overthrown by the Abassides, who seized the caliphate, and soon after, under Almansor, founded Bagdad and made that the seat of power. One of the Ommiads, how- ever, had escaped, and crossing through Africa and the Straits of Gibraltar, had founded in 755 an inde- pendent caliphate at Cordova. It was against the adherents of this caliph and his successors that the Franks were fighting, and thus it came to pass that the king of the Franks found that he had a natural ally in the Caliph of Bagdad, while the emperor at Constantinople, at war with the Saracens at his own doors, would be inclined to look with favor on their rivals in the western caliphate. CHAPTER XVIII. THE ^VORK OF PIPPIN — HIS DEATH — DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM BETWEEN CHARLES AND KARLMANN — REVOLT OF THE AQUITANIANS — FRANKISH ALLIANCE WITH THE LOMBARDS — DEATH OF KARLMANN — CHARLES SOLE KING — THE SUBJUGATION AND CONVERSION OF SAXONY — EARLY SAXON MISSIONARIES. HE work of Pippin was finished. The church was estabHshed in an organized and systematic form under abbots, bish- ops, and metropoHtans throughout the Prankish kingdom ; heathenism was being gradually but surely eliminated within its borders, while missions were extended and mis- sionaries placed under royal protection among peo- ples not yet converted to Christianity ; the papacy was established at Rome over a spiritual and tem- poral sovereignty under the protectorate of a new line of Prankish kings ; the kingdom itself was uni- fied and consolidated, and its principal parts, Aus- trasia, Neustria, and last of all Aquitania, united under one head ; and the people on its borders, the Saxons, Bavarians, Lombards, and Saracens, reduced 1 66 Death of Pippin. 167 to submission or confined within fixed bounds, which, on the south, were tlie Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrenees Mountains. But the great king did not Hve to enjoy this triumph. On his return to Saintes, at the close of his successful campaign against the Aquitanians, he was taken ill with fever. At Tours he stopped to visit the shrine of St. Mar- tin and to implore aid. His prayers were of no avail, though accompanied with rich gifts to the church and the poor. With his wife and sons, Charles and Karlmann, he proceeded to Paris to the monastery of St. Denis. Here, about the middle of September, feeling that his end was near, he assem- bled for the last time the nobles of his realm, dukes and counts, bishops and clergy, and with their con- sent divided his kingdom equally between his two sons, who had been anointed with him, fourteen years before, by the pope and had received the title of Patricians of the Romans. On September 24th, 768, Pippin died, at the age of fifty-four, and was buried at St. Denis. Much confusion exists as to the division of his kingdom, and though little is known much has been written.' It seems probable, however, that the three parts of the kingdom, Neus- tria, Aquitania, and Austrasia, with all the eastern parts, were divided in such a way that each king should have a part of each, that the unity of the whole kingdom might be preserved and the separa- tion of nationalities avoided. Thus each had both Germans and Romans, though the former predomi- * Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 95-98 ; Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 23-30 ; Boehmer, vol. i., p. 49. 1 68 The Age of Charlemagne. nated in the kingdom of Charles, and the latter in the kingdom of Karlmann. It is possible that Neustria was to be held by them both in common, as it is not expressly named in the accounts of the divisions, and at the formal coronation of the two kings, which took place on the same day (October 9th), Charles was crowned at Noyon, and Karlmann at Soissons, both cities in Neustria, not far apart. The principle of division, which seems to us a very unfortunate weakening of a unity established at great cost and labor, was firmly established among all the German peoples, had been invariably fol- lowed by the Merovingians and continued by the mayors of the palace. It did serve undoubtedly to check civil war and dangerous conspiracies. So well recognized was it that Stephen, in crowning Pip- pin, had anointed both his sons at the same time. Division here, however, as in the case of Pippin before, was of short duration, for Karlmann did not long survive his father, and in 771 Charles ruled alone. Hardly had the two kings begun to reign when news came of the revolt of the Aquitanians. The death of their duke, Waifer, seemed to have insured their submission ; but the death of Pippin and the division of the kingdom held out to them the hope of independence. The old duke, Hunold, Waifer's father, left the monastery in which he had taken refuge after his defeat by Pippin and the murder of his brother in 744, and headed the revolt which ex- tended from Poitou to the Pyrenees. The wisdom of Pippin's method of division was now apparent, Reconciliation of CJiarlcs and Karlmann. 169 for both brothers hastened with their armies to put down the revolt. Karlmann, however, soon re- turned and left his brother to carry on the campaign alone. Hun old was driven to seek refuge in Was- conia, far in the south, but at the command of Charles both he and his wife were delivered up to the conqueror by Lupus, the duke of the Was- conians. The revolt was at an end, and Charles returned with his captives, who appear no more in history. The relations between the brothers were still more strained by Karlmann's desertion. The latter had not been kindly disposed towards his brother, whom he regarded as having no rights in the kingdom, having been born before his father became king, or perhaps before his father's mar- riage. Charles felt his power and position threat- ened, and at once made overtures to Tassilo, duke of the Bavarians, and to Desiderius, king of the Lombards. A reconciliation between the brothers was effected by the queen-mother, Bertrada, and the result was announced to the pope, who sent his congratulations, glad to be relieved of the prospect of an alliance between the Lombards and one of the Prankish kings.' But the danger was not wholly averted. Tassilo was the son of the sister of Pippin, and consequent- ly the cousin of Charles and of Karlmann. He had been for some time practically independent of the Prankish kingdom, and though he had taken the oath of vassalage in 757, he had afterwards refused his aid in the Aquitanian campaign, and Pippin had ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 155-158 ; Ep. 46, 769 a.d. 1 70 TJic Age of Charlemagne. been too much engaged to force him to repent and renew his oath. In the meantime he had married a daughter of Desiderius, and formed a close poHtical alliance with the Lombards. It was Bertrada's plan to unite them all, and with this end in view she restored friendly relations between the cousins and proposed marriages between her sons and two of the daughters of Desiderius, and between her daughter Gisla and the son of Desiderius. When the pope heard of this his rage knew no bounds, and he gave a most emphatic expression to it in a long letter which he wrote to the two brothers.' The marriages of the two brothers to the Lombard princesses seem to have taken place, but not of their sister, and she was induced to give it up and enter a convent. Karlmann having died December 4th, 771, and leaving only minor children without right to the succession, Charles took possession of the rest of the kingdom. Karlmann's widow and her children re- tired to the court of her father, the Lombard king ; and Charles, having decided to renounce alliance with Desiderius, disowned his Lombard wife and sent her back to her father. Charles now began to give evidence of the policy he intended to follow, and the greatness of his pur- poses began to appear. The work of his ancestors he took up and completed, and for a short time united all of Western Europe in one great empire. His reign lasted for more than forty years, and dur- ing that time the world was filled with the renown ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 158-164 ; Ep. 47, 769 a.d. Chaides the Great. 171 of his deeds. He increased on all sides the extent of the Prankish kingdom, completed the union of the German people, attacked and overthrew the enemies of Western Christendom, cemented the relations with the church, and more completely brought about the union of the German elements with Christianity, thereby giving to the Western world a new form and preparing for the German people a great future. His deeds are alike significant, whether regarded from the standpoint of general European history or of German history alone. Even the earliest chroni- clers give him the title of '' Great," though it was not at first a formal surname. By the French it has been incorporated into his own name, and he is gen- erally known as Charlemagne. Of his early life we catch only the slightest glimpses in a few stray notices in connection with his father. He was born April 2d, 742, and re- ceived the anointing by the pope in 754, was crowned in 768, became sole king in 771, and reigned until his death in 814. During this long reign he was engaged in fifty-five campaigns, eigh- teen of them against the Saxons. In all he showed great powers of command, quickness of foresight and of judgment, rapidity and force in execution, prudence and tact in management. In order to ac- complish this result he reorganized the army, unit- ino- the military service due from vassals with the liability of each freeman. His relations with the church are of the greatest importance and interest ; he had been the one to meet the pope and escort him to his father when The Age of Charlemagne. Stephen had crossed the Alps, and, with his broth- er, he had been anointed with the holy oil, and re- ceived the title of Patrician of the Romans. From that time on everything which he undertook and accomplished stood in the closest connection with the authority and influence of the church which had its centre in Rome. By his efforts Christianity was extended and the church protected ; he also received its support in his undertakings, and it acknowledged him as its lord protector and intercessor. All eccle- siastical affairs, questions of constitution and of discipline, as well as of doctrine, he took into con- sideration, and through him they found settle- ment and decision, sometimes without, or even in opposition to, the Roman bishop. He stood as head of the church in his own kingdom. Alcuin calls him " Pontifex," the monk of St. Gall, " Bishop of the Bishops." The bishops of that time saw in him not only the mighty protector of the church, but also their reformer and supreme governor. Contemporaries regarded him as the preserver and father of Christianity. He calls him- self the defender of the holy church, and in all things the aid of the apostolic see. He still further developed and strengthened the union with the papacy established by his predecessors. In this connection his contests with the Saxons and with the Lombards deserve careful consideration. His wars with the Saxons were of the greatest importance to Christianity and to the church. Liv- ing far in the North, as yet uninfluenced by Roman armies, art, or religion, the Saxons still dwelt on The Saxons, \ 73 the banks of the Elbe, by the shores of the North- ern Sea, wild, barbarous, careless of danger, and enemies alike to civilization, to Christianity, and to the Franks. While the other German peoples, the Lombards, Goths, and Vandals, left their original homes to wander south and east and west in the great Volkerwanderung of the fourth century, the Saxons had only enlarged their borders and taken up the lands thus left. Some of their tribes, invit- ed by greed of gain and impelled by increasing numbers, had crossed to Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries and founded England ; but the rest, Westphalians, Angarians, and Eastphalians, abode still in the North until they extended from the Eider to the union of the Fulda and the Werra, and from the Elbe and Saale to the Rhine. There they remained like a mighty reservoir of water threaten- ing to overflow its bounds and with a sweeping flood to engulf the country. Little had they changed since Tacitus wrote of them from what he learned of their nearer tribes. They were not a nation or a people, but merely great federations of tribes, each tribe or gau ac- knowledging a head or leader of the host, who exer- cised religious, military, and judicial authority, sev- eral uniting under a chosen leader in time of great need, for defence or for attack. A general description of the long and cruel war which Charles waged cannot be given in any clearer way than in the words of Einhard in his " Life of Charles the Great." " No war ever undertaken by the Franks was car- 1 74 The Age of Charlemagne. ried on with longer persistence, more bitterness, or greater labor, because the Saxons, like most of the other tribes of Germany, were fierce by nature, given up to the worship of evil spirits, and opposed to our religion, not deeming it dishonorable to transgress and violate all law, human and divine. There were other circumstances, also, which led to a breach of the peace every day, for our frontiers and theirs were almost everywhere contiguous in an open country, and it was only at rare intervals that dense forests or mountain ridges defined clearly the boundary limits and kept the two peoples apart. Consequently along the whole frontier murders, thefts, and arsons w^ere being perpetrated constantly on both sides. These outrages so irritated the Franks that they resolved to be content no longer with mere retaliation, but to declare open war against them. " Once begun, the war went on for thirty-three years, although it might have been ended sooner had it not been for the faithlessness of the Saxons. It would be difficult to tell how many times, con- quered and submissive, they put themselves at the king's mercy and swore obedience to his commands, giving without delay the hostages^ required, and received the officers sent them by the king. Some- times they were so weakened and subdued that they ' Among these were youths whom Charles entrusted to various monasteries to be brought up and educated in the Christian religion, and whom afterwards he sent back to preach the gospel in their own land. It is interesting to note that among such was Ebbo, archbishop of Rheims. the " Apostle of Denmark" and the reputed author of the forged Decretals. See translatio S. Viti. M. G. SS., vol. ii. The Saxon War. 175 promised to renounce the worship of evil spirits and to accept Christianity, but they were just as ready to break these agreements as they were to make them. Indeed, after the war be<^an, hardly a year passed without such evidence of fickleness on their part. But the great courage and determined reso- lution of the king, unflinching alike in success and in defeat, kept him unmoved by their inconstancy, and steadfast in the accomplishment of his purposes. He never allowed their perfidy to go unpunished, but after such breach of faith he himself or one of his counts led an army against them to wreak vengeance and to inflict upon them a just punishment. At last, after a final victory, he took ten thousand with their wives and children and scattered them in a thousand different places in Gaul and in Germany. '' Thus they were brought to accept the terms of the king, in accordance with which they abandoned their demon worship, renounced their national relig- ious customs, embraced the Christian faith, received the divine sacraments, and were united with the Franks, forming one people." ' Treachery and revolt, the destruction of churches, and killing of priests and of missionaries may be at- tributed to the Saxons, but they were fighting for home and liberty against a foreign invader ; cruelty and savage butchery characterized the warfare of the Franks ; but they were fighting for the spread of civilization and of Christianity, and though the greatness of Charles appears here also, yet from the midst of the Saxon warriors looms up the magnifi- ' EinJiard, "Vita Karoli," c. 7 ; Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 515, 516. I 76 The Age of Charlemagne. cent form of their great leader, Wittekind, one of the noblest of the heathen heroes, while the Saxons have left us no chronicles setting forth the glory and the justice of their cause. A few details are worth our notice. At the very beginning of the struggle the destruction by Charles of the Irmensaul — a sacred object connected with their worship — the burning of a Christian church, and the driving away of the missionaries by the Sax- ons showed the bitterness underlying the struggle. It was darkness resisting the oncoming light ; bar- barism attempting to stay the progress of order and civilization ; the old heathenism opposing the spreading Christianity. Gradually the strongholds of the Saxons were wrenched away, new ones built, and Prankish garrisons placed in them. In yyG, the chronicler relates : " The Saxons, all greatly terrified, coming from every side, surrendered and promised to be Chris- tians, submitting to the rule of King Charles and of the Franks. In the next year," he continues, " a multitude of the Saxons were baptized, and, accord- ing to their custom, gave up all their free and allo- dial lands as a pledge that they would not revolt again, according to their evil custom, but would ever keep their Christianity and their fidehty to the lord King Charles, his sons, and the Prankish people." ' The Mayfield of this year {777) was held at Pader- born, in the heart of the Saxon country. The whole military host with both the Prankish and the ' "Ann. Lauriss," an. 776, 777 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 156-158. Saxons Conquered and Baptized. 177 Saxon leaders was gathered there. The coiuh'lions hiid down for peace and the reception to equal rights with the Franks were the accepting of Christianity and the obligation of military service by the Saxons. Partly by force, partly by persuasion, and partly by offers of gifts and rewards, they were induced to accept Christianity and to be baptized. On the banks of the Lippe, in the presence of the king, the Prankish clergy and all the Prankish army, the whole Saxon nation was baptized. It was an im- pressive and significant sight, but it was of pro- phetic rather than of actual significance. The host- ages were put in charge of the bishops and counts of the realm, and Saxon noblemen were won over to the Prankish service. The conquered district was divided and assigned to bishops, priests, and abbots, who established monasteries, preached and baptized. An army was assembled and Saxon nobles put in command, and counties were estab- lished with Saxon counts. At an assembly held in 782 a special set of capitu- laries was enacted for the newly added Saxon sub- jects, by which Christianity and the Prankish rule were together established and confirmed. These capitularies are interesting and valuable for the light they throw upon the methods of establishing Chris- tianity in a new country and among a heathen peo- ple. They declare that Christian churches are to have as much honor as the old heathen temples ; are to be places of refuge and protected from vio- lence and robbery ; the Lenten fast to be observed, and death to be the punishment for eating meat L lyS The Age of Charlemagne. except in case of necessity. The murder of a bishop, priest, or deacon is also punishable by death without allowing the payment of the wergeld. The eld heathen practices connected with cremation, the burning of men possessed by devils, and also the human sacrifices of heathenism are forbidden. Re- fusal to be baptized is also punishable by death. Participation in pagan plots against Christians, un- faithfulness to the king, violence done to the daugh- ter of a lord, the killing of a lord or lady are pun- ishable in the same manner. " But if for these mortal crimes, secretly committed, any one shall go of his own will to the priest and make a confession and do penance, he shall be released on the testi- mony of the priest," Provision is made for a house and land connected with each church and for the number of servants furnished to the priest in pro- portion to the population. Church tithes are also required, including property and labor, binding on noble and on peasant alike. No assembly or public courts to be held on Sunday except under great necessity or in time of war, " but all shall go to church and hear the Word of God and take part in prayer and religious deeds." The same law shall be observed on the great festival days. Children must be baptized within their first year, and for neglect nobles shall pay a fine of one hundred and twenty solidi ; freemen, sixty ; and serfs, thirty. Marriages taking place within prohibited degrees are punishable by fine. Worship at fountains or trees, or in groves connected with the old heathen worship, was to be punished with a heavy fine, and Saxon Capitularies. i 79 service is to be rendered to the church until the fine is paid. The bodies of Christian Saxons are to be placed in church cemeteries and not in pagan tombs. Robbers and malefactors fleeing from one county to another shall be given up, and any one receiving them for more than seven days falls under the royal ban. No one is to be prevented from going to the king for justice. Gifts and rewards shall not be taken against the innocent, and any one giving a pledge or security shall be allowed to redeem it. Peace must be maintained between the counts, and all oaths must be kept. Perjury is to be punished according to the law of the Saxons. Public games and assemblies of the Saxons are forbidden unless allowed by the royal commissioner under royal com- mand. But each count may hold pleas and admin- ister justice in his own district and " let the priest see that justice is done." ^ Additional capitularies were set forth in 797 at a council at which w^ere assembled bishops, abbots, counts, and Saxons from the Westphalians, Anga- rians, and Eastphalians, meeting at Aix-la-Chapelle in October. Peace was declared for churches, widows, orphans, and weak persons. No one was to remain away from the army. The former laws against offences were repeated save that the penalty was changed from death to heavy fines. Refusal to go to the assembly was also punishable by fine, and injuries done to priests or their dependents were to be atoned for by double restitution. A. threefold payment was to be made for killing a royal commis- ^ Boretius, vol, i., pp. 68-70, No. 26. I So The Age of Charlemagne. sioncr. Punishments were also decreed against various offences, and in conclusion the value of the solidus was laid down in cattle and honey.' Thus these capitularies mark the establishment of the Prankish power and of the Christian church among the Saxons. The earlier measures which Charles had used to subdue the Saxons had been neither harsh nor cruel. He wished to effect a recognition of his rule and the reception of Christianity, not the complete sub- jugation of the people nor the destruction of its in- dividuality ; but he had no time to waste in waiting for the slow maturing of his plans, and he allowed no scruples to stand in the way of the immediate fulfilment of his purposes. Finding the Saxons still resisting, still treacher- ous, in consequence of a new and sudden outbreak under their leader, Wittekind, he caused forty-five hundred of them to be put to the sword in one day. This was the massacre of Verden, in the year 782, and it has been called the one great blot on the memory of the great king. But even this was not enough ; and if his conquest of the Saxons was justifiable at all he knew better than any one else the means necessary to accomplish the result ; only it seems as if it would have been more in accordance with his Christian faith and the powers of the gos- pel, which he had at his disposal, had he employed the soldiers of the cross rather than the spears of his ' Boretius, vol. i., pp. 71, 72, No. 27. The solidus was de- clared equal to a year-old calf of either sex. In silver, twelve pennies made a solidus, or shilling. It is estimated as worth about eighteen dollars in our money. Vetault, p. 214. Revolt Under Wittekind. i8i army to bring the Saxons to submission to Christ and to a union with the Frankish kingdom. Under Wittekind, the Saxon leader, who had never submitted to Charles, and who led the attack in 782 which was avenged by the massacre of Ver- den, the Saxons rose in revolt, renounced their Christianity and their oaths of allegiance, but in two great battles which followed speedily — the only two pitched battles of the war — they were thoroughly defeated ; although twenty long years of brutal vio- lence and oppression passed before the end could come. The strife which here was waged has a most tragic interest. One cannot deny sympathy to this people who, with such devotion to their inherited order and independence, fought for the gods of their hearths and homes, while the Frankish king by his bloody deed chills the ardor which up to this point has attended him. But the higher justifica- tion of history is, after all, on his side. One must deplore the fact that here, as so often in the prog- ress of earthly affairs, results can be obtained only by means of force. Yet there can be no doubt that the opposition of the Saxons had to be overcome ; their isolated independence must be broken if the German people were to experience a higher unified development. The chronicler concludes his account of the year 785 thus : " The Saxons then surrendered, again received Christianity, which they had renounced just be- fore ; peace was declared ; rebellion ceased ; and Charles returned to his home. It is said that Witte- kind, the author of so much violence and the insti- 1 82 The Age of Charlemagne. gator of the perfidy, came with his followers to the palace at Attigny and was there baptized, the king receiving him from the font and presenting him with magnificent gifts. From the death of Pope Gregory, who had begun the work of converting the Saxons by his mission to Britain, it had been one hundred and eighty years." * The rest of the history of Wittekind is lost in leg- end and obscurity with the names of Roland and of Arthur. Though conquered, the Saxons were not subdued ; and baptisms, payment of tithes, and services in the royal army were enforced only with diiificulty, the penalty of death being declared against all who refused to be baptized, did violence to the clergy, ate meat in Lent, relapsed into heathen customs, or robbed or burned a church. Far in the North rebellion broke out anew in 792. Once more they renounced the Christianity which was still to them the badge of their hated subjec- tion to the Franks. They burned their churches and drove off or put to death their priests. The revolt spread, and in 794 Charles prepared to meet it. With his son, Prince Charles, he led his whole army to the Saxon frontier, received again the sub- mission, the hostages, and the oaths of the terrified Saxons. But on the banks of the Elbe the king's authority was still resisted. Here he commanded a complete devastation, and after putting thousands of warriors to the sword, he ordered the removal of ■ "Ann. Lauriss," an. 785 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 32. Deportation of Saxons. 183 one third of the remaining male population — over seven thousand it is said.' The next year saw the devastation carried still further, and yet the resistance was continued in the almost inaccessible region between the Weser and the Elbe ; but Charles was not to be foiled in liis purpose. Vessels were sent around by sea and others in sections transported over the land. Fire and the destruction of everything destructible fol- lowed. Now every third man, with his wife and children, here and in Friesland, was ordered into exile, and loyal Franks were put in their places. It was at this time that the capitulary of 797 was put forth in which a much milder policy was ob- served, and the voice and influence of Alcuin seemed to avail. In a letter to the royal chamber- lain, after instancing the manner and methods of St. Paul, he had written : " Let but the same pains be taken to preach the easy yoke and the light bur- den of Christ to the obstinate people of the Saxons as are taken to collect the tithes from them or to punish the least transgression of the laws imposed on them, and perhaps they would be found no longer to repel baptism with abhorrence." ^ Winter was spent in the North, and the influence of example and Christian ways was added to the laws and precepts. But another revolt by the Northalbingians — the Saxons on the banks of the Weser — threatened to undo all that had been achieved. Again submission was forced at the ' "Ann. Alam.,"an, 795 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 47. ' Ep. 37. Quoted by Neander, vol. iii., p. 77. 184 The Age of Charlemagne. point of the sword and a new and larger deportation followed. In 804 the last blow was given to the dying cause of Saxon heathenism and indepen- dence. Charles went North with his family and a large army. The army, with the allies who joined him there, was divided into sections and sent into various districts of the enemy's territory. When they returned they left nothing behind them. Baptism by the priests or death by the soldiers was the only alternative, and the baptism of a few was purchased by the death of many. It has rightly been called the conversion of Saxony rather than of the Saxons. The men, women, and children who esaped the sword were driven out and scattered over the Prankish dominions. It is said that the blood of over two hundred thousand Saxons changed the very color of the soil, and the brown clay of earlier times gave way to the red earth of Westphalia. This ended the conquest and conver- sion of Saxony. What that conversion meant and what it was worth seems hardly an appreciable quantity, and perhaps amounted to nearly nothing after it was all over ; but succeeding generations were to profit by that mighty struggle, for the Sax- ony which had come to Charles the Great only after such bloodshed and bitter agony, at the beginning of the ninth century, sent forth a Luther to defy a Charles the Fifth at the beginning of the sixteenth century. The missionary work closely connected with and depending upon the labors of the army deserves more careful attention. It is for this that Charles The Enlightencr of the Saxo7is. 185 has been called by one of the early writers " The Enlightener of the Saxons." Little could be done in the time of actual warfare except in a merely formal and mechanical way ; but as fast as a district was conquered it was assigned for Christian over- sight and culture to individual clergy, to an abbot, or bishop, or priest to carry on the preliminary work of preaching and baptizing. As soon as churches were organized they were brought into union with Prankish monasteries and bishoprics in order to insure their proper care, or else an abbey was put in charge of the missionary, that it might serve as a point of support or means of sustenance. With the progress of the conversion, however, na- tive Saxons were consecrated bishops and special places selected for their sees. In this way Charles laid the foundations for Bremen, Werden, Miinster, Paderborn, Osnabruck, and Minden, some of them being put under the Archbishop of Mainz and some under Cologne. A monastery was planned for Hamburg ; and under Charles's successors the bishop- rics of Hildesheim and Halberstadt were established. In the last years of Charles's reign preaching and baptism were carried to all parts of the Saxon land, and under his successors they obtained complete control. With Christianity went a new and higher civilization, for men w^ere attracted in large numbers and came to settle near these bishoprics and monas- teries for safety and protection. Markets were es- tablished, roads built from one to another, and they soon became important centres of industry, trade, and civilization. 1 86 The Age of Charlemagne. Foremost among the missionaries were Gregory of Utrecht, the abbot Sturm, both disciples and fol- lowers of Boniface ; Luidger, who succeeded Labu- inus, and Willehad. One of the earliest and most important missiona- ries among the people of the North was Gregory, known as the Abbot of Utrecht. The way in which he came under the influence of Boniface and en- tered upon the work of his life is exceedingly inter- esting and instructive. Boniface, on a journey from Friesland to Thuringia, stopped at the monastery of the abbess Addula, who was of a noble family. During the meal-time her grandson, Gregory, a boy of fourteen years, just out of school, acted as reader and read some passages from the Bible. Boniface praised him for reading so well, and asked him to translate it into his own language. This he was unable to do, and Boniface accordingly translated and explained the passages in a way that made a great impression upon the young boy. His desire to know Boniface better and to learn more from the great man led him to devote himself to the great work in which Boniface was engaged. The abbess, to whom Boniface was unknown at that time, tried to dissuade the boy, but without avail. He even declared that he would follow Boniface on foot if she would not give him a horse. She was forced to yield to his urgent entreaties ; and from that time on he was a devoted and constant companion to Boniface, in whose service and under whose inspira- tion he labored in Friesland until the death of his master. Frankish Missionaries. 187 The Bishop of Utrecht having been martyred with Boniface, Gregory took upon himself the whole care of the Friesland mission, under the direction of Pope Stephen and King Pippin. He refused the bish- opric, however, and shortly afterwards became abbot of the monastery in Utrecht, to which were sent boys of English, Frankish, Bavarian, and Saxon birth, whose education Gregory supervised. He also founded a missionary school, from which mis- sionaries went forth into different parts. To sup- ply the want of a bishop, he was joined by Alubcrt, an Englishman, who had been consecrated bishop at home. Gregory lived to the age of over seventy, and died in 781 in the midst of his teachings and missionary labors. The abbot Sturm was early consecrated to Chris- tian service under the training of Boniface while the latter was organizing the church in Bavaria. After his ordination as priest he labored three years under the immediate direction of Boniface, and then went north with two companions to find a new cen- tre of missionary labor in the wilderness. The foundations of the monastery of Hersfeld were laid, but Boniface regarded it as too exposed to the rav- ages of the Saxons. He accordingly started forth again, and this time founded Fulda, in which Boni- face evinced a special interest and for which he pro- cured special privileges from the pope, it being de- clared independent of episcopal jurisdiction and subject directly to the pope. Sturm then went to Italy to learn further details of his duty from the monasteries there, particularly from the original 1 88 The Age of CJiarlemagne. Benedictine establishment at Monte Cassino. On his return he increased the number of monks to four thousand, and labored to reclaim both forests and heathens. Though driven away from time to time by the Saxons, he never despaired, and labored earnestly and successfully until his death at the close of the year 779. Luidger, born of Christian parents, came under the influence and training of Gregory, Abbot of Utrecht, one of the early laborers in Friesland. From 'there he went to the school of Alcuin, al- ready famous at York. Returning, he still con- tinued to labor among the Friesians until, by the revolt of the Saxons under Wittekind, he and his clergy were driven away, their churches burned, and the idol temples restored. He then took advantage of the opportunity to go. to Rome and to Monte Cassino to observe the methods there, and to gain further training and instruction. Returning after three years, he found Wittekind converted and the country at peace. Charles as- signed him to a special district among the Friesland- ers, where he founded the monastery of Werden. After the conclusion of the Saxon war he Avas sent by Charles to the district of Miinster, where he founded another monastery, later the bishopric of Miinster. He journeyed constantly among the Saxons, preaching, baptizing, founding churches, and settling over them priests whom he himself had trained. His zeal would have carried him to the still wild and barbarous Normans, but Charles forbade it. In the midst of his labors, in the year 809, he died. Charles and the Missionaries. 189 Willehad was a missionary who came from North- umberland. He also labored among the people of Friesland, near where Boniface had been martyred. His followers having attempted with inconsiderate zeal the immediate destruction of the heathen tem- ples, he, with them, was seized and beaten and al- most put to death by the sword. Hearing of his courage, zeal, and wonderful escapes, Charles as- signed him the district of Bremen, which later be- came a bishopric among the Frieslandcrsand newly conquered Saxons. But the revolt of Wittekind in 782 drove him avv^ay, and he also took the oppor- tunity to visit Rome. After his return and the con- version of Wittekind, the great Saxon leader, in 785, he carried his labors to success, and the diocese of Bremen was established in 787 with Willehad as its priest and bishop, but two years afterwards he died. Thus these noble Christian missionaries labored, thus Christian teaching followed the progress of the sword of the Franks, and thus Charles the Great directed not only the victories of war, but the exten- sion of Christianity and the establishment of the church. CHAPTER XIX. THE LOMBARD MARRIAGES — REPUDIATION OF HIS LOMBARD WIFE BY CHARLES — POPE HADRIAN AND THE LOMBARD WAR — CONQUEST OF THE LOMBARDS — CHARLES ENTERS ROME — KING OF THE LOMBARDS — THE SECOND DONATION TO THE POPE — ADDITIONAL POWERS AS PA- TRICIAN— POPE LEO AND HIS ACCUSERS — THE OATPI BEFORE CHARLES — CORONATION OF CHARLES. T is necessary to know the main outlines of the conquest of the Saxons and the extension of the Prankish power over them in order to understand the spread of Christianity and the estabhshment of ihe Christian Church in the northern part of the kingdom. It is also necessary to know the outlines of the conquest of the Lombards in order to under- stand the relations of Charles with the papacy. Desidcrius, the Lombard king, by the marriages of his daughters, had allied himself to all the leading princes of his time. Tassilo, the son and successor of Odilo, duke of the Bavarians, had married one named Liutperga, Arichis, the Duke of Benevento, 190 Papal Description of the Lombard A lliancc. 1 9 1 another, Adelperga, and Charles and his brother Karlmann had married the other two, Desiderata and Gerberga.' Athalgis, the son of Dcsiderius, had married Gisla, the sister of the Prankish kings. On hearing the news of this alliance of the P^ ranks and Lombards the pope was filled with indignation and alarm. In view of such an alliance what would become of the newly established power of the papacy, the patrimony of St. Peter ? The already threatened subjection of the pope to the Lombard king seemed inevitable. Stephen accordingly wrote at once to those whom he addresses as his " most excellent sons, Charles and Karlmann, kings of the Franks and patricians of the Romans." Their in- tention to marry the daughters of Desiderius he regards as a suggestion of the devil, and inciden- tally alludes to the garden of Eden. " It would be a most shameful connection and downright madness for the illustrious race of the Franks, which shines forth superior to all people, so splendid, so noble, and of regal power, to pollute itself with the perfid- ious race of the Lombards, leprous, vile, and not recognized among the races of men. No one with a sane mind would suspect for a moment that such renowned kings would defile themselves with such a despicable and abominable contagion." He re- minds them of the beautiful wives they already had, most noble maidens of the Frankish race.'' " Re- member this, most excellent sons," he continues, ' " Chronic. Cassineus," bk. i., c. 17. See Mombert, p. 77, note 2. "^ It is probable that these Frankish marriages had not taken place or that the wives had died. 192 The Age of Charlemagne. " that our predecessor of sacred memory, Stephen the lord pope, implored your father of most excel- lent memory never to presume to put away his wife, your mother ; and he, as in truth a most Christian king, yielded obedience to these most salutary ad- monitions. Your excellency should remember that you have promised to the blessed Peter and to his aforesaid vicar and successors to be friends to our friends and enemies to our enemies. Why do you strive to act against your own souls in wishing to form a union with our enemies, even with that per- jured race of the Lombards, ever fighting against the church of God and invading this, our province of the Romans, and thus proved to be our enemies ? Know you not that it is not our unhappiness you despise, but the blessed Peter, Avhose unworthy vicars we are permitted to be ? For it is written, * He who receiveth you receiveth Me, and he who despiseth you despiseth Me,' wherefor also the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles, to whom the Lord God has given the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and to whom has been granted the power of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth, earnestly implores your excellency through our unhappiness, and at the same time also we, together with all the bishops, presbyters, and other priests, and all the officials and clergy of our holy church, and also the abbots and all those consecrated to the divine service in the religious life, as well as the nobles and judges, and all our people of the Romans of this province, beseech you with an appeal to the divine justice, by the living and true God, who is the judge of living Queen Hildegard, 193 and of dead, by the ineffable power of His divine majesty, by the awful day of future judgment when we shall behold all the pnnces and powers of the whole human race standing with fear, as well as by the divine mysteries and by the most holy body of the blessed Peter, adjure you that in no way either of you presume to receive in marriage the daughter of the already mentioned Desiderius, king of the Lombards." ' Whether these words of the pope influenced him or not, within a year Charles divorced the daughter of Desiderius, sent her back to her father, and im- mediately after married a Suabian princess by the name of Hildegard, a woman of rare beauty, bright intellect and attractive grace, benevolent, devout, and beloved by all, worthy to be the wife of Charles and the mother of his children. Mombert relates the following story, told by the monk of St. Gall. A certain young man, in whom the king took an interest, and whose hopes he had raised as to securing a vacant bishopric, happened to be with him at the hour set for the reception of cour- tiers. The king told him that he had many com- petitors for the vacancy, and bade him retire behind a curtain and learn their number. One by one the nobles came to secure the position, either for them- selves or for some special favorite. At last Queen Hildegard appeared and asked it for her own chap- lain. The king objected, protesting that although he would not and could not say nay to her in al- most anything she might ask, yet in this case he 1 Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 158-164; Ep, 47, 769 A. D. M 194 ^^'^^ ^^S^ ^f Charlemagne. must refuse, for he had promised the place to the young man. The queen, who was not free from the weakness of women of setting their influence against the judgment of men, suppressed her anger, but forthwith opened upon her susceptible spouse a bat- tery of gentle speeches and languid looks, saying : " Oh, my lord king, why waste that bishopric upon such a boy ? Let me entreat my sweet king, my glory, my tower of strength, to confer it upon your faithful servant, my own chaplain." The young man, from behind the curtain, saw and heard what was going on, dreaded the worst, and unable to contain himself, exclaimed : " Keep firm, O king, and let no one deprive you of the power which God has given you." The speech pleased Charles so much that for the time he disobliged the charmer and made the young man bishop.^ The repudiation of Desiderata roused the anger and resentment of her father, in which Tassilo, duke of the Bavarians, and also Karlmann joined. The hostility between the two brothers revived, but in that same year (771) Karlmann died. His wife and her children went back to the Lombard court, and Charles reigned alone. In a letter from Cuthwulf, written to Charles about the year 775, it is declared that he is to be congratulated for eight things : First, that he is born of royal lineage ; secondly, that he is the first born ; thirdly, that he is deliv- ered from the plots of his brother ; fourthly, that he obtained the kingdom with his brother ; fifthly, ^ " Monach. Sangall.," bk. 1., c. iv.; Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 633-635 ; Mombert, pp. 81, 82. The Lombard War. igr and not least, that God removed his brother from the throne and exalted him over the whole kingdom without bloodshed ; sixthly, the flight of the Lom- bard army before his face ; seventhly, the crossing of the Alps, the flight of his enemies, and the taking of the rich city of Pavia with all its treasures ; and eighthly, the entrance into golden and imperial Rome.* In Jjz a new pope, Hadrian I., succeeded to the pontificate. The way was now prepared for the development of more cordial relations and for a closer alliance between the king of all the Franks and the Bishop of Rome. Desiderius, however, tried to win the pope to his own side in an alliance against Charles, but did not succeed, though he made a strong appeal in behalf of the widow of Karlmann, who had fled to him with her children, and he even marched to Rome. Hadrian at once called for the removal of the leader of the Lombard party in Rome and appealed to Charles, informing him that the king of the Lombards had asked him to anoint the son of Karlmann as king to succeed his father, and, upon his refusal, had seized the cities of Taenza, Ferrara, and Comacchio. Charles responded by sending ambassadors to Desiderius demanding the return of these cities to the pope, and offering an indemnity for their restoration. Upon his refusal Charles declared war as the pro- tector of the church, and started for Italy with a large army.' ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 336-338. ' "Ann. Einhardi," an. 773 ; M. G. SS., vol. i,, p. 151. 196 The Age of CJiarlemagne. Desiderius shut himself up in Pavia, but his vas- sals and followers were sadly demoralized before the array of the Prankish army. The siege of Pavia lasted all v/inter, during which time town after town and lord after lord yielded to Charles. In the spring of the next year, 774, leaving the continu- ance of the siege to his followers, Charles accepted the invitation of the pope and entered Rome, the first of the Prankish kings to enter the imperial city, which, however, he visited four times. ^ His reception was magnificent. The Senate and nobles went out to meet him, and at the request of Hadrian he appeared in the Roman costume, which he wore but twice in his life, the second time being in the memorable year of 800. His approach was a triumphal march. As he neared the gates he dis- mounted, and, followed by his officers, entered the city on foot, and ascended the steps of St. Peter's, kissing each step. At the top Hadrian, with his clergy, met him. They kissed each other, and, walking together, the king on the right of the pope, proceeded to the altar. On the next day, Easter, April 3d, he received communion from the pope, and on Wednesday in Easter week he is reported to have confirmed the grant of territory made by his father to Pope Ste- phen, " increasing it by further donations in antici- pation of the fruits of his victory," wrote the papal biographer, Anastasius. Pavia surrendered June, 774, and Desiderius re- ' 774, 781, 787, and 800 A. D.; Einhard, " Vita Karoli," c. 27; Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 533. King of tJie Lombai'ds. 197 tired to the monastery of Corbie. Athalgis fled to Constantinople, showing the alHance and common cause between the Lombard king and the emperor of the East, both of whom had been spoiled of their possessions and hopes of power by the pope. Charles enlarged his title to *' King of the Franks and of the Lombards, and Patrician of the Ro- mans." For the first time the conquest of the Franks was not merged into the Frankish kingdom. Charles, yielding, it is said, to the suggestion of the pope, merely added the title of" Lombard King" to his own, and respected the integrity of the Lombard organization appearing as successor to Desiderius. The Duke of Spoleto had already, in 773, thrown himself into the arms of the pope, and only one duke, Arichis of Benevento, the son-in-law of Desid- erius, refused to acknowledge the new king of the Lombards. The more complete and firmly estab- lished organization of the Lombard kingdom made it seem undesirable and inexpedient for him to at- tempt its absolute incorporation into the Frankish kingdom even if that were possible. Furthermore, the condition of affairs in his own kingdom prevent- ed his staying longer in Italy ; and summoned North by a fresh outbreak of the Saxons, he was unable to press his claims or to push his conquest further South. The old Lombard constitution remained in force, Charles adding laws of his own as seemed neces- sary. The dukes were left, partly at any rate, with the powers they already had. Charles was satisfied 198 TJie Age of Charlemagne, to be acknowledged by them as their king, and dukes and nobles did homage to him. To guard his rule he put a Prankish garrison in Pavia with Prankish officers, and appointed counts in single provinces, who there took the place of the early dukes ; hostages were received also to guarantee the fidelity of the Lombards. After making gener- ous gifts to various monasteries and to a hospital in Pavia, he left Italy in the last of July, and returned to continue the war against the Saxons. He made a special reckoning of the years of his reign in Italy, and in one of his capitularies speaks of the Lombard kings as " our predecessors, the kings of Italy." ' It is a mistake to affirm that Charles was crowned with the famous " iron crown of Lom- bardy," supposed to contain the true nails of the cross, for that crown does not appear to have been worn until the fourteenth century." Charles was in no haste to surrender the territory claimed by the papacy which he had just taken from the Lombards, and thus, as the pope declared, to fulfil the promise of his father. Pippin. The let- ter which Hadrian wrote to Charles in 778 is signifi- cant. He first expresses his regret that Charles and his queen had not presented themselves in Rome at Easter for the baptism of their newborn son.^ We also," he continues, " implore your excel- lency, best-beloved son and illustrious king, for the ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 204, No. gS. ' Mombert, pp. 99, 100. • Pippin, the second son, born in the previous year, 777. The Modern Constant ine. 199 love of God and of the key-bearer of the kingdom of heaven, who has deigned to bestow upon you the kingdom of your father, that you order all things to be fulfilled in our time according to the promise which you made to God's apostle for the saKation of your soul and the stability of your realm ; that the church of Almighty God and of the blessed apostle Peter, to whom were given the keys of the kingdom of heaven and the power of binding and loosing, may continue to be exalted more and more, and that all things may be fulfilled according to your promise, and then to you will be ascribed re- ward in heavenly places and an excellent reputation in the whole world, and as in the time of the blessed Sylvester, pontiff of Rome, by the most pious em- peror Constantine the Great, of sacred memory, through his generosity the holy Catholic and apos- tolic Roman Church was restored and exalted and endowed with power in these parts of the West, so also in these most fortunate times of yours and ours may the holy church of God — that is, of the blessed apostle Peter — grow and enlarge and be ex- alted more and more, so that all people who hear of this may say, ' O Lord, save the king and hear us when we call upon Thee ! ' ' for lo ! our modern Constantine, most Christian emperor of God's ap- pointment, in these times has risen up, by whom God has deigned to increase the possessions of his holy church, the church of the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles. Besides, let all other lands which, by various emperors, patricians, and others fearing ' Ps. xviii. 10. 200 The Age of Charle77iagne. God for the salvation of their souls and for the par- don of their sins, in parts of Tuscany, Spoleto, Bene- vento, Corsica, and in the Sabine patrimony, have been granted to the blessed apostle Peter and to the holy and apostolic Roman Church and by the execrable race of the Lombards in the course of years have been seized and carried off, now in your time be restored. Of which also we have many deeds of donation laid up in our sacred archives of the Lateran, which we have directed to be shown to you."^ This is especially noteworthy as being the first reference to the Forged Donation, but beyond the fact that the church owned large estates in Spoleto, Tuscany, Sabina, and Ravenna, to which undoubt- edly Charles made important additions, nothing can be maintained with any certainty. It is to be no- ticed also that the greater number of the papal let- ters have little or nothing to do with the spiritual and moral advancement of the church and the spread of Christianity, for which Charles and his bishops and other clergy were doing so much, but are filled with expressions of the papal longing for temporal possessions and the dread or complaint of their loss. The advancement of the church is synonymous with the increase of its temporal power and territorial aggrandizement, while spiritual wel- fare and salvation are made the reward for gifts of territory and of dominion. The relations of Charles with the pope were purely political, and the place which the Bishop of Rome occupied seemed to be ' JafTf6, vol. iv., pp. 199, 200 ; Ep. 61, 778 a.d. The Do7iation by Charles. 20 tliat of a temporal prince with supernatural powers. It is not to Rome, but to the Frankish bishops and clergy that we look for the ecclesiastical and spir- itual interests of Charles and of his realm. The times of Gregory and Augustine, and even the times of Zacharias and Boniface, have passed, and it will be long before they come again. The biog- rapher of Hadrian describes most minutely and at great length the visit of Charles to Rome, which he says was at first a great surprise to the pope. The care, however, with which he enters into every detail, and the elaborate ceremonies carried on on that occasion, show with what importance it was regarded at Rome. The solemn oath on each side, to which afterwards reference was frequently made, was of the utmost significance, and from this time the claims of the pope for the delivery and surer pos- session of the territories already granted by Pippin, and now confirmed by Charles to the blessed Peter, are the principal object of the correspondence be- tween the pope and the king. In view of the evidence adduced it can hardly be denied that Charles gave the promise of a gift which was essentially a repetition of his father's, and that he made an offering of this kind at the tomb of St. Peter. Of this the pope most diligently reminded him. in every letter of their correspondence. It is also quite certain that Charles about this time re- stored to the Roman see a number of cities, lands, and castles which the Lombards had seized, but the exact details cannot be known ; even the papal biographer does not give the exact words, and it is 202 TJic Age of Cliarlemagne. probable that the boundary definitions are the in- terpolation of later times.' The gain for the papal see under these conditions V\^as not very great. Charles probably would not have made his promise of donation if the pope had not been able to appeal to the precedent established by his father. He himself showed through his whole later action that the restoration of the territory to the Roman see, which the pope demanded, did not lie very close to his heart, and the fulfilment of such a promise de- pended upon conditions which made it easy to defer if not to evade it. Had he earnestly determined to restore to the pope possession of all those lands, undoubtedly he could have accomplished it ; and that this did not happen, while not proving that he would break his promise, shows that he had little interest in it. The position of Charles as patrician of Rome throws much light on his relations with the papal see. Stephen HI. had called Pippin and his son to .the patriciate of Rome as a sort of military pro- tectorship and honorary chieftainship over the church and her interests, but naturally without de- pendence on the emperor, since the pope and not the emperor had named them patricians. It was not for the interest of the pope, however, to use this title very generally, since it carried with it an idea of rule and of governorship. It was to lay upon the Carolingians obligations rather than to confer upon them rights and privileges. Ever ^ Wailz, vol. iii., pp. 180-182 ; 218-220; Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 156-170. King and Patrician. since the journey of Charles to Italy a change had come, not so much on account of his Easter visit to Rome, but in consequence of the complete ruin of the Lombard kingdom. He had now added to the honorary dignity of the patriciate the actual power of the Lombard king. He would realize the duties and rights of his patriciate ; but now, not in the name of the emperor, or even in that of the pope, but in his own, and he succeeded practically to the place of the emperor both in Roman and in Grecian Italy. On these relations depended the greater difficulties in the way of carrying out the donations. Even in the territories whose possession the pope really gained the rights of his sway were not uncon- tested. In no part of the possessions of the church was he wholly independent ; everywhere the Prank- ish king had certain rights, though nothing definite had been determined as to the limits of those rights on either side. It happened, in consequence of this lack of definiteness, that the relations of the pope with the royal officers, and often with the king him- self, led frequently to sharp discussions, from which it sometimes resulted that in all the lands of the church the supremacy belonged not to the pope, but to the Prankish king.' In this respect there was no difference between the exarchate and the other possessions of the pope where Charles exercised the right of supremacy." Here too he showed quite ' Waitz, vol. iii., p. i8i, note 2 ; Abel-Simson, vol. i., p. 174 and note i ; Dollinger, " Charles the Great," pp. 103-10S. "^ Dollinger. " Charles the Great," p. 104, note 2. Citing the affair of Archbishop Martin as a case in point ; Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 212-214. 204 TJic Age of CJiarlcmagnc. distinctly how slight was his zeal for the spread of church territory, for he allowed the exarchate to fall quite completely into the possession of the Archbishop of Ravenna, and for several years it was withheld by him from the pope. Charles was now recognized as the supreme ruler in all the territories of the church. For him prayer was offered in Hadrian's ritual in the Roman Church, as through- out the whole Prankish kingdom.^ The people in papal territory must swear fidelity to him as well as to the pope,^ and long before his coronation as em- peror the Romans in Italy were regarded as his vas- sals and Rome itself as a city of his kingdom.^ When Hadrian died in 795 and Leo was elected in his place, he transmitted, as once already had his predecessor, Stephen, to Charles Martel, the keys of the tomb of St. Peter and the banner of the city, joining with it the request that the king would send one of his nobles to bind by oath the Roman peo- ple in fidelity and submission to him.^ Nor can there be any doubt that Charles claimed true royal rights in Rome, and that Leo completely recognized them.^ He was the first of the popes who dated his public acts with the years of Charles's reign. Oppressed by an opposing party in the city, who charged him with heinous crimes, seized, maltreat- ' Jaff6, vol. iv., p. 205 ; Ep. 64, 774-780 A.D. » Ibid., p. 187. 2 Dollinger, " Charles the Great," p. 105, referring to Paulus. * Jaff6, vol. iv. p. 187 ; Ep. 56, 775 a.d.; Abel-Simson, vol. i. P- 175- ^ Jaff6, vol. iv., p. 354; Ep. Car., 10, 796 a.d. The Papal Oath of Purgation, 205 ed, and wounded, Leo, in 799, fled to Charles, whom he found in far-off Saxony. Officers of the king escorted him back to Rome, held a trial of his oppressors, and sent them into exile beyond the Alps.' And when, a year later, Charles himself came to Rome, the pope cleared himself from the charge with an oath in his presence. The following account is given by the papal biographer : " After a little while the great king himself came to the church of St. Peter, and was received with great honor. He then called together the arch- bishops, bishops, abbots, and all the nobility of the Franks and the equally illustrious men of the Ro- mans, and the great king and the most blessed pon- tiff sitting together, made the archbishops, bishops, and abbots sit near them, while the others, the priests and nobles, stood, that they might render a decision regarding the crimes charged against the pope. All declared : * We do not dare to judge the apostolic see, which is the head of all the churches of God, for we all are judged by it and by its vicar ; but it is judged by no one according to the ancient custom. As the chief pontiffs so have decreed, we canonically obey. ' But the venerable head of the church said, ' I follow the precedents of my predecessors, and from such false incrimina- tion as they have wickedly charged upon me I am ready to purge myself.' " "^ The oath is as follows : " Wherefore I, Leo, ' "Ann. Lauresh.," an. 799 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 37 ; "Ann. Laur. Maj. and Einhardi," an. 799; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 184-1S7, ' "Lib. Pondf.," vol. ii., p. 7, c. 21. 2o6 T/ie Age of Charlemagne. pontiff of the whole Roman Church, judged by no one, neither forced by any, but of my own free will, do purify and purge myself in your sight, and be- fore God and his angels, who know my conscience, and the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles, in whose church we are, that I have neither perpe- trated nor ordered to be done those criminal and wicked acts which they charge against me. God is my witness, to whose judgment-seat we all must come, and in whose sight we all just stand. And this I do of my own free will, on account of the suspicions raised against me ; not as though it were laid down in the canons, nor so as to bind this cus- tom or decree upon my successors in the holy church, or upon my brethren and fellow-bishops." ^ The papal biographer continues : " But on the next day, in the same church of St. Peter, all the archbishops, bishops, abbots, and all the Franks who were in the service of the great king, and all the Roman people being assembled, in their pres- ence the venerable pontiff embraced the four holy gospels of Christ, and before them all ascended to the pulpit and, under oath, said, with a clear voice : ' Indeed, of those false crimes with which the Ro- mans have accused me, who have unjustly persecut- ed me, I have no knowledge, and I deny that I have done such things.' All then joined in a litany of praise to God, to the Virgin Mary, to St. Peter, and to all the saints. After these things, the day of the birth of Christ arriving, they were all in the same church again, and then the venerable and ' Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 378 ; Ep. Car., 20, A.d. 800. The Coro?iatwn. 207 beneficent pontiff with his own hand crowned him with the most precious crown. Then all the faithful Romans, seeing what great care and love he had for the holy Roman Church and its vicar, unanimously, with a loud voice, by the will of God and of the blessed Peter, key-bearer of heaven, exclaimed : * To Charles, the most pious Augustus, crowned by God, great and pacific emperor, life and victory ! ' Before the sacred tomb of the blessed apostle Peter, invoking many saints, it was thrice said, and he was constituted by all emperor of the Romans. There also the most holy chief and pontiff anointed with holy oil Charles, his most excellent son, as king on the same day,' and Mass being ended, the most serene lord emperor offered a silver table, and at the tomb of St. Peter, with his sons and daughters, vases of pure gold and other gifts." "" • Charles had been raised to the kingship in 7SS, and had re- ceived from his father a kingdom in Neustria in 789. Abel-Simson, vol. ii., pp. 6, 7, " "Lib. Pontif.," vol. ii., pp. 7 ff., c. 22-25. CHAPTER XX. FRANKISH ACCOUNTS OF THE CORONATION — THE ACT OF THE POPE — THREE THEORIES — THE ATTITUDE OF CHARLES — RELATIONS WITH CONSTANTINOPLE — RENEWAL AND TRANSFER — TWO EMPERORS AND TWO EMPIRES — IDEA OF A WORLD EMPIRE IN UNION WITH THE CHURCH. F the personal action of the pope in the coronation of Charles the Great, two dif- ferent accounts are given, the Prankish and the papal, but these two accounts vary in so many important particulars that they cannot be combined. One must be right and the other wrong, and from internal evidence the Prankish seems more entitled to credence. The papal account was given at the close of the preced- ing chapter. The fullest account from Prankish sources is given in the Chronicle of Moissac, and is as fol- lows : " Now on the most holy day of the Lord's birth,' while the king was at mass, upon rising after prayer before the tomb of the blessed Apostle Peter, ' Friday, Dec. 25, 800 A.D. 208 ''Adoration' by the Pope. 209 Pope Leo, with the consent of all the bishops and priests and of the chief men of the Franks and like- wise of the Romans, set a golden crown upon his head, while the Roman people shouted aloud : ' To Charles Augustus, crowned by God the great and peace-giving emperor of the Romans, Life and Victory ! ' After hymns of praise had been sung by the people, he received the adoration of the pope,' after the apostolic manner of the ancient em- perors, since this also was done by the will of God. For while the emperor was at Rome, certain men were brought to him saying that the name of the emperor had ceased among the Greeks, and a woman held imperial rule among them, Irene by name, who had caused her son, the emperor, to be seized by treachery, and had put out his eyes and usurped for herself the imperial rule, as it is written of Athaliah in the Book of Kings. When they heard of this, Leo the pope, with all the assembly of the bishops, priests, and abbots, the senate of the Franks, and all the elders of the Romans, with the rest of the Christian people, held a council, and decided that they ought to give to Charles, the king of the Franks, the name of emperor, inasmuch as he held Rome, the mother of the empire, where the Caesars and the emperors always used to sit, and lest the heathens should mock the Christians if the name of emperor had ceased among them."' The other account declares that Charles held Rome itself and * " Einhardi Ann.," an. 8oi ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. iSg. 2 "Chronic. Moiss.," an. 8oi (for 800) ; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 505, 506. N 2IO The Age of Charlemagne. all the other regions which he ruled throughout Italy, Gaul, and Germany, and because the Al- mighty God had given all these lands into his power, so it seemed best to the council that, with the help of God and at the prayer of the whole Christian peo- ple, he should take the name of emperor. Whose petition King Charles was himself unwilling to re- fuse, but with all humility submitted himself to God, and at the petition of the priests and all the Christian people, on the day of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ took upon himself the name of emperor, being consecrated by the lord Pope Leo.' The noteworthy differences between these various accounts relate to the charges against the pope and his justification of himself before Charles, to the assemblies, consultations, formal petitions, and final decisions preceding the coronation itself, and to the fact that the papal account makes no mention of the adoration of the emperor by the pope according to the ancient custom, an important and undoubt- edly a real feature of the coronation and one not unsuited to the occasion.' A pope had already prostrated himself before Pippin, and the interven- tion of Charles was greatly needed by Pope Leo at this time. Bryce is right, however, in calling atten- tion to the absence of anything showing a strictly legal character. " The Prankish king does not of his own might seize the crown, but rather receives it as coming naturally to him, as the legitimate consequence of ' "Ann. Lauresh.," an. 8oi ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 38. ' " Einhardi Ann.," an. 801 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 189. Theo^^es of the Coronaiioji. 2 1 1 the authority he already enjoyed. The pope be- stows the crown, not in virtue of any right of his own as head of the church ; he is merely the instru- ment of God's providence, which has unmistakably pointed out Charles as the proper person to defend and lead the Christian commonwealth. The Roman people do not formally elect and appoint, but by their applause accept the chief who is presented to them. He came as conceived of, as directly ordered by the Divine Providence which has brought about a state of things that admits of but one issue— an issue which king, priest, and people have only to recognize and obey — their personal ambitions, pas- sions, intrigues, sinking and vanishing in reverential awe at what seems the immediate interposition of Heaven. And as the result is desired by all parties alike, they do not think of inquiring into one an- other's rights, but take their momentary harmony to be natural and necessary, never dreaming of the dif^culties and conflicts which were to arise out of what seemed then so simple. And it was just be- cause everything was thus left undetermined, not resting on express stipulations, but rather on a sort of mutual understanding and sympathy of beliefs and wishes which augured no evil, that the event admitted of being afterwards represented in so many different lights." ' It was only later in the bitter struggle between the Hohenstaufen emperors and the papacy that each party sought to find in the coronation of Charles a precedent for the rights which he claimed. ' Bryce, pp. 56, 57. 212 The Age of Charlemagne. The circumstances thus show that there must have been some preparation for the event. Negotiations for the union between the powers of East and West had already taken place, and at one time Rothrud, the eldest daughter of Charles, had been betrothed at the age of eight to Constantine, the youthful em- peror ten years of age, but this betrothal came to nothing, though there was a rumor that Charles himself was to marry the mother of the emperor. Irene then determined to seize the imperial power, and, as we have seen, blinded her son and usurped his throne. Prankish nobles or Romans and the pope became impatient, desiring to establish their independence of the empire of Constantinople which all of them had practically realized. It is quite probable that the coronation was discussed by Charles and the pope at the latter's visit to Pader- born in 799, and also probably with Hadrian, Pope Leo's predecessor, yet Einhard positively declares that the coronation came as a great surprise to Charles, and he asserts that at the first Charles had such an aversion to the titles of Emperor and Augustus, " that he declared that he would not have set foot in the church the day they were conferred, although it was a great feast-day, could he have foreseen the design of the pope." ' This statement cannot be explained away as an affectation or a fic- tion. The apparent contradiction can be explained by the fact that the surprise and objection felt by ' Einhard, " Vita Karoli," c. 28 ; " Poeta Saxo," bk. v., verses 527-534; Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 533, 662. Confirmed by "Ann. Max," an. 801 ; Abel-Simson, vol. ii., p. 239. opposition of Charles to the Coro7iation. 213 Charles were due to the time and manner of the act rather than to the act itself. The action of the pope was too precipitate. Charles, not wishing to antagonize the Greeks, probably had not given full consent to the plan, although he may have discussed it, nor had he made the final preparations for it. Yet ten of the chief dignitaries of the realm, two archbishops, five bishops, and three counts, whom he had sent as royal envoys to escort the pope back to Rome, had been in Rome for over a year, and must have been present at the deliberations and the council where it was planned. Also it is probable that Charles did not altogether like the self-ap- pointed position assumed by the pope in adding to the religious ceremony of anointing with the holy oil, the actual placing of the golden crown upon his head, implying, as it did, political rights and supe- riority. At any rate, it is significant that when the crown was bestowed upon Louis the Pious, in whose reign Einhard wrote, Charles directed his son to take it from the altar and place it on his own head.' It was on this account that he allowed himself to be crowned by the pope in 816, when, after the death of Charles, he reigned alone." The truth was, the pope needed Charles as an emperor even more than Charles needed the imperial title. Leo had already recognized him as overlord four years before, and realized that the coronation would make him even more the protector of the church, and would iden- tify him more closely with her interests. * Thegan, " De Gestis Ludow. Pii," c. 6. 2 Cf. Mombert, p. 365. 2 14 '^^^^ ^S^ ^f Charlemagne. There is little or no evidence of any serious thoughts in regard to the attitude and position which the East might take. Its real power ir Italy- had long since passed away, and beyond a few pos- sessions in the south it had no place. The contests and confusions in Italy had made the imperial crown of special value and significance to Charles in his endeavors to restore order and to establish a strong central authority. Furthermore, the weak- ness of the East was a disgrace to the church, and thus the pope had already ceased to mention the regnal years of the emperor in dating his edicts and decrees. The Council of Nice, which met in 787, and declared against the iconoclasts and in favor of image worship, had aroused the objection of Charles, and the Caroline books, issued just after the council which Charles held at Frankfort in 794, had been his reply, and he had even called upon Hadrian to denounce the emperor as a heretic. Hadrian had answered that he would summon the imperial court at Constantinople to surrender to the Roman See the patrimony of the jurisdiction of the Illyrian dio- cese, and that if this was refused, he would then con- demn the emperor as a heretic' This is why in the coronation of Charles little considerattion was paid to the Roman emperor in the East, though probably the hesitation of Charles was due to his desire to make an amicable arrangement with the court of Constantinople before taking the final step. Charles was recognized already as lord of Rome, and Alcuin said, in 799, " Rome belongs by right * Mansi, vol xiil., p. 759 ; Jaffe, vol. vi., p. 248 ; Ale. Ep. 33. Relation of the Neiu Empire to the East. 2 1 5 of possession to the king ; she is the true head of the body of his realm ;" and in a tribute to the good fortune and briUiant personal qualities of Charles himself, Alcuin declared that Charles excelled both pope and emperor in might, in wisdom, and in royal dignity.' Charles had outgrown his position as king of the Franks, and was already in reality the emperor, though without the title, for, with the exception of Britain, Spain, and Northern Africa, all of the im- perial possessions of old Rome owned his sway, while he had extended the ancient boundaries far to the north beyond the Danube and the Rhine, nor had he merely enlarged his territory. Rome hu- miliated, ill-used, and degraded to the ignoble role of a distant provincial town, was quite ready to wel- come an emperor of her own, and thus to hold again her old position of mistress of the nations and ruler of the world. The relation of the newly created empire to the East was more difficult to determine, and the ques- tion as to whether one or two empires resulted still vexes historians. The coronation of Charles carried with it a revival and renev/al of the imperial power of Rome, and the restoration of the empire was represented on a leaden seal, the reverse bearing Charles's portrait and the words, " Our lord Charles the pious, happy and ever Augustus," the obverse the gate of a city between two towers surmounted by a cross, below which was the word " Rome," and around it the inscription, " The Revival {Rcno- ' Jaffe, vol. vi., Alcuini Epist., No. 114. 2i6 The Age of Charlemagne. vatid) of the Roman Empire." It has been said that this was effected without creating two Roman empires, and in a sense this is true. The imperial throne at Constantinople was vacant, only a woman occupied the place, and this was presented as one of the reasons for Charles's coronation, as stated by the chronicles. Undoubtedly Charles would have wished to have made some arrangements with the imperial power at Constantinople before taking the imperial crown, but that had been impossible. On the authority of an Eastern chronicler, Theophanes, we learn that he did propose marriage to Irene, but the plan was opposed by her chief minister, .^Etius, and a short time afterwards a conspiracy placed the imperial treasurer, Nicephorus, on the throne.^ In a sense also there was unquestionably a trans- fer of the imperial power from Constantinople to Rome, and this transfer did result ultimately in the existence of two empires, for beyond this plan of Charles, in regard to the marriage to Irene, there was no attempt or thought to conquer or absorb the East ; and when the new emperor was crowned at Constantinople, Charles tried to gain his acknowledg- ment." It must have been felt that the imperial power over Rome, which had been held by the Roman emperor at Constantinople ever since the ^ Dollinger, " Charles the Great," p. 133. '■^ In the annals of the time Charles is called the sixty-eighth emperor, Constantine VI. the sixty-seventh. Brice, p. 63. When Rudolph of Ilapsburg confirmed the papal possessions in Italy to the pope, one of the reasons given was that the Holy See had transferred the empire to the Germans from the Greeks. "Cod. Epist. Rudulphi," vol. i., p. 80; quoted by Lea, p. 38, note 3. Two Emperors and Tiuo Empires. ' 217 sixth century, was restored now to the West, and that henceforth in the strictest Western sense the rulers at Constantinople were no longer Roman em- perors. There was unquestionably also a recog- nition on both sides, not only of two emperors, but of two empires. Einhard in his annals tells us that, in the year 812, the Emperor Nicephorus died in battle, and his son-in-law Michael, having succeeded him upon the imperial throne, received at Constan- tinople deputies sent to Michael by the Emperor Charles, and sent them away with an embassy of his own to confirm the treaty of peace, for which nego- tiations had been begun with Nicephorus. In a letter written in 811 by " Charles I., Emperor to Nicephorus, Emperor of the Greeks," as the title reads, he addresses him as his brother, and seeks to gain his recognition.^ In a letter, in 813, written to Michael, he ad- dresses him as follows : "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Charles by divine grace, emperor and Augustus, and likewise king of the Franks and Lombards, to his beloved and honorable brother Michael, glorious emperor and Augustus, eternal salvation in Our Lord Jesus Christ," while in the very beginning of this letter he expresses his gratitude that by divine favor, ** in our own days the thing sought and for- ever desired, peace between the Eastern and West- ern Empire, has been established."' This shows very clearly the view which was held by Charles in ' Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 393-396 ; Ep. Carol. 29. 2 Ibid., pp. 415, 416; Ep. Carol. 40. 2i8 The Age of CJiarlema^ne. regard to the condition of affairs and the relation between Rome and Constantinople. In 812 the ambassadors of the Eastern Empire addressed Charles as " emperor" in the church at Aix-la- Chapelle, and years afterwards when, in the twelfth century, the rivalry between the two once more broke out, Isaac of Constantinople addressed Fred- erick as ** most generous emperor of Germany," and in another letter uses this form, " Isaac, faithful in Christ, divinely crowned, sublime, potent, highly exalted, heir to the crown of Constantine the Great, Romaic (Roineori) moderator and angel, to the most noble emperor of ancient Rome, king of Germany, and beloved brother in his imperial rule, greeting." ' Charles intended immediately after his coronation to make a conquest of Sicily in order to save it from the Saracens, but he gave up this plan in order to purchase peace with Constantinople, and in 837 Sicily passed under the Moslem control. After years of opposing differences and long discussions an agree- ment came about, which left to the Greeks Venetia and Dalmatia and the possessions belonging to them in southern Italy, while Charles gained recognition as emperor. Thus the Roman Empire dissolved partnership with the East, and restricted its rights to the West, where it revived its ancient rule.^ The pope, regarded as the representative of the empire and of Romanism, and surely as the head of Latin nationality, and still more as the recognized spiritual overseer of the Christian republic, possessed * Bryce, p. 192, note i. ' Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 200, 201. The Empire and the Church. 219 the power of accomplishing that revolution, which without the aid of the church would have been im- possible, and gave a visible guarantee of that divine sanction which was needed to justify the event. Perhaps Charles, as well as Leo, did believe in the possibility of preserving the indivisibility of the em- pire like that of the cliurch, but the continuance of the imperial line at Constantinople, after the brief vacancy following the death of Constantine VI., rendered futile any such hopes. With the history, the traditions, and the name of Rome there was unquestionably revived the idea of a world empire, such as had ever been bound up with the Roman name, and its realization was sought, at least as far as it might be realized, among all the people and in all the states in the West — that is, in Europe. Thus the union with the church made its influence felt, and thus the church imparted to the empire something of its character and aims and purposes, that just as the church had the task, and must ever strive to extend its sphere by the spread of Christianity among people as yet unconverted, so the rule of the emperor received therefrom the prospect of a wider expansion, without regard to the earlier limits of the ancient empire, but co- extensive with the church. This gave it new rela- tions and new tasks, though with distinctly German characteristics. The empire was called Roman, but it was really a Christian Germanic power. It was the final result of that development which began with the wandering of the German tribes and their extension over the Roman provinces, and which had 2 20 The Age of Charlemagne. carried with it their conversion to Christianity, their reception into the Christian church, and had now placed their foremost leader on the imperial throne of Christian Rome. All the power and dominions hitherto obtained by the Prankish kings were now added to the empire. CHAPTER XXI. THEORIES UNDERLYING THE CORONATION — CLOSER RELATIONS WITH THE PAPACY — THE OLD TESTAMENT IDEAL— AUGUSTINE'S CITY OF GOD — THE GENERAL ADMONITION — SECULAR AND ECCLESIASTICAL ADMINISTRATION — THE SPAN- ISH CAMPAIGN — DOWNFALL OF THE DUKE OF THE BAVARIANS — SUBMISSION OF THE DUKE OF BENEVENTO — THE CONQUEST OF THE AVARS. HE coronation of Charles by the pope brought the new emperor into closer and more intimate relations with the papacy, though conferring upon him no additional rights, but now once for all the relation- ship with the East was finally broken, and all the connections which had existed between the church and the emperor from the time of Constantine the Great to Constantine VI. were transferred to Charles the Great. As to the source from which he derived his imperial authority it is not easy to say, though it is impossible to go as far as Waitz goes in affirming that" neither the coronation by the pope nor the salutation by the people could have conferred any formal right on the new emperor, and that the right 22 2 The Age of Charlemagne. of Charles lay in the might of the deeds which had brought about this elevation to which the voice of the people had given only a recognition and some definite expression.' Unquestionably the imperial dignity would never have been conferred upon Charles had it not been for his wonderful successes within the kingdom, and in his conquests beyond its boundaries, especially over the Lombards, and the consequent need of some strong established civil power in Italy for the protection of the papacy and its rights, as well as for the maintenance of peace and order. As for the justification of the act, it is not far to seek. The Greeks had degraded the imperial dignity and allowed it to fall into the blood- stained hands of a woman, and the Romans, failing to receive any protection from the East, had re- sumed their ancient right of election. Thus the imperial authority in the West had been transferred to the leader of the Franks, because he was the master of the city which was the capital of the empire, and exercised a truly imperial rule. It is significant that Theophanes, the only Byzantine contemporary who mentions the occurrence, has omitted any reference to the election and consent of the people. " It is hardly necessary to observe," says Bury in a very important passage, '* that the election of the new Roman emperor, if it was not legally defensible, was yet as thoroughly justifiable by the actual history of the two preceding centuries, as it has been justified by the history of the ten suc- ' Waitz, vol. iii., pp. 195, 196. Justification of the Papal Action. 223 ceeding centuries. For the popes had practically assumed in the West the functions and the position of the emperor. It was around them and their bishops that the municipalities rallied in a series of continual struggles with the Lombards. The pres- ence of the emperor's delegates in Italy was becom- ing every year less effectual. It was the pope who organized missionary enterprises to convert the heathen in the West, just as it was the emperor who furthered similar enterprises in the East. Greg- ory I., in spite of the respectful tone of his letters to Maurice and Phocas, was the civil potentate in Italy. The mere fact that the pope was the largest landed proprietor in Roman Italy concurred to give him an almost monarchical position. As the virtual sov- ereign then of Italy as far as it was Roman — for even in the day of the exarchs he had often been its sovereign more truly than the exarch or the emperor — and as the bearer of the idea of the Roman Em- pire with all its traditions of civilization, the pope had a right, by the standard of justice, to transfer the representation of the ideas whereof he was the keeper to one who was able to realize them." ' He had accomplished by peaceful measures that which nations are able to effect sometimes only by bloody revolutions. Yet Charles relied upon neither the corona- tion by the pope nor the election by the people, nor did he make Rome the capital of his em- pire nor recognize in the Roman people in the future any right to dispose of the imperial dignity, > Bury, vol. ii., pp. 508, 509. 2 24 ^^^^ ^S^ of Charlemagne, nor did he conceive of the imperial authority as if in the future it depended on the consecration of the pope. He visited Rome only four times during his reign, and his stay was always short, for he had no residence there, and was only the guest of the pope in the Lateran. Louis, his son and successor, never went there, and Lothair was the next to receive the imperial crown in Rome. On the death of Louis IL without issue a contest for the imperial dignity arose, and was settled only by an appeal to the pope. Pope John VIIL, taking advantage of the circumstances, offered the crown to Charles the Bold, and, his invitation being accepted, the pope appeared once more as the supreme authority in naming and crowning the emperor. Thus the sec- ond Charles was crowned by the pope in Rome on Christmas Day, 875. He was obliged, however, to renounce formally all claims over the States of the Church, as the papal possessions in Italy were called. After this the pontifical coronation was considered necessary and decisive in case of contesting claims, and after the creation of the Holy Roman Empire by Otto L, in 962, it was inseparably connected with the title of emperor. At this first coronation of Charles the Great, how- ever, the pope had merely to confirm and to give relig- ious recognition to that power which, so far as it was exercised, existed independently of him — indeed to which he himself, together with Rome and all his pos- sessions, was subject. Charles had been the first to make use of the title of "patrician," although it had been bestowed in the first place upon his father, but Imperial Supremacy. 225 the name of " patrician" now disappeared or was swallowed up in the larger and more comprehensive title of " emperor," giving a more settled character and a firmer basis to the rights which he had already exercised not only as patrician, but as conqueror of Italy and king of the Lombards. Rome belonged to the empire. The pope was a bishop belonging to it as others did, though of higher rank and authority, and in many respects in a peculiar position, but still bound to the emperor, to whom Leo speaks of his service due, which he and the people of the city recognized by the usual oath of fidelity. This is shown by the very necessity which seems to have been the immediate cause of the coronation of itself, the persecution inflicted upon Leo by his enemies, which drove him from Rome and led him to seek for protection and support at the feet of Charles, to whom both he and the nobles of the city referred the case for judgment, constituted Charles as a tribunal to try the case, and formed a basis for that recognition of the supremacy of the civil power which seemed so essential to the maintenance of the papacy.' Now more than ever Charles stood forth as the protector and supporter of the church, the secular head, just as the pope was the spiritual head, and the acts of Charles were an increasing realiza- tion of this great fact, although they had been mani- fested in the preceding years of his reign, particu- larly after the conquest of the Lombards and the peculiarly intimate relations with the pope which that event brought about. 1 "Ann. Lauresh.," an. 800 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 38. O 226 The Age of Charlemagne. On many occasions, not only in his capitularies and in the great missionary work which he encour- aged and sustained, in his recognition of the church in political as well as in religious life, but also in his conversation, he showed a deep and reverent appre- ciation of the high religious position to which he was called as head of the united kingdoms of the West and the patron and protector of the church and of Christianity. He might well be called by the pope a second Constantine the Great, not on account of his donations of land and of temporal wealth, but rather on account of the devotion of his heart and the consecration of all the forces of his being to that great work which he accomplished for the church in the West at a most critical period of its existence. Nor was this attitude of mind and soul without its cause. Among the Christian Fathers known and studied at his time, especially by Alcuin and in the palace school, were the writings of St. Augustine, of which Charles was especially fond, never tiring of hearing them read. " While at table," Einhard tells us, " he listened to reading or music. The subjects of the readings were the stories and deeds of olden time ; he was fond, too, of St. Augustine's books, and es- pecially of the one entitled the * City of God.' " ' The magnificent ideal presented in this, one of the grandest and noblest treatises in all theology and politics, seems to have had the strongest influ- ence upon his own ideas, and held before that new, fresh genius of the West, just rising out of barbar- ' Einhard, " Vila," c. 24. Charles and St. Augustine. 227 ism, the higlicst standard which the ancient world of Rome and the noblest truths of Christianity could create. " \Vould to God/' he is reported to have said, " I had twelve such men as St. Augustine !" to which Alcuin significantly replied, " The Creator of heaven and earth was content with one." ' Per- haps one of the finest evidences of this spirit and ideal are presented in the General Admonition, as it is called, set forth in the form of a capitulary in the assembly of 798, many of the passages of which will well repay quotation. " In the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ruleth forever, I, Charles, by the grace of God and by the favor of his mercy, king and ruler of the kingdom of the Franks, and the devoted defender and humble helper of the holy church, to all ranks of ecclesiastical piety and dignities of secular power the salutation of perpetual peace and blessedness in Christ our Lord, the God eternal. Regarding with the peaceful consideration of a pious mind, together with our priests and counsellors, the abundant clem- ency of Christ our King towards us and towards our people, and how needful it is not only with the whole heart and mouth to return thanks continually for his compassion, but also by a constant exercise of good works to show forth his praise, so that he who has conferred such great honor upon our realm may deign by his protection to preserve us and our kingdom forever. Wherefore it has pleased us to ask your ability, O pastors of the Church of Christ and leaders of his flock, most shining lights of the ^ Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 639 ; " Mon. Sangall.," bk. 1 , c. x. 2 28 The Age of Charlemagne. world, that by your watchful care and zealous ad- monition you strive earnestly to lead God's people to the pastures of eternal life, and to bring back the erring sheep to safety within the strong walls of the church, in the arms of your good examples and ex- hortations, lest the treacherous wolf finding any outside devour one who transgresses the canonical sanctions or goes beyond the paternal traditions of the universal councils. So by the great zeal of your devotion admonishing and exhorting them, they must be compelled at once to remain within the paternal sanctions with a firm faith and steadfast perseverance ; in which labor and zeal let your holiness most surely know that our diligence will co-operate with yours. Wherefore we have sent to you our commissioners {iJiissi), who by the authority of our name will with you correct all that needs cor- rection. Moreover, we subjoin also some capitu- laries from the canonical institutions^ which seem to us to be most necessary. Let no one, I ask, judge this pious admonition to be presumptuous whereby we desire to correct what is in error, to do away with what is superfluous and to strengthen that which is right, but let him receive it with a favor- able and charitable disposition ; for we read in the Books of the Kings how the holy Josiah, going about the kingdom given to him by God, correct- ing and admonishing, strove to recall the people to the worship of the true God ; not that I can make myself his equal in holiness, but that we must ever ' The Dionysian Collection sent to Charles by Pope Hadrian in 774. The Gefieral Admonition. 229 follow the example of the holy men everywhere, and, as far as we can, join in the endeavor after a good life to the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." After this noble introduction, unquestionably written by Charles himself, the capitularies proceed to enforce certain of the decrees of the Council of Nice and of Chalcedon as well as of Antioch, Sar- dica, and other minor councils. Appeal is made also to the decrees of Popes Leo, Innocent, and Siricius. Further capitularies of a general significance are then added, and are here numbered as in the orig- inal : "61. First of all, that the Catholic faith may be diligently taught and preached to all the people by the bishops and presbyters, because this is the first commandment of the Lord God Almighty in the law, ' Hear, O Israel : The Lord our God is one Lord : and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. ' ' '' 62. That there may be peace and harmony and concord with all Christian people among bishops, abbots, counts, judges, and all people everywhere, the least as well as the greatest, because nothing is pleasing to God without peace, not even the gift of the holy oblation at the altar." Then follow many appropriate quotations from the gospels and epistles relating to love and justice and the other" precepts of the gospel." ' Deut. vi. 4, 5 ; as quoted in St. Mark xii. 29, 30. TJie Age of CJiarleinagne. " 70. That the bishops should cliHgcntly examine the presbyters in their diocese as to their faith and celebrations of baptisms and masses, that they hold the right faith and administer baptisms according to the Catholic usage, and well understand the prayers of the mass, and that the Psalms be properly sung according to the divisions of the verses, that they understand the Lord's Prayer, and preach so as to be understood by all, that each may know what he asks of God ; and that the Gloria Patri be sung by all Vvdth due honor, and the priest himself with the holy angels and the people of God together sing the SanctiLS, Sancttis, Sanctus, And by all means the presbyters and deacons must be told that they may not bear arms, but trust in the protection of God rather than in arms. "71. Likewise it has pleased us to admonish your reverence that each one of you should see that throughout his diocese the Church of God has its due honor, and that the altars are venerated accord- ing to their dignity, that the house of God and the sacred altars may not be accessible to dogs, and that the vessels consecrated to God may be gathered up with great care and treated with respect by those who are worthy. Also that secular business and vain conversation be not carried on in the churches, because the house of God should be a house of prayer and not a den of thieves ; and that the peo- ple have minds intent upon God when they come to the solemn service of the mass, and let them not depart before the ending of the priestly benedic- tion." Ecclesiastical and Secular Affairs, 2X\ Just as plain and explicit directions are ^nven re- garding scriptural preaching according to the Niccne Creed, denouncing crimes, admonishing to virtues. This document, worthy of a modern bishop's pas- toral, concludes with these words : So, most beloved, let us with all our heart pre- pare ourselves in the knowledge of tlie truth, that we may be able to resist those who deny the truth, and that the Word of God, by the favor of divine grace, may increase and extend and be multiplied to the benefit of God's Holy Church, and to the sal- vation of our souls and to the praise and glory of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace to the preachers, grace to the obedient, and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."' It should be noted that this capitulary not only sets forth precepts of a very high order belonging to a truly spiritual Christianity, but also gives evi- dence of high attainments in the Prankish Church, which alone could justify or offer a sufficient basis for such a general admonition with any prospect of its being received and obeyed. Thus the rule of Charles included ecclesiastical and secular affairs, and to the details of each he gave his most careful attention. The canons of the church had the same weight as the laws of the state, and the assemblies of the state were also synods of the church. The heresies of Bishop Felix and the decisions of the Council of Constantinople in regard to image worship were condemned in the same as- semblies that issued laws against political offences ' Boretius, vol. i., pp. 52-62 ; " Admonitio Generalis," 789 a.d. 232 The Age of Charlemagne, and regulations for the order and administration of the state. Indeed, the capitularies largely included regulations for the clergy, the churches, and the cloisters, while the decretals of Rome, the canons of the councils, and the fundamental principles of the church were made valid in the Prankish kin";- dom through these assemblies. Charles was occu- pied especially with the life and conduct, the educa- tion and the learning of the clergy, for he realized the great importance of their position and functions not only to the church, but to the state as well.' He appointed bishops^ just as he did secular ofificials, and employed them as commissioners and ministers of his will, holding them responsible in the same way and to the same extent that he did the dukes and counts and other lay officials.^ He adminis- tered ecclesiastical property as he did state property, and was the supreme lord of the church in his do- ^ I main.* In the writings of the scholars whom Charles /had gathered around him the idea was developed / and established of one large comprehensive Chris- ! tian kingdom, in which ecclesiastical and political \ interests are bound up together under the care and ' guidance of one and the same ruler, inspired by the teachings of Christianity and acting for the spiritual, moral, and temporal welfare of his people. We have seen the growth of this theocratic idea, bor- rowed from the books of the Old Testament, em- * Boretius, vol. i., pp. 79, 80, 241. ' Waitz, vol. iii., p. 424, note 2. ' Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 634, 635 ; " Men. Sangall," bk. i., c. iv., v. ^ " Bishop of the Bishops," Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 655 ; " Mon. San- gall.," bk. i., c. XXV. The Spanish Campaign. 233 phasized by the early Christian writers, and applied with increasing significance to the Frankish kings, who from the time of Clovis appeared as the pro- moters of Christianity, and claimed to fight their battles for the cause of God, until with the corona- tion of Pippin, first by the Frankish bishops and three years later by the pope, the idea receives a firm and substantial basis. The words of Pippin expressing this view are not uncommon. " Because it is certain that the divine providence has raised us to the throne," or " Because we through divine compassion rule the kingdoms of the earth," or By the aid of God who has established us on the throne of our power." * While these expressions become quite usual in the mouth of Charles, who speaks not only of the people and the kingdom granted by God, but also of the bishoprics and monasteries committed or entrusted to his govern- ance,' the ecclesiastical chroniclers, however, more often speak of the kingdom or the empire as an office, although an office conferred by God, and they do not cease to emphasize duties and obliga- tions therewith conferred. In concluding this chapter we must refer to two campaigns by Charles which deserve our notice on account of the special interest attaching to each of them. The first was the romantic but fruitless campaign connected with his expedition into Spain. At the Diet of Paderborn, in jj'j, a number of Mahometan ambassadors appeared before Charles * Waitz, vol. iii., p. 231, note 3. ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 79, " De litteris colendis." 234 "^^^^ ^S^ ^f Charlemagne. on behalf, they said, of the large number of Arabs in Spain already dissatisfied with the rule of their Emir at Cordova. They had heard of Charles. The glory of his martial deeds had reached them in their home be- yond the Pyrenees. They accordingly sent Ibn-al- Arabi, governor of Saragossa, with others, who put themselves under the king's protection^ and to gain his aid in throwing off the rule of the^'EmijiJ Charles accepted their offer, and preparations were made during the winter for the great exploit from v/hich so much was expected — even no less than the win- ning back of Spain to Europe and to Christianity. In the spring two armies, made up from all the peo- ple in alliance with the Franks, started for the south, one army headed by Duke Bernard, the uncle of Charles and his foremost general, to go by way of the Mediterranean, the other, commanded by Charles himself, over the Pyrenees and through the valley of Roncesvalles.^ Both armies were to meet at Saragossa, which Ibn-al-Arabi was to surrender at their call. All went well until their meeting before the walls of the city, which they found closed against them. The inhabitants and defenders of the city failed to concur with the plans of their governor, or, more probably, the fulfilment of his threats by the presence of Charles with his army had enabled him to secure the concessions he had demanded. What took place at Saragossa we do not know, for the chroniclers on each side exaggerate their own ex- ploits and contradict those of the other side. Cer- ' " Einhardi Ann.," an. 77S ; " Vita," c. 9. The ''Song of RolajidJ' 235 tain it is that the Spanish expedition of Charles was a failure, and his army was snatched from defeat and destruction only by his shrewd and cautious generalship in leading- his armies in their retreat through the dangerous and hostile country. One disaster occurred. In an attack made on the rear- guard, while passing through the valley of Ronces- valles, the Franks in that division were killed to a man. It was this disaster which has been made the subject of legend and of song, for here fell Roland, the prefect of the marches of Brittany, whose last bugle call Charles is said to have heard faintly, far off in the distance, without realizing the danger of his friend and hero. The famous *' Song of Roland" of the romance writers is founded upon this incident, which has been set forth in the well-known lines of Scott : " O for the voice of that wild horn On Fontarabian echoes borne, The dying hero's call, That told imperial Charlemagne How Paynim sons of swarthy Spain Had wrought his champion's fall." ' Soon after this, in 779, Charles prepared for a sec- ond journey to Italy, and in the winter of 780 took up his residence in the palace of Pavia. From here he put forth two capitularies," that he might estab- lish order and discipline and much-needed reform in the country. Among other evils, Christian and pagan serfs were sold into slavery. On his way to 1 " Rob Roy," chap. ii. 5 Boretius, vol. i., pp. 206, 207, No. 99 ; pp. 190, 191, No. 90. 236 TJlc Age of Charlemagne. Rome Charles stopped at Parma, and there for the first time met Alcuin on his way to England carry- ing the pall granted by the pope to the archbishop of York. Easter was spent at Rome, and Karl- mann, the second son of Charles, was baptized with the name of Pippin, the pope himself standing as his godfather ; he was then crowned king of Italy, though only four years of age, and his younger brother, Louis, was crowned king of Aquitaine at the age of three. The entrance of Louis into his king- dom of Aquitaine deserves description. A company of good nurses under strong military escort took charge of his youthful majesty of Aquitaine, and conducted him in a cradle from the banks of the Meuse to the banks of the Loire at Orleans, where they took him out of the cradle and prepared him for a more dignified and martial presentation to the people. They encased him in a coat of mail ex- pressly constructed for his tender frame, gave him suitable weapons, and set him on a charger, and as he was too small to guide it or to sit alone they held him in place, and thus introduced him into his dominions.* It was about ten years after the fruitless campaign into Spain that Charles determined upon the con- quest of the Avars, which resulted finally in another conversion of the remnant of a great people to Christianity. Only just before he had succeeded in bringing to submission two refractory dukes. Urged by Pope Hadrian, in 787, he had forced the duke of Benevento to acknowledge his supremacy and to ' " Vita Hludowici ;" M. G. SS., vol. ii. Benevento and Bavaria. 237 take the oath of allegiance to him,' a peace which enabled Charles to add much to the papal posses- sions— Capua, Populonia, Rosellee, and possibly Sovona, Toscanella, Viterbo, Bagnaria, and some other cities of Benevento.' Charles immediately afterwards proceeded against Tassilo, the duke of the Bavarians. In 788, at the Diet of Ingelheim, both the duke and his wife were seized and their children arrested. Tassilo was doomed to death, but Charles commuted the sentence to the monastic life, a favor- ite mode of punishing kings and great lords, by get- ting rid of them quite effectually without putting them to death. The other members of the ducal family were scattered in the monasteries and nun- neries of the realm. After the overthrow of the duke Charles proceeded to subdue the duchy. He established a military occupation of its boundaries, annexed the whole territory to his kingdom, and turned it into a Frankish province governed by the counts of his appointment in the various districts, with Duke Ceroid, his brother-in-law, as legal gov- ernor, and required the Bavarian nobles to swear fealty to him, and to guarantee their allegiance by giving hostages. He then turned his attention to the Avars. They were a savage and barbarous people living on the Bavarian frontiers. Lawless and fierce, they pil- laged and devastated the country, burning and de- stroying the churches. They were, as their prede- ' "Ann. Lauriss.,"an. 7S7 ; M. G. SS , vol. i., p. 16S ; Einhard, " Vita," c. 10. ' Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 571, 572. 238 The Age of CJiarlcmagnc. cessors under Attila in the fifth century had been, the Scourge of God. They were the terror of all Europe. War against them would be exceedingly popular, and Charles undertook it, the chronicler says, with more spirit than any of his other wars, and made far greater preparations for it.' Three army corps were formed — the Italians under the dukes of Friuli and Istria, with King Pippin as nom- inal head, the forces of Gaul and Germany under Charles himself, while the Bavarian forces brought a fleet and sailed down the Danube. At the bor- ders of the realm a fast and service of litanies last- ing^ for three days formed the religious inauguration of the war.* A sudden and brilliant victory by the army of Pippin, and the consequent demoralization and flight of a host of Avars, marked an auspicious opening to the campaign.' A wholesale baptism of the conquered people followed, but the same faith- lessness and spirit of revolt were seen in them as characterized the Saxons. The first campaign closed in 791, but it was not until 803 that the final regula- tion of the Avar affairs was made. In many of the expeditions great booty was secured, the Avars hav- ing large stores of gold and silver. The last appear- ance of the Avars was in 805, when the weakened and diminished people, exposed to the incessant depredations of the Slavonians, from Vv^hich they were no longer able to defend themselves, went humbly into the presence of their chief to beg the ' Einhard, "Vita,"c. 13. * Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 349, 350; Ep, Carol. 6; a letter from Charles to his Queen Fastrada. 2 " Einhardi Ann.," an. 791 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 177. The Coiiqicest of tJic ylvars. 239 aid of the Emperor Charles, and to ask his permis- sion to settle on the little tract of land on the bank of the river Danube within the Frankish dominions.' The piteous appeal of their heart-broken Christian Avar chieftain, standing on the verge of the grave, told most eloquently and most pathetically what the Franks had done. * " Einhardi Ann.," an. 805 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 192. CHAPTER XXII. IMPERIAL ADMINISTRATION — CENTRAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT — THE MISSI — THE ASSEMBLIES — THE CAPITULARIES. |T is an oft-debated question whether Charles was greater as a general in war or as a ruler in administration. A mod- ern historian^ says that he was greater as a conqueror than as a law-giver, while Gibbon estimates his military powers lightly, and says, " Charles might behold with envy the Saracen trophies of his grandfather." " But," he con- tinues, " I touch with reverence the laws of Charle- magne. ' ' " We have noticed already some of the examples of his early legislation. As emperor he carried out more fully and organized more systematically the administration already established. The greatness of Charles is not in question, the object is to decide in what that greatness consisted. Paulus Diaconus says of him : " One knows not which to admire most in this great man, his bravery in war or his wisdom in peace, the glory of his military achieve- ' Andrews, pp. 138, 139 and note i. ^ Gibbon, c. 49. 240 The Greatness of Charles. 241 ments or the splendor of his triumphs in tlic liberal arts.'". Although the second king of his lunise, he gave his name to the whole dynasty, and the entire period before and after him is known as the " Ageof Charlesthe Great." The preceding events prepared and led up to his crowning work, while the events of the century succeeding were permeated by his influence and felt the inspiration of what he had accomplished. The revolution which placed his family upon the throne had been effected by his father, and the kingly rule already established was handed on to him, but the glory of his defence and administration of the kingdom thus received eclipsed that of his predecessors, although without them his work would not have been possible. Yet all that he accomplished seemed destined to be overthrown and to leave no permanent results, and this, which is merely a superficial view, though held by many historians, Guizot tells us, would compare him to a meteor dashing out from the shades of bar- barism, only to disappear and be lost in the dark- ness of feudalism." The work of Charles was of a threefold nature : to guard what had already been established, to strength- en by extension where necessary, and to consolidate and centralize the power necessary for accomplish- ing this work. After the death of Charles con- quests ceased, unity disappeared, and the empire fell apart, but the different parts were not as they had been before their union. Great and glorious as it was, the empire formed under Charles the Great was not, ' Quoted by Alzog, vol. ii., p. iS8. ' Guizot, Lecture xx. P 242 The Age of Charlemagne. and, in the nature of things, could not be permanent, but the work of Charles, even though it did not remain in the form in which he left it, was nevertheless the necessary preparation for the founding of great na- tions with definite boundaries, fixed centres, and established aims and purposes, capable of self-de- fence and of self-development. The imperial organ- ization itself, which Charles realized for a moment, was a dream and not a. reality, the form of which disappeared when the spirit had fled and the source of its power and unity was withdrawn. It was in that \vhich he was able to accomplish for the differ- ent elements of his great empire that the true suc- cess of his endeavor lies. His administration divided itself naturally into the local and the central government. The oldest parts of his kingdom and those nearer the centre were divided into districts of varying size, over Avhich he appointed counts, usually from noble fam- ilies residing in the district. The larger and more distant and later added territories were ruled by dukes, in most cases the descendants or successors of the early kings of the country before it was merged into the Frankish Empire. On the borders of the realm still larger single districts were formed, not so directly under the rule of Charles, and each was placed under a mark-count or margrave, later marquis, from the German mark-graf. These border provinces served as a protection to the kingdom within and as a defence and guard against barbarian tribes without. Associated with these dukes and counts were ^ Mi SSI DomL inici. 243 archbishops, bishops, and abbots, who had ecclesi- astical supervision in connection with their office, and exercised a certain jurisdiction on account of their position, while under these higher officers were lower ranks of resident officials — judges, cen- turions, and others. These all held lands from the king, and exercised their powers partly in his name and partly in their own. In addition to these resident officials were the royal commissioners, missi dominici, authorized agents of his power, to oversee, to perform, to ad- minister, and to report to him the complaints w^hich they received and the duties w^hich they performed. By their aid Charles endeavored to enforce his own authority, to make his influence felt in the remotest borders of his kingdom, and to correct abuses aris- ing from the greed and incompetence or indifference of his counts and their subordinates. The report which they brought back often led to new acts of legislation set forth in the capitularies. The organ- ization and establishment of these commissioners formed a characteristic feature of Charles's admin- istration, though they w^ere not originated by him. However, they were not employed probably by any of his kings or mayors of the palace previous to Charles Martel. After the conquest of Aquitaine we find them mentioned in the Aquitanian capitu- laries put forth by Pippin in the following law : ** Whatever our commissioners and elders of the king have determined for our own benefit and that of the whole church let us not presume to oppose." ' » BorQtjus, vol. i., p. 43 ; Cap. Aq., c. 12, 768 .\.i), 244 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^f Charlemagne. In 782 they appear in a military capacity, Charles having sent three to conduct the army against a few Slavs who had risen in revolt,' while there are many instances in which they take command of the troops in the field. Pippin in administering the kingdom of Italy sub- ject to his father sent two ecclesiastical commission- ers to inspect the monasteries and to report their condition both moral and material/ They held also a most important place and exercised a very great influence among the Saxons. As we have seen already, no general assemblies were to be held among the Saxons unless the order was sent through the commissioners, and the importance of these officers is seen from the fact that they are granted the triple wergeld of the highest dignitaries. Among the first acts of the newly crowned emperor on returning to his own country, in 802, was the complete organization of his vast dominions, and in this work appears the tremendous energy and won- derful ability which he possessed, and which were so necessary to hold together realms so diverse in language, in customs, and in race. For the per- formance of this great task he developed and put into general operation this system of commissioners. The best and earliest evidence as to the nature of the government of Charles as emperor may be found in the great capitulary of 802 regarding these com- missioners, from which a few quotations should be made. "Ann. Lauriss.," an. 782 ; M. G, SS., vol. i., p. 162. Boretius, vol. i., p. 199; Cap. Pap,, c. n, 787 a.d. The Imperial Governmeiit. 245 " The most serene and Cliristian lord emperor, Charles, has chosen from his nobles and sent into all parts of his kingdom the wisest and most pru- dent men, both archbishops, bishops, venerable abbots, and pious laymen, and through them has granted to all persons to live according to just law. Moreover, wherever otherwise than justly and rightly anything has been established by law, this he has commanded them with most diligent zeal to seek out and to lay before him, and this he himself by divine favor desires to improve. And let no one by his own cleverness and astuteness, according to the custom of many, dare to interfere with the writ- ten law, or to disturb the course of justice, or to set himself up against the churches of God, or poor persons, or widows, or children, or any Christian man, but let all men live according to the command of God, justly and in accordance with the righteous judgment, and let every one in his own place and profession continue .to live in unity with others. Let the canons in canonical life scrupulously abstain from business and base gain. Let nuns with dili- gent care guard their life. Let the laity and those living in the world obey every law without fraud or deceit, and in every particular live in perfect charity and peace. Let the commissioners themselves dili- gently make inquiry whenever any one complains that wrong has been done him by another, as they desire to keep the favor of God for themselves and to preserve with fidelity what has been entrusted to them, so that in all places everywhere in regard to the holy churches of God, and in the case of poor 246 TJie Age of Charleinagne. people, children, and widows, they may administer the law fully and with justice for all people accord- ing to the will and in the fear of God. And if there is anything which by themselves, with the aid of the provincial counts, they are unable to improve and to bring to justice, let them refer this with their report without ambiguity to the emperor's decision. Nor for the flattery of any man, nor for the reward of any, nor by reason of any kinship, nor by the fear of those who are in power, let any man impede the course of justice." They are further instructed to receive from every man, lay or ecclesiastic, upward of twelve years of age, throughout the whole realm, an oath of fidelity to Charles as emperor, and also from those who as yet had taken no oath. Furthermore, they are to explain the oath in public, so that each one may understand how great is the oath, and how many things are comprehended in it. We learn from other capitularies that the commissioners were sent in pairs, one ecclesiastic of high rank, usually a bishop or archbishop, and the other a noble, usually a count.' Thus the intimate union and interdependence of church and state were shown still further in the in- stitution of the missi. Though usually, yet not always, were they sent in pairs ; rarely one was sent alone or to act with the bishop, but sometimes three or four were sent. They acted also as special ambassadors or legates. They were chosen not exclusively, although generally, from the dukes or ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 100; Capit. Spec, 802 a.d. Duties of tJic Missi. 247 counts, and archbishops, Ijisliops, or abbots, l)ut they were taken also from all ranks, from the palace officers down to ordinary vassnls and monks or chaplains. Their judicial duties were assigned as follows : ** We wish that for the purpose of the administra- tion of justice, which has hitherto remained the duty of the counts, that our missi should make a circuit at least four times in every year — for the winter, in January ; for the sprini^, in April ; for the summer, in July ; and for the autumn, in Octo- ber. In the other months, however, each of the counts may hold his court and administer justice ; but our missi should four times in the month, in four different places, hold these courts with the counts themselves who may be able to assemble at that place." ' The courts held by these commis- sioners used the simple and direct methods of ad- ministering justice prevalent in the emperor's court, of which, in fact, they were an extension. Local justices {scabini) were appointed by the commis- sioners or by the counts. In the reform of the administration the commis- sioners had power to remove incompetent or un- worthy officials beneath the rank of count. They might report charges against a count at their dis- cretion, or might settle themselves upon him and live in his house, keeping him under their continual supervision, until he reformed in order to get rid of them, and by the capitularies of 802, already men- tioned, the counts were especially required to make » Boretius, vol. i., p. I77 ; Cap. de Just., c. 8, 811-813 a.d. 248 The Age of Charlemagne. due provision for the comfort and welfare of the commissioners. Definite districts were established first in 802, though it is not known into how many districts the empire was divided, and the extent of only three provinces is known to us.' It is probable that the districts were more or less permanent, but the officers served at the pleasure of Charles, and they were sometimes sent to districts in which they did not reside. In the three provinces already men- tioned, however, the commissioners were residents of their jurisdictions. Under Louis the Pious, when the strong hand of Charles was withdrawn, the dis- tricts tended to become identical with the archbish- oprics, and the decentralizing tendency of the age operated to make the commissioners local lords, in- dependent of the emperor, as the counts had become before them. Their reports were made at irregular intervals to the emperor, but also annually at the general as- sembly held in May, by which the local government was brought into touch with the central. Thus they were the immediate personal representatives of the emperor. An armed opposition to them was punishable with death as treason. The oversight of the administration of justice, the holding of courts, the administration of military affairs, the defence of the frontier, the oversight of ecclesiasti- cal affairs, the enforcement of the laws, and zeal for the interests of the emperor were all duties entrusted to the commissioners, not as before on particular ^ Boretius, vol. i., p. 100 ; Cap, Spec. 802 A.D. The General Assonblies and Synods. 249 occasions for special purposes, but as re^ailar dele- gates and representatives of the imperial power for all purposes residing and having authority in well- defined districts. The central government of Charles the Great was carried on largely through the national assemblies, and although for some time the ecclesiastical coun- cils had also served to carry on state affairs, yet later they joined their deliberations with those of the spring assembly, an institution which had come down from early German times. As we have already seen, under Karlmann and Pippin yearly synods were ordered to be held,' and later they were to be summoned twice a year, March ist and October ist.^ Thus as one synod coincided with the March- field, so the other appears to have been the occasion given for holding a political assembly in the autumn. In 75 S, for- the first time, the assembly, which had previously been held in March, was changed to May for military reasons, and hence was called the May- field. Charles kept the name, though frequently the assembly was held later in the year, in June, or in July, or even in August, the time as well as place being determined by military considerations, al- though it was held even when no campaigns oc- curred that year.' Later military affairs were put in the background, civil and ecclesiastical concerns being foremost. Sometimes both the ecclesiastical and the state assembly were separated, but held at 1 Boretius, vol. i., pp. 25, 29, 742. 744 A.n. 2 Ibid., p. 34, 755 A.D. ^, „ ^^ , 3 " Ann. Petav.,' an. 781 ; M. G. SS., vol. 250 The Age of Charlemagne. the same time and place ; ' sometimes they were divided into three groups or houses, the archbishops and bishops in one, the abbots and monks in another, and the nobles and military officers in the third ; "^ sometimes five different places are named for differ- ent assemblies at the same time/ The fullest de- scription of these assemblies has come down to us from Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims. He tells us that Adalhard, an old and wise man, who was inti- mately associated with the Emperor Charles the Great, being one of his chief counsellors and abbot of the monastery of Corbie, had written a little book, Dc Ordine Palatii, now lost. This book he had seen in his youth, had read and copied, and in this copy he presents to us a good description of the constitutional arrangements of the central gov- ernment of Charles. " The whole administration of the realm," he says, " was carried on in two dif- ferent divisions. The first, the careful ruling and ordering of the palace, and the second, the care for the whole kingdom as it was provided for in the general assemblies." These general assemblies it was customary to hold not oftener than twice a year ; the first, at which the affairs of the kingdom were arranged for the next year, not to be changed ex- cept in cases of dire necessity. At this assembly appeared the whole body of the chiefs and nobles, both ecclesiastic and lay. The more distinguished in order to give weight and authority to their con- ' " Einhardi Ann.," an. 794 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 181. ^ " Ann. Lauresh.," an. 802 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 39. ^ " Einhardi Ann.," an, 813 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 200. The Spriiig Assonbly or May field. 25 1 elusions, the lesser in order to earry them out. Yet all labored together and arrived at their conclusions according to their own opinions and judgment. Here, too, they were engaged in arranging for the yearly gifts. The second assembly, on the con- trary, was held only with the counsellors of higher rank and authority, and matters relating to affairs of the realm for the following year were considered. In case something came up for which it appeared necessary to lay down rules or to make decisions beforehand, or if anything enacted the preceding year failed of its purpose, or for which the necessity arose for immediate action ; for example, in case of rights conferred on the margraves in any part of the realm, whether these rights, having lapsed, should be renewed or terminated ; also other matters relating to war or peace imminent in different quarters, so that the seniors might consider long enough before- hand, by their counsel, what action ought to be taken. These plans and deliberations were kept secret until the next general assembly, that they might not be frustrated, but that they might be put in such a way as to commend themselves to the other seniors and to satisfy the popular will. As far as possible men were chosen as counsellors, both cleri- cal and lay, who feared God and were so faithful that, eternal life excepted, they would put nothing before the emperor and the empire. Furthermore, in order that the business of these nobles and chief senators of the realm might begin at once, lest they should seem to have been con- 252 The Age of Charlemagne. vokcd witliout good reason, the matters which had come into his own mind by the inspiration of God, or had been brought to his attention since the pre- vious assembly, were immediately laid before them in capitularies already drawn up and arranged. These were then taken up for consideration, the space of one, two, or three days or more, as the im- portance of the subject demanded, being granted them. Palace messengers passed back and forth, asking the emperor's opinions and receiving his re- plies. No one from outside was allowed to come in until each matter was settled to the advantage of the most glorious prince, then everything was set forth in " his venerable sight and hearing, and all are guided by whatever his God-given wisdom chooses." In the meanwhile the emperor elsewhere was busy, receiving gifts, giving audiences, and attending to other like affairs of state, yet as often as they de- sired he went to them and remained with them as long as they wished, and in the most familiar way they reported to him how each matter stood, and freely set forth what changes or modifications they had discussed. If the weather was favorable these meetings were held out of doors, but if not, inside, in different places, where they gathered in large numbers in separate groups, so arranged that in one all the bishops, abbots, and other most honorable clergy were assembled, without any laymen being present ; likewise all the counts and chief men and others of like honor, separated from the rest of the multitude early in the morning, until all were assembled, The Fall Assembly. 25, whether the emperor was present or absent, and then the aforesaid seniors in their accustomed man- ner withdrew, the clergy to their appointed assem- bly, and the laity to theirs, seats being prepared for them with due honor. A second method of the emperor was to inquire what each had brought with him from his own part of the realm worth relating or considering, for they were not only permitted, but positively commanded to inquire most diligently into matters within and outside the empire, not only from natives or from foreigners, but even from friends or from foes — if any people in any part were in revolt, and the cause of the revolt ; if there was any murmuring or any complaint of injustice, or anything else which the general council ought to consider ; and if beyond the boundaries of the empire any people who had been subdued were rebelling, or any who had re- belled w^ere being subdued, or if any secret plots were being formed against the empire. In all these things he carefully asked what dangers threatened and what was the cause of them.' The second assembly, held in the fall of the year, was rarely, but still sometimes of direct importance,' and became more important under Louis the Pious. These fall assemblies, like those of the spring, were not held at any regular time — some in August, some ' Migne, Series Secunda, vol. cxxv., pp. 998 ff. ; Hincmar, " De Ordine Palatii," c. 12, 29, 34. 35 and 36. '^ ^. ^., October, 797, Boretius, vol. i., p. 71, Second Saxon Capitulary; October, S02. Boretius, vol. i., pp. 105-111, impor- tant ecclesiastical rules; December, 805, Boretius, vol. i., pp. 120-126, a double capitulary. 254 ^^^^ ^£^^ ^y Charlemagne. in October or November. In the winter of 818-819 one was held after Christmas, the next assembly being held in July, 819, while another in January, 820, and the next in February, May, and October of 821 ; that held in October being the greatest and general assembly for that year. Nor was there any- thing definite regarding the place of these assem- blies. As long as military considerations governed, the place as well as the time was determined accord- ing to the object of the campaign ; also the character of the business or the special interests involved often determined the place at which it should be held ; otherwise Charles seemed to prefer the cities on the Rhine, especially Worms and Aachen. Un- der Louis the Pious they were held frequently at Aachen. They were usually held at one of the im- perial palaces or in large cities, rarely at a monas- tery, and then it is expressly stated as being con- trary to the custom.^ Attendance at these assem- blies was a duty and an obligation rather than a right or privilege. Although the spring assembly, the Mayfield, was regarded as a popular assembly, and had come down from the earlier times, when the whole nation assembled all together, it is probable that the people came to have a less and less impor- tant part, and were satisfied by the announcement of what was there concluded. Guizot, perhaps, is too one-sided in saying that " it was not the Prank- ish nation that came to these assemblies to watch over and to direct the administration, but it was Charles the Great who gathered around him certain ^ " Ann. Bert.," an. 846 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 33. TJie Capitiilayics. 255 individuals to watch over and to direct the nation." ' Lehuerou also goes too far when he says that " the Carolingian royalty, even under Charles the Great, is less a monarchy than an aristocratic government," " though as long as Charles lived he took tlie initia- tive, proposing subjects and matter for deliberation and action. Louis, however, said that he would do nothing without the agreement of the nobles. In good weather these meetings were held in the open air, and when the weather would not permit of this some large public building was used. Mat- ters coming up for consideration at these meetings covered every variety of subjects, as is shown in the capitularies which they issued. One of the most varied, perhaps, being that of the year 794, the famous assembly of Frankfort, which began with the condemnation of the Adoptionists and of the Constantinopolitan decrees on image worship, went on to consider the jurisdiction of bishops over their clergy, the election of abbots, the tariff on grains and bread, the care of orphans, the adoration of saints, the giving of alms to the poor, and the qualifications of cellarists in monasteries. The capitularies are of great interest and impor- tance, not only in giving an idea of the method of administration, but also in showing the condition of the empire, ecclesiastically and morally as well as socially and politically. Guizot has given us the most interesting and fullest description of their con- tents, and although it is impossible to make the ' Guizot, " Essais," p. 336. - Lehuerou, p. 294. 256 The Age of Charlemagne. sharp distinctions which he makes between the vari- ous articles, yet the general conclusions which he presents are instructive. After numbering those issued by Charles the Great, of which he has col- lected and analyzed about sixty-five,^ he finds that about three fifths of the articles are occupied v/ith civil affairs, and about two fifths with religious or ecclesiastical concerns. These capitularies are not merely collections of laws, although they do empha- size and restate the traditional customs of the older time, adding such new regulations as may meet the later conditions, but in addition to this they include moral precepts and police regulations, sometimes in the minutest details, relating to the church, army, the poor, and the palace, penal regulations relating to punishment and crime, the regulation of the re- ligious and ecclesiastical life of the clergy, entering sometimes into the minutest details in regard to the veneration of martyrs and of saints, and concerning public preaching. They also contained instructions to the commissioners, extracts from the ecclesiasti- cal councils, replies given by Charles to the ques- tions addressed by counts, bishops, and others in relation to difficulties in administration, also some questions which Charles proposes to ask in the gen- eral assembly. These questions are curious in the extreme, and give striking evidence of the keenness of his observation and of his skill in administration and in dealing with men. ** Why is it that either on the march or in the ' Boretius has published one hundred and thirteen ; M. G. LL., section ii., vol. i. Qtiestions Charles Proposed to ^isk. 257 camp, when anything is necessary to be done for the defence of the country, one does not wish to lend aid to another ? Whence comes this continual struggle by which each one wishes to have that which he sees possessed by another ? To ask in what matters and in what places ecclesiastics put obstacles in the way of laymen, and laymen in the way of ecclesiastics, in the exercise of their func- tions. To seek out and to discuss how far a bishop or an abbot should interfere in secular affairs, and a count or other layman in ecclesiastical affairs. To ask them in an emphatic manner regarding the meaning of the words of the apostle, ' No man that warreth in the service of God entangleth himself with the affairs of this life.' To whom were these words addressed ? To ask the bishops and abbots to declare to us truly what these words mean which they use so often, ' to renounce the world,' and by what sign one can distinguish those who re- nounce the world from those who are still occupied with it. '* Whether it is only by the fact that they do not bear arms and are not publicly married ? Also to ask if he is renouncing the world who labors each day, no matter how, to increase his wealth, some- times promising the happiness of the kingdom of heaven, and sometimes threatening with the eternal punishments of hell ; or even in the name of God, or of some saint, despoiling of his goods some man, rich or poor, guileless and ill-advised, so that his rightful heirs are left in want, and most of them, on account of the misery in which they fall, driven to Q 258 The Age of Charlemagne. all sorts of evil and crime and committing almost necessarily misdemeanors and offences." ^ Other articles of these capitularies are merely notes or memoranda which Charles wrote for his own convenience. Others contain judicial decisions to be taken as examples or standards of punishment. Affairs of financial or domestic legislation are also considered as well as purely political acts, nomina- tions, recommendations, and matters relating to in- dividual cases. Thus is shown not only the wide range of the administration of Charles, but the ac- tive personal interest which he took in every single detail. No wonder that with his fall fell also the central administration, the general assemblies, and the royal commissioners. Nothing resembled feudalism less than the sover- eign unity to which Charles aspired, and which in a great degree he was able to attain, yet in his reign were laid the strongest foundations of feudalism. By checking invasions and repressing internal dis- orders he gave to the local positions, tendencies, and influences time to take real possession of the land, and its inhabitants and the individual officers, the dukes, the counts and margraves, whom he so firmly established, and who were the chief ministers of his authority, and performed their functions in dependence upon him and under his control, be- came the well-nigh independent feudal lords in suc- ceeding centuries. ' Boretius, vol. i., pp. 161-165, 811 A.D. CHAPTER XXIII. THEOLOGICAL CONTROVERSIES — IMAGE WORSIIIl' — ADOPTIANISM — THE FILIOQUE CLAUSE — " VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS." T was not only in the ecclesiastical organi- zation, nor in his relations with the pope, however, that the religious activity and the control over the church by Charles was shown. In three important contro- versies which rose during his reign he exercised a powerful and manifest influence. The Iconoclastic controversy had continued in the East until the death of the last Leo, in 780, placed Irene in power as regent in behalf of her son. She had already shown evidences of a zeal for image worship, and had made attempts to bring about its restoration, and now, anxiously and carefully, she began preparations for a determined action. In 786 a new council was held at Constantinople, in which, it is true, a majority of the bishops still maintained their hostility to images, and the council was dis- solved, but in the next year a general council was summoned at Nica^a. At this council, under the influence of the empress, those who had been won 259 26o The Age of Charleniag, lie over to her cause, with the rest of the number of upholders of image worship, were enabled to bring about a final decision in favor of the restoration of images. Those bishops who signed a formal recan- tation of their former opposition were allowed to retain their episcopal positions, and every effort was made to render easy the desertion from the still pow^erful number of the iconoclasts. At this coun- cil it was decided that not only the sign of the cross, but also images drawn with colors, composed with mosaic work, or formed with other suitable mate- rial, might be placed in the churches, in houses, and in the streets, including images of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, of angels, and of all holy and devout men. It was also declared that bowing to an image, which is simply the token of love and of reverence {nftoanvvrjaii), ought not to be confounded with the adoration (Xarftsia) which is due to God alone. The decrees of this council were confirmed at an adjourned assembly in Constantinople in the pres- ence of the empress and her son, and the worship of images was once more established. The relation of the pope to this controversy we have already noticed at its very beginning in the early part of the eighth century. What had been the prevailing sentiment in the Prankish Church we have no means of knowing, but there could be no doubt regarding the position taken by Charles on this question. He at once announced himself as zealously opposed to the decree of this second Nicene Council regarding image worship, an oppo- sition which was increased and expressed itself more The Caroline Books, 261 bitterly in consequence of the breaking off, in that same year, all negotiations regarding the betrothal of Constantine to the Prankish princess, Rothrud. Soon after the famous work entitled " The Four Caroline Books" appeared in 790, under the em- peror's name, refuting the position laid down at the second Nicene Council, and declaring the position to be taken by the Prankish Church on this ques- tion. The authorship of this work is still in dis- pute, although Charles unquestionably was responsi- ble for the opinions therein set forth, and gave to them all the weight of his authority, and perhaps had much to do with the very form of expression which these ideas assume. Alcuin and the other theologians of the court must, however, have held a very important place in the actual composition. The work is moderate in tone, sensible in expres- sion, and at the same time shows the coloring of the peculiar views and superstitions of the age. The use is distinguished from the abuse of images in the church, at the same time that the fanaticism of the iconoclasts is condemned. Images might be used for the decoration of the churches and for the memo- rials of past events. They should not be regarded as idols, as their opponents affirmed, though their use was not necessary, nor ought it to be made of such great importance as their supporters main- tained. The harsh expressions against the icono- clasts were condemned, as well as the principles and arguments by which they were defended. This enthusiasm for art and for images he regards as ab- surd and foolish, and even underestimates the value 262 TJie Age of CJiarlemagne. of pictures in depicting and representing the char- acteristics of the mind and soul. The chief objec- tion, however, is that they are in contradiction to the spiritual nature of Christianity, and those who rely upon them show a weakness and inability to rise above the things of sense to the realm of spirit without the help of material things. '* God who fills all things is not to be adored or sought for in material images, but should be ever present to the pure heart." ^ To the sign of the cross, however, is given an exceptional and much higher impor- tance, and here it must be said the outv/ard symbol and the idea represented by it are not kept distinctly separate. The relics also of the saints are to be preferred to images as having been in special con- tact with these holy persons, thus acquiring a sacred- ness which should receive a higher reverence than that paid to pictured forms, the work of an artist more or less skilled. To show reverence for the bodies of saints was a great means of promoting piety, for they reign with Christ in heaven, and their bodies should rise again, but even the act of prostration {npoanvvrfaiz^ before images was con- demned as the transfer to a created object of the adoration belonging to God alone and as a species of idolatry, and any reverence for lifeless images was irrational. " You may keep lights burning be- fore your pictures," the king declares ; " we will be diligent in studying the holy Scriptures." ^ In accordance with the close relations existing * " Lib. Carol.," bk. iii., c. 29. ' Ibid., bk. ii., c. 30. Adoptlanisvi. 263 between Charles and the pope, and his frequently- expressed regard and reverence for the ecclesiastical authority of the Church of Rome, he presented, by the hands of Abbot Angilbert, his refutation of the second Nicene Council to Pope Hadrian, from whom a formal reply was received opposing the position taken in the royal treatise, but apparently without inducing Charles to yield anything. Finally, at the assembly held at Frankfort, in 794, these contested points were discussed in the presence of papal legates, and the adoration of images [adoraiio ct scr- vitus imaginuui) was condemned. The second controversy in which Charles showed his influence was that in regard to Adoptianism. This theory, by which Christ was declared to be, as far as his human nature was concerned, the adopted Son of God, was not a mere revival of Nestorian views, but a distinct development from the position laid down by the church in the sixth general coun- cil. It was presented most strongly and convinc- ingly by Bishop Felix of Urgel, a diocese in the Spanish mark, and less ably by Elipantus, the arch- bishop of Toledo, who was supported by a large number of the Spanish bishops. The Spanish Church was of great strength and of no mean im- portance. It had presented a remarkable theologi- cal Hfe in the long Hst of the councils of Toledo, and though it maintained not a close, but a continuous connection with Rome, it had presented, neverthe- less, a kind of established national spirit under the archbishop of Toledo. It had passed through a long and momentous history of struggle, of suffer- 264 The Age of Charlemagne. ing, and of triumph. The Visigoths, originally Arian, after the conversion of their king, Reccared, became thoroughly orthodox, and gave evidence of their faith in the famous filioque clause inserted in the Nicene Creed by the third Council of Toledo in 589. At the beginning of the eighth century the whole country had been overrun and finally con- quered by the Mahometans, and in the middle of the century a Western Saracenic empire had been established under the Emir of Cordova, and although the Christian worship was allowed by payment of a tribute, yet the strong, overshadowing influence of Mahometanism was keenly felt. A strong opposi- tion to the very assertion of the divine nature in Christ, as well as to the exclusion or undervaluing of the human expressed in the condemned doctrines of monophysitism and monothelitism made itself manifest, and Elipantus himself was prominent in the refutation of Sabellianism in 780. '' When, therefore," says Dorner, '* the problem, in the form in which it presented itself to the mind of the church after the Dyotheletic Synod of the year 680, was brought into contact with the factors embraced by the Spanish Church, the result was Adoptianism." ' Adoptianism, however, was no mere revival of Nes- torianism. It had passed beyond that stage of the controversy. Nestorius and his followers had directed their analysis to the distinction between the two natures in Christ, while Adoptianism con- cerned itself with the relations of personality and gave evidence of a distinct advance in this concep- ' Dorner, division ii., vol. 1., p. 251. Tendency Towards Transnbstantiation. 265 tion. Personality now denoted the Ego, the self, and not a" constitutional principle of existence." In other words, they really continued the position maintained by the church in the Council of Chalce- don, in 451, and in that of Constantinople, in 680, and asserted the existence of two natures and two wills in the sphere of personality. From this con- troversy Dorner dates a retrogressive movement in Christology, and a distinct weakening of the ideas ex- pressed in the doctrine of the double nature and the double will. There was a tendency backward towards the reassertion of the impersonality of the human nature, and a revival of the view of Cyril and the Eutychians regarding the incarnation as a miracle by which the divine was substituted for the human substance, leaving to the latter only its accidents. This theory did not appear permanently, however, in connection with any direct change in the doctrine of the nature and person of the historical Christ ; but it did exercise an influence and find a place in the doctrine of the Eucharist, and helped to develop that tendency, already apparent, by which, in ac- cordance with the principle of the substitution of the symbol for the thing symbolized, the elements of bread and wine in the holy communion were com- ing to take the place of the spiritual presence of Christ. Thus was being laid the foundation for that later doctrine, that in the miracle of the altar the divine body and blood of Christ were substituted for or took the place of the substance of bread and wine whose accidents alone remain. Indeed, the doctrine was set forth distinctly by Paschasius Rad- 266 The Age of Charlcinagne. bcrtus, a monk of Corbie, in the middle of the ninth century, and was at the same time just as distinctly refuted by Rabanus Maurus and by Ratramnus, the latter in a treatise which has become a classic on the subject. The Adoptianists taught that Christ is the only begotten Son of God, solely according to his divine nature ; according to his human nature, he is only, by the decision of the divine will, adopted as the Son of God, and therefore the first-begotten Son of God. The Adoptianists agreed that the Son of God, of the substance of the Father, was born and assumed humanity in Christ. Nor did Felix object to giving the man, Jesus, the nam.e " Son of God," on account of his union with the Son of God in the person of Christ ; but he held that the Son of Man was of a different nature from the Son of God — that is, a created being of another substance than the Deity ; hence, as the son of David, he cannot be styled the Son of God by nature. This seemed to be another attempt to assert the reality of the human nature in Christ, and to maintain at the same time the supreme and absolute unity of the Deity, on both of which points the Mahometans severely criti- cised the doctrine of the church. Their opponents said this view would end logically in the duality of persons. They insisted on the reality of the incar- nation, and though they were strong in pointing out errors and dangers in the doctrine of Felix, they were not able to state their doctrine in a strong, positive manner. At the request of Charles the Great, Alcuin issued Felix, Bishop of Urge/. 267 a treatise on the subject, which Charles himself is said to have revised and modified. He insisted that something, which is of a different substance from another thing, may undeniably possess as its prop- erty this other thing in such a manner that, for the sake of this real and substantial relationship between the two, the latter may become a predicate or mark of the former. This principle he applied to the re- lation of the divine and human in Christ, maintain- ing that the human nature was made a predicate of the Son of God. The great importance of the posi- tion and influence of Adoptianism is not attributable to any positive results it worked out and set forth, but to the circumstance that the opposition raised against it constituted a great crisis in the history of dogma. ' From Spain these discussions spread naturally in the adjacent Prankish provinces, for Felix, a man of distinguished piety and Christian zeal, as well as of superior acuteness and intellect, was bishop of Urgel, situated in the Spanish mark. It was this spread of the controversy into the Frankish territory that led Charles to bring the matter before the assembly in Regensberg in 792,' at which Felix was summoned to appear. His doctrines were con- demned, and he consented to recant. Charles sent him to Rome, where he was arrested and imprisoned and wrote a new recantation, but returning to Spain he repented of his misrepresentations of his doc- ' Dorner, division ii., vol. i., p. 268. 2 " Ann. Lauriss." and " Ann. Einhardi," an. 792 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 178, 179. 268 The Age of Charlemagne. trines, and took up his residence under the rule and protection of the Saracens. The Spanish bishops wrote to Charles demanding a new examination and a reinstatement of Felix in his see. These letters were forwarded to Hadrian, and the matter brought before the Frankfort Council of 794/ when Felix was again condemned and all records sent to Elipan- tus. At this time Alcuin had returned to the court of Charles, and he used every kindly means to in- duce Felix to give up his new and erroneous doc- trine, supplementing his letters with the formal treatise on the subject, as already mentioned. To this Felix, still unconvinced, replied in a calm, impassioned and exceedingly able manner, but Eli- pantus answered it with bitterness and passion. Alcuin held up to them the teaching of the univer- sal church, and based his strongest argument on the authority of tradition, but Felix and Elipantus said that Christ and not Peter was the rock on which the church was founded, and that the church and the true faith might consist of only a few. Alcuin now referred the discussion to Paulinus, the patriarch of Aquileia, Theodolf of Orleans, and Richbon, bishop of Treves, as well as to the pope, thus not giving to the pope the absolute power of decision. Charles agreed to this, and sent a clerical commission con- sisting of Benedict of Aniane, Leidrad, archbishop of Lyons, and Nefrid, bishop of Narbonne, to inves- tigate and refute the doctrine in the southern prov- inces bordering on Spain. They conferred with Felix, and promised him a fair and free discussion ' Boretius, vol. i.,pp. 73-78. The Filioqiie Clause, 269 if he would attend the council at Aix-la-Chapelle in 799. Here he met Alcuin in debate before tlie king, and declared himself convinced, but it was probably rather more by the gentle and devout character of Alcuin than by his argument. Felix, however, was not allowed to return to his bishopric, but placed under the oversight of the archbishop of Lyons, where he remained until his death, in 818. But although he gave up the use of his peculiar phraseology, Agobard, Leidrad's successor, found among his papers undoubted evidence that he still retained the principles for which he had so earnestly contended. For a time, however, the controversy was stilled. A third controversy, of a much more extended significance, was that relating to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It has been noticed already that a Spanish council, held at Toledo in 589, on the occa- sion of the conversion from Arianism of the Visi- gothic king, Reccared, inserted in the Nicene Creed the words " And from the Son" {filioquc), after the words expressing belief in the Holy Ghost, " who proceedeth from the Father." This addition, to- gether with the question of image worship, was dis- cussed ill a synod, at which both Greek and Roman delegates were present, held at Gentilly in ydj, dur- ing the reign of Pippin, probably in order to effect a closer, union between the Eastern and Western churches, but apparently without arriving at any decision on the points at issue.' * " Ann. Einhardi." an. 767 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 145 ; Jafl"6, vol. iv., pp. 124-134 ; Ep. 36. 37. 270 The Age of Charlemagne. Charles accordingly took up the matter, and at his direction Alcuin wrote a treatise in which he favored the addition. On this account a monk of Jerusalem made a vehement attack at the Prankish congregation on the Mount of Olives, and declared that all the Franks were heretics. They immedi- ately reported the whole affair to Pope Leo in a very striking and interesting letter,' and he for- warded the letter with one of his ovv^n to Charles, significantly remarking that he replied to the monks by sending them an authentic copy of the true creed, which of course did not contain the addi- tion.' Charles then issued another treatise written by Theodulf of Orleans, and introduced the question for discussion at the Synod of Aix-la-Chapelle in 809. The question not being settled at this time, Bernharius, bishop of Worms, and Adalhard, abbot of Corbie, were sent to Rome to lay the matter be- fore the pope.^ Leo admitted the truth of the doc- trine, but did not wish to change the form in which the creed was chanted in the services of the church, and recommended that the word be dropped as not necessary for them and very obnoxious to the Greeks. In order to give additional force to his suggestions, he caused the Nicene Creed in both Greek and Latin to be engraved on two silver tab- lets, and set up in the churches of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome, with the words, " I, Leo, have ' Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 382-385 ; Ep. Carol., 22. ' Ibid., pp. 386 ; Ep. Carol., 23. ^ " Ann. Einhardi," ann. 809 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 196, Veni Creator Spiritiis, 271 set this up in token of my love and protection of the orthodox faith." Yet the addition favored by Charles was used throughout the western part of the empire, and at last was adopted throughout the Latin Church as it is to-day. It is in recognition of this great truth that the hymn Vcni Creator Spiritiis, one of the grandest of the old Latin hymns of the Middle Ages, was com- posed, and holds such an honored place in the ser- vices of the church. The Church of England and the Episcopal Church in this country have retained it in the service for the ordination of priests and in that for the consecration of bishops. The last stanza is most significant : " Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee of both to be but One." or more literally translated : '* By Thee, may we the Father know, By Thee, confess the Son, In Thee, the Holy Ghost from both Believe, all time to come." A popular tradition, founded, however, on critical investigation, for a long time ascribed the compo- sition of this beautiful hymn to Charles himself, and this view is still defended by many, but later discoveries have led to the conclusion that it was really composed by Rabaii^us Maurus, who, as we have seerf, was commissioned by Charles to write a treatise on the subject. This hymn is found in a very old and authoritative manuscript of his works. 272 The Age of Charlemagne. and is a complete poetic outline of his treatise, while a peculiar expression alluding to the Holy Spirit as ** the finger of God's right hand" is found in both/ ^ Duffield, pp. 1 16-122. CHAPTER XXIV. POLITICAL IMPORTANCE OF ECCLESIASTICAL OFIT- CERS — THE METROPOLITANATE— ECCLESIASTI- CAL REGULATIONS AND REFORM — CIIRODE- GANG AND THE CANONICAL LIFE — BENEDICT OF ANIANE AND MONASTICISM — THE SUPREM- ACY OF THE ROMAN CHURCH — THE MODEL. HIS close relationship of church and state made the ecclesiastical officers of great poHtical importance, as we have already seen in connection with the conquest of Saxony, as well as in the institution of the royal commissioners. When Charles succeeded his father a beginning had been made of the regular system. The work of Boniface had already laid a strong foundation,' but the newly created bishoprics and ecclesiastical centres necessitated a still further arrangement and order. This was effected largely through the metropolitan system. In one of the first laws it was laid down that suffragan bishops should be subject to the metropolitan according to the canons, and that they should change and im- prove what might need improving. It was further ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 25 ; " Karlmanni Capit.," c. 4, 742 a.d. 273 2/4 The Age of Char lev lagne. decreed that where a vacancy occurred, or where no bishop had been consecrated, a bishop should be estabhshed without delay, and while true monks, called regulars, should live according to their rule, the bishop must live according to the canons, hav- ing power over the priests, deacons, and others of the clerical order belonging to his diocese/ Thus the characteristic features of the ecclesiastical hier- archy were laid down, not that anything new was introduced, but only what the church for a long time needed, and what had already been carried into exe- cution in the South and East, although in the Prank- ish Kingdom this organization received additional strength through the power and authority of the king. The detailed order, as presented in the gen- eral admonition of the year 789, on the basis of the Dionysian collection of canons, covered all the vari- ous relations of the church and completed this new arrangement for the Franks. "'' In the German part of the kingdom Mainz became the chief centre, and Lull, the successor of Boniface, received the pall in 780, while his successor exer- cised a general supervision over the greater number of the German bishops. Indeed, in the middle of the ninth century Mainz is called the metropolitan- ate of Germany.^ In Cologne, Hildibald, the chap- lain of Charles, held archiepiscopal dignity, Utrecht and Liittich being under him, and later a large part of the Saxon Church, while Paderborn, Verden, and ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 47 ; " Capit. Harist.," c. 1-4, 779 a.d. ' See above, pp. 227-231. 2 "Ann. Fuld," an. 852 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 367. Metropolitans, 275 the Eastphalian churches were under Mainz. Ham- burg was not established until later, and then exer- cised supervison over the Scandinavian churches. In Bavaria, Salzburg exercised metropolitan powers. The re-establishment of ecclesiastical councils, sup- ported by the authority of the king, tended to greater unity and to a stronger organization. The leading enactment on this subject is found in the capitulary of Frankfort, of 794 : " It is enacted by our lord the king and the holy synod that bishops shall exercise jurisdiction in their dioceses. If any abbot, presbyter, deacon, archdeacon, monk, or other cleric, or indeed any one else in the diocese does not obey his bishop, let them come to their metropolitan, and he shall judge the case together with his suffragans. Our counts shall also come to the court of the bishops, and if there be anything which the metropolitan cannot set right, then let the accusers and the accused both come to us with letters from the metropolitan, that we may know the truth of the matter." ^ It was also ordered that the parish clergy should report once or twice a year to the bishops, and the bishops to the metropolitan, and among the duties of the royal commissioners was the investigation of the administration of the bishops, their aids and assistants in the several parishes, and their ability in zeal and in learning.^ Thus the metropolitans represented the unity of the national church and formed a strong support for political unity, while the coalition of the two, the ^ Boretius, vol. i., pp. 74, 75 ; "Synod. Franc," ^ 6. ' Ibid., p. 45 ; " Capit. Prim.," § 8, p. 53. 2/6 The Age of Charleinagne, temporal prince and the ecclesiastical metropolitan, enabled each to support the other. Among the Western Franks, Rheims attained the greatest power and the widest influence, especially under Hincmar, who stood forth as the defender of the church against the insubordination of bishops and the en- croachments of the pope. In Germany, though there were several positions of archiepiscopal im- portance, Mainz represented the unity of the Ger- man Church and claimed the primacy, holding a most important position in strengthening the civil power and keeping up the unity and independence through the great influence of the archbishop on the administration of the empire. In the old Austrasia, the lands of the Moselle, it was only gradually that a formal and definite system was introduced. For a long time the bishop of Metz held the title of archbishop, although Treves early appeared as the chief city of the territory, and took a prominent place in ecclesiastical affairs. Its position was finally recognized, and the bishop of Treves became the metropolitan for Metz, Toul, and Verdun. The reception of the pallium or pall from the pope as the special mark of the archiepiscopal dig- nity early appears, but with the consent, indeed by the will, of the Frankish king, and there are in- stances in which it was awarded to others than the metropolitan.' The original metropolitan system was an institu- tion especially connected with the Roman imperial ' Hinschius, K. R., vol. ii., p. 7. See Waitz, vol. iii., p. 420. Bishops. 277 organization where tlie civil metropolis was also the ecclesiastical centre, but the barbarian invasions de- stroyed all these relations, and many of the ancient cities of great importance were either ruined or lost their old pre-eminence. Attempts were made by Karlmann and Pippin in 742' and in 755,' and by Charles in 789' and 794* to re-establish metropolitan centres, and to restore to metropolitans their ancient privileges, but, as we have seen before, these at- tempts based the supremacy of certain sees on more or less artificial grounds and were not destined to be permanently successful — in fact, the disorganiza- tion of the metropolitan system dates from the close of the ninth century. The nomination of a bishop was practically in the hands of Charles and his successors. In some few instances the right of free election was recognized, but even here the king still retained much of his in- fluence, and in important cases, as, for example, in the election of the archbishop of Ravenna, he sent a deputy to take care of his interests.' Louis the Pious promised free elections," but continued to ex- ercise a very strong influence, and the right of con- firmation was more strongly maintained than ever. Furthermore, a bishop could be deposed by the co- operation at least of the civil power,' although a church council was legally required to pass judg- * Boretius, vol. i., p. 25 ; " Cap. Karlm.," c. i. ' Ibid., p. 33 ; " Con. Vern.," c. 2. 3 Ibid., p. 54 ; " Admon. Gen.," c. 8. * Ibid., pp. 74, 75 ; "Syn. Franc," c. 6. 5 Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 266 ; Ep. 88. a.d. 788. * Boretius, vol. i., p. 276 ; " Cap. Eccles.." c. 2, a.d. 818. ' Ibid., p. 95 ; " Cap. Miss,," c. 19, a.d. 802. 278 The Age of Cha7deniagiie. ment. One was removed by Charles without assign- ing any definite cause/ and one who was formally condemned by a synod to lose his office Charles restored.^ The general influence of bishops in cities and dis- tricts was not as significant as in early times, though their power continually grew by increase of prop- erty and by the acquisition of important rights. Nor was it diminished by their participation in state affairs, or by the way in which secular concerns came to be considered in reference to their appoint- ments. In other respects, however, their power was diminishing. A large number of religious com- munities, especially the most important ones, ob- tained special privileges from the pope, and even from the bishops themselves, by which they were gradually withdrawn from episcopal supervision. Different classes of secular priests also were released for one reason or another from the control of the bishops, some by right of patronage, others as royal or domestic chaplains, others as rural deans or arch- presbyters, and others as canons of a cathedral chapter. A large part of the ecclesiastical property, however, still remained in the possession of the nobles, who in the earlier periods of strife and con- fusion had been able to seize it, or had received it by way of a loan which was more in the interest of the king than of the church. In some cases also they almost acquired a right of disposal over the bishopric itself. Charles laid special weight on the ' " Mon. Sangall.," bk. i., c. 6 ; Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 637. ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 75 ; " Syn. Franc," c. 9, a.d. 794. CJiorepiscopi. 2 79 political activity of the bishops in the administration of the kingdom, and in some cases they held almost an oversight over the carrying out of important political regulations ; ' but the increase of their po- litical and civil power led to the necessity of making a sharper distinction in position and functions be- tween them and the counts with whom strifes arose through envy/ Louis went so far as to order the bishop to make a report regarding the count, and the count regarding the bishop, in order that he might find out how each fulfilled his ofifice.^ The church, however, opposed this too intimate union of spiritual and secular business. The clergy, there- fore, had to guard as much as possible against the encroachments of the secular power and secure its aid as much as possible, but the secular nobles used their power more for the injury than for the support and furtherance of monasteries and churches. From very early times subordinate bishops had been appointed in the East, and the custom had been introduced into the Prankish kingdom. These bishops were partly those going about without any fixed diocese, partly such as were assistants to indi- vidual bishops and took the name of the earlier bishops appointed for remote country districts with whom they seemed to have had nothing in common except the name. These were called chorepiscopi (country bishops). But the church had already made earnest efforts to do away with the institution, ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 70 ; " Cap. de part. Sax.," c. 34, a.d. 7S2. "^ Ibid., p. 161 ; '• Cap. tract.," c. i, 2, 5 and 6, a.d. 811. ' Ibid., p. 305 ; " Admon. ad omnes," c. 14, a.d. 823. 28o TJic Age of Charlemagne. and with the attempt to estabHsh better order in the Prankish church under the influence of Boni- face, orders were given to Hmit them in their activ- ity.' Under Charles the old church laws against them were repeated,' and although some were kept as substitutes for the bishops," they engaged in political much more than in ecclesiastical affairs, but they continued to exercise their influence down to the middle of the century, although strong objec- tions were raised against them, first in the West Frankish kingdom, and they finally disappeared/ Ecclesiastical reform not only appears as one of the most important subjects of legislation in the capitularies of Charles, but was sought also through two direct agencies. The first was the " canonical life," introduced by Chrodegang, bishop of Metz, 742-766, among his cathedral clergy, which was con- firmed, taken up and extended by Charles.^ This rule or canon was the application of the monastic rule of St. Benedict to the clergy associated with the bishop in his cathedral, with the omission of the vow of poverty." Chrodegang built a large and commodious dwelling, in which all the clergy of his cathedral church were obliged to live, pray, work, eat, and sleep under his constant supervision. A fixed rule assigned to each his portion of food and * Boretius, vol. i., pp. 25, 29, 35 and 41 ; "Cap. Karlm.," c. 4, A.D. 742; "Cap. Suess.," c. 5, a.d. 744; "Con, Vern,," c. 13, A.u. 755 ; " Decret. Verm.," c. 14, a.d. 758. ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 45 ; "Cap. Karoli. M.," c. 4, a.d. 769. • Ibid., pp. 54, 55 : " Admon. Gen.," c. 9, 19, a.d. 789. * Waitz, vol. iii., p. 431. " Boretius, vol. i., p. 60 ; " Admon. Gen.," c. 73, A.D. 789. • Hatch, pp. 157-172. The Canonical Life. 281 drink, and at appointed hours (the canonical hours) they came together for prayer and singing, and at regular times they gathered in the hall where the bishop, or some one appointed by him, read a chap- ter from the Bible, with explanations, exhortations, and reproofs. The hall was therefore called the chapter house, and the name " chapter" was given to the whole body together there. The colleges were a subsequent development of a chapter in non- episcopal city churches. Under Louis the Pious this rule was formally adopted and enforced for the whole kingdom,* but soon after the canons, as the members of a cathedral chapter were called, endeav- ored to emancipate themselves from the control of the bishops, and were able in many cases to main- tain a more or less independent position." The other reform was the revival of the monastic rule of Benedict, brought about through the efforts of Benedict of Aniane, the son of a Visigothic count, and who had served as a soldier under Charles the Great. In 779 he founded in Languedoc the monastery of Aniane, and became a very powerful and intimate counsellor of Louis the Pious. The main principles of his rule were set forth under his direction in a capitulary issued by Louis in 816.' Charles showed a deep and strong interest, often expressing itself in definite and determined action, not only in the larger and external interests of the church, but in the minutest details of its internal ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 276; "Cap. Eccles.," c. 3; "Ann. Lau- riss. Min.," an. 816 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 122. 2 Chastel, vol. iii., pp. 172, I73- ' "Ann. Lauriss. Min.," an. 816 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 122. 282 TJie Age of Charleinagne, life and discipline. He regarded the Church of Rome with the highest veneration, not only on ac- count of his personal relations with the pope, and the fact that the Church of Rome was the only apos- tolic see in the West, but also on account of the strength and completeness of its order and tradition. The supremacy of the Roman See was formally asserted, and apparently accepted in a letter written by Hadrian to Charles in the latter part of the cen- tury. The following striking passages appear : " Be it far from us to doubt your royal power which has striven not for the diminishing, but for the exalta- tion of your spiritual mother, the holy Roman Church, and which extended among all nations will remain consecrated and exalted until the end." ** For we do not raise the question as to any one being ignorant of how great authority has been granted to the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles and to his most holy see, inasmuch as this church has the divine right of judging in all things, nor is it permitted to any to pass judgment on its judg- ment, for the right of absolving those bound by the decisions of any belongs to the pontiffs of the see of the blessed Apostle Peter, through whom the care of the whole church devolves upon the one see of Peter, and nothing ever can be separated from its head. For as your divinely preordained and supreme excellency has shown such love for the head of the whole world, the holy Roman Church and its ruler and chief, so the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles, has granted you, together with your most excellent queen, our daughter, and your most ■ Rome the Model 283 noble children, to enjoy the rule of a long reign and in the future the unbroken serenity of victory." * Already in 764 Paul I. had declared the Roman Church to be " the holy spiritual mother, the head of all the churches of God." ' Charles accordingly recognized the Church of Rome as his model for the internal arrangements connected with the rules of discipline and of worship. He received from Hadrian in 774 a copy of the Dionysian canons in force at Rome/ also a copy of the Sacramentary of Gregory,^ and two singers to introduce the Roman method of chanting into the Frankish Church.^ The laws of marriage throughout the realm were also made to conform with those in force at Rome, and the benediction of a priest was made necessary to its legality. The position of the church and the rights and privileges of the clergy were maintained, and later steadily increased by royal authority. Payment of tithes to the church was enforced even in newly acquired territory,^ a parish received an endowment of house and land free of rent and taxes, and pro- vided with servants in proportion to the population.'' The church continued to increase its landed pos- sessions, and large estates passed under the control of bishops and abbots, who now became an integral 1 Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 2S5-292 ; Ep. gS, 784-791 a.d. ' Ibid., p. 132 ; Ep, 37, 764 A.D. ^ Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 179, 180. * Jaff6, vol. iv., p. 273 ; Ep. 92, 784-791 A.D. ^ "Ann. Lauriss.,"an. 787 ; M. G. SS., vol.!., p. 170 ; Boretius, vol. i., p. 61 ; " Admon. Gen.," c. 80, a.d. 789. 8 Boretius, vol. i., p. 69 ; " Capit. de part. Sax.," c. 17. ' Ibid., p. 69, " Capit. de part. Sax.," c. 15. 284 ^'/^^' ^£^ of C/iariemagiie. part of the feudal system, and to whom many im.- munities and even regalia were granted.' To such an extent had these temporal possessions and feudal holdings increased that all prelates were obliged to keep advocates to transact the secular affairs incompatible with their spiritual calling/ They often served in the wars in spite of the general laws against bearing arms, and it was necessary to issue very severe laws expressly prohibiting the clergy from serving in war or being present on the field of battle, except in the numbers required for religious services.' Though the clergy were ex- empted more and more from the jurisdiction of the secular courts, Charles continued to be the supreme judge of all clergymen, even bishops." All the kings after Pippin more than once at- tempted in their laws to preserve to the church its immunities, and if later the church had to complain of any violation, it was due not so much to the kings as to the officers and secular princes who paid little regard to the liberties and privileges granted to the church, and often claimed, if not the church property itself, at least the use of it. Sometimes, however, these immunities were granted by princes and dukes themselves and defended by them. It is almost impossible to determine the historical origin of many of the immunities granted to monasteries ' Boretius, vol, i., p. 165 ; "Cap. de rebus exerc.,'' c. 3. ' Ibid., p. 172 ; " Cap. Aquisgr.," c. 14. 3 Ibid., pp. 103, 107, 243; "Cap. Miss, Sp.," c. 37; "Cap. a Sac," c. 18 ; " Ghaerb. Cap.," c. 3. * Boretius, vol. i., p. 56 ; " Admon, Gen.," c. 38, p. 77 ; " Synod Francon," c. 30, 39, p. 103 ; " Cap. Miss.," c. 17, p. 176 ; " Cap. de just.," c. 2, p. 196 ; " Cap. Mant.," c. i, p. 190. Ecclesiastical Immunities, 285 and bishoprics on account of the number of forged or falsified documents. Under Pippin and Charles and their immediate successors the usual provisions of the grant were about the same as in the later Merovingian times — viz., that no public officer should enter upon the estate or property of an eccle- siastical foundation either to make a judicial inquiry, or to levy any tax, or to quarter or provide for soldiers, or to take bail, or to hold the people re- sponsible to justice in any way. Sometimes, however, the privileges are declared with reference only to unjust exactions, as if all levies were not excluded, and some instances occur in which the king's officers were obliged to act. In single instances exception is made where the king's officers have the right to levy a tax in case of special need ; usually, however, in such cases the church is allowed to collect the tax by its own officers.' The bishops also investigated crimes and administered justice in their own dioceses assisted by the counts,' but here also, as in political affairs, a gradual separa- tion began to take place between the clergy and laity in the courts and in the general administration of justice. The ecclesiastical courts as they existed earlier stood for purely ecclesiastical cases, but had gradually extended their activity, thus limiting the secular courts. Even the clergy themselves became more and more subject to these courts, and the de- crees which earlier church councils had made in ^ Waitz. vol. iv., pp. 297-302. * Boretius, vol. i., p. 170; " Capit. Aquis.," c. i, ad. 813; p. 190, "Cap. Mant.," c. 6, .A..D. 781 ; cf. p. 25, "Cap. Karlm.." c. 5, A.D. 742. 2 86 The Age of Charlemagne. their favor now received civil recognition and en- forcement. Monks especially were forbidden to go to secular courts or to hold trials outside of their monastery' or to engage in secular affairs/ Even civil actions between the clergy must be settled be- fore the bishop/ and cases between a cleric and a layman before a bishop and a count/ This extension of episcopal jurisdiction over eccle- siastics deprived the secular officers of much of their power over the church and all that belonged to it, and transferred the judicial authority to the heads of the ecclesiastical establishments, and consequently in this important sphere of the administration of justice the power of the church was greatly increased and the way prepared for still further extensions of its power. Under Louis the continuance of civil disturbances and the higher authority, often oppressive and over- bearing, exercised by the metropolitans, led the bishops to make a stronger assertion of the suprem- acy of the church in order to free it from the tem- poral control, which had m.inistered to their support under Charles, but now left them weakened and defenceless. Already there was evident a strong determination to acknowledge the Roman See as the centre and head of the church, and its natural support and defence against the encroachments and aggravating interference of the civil power, which * Roretius, vol. i., p. 60 ; " Admon. Gen.," c. 73, a.d. 789 ; p. 75, "Syn. Franc," c. ii, A.n. 797. ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 64 ; " Dupl. leg.," c. 30, A.d. 789. 3 IbiiL, p. 56 ; " Adm. Gen.," c. 28, A.d, 789. '' Ibid., p. 77 ; " Syn. Franc," c. 30, a.d. 794. Increase of Papal Power. 287 seemed no longer able to accomplish the much- needed reforms. The Sardican canons' were recalled, and the bishop was allowed the right of appeal in any and all cases, directly over the metropolitan and the provincial synods, to the bishop of Rome. Benedict of Levite, in his enlarged edition of the capitularies, inserted the Sardican decrees, and made the still wider application, which reached its fullest expression in the Forged Decretals of Pseudo-Isidore. This tendency was still further strengthened by the action of the civil government in calling the papal authority to its aid, even ascribing to it additional powers for the settlement of ecclesiastical disputes and even of political difficulties. Thus the papal power was greatly increased on every side, and these advantages the pope was in the most favorable position to grasp. We may therefore see in the early part of the ninth century the gradual establishment of that new ecclesiastical polity to which the Forged Decretals succeeded in imparting the one thing needful — an historical basis manufactured for the purpose. * Hefele. vol. ii., pp. 112-129, canons 3-6, allowing a bishop to appeal to Pope Julius in case of condemnation by the other bish- ops in his province who might be suspected of Arian or Eusebian leanings. CHAPTER XXV. CLOSING YEARS — ATTEMPTS AT CONSOLIDATION — FOREIGN RELATIONS — LATER WARS — DISTRI- BUTION OF KINGDOMS — DEATH OF THE OLDER SONS, PIPPIN AND CHARLES — LAST WILL — ELECTION AND CORONATION OF LOUIS AS CO-EMPEROR — DEATH OF CHARLES THE GREAT — CANONIZATION — SPECIAL COLLECT FOR HIS DAY, JANUARY 28 — THE GREAT WORK WHICH HE ACCOMPLISHED. URING the closing years of his life Charles was largely occupied in the con- solidation of the empire and the admin- istration of its affairs. After his corona- tion he made a general revision of the different customs and codes of law of the several people united under his rule.^ The personality of law still prevailed according to which each person, wherever he might be, must be judged and dealt with according to the law of his own people. The Franks, Salian and Ripuarian, each had their own law, also the Saxons, Frisians, Goths, Burgundians, Alcmannians, Bavarians, Lombards, and the Ro- ' "Ann. Lauresh," an. 802 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 39. 288 Obstacles to Unity. 289 mans. The confusion and difficulties engendered when all these were joined together in one great empire can be imagined better than described. " So great a diversity of laws prevailed that it was in not only single districts and cities, but even in many houses, for it sometimes happened that five men might be walking or sitting together, and not one of them have a law common to one of the others." * The difficulties confronting a ruler under such conditions were enormous. Under Louis the Pious there was a thought of uniting all under one law. Of course not as easy politically as ecclesiasti- cally, but since all were united in one faith under the one law of Christ, members of one church, they might also be included under one and the same secu- lar law, but the thought found no further realization. Charles, indeed, tried to establish order and to unify the principles of his administration, and the im- mense number of his capitularies attest his zeal and earnestness, but his attempt could not succeed. " In spite of the unity and activity of his thought and power, disorder was all about him, immense, invincible. He repressed it a moment at one point, but the evil ruled wherever his terrible will did not reach, and then in the very place through which he had passed it began again as soon as he had de- parted." " His foreign relations have a more romantic inter- est. Since he considered himself the champion of the Christians who were under foreign rule, he was ^ Agobard, " Adv. leg. Gund.," c. 4. * Guizot, lecture xx. 290 The Age of Charlemagne. brought into closest relations with the great Ma- hometan power, and without coming into hostile relations with the rulers, especially the caliphs of the East, or even without showing any difference in diplomatic intercourse between them and other for- eign princes. He established, however, his place as head and representative of Christianity, and knew how to make it recognized in peaceable ways. It was probably on this account that in his foreign rela- tions the bishop of Rome, the spiritual head of the West, came into intimate relations with him. The pope lent his aid in the overthrow of Tassilo, and also in the contest with the duke of Benevento. He also aided Charles in restoring Eardulf, the North- umbrian king.' He confirmed the treaty made with the Greek emperor in 812,^ and even in domestic affairs he subscribed the important document con- cerning the division of the kingdom among the sons of Charles in 806, and the conditions under which this should take place," and when later under Louis the Pious it came to an open breach and contest between the emperor and his sons regarding the regulation of the succession and other questions therewith connected, the pope was brought over the Alps in order to give preponderance and victory to the party of the sons. In all that belonged to the kingdom he took a high place, and much depended upon his co-operation in other than purely ecclesi- astical concerns. However, he never actained any ' " Ann. Einhardi," an. 808 ; M. G: SS., vol. i., p. 195. =» Ihid., an. 812 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 199. » Ibid,, an. 806 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 193. Haroiin A I Rase hid. 291 definite right in giving regular counsel or even in the final determination in religious affairs." Among the most interesting of the foreign relations were those with Haroun Al Raschid, the caliph of Bag- dad, better known to us as the hero of the " Ara- bian Nights." These two great monarchs, the caliph of the great Mahometan power of the East and the emperor of the great Christian nations of the West, were on the most intimate terms of friend- ship, and frequent messengers and ambassadors passed between them. Einhard tells us " that this prince preferred the favor of Charles to that of all the kings and potentates of the earth, and consid- ered that to him alone marks of honor and munifi- cence were due. Accordingly when the ambassa- dors sent by Charles to visit the most holy sepulchre and place of resurrection of our Lord and Saviour presented themselves before him with gifts, and made known their master's wishes, he not only granted what was asked, but gave possession of that holy and blessed spot. When they returned he dis- patched his ambassadors with them and sent mag- nificent gifts, besides stuffs, perfumes, and other rich products of the Eastern land. A few years before this Charles had asked for an elephant, and the caliph sent the only one that he had. " ' The chroni- clers make a special record of the coming of this elephant, and even gave his name, Abul-Abbas, ' As, for example, in connection with the Image controversy, the Frankfort Synod, the Caroline Books, and the Filioque clause. 2 Einhard, "Vita," c. i6. 292 The Age of Charlemagne. meaning " Father of Destruction." ^ He died in 810.^ Charles liked foreigners, and was at great pains to take them under his protection, and there were at all times large numbers of them in his kingdom and about his court. His relations with the English Bretwalda Offa of Mercia were very friendly, and he guaranteed protection to the English pilgrims and merchants passing through the realm. ^ At one time negotiations were carried on by his son Charles for the hand of Offa's daughter, but these were finally broken off.* About a year before his coronation he had sent one of the court clerg}^ as bearer of his bounty to the holy places of the East. His messenger re- turned to Rome at about the time of the coronation accompanied by two Eastern monks, sent by the patriarch of Jerusalem. As evidence of his high regard for the king he sent by them his benediction and the keys of the holy sepulchre of Mount Cal- vary, of the city of Jerusalem and of Mount Zion, together with a standard^ conferring upon him an honorary supremacy over the holy city and placing it under his protection.^ Most of the wars of this later period were carried ' "Ann. Einhardi," an. 802; M. G. SS., vol. i,, p. 190; "Ann. Lauresh.," an. 802; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 39; " Chron. Moiss ," an. 802. M. G. SS , vol. i., p. 307. ^ Ibid., an. 810, p. 197. ^ Jaff6, vol. iv., pp. 357, 358 ; Ep. Carol. 11, a.D. 796 ; " Letter to Offa, King of the Mercians." Translated by Mombert, pp. 335. 33^. ** Abel-Simson, vol. ii., pp. 7, 8, 475, ^ "Ann. Lauriss.," an. 800, M. G. SS., p. 188. * Waltz, vol. iii., p. 186. Later Wars. 293 on under or in the name of the emperor's sons. Pippin at the age of four had been crowned king of Italy, and at the same time his brother Louis, one year younger, was crowned king of Aquitania, though both reigned under a guardian, baiuliis, but Charles continued to be the real ruler, receiving re- ports and giving instructions even in regard to the minutest details, and sending his commissioners from time to time, just as in the rest of the empire. At the age of nine Pippin accompanied his father in the campaign against Benevento, and in the follow- ing year, 787, is said to have led one of the armies against Tassilo, the refractory duke of the Bavarians. In 791 he headed the Italian forces in the campaign against the Avars, on which occasion Louis, who had reached his thirteenth year, was publicly ac- knowledged as a warrior and formally invested with a sword. Soon after Pippin sent back word of a great victory over the Avars, and continued the warfare against them, while Louis was with his father in the North subduing the Saxons, though both joined Pippin in the latter part of the war. After the conquest of the Avars, Charles, the oldest son, whose mother was Himiltrud, entered upon a campaign against the Bohemians, who threatened the frontier along the boundary of the newly con- quered Avars. He then, in 806, proceeded against the Sarabians far in the North, between the Saale and Elbe, and by the death of their leader forced them to submit.' In the meanwhile the Arabs took advantage of these exploits in the North and East 1 " Ann. Einhardi," an. 806 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 193. 294 ^^^^ -^S^ ^f Charlemagne. and invaded Septimania. Several contests with them followed, and Louis was engaged from time to time in warding off their piratical attacks, though they killed many Christians and secured much booty/ There is a tradition, we are told, that the Emir determined to devote the spoils taken in war against the Christians to the erection of a splendid mosque at Cordova. Not content with the glory of building it with Christian money, he determined that it should stand on Christian soil, and for that purpose caused sacks filled with earth from the battlefield of Villedaigne to be carried on the shoulders of his Christian prisoners of war to Cordova, and the foundations of the Mahometan temple were laid in that earth. " If the statement is true," says Mom- bert, " the fate of that mosque points the lesson of the instability of the things below, for the mosque is now the Cathedral of Cordova." ' The domestic affairs of the kingdoms of these young kings were not always administered with ability and integrity, and Charles found himself obliged to interfere on account of the corrupt ad- ministration of the kingdom of Louis, whose officers had diverted the crown property and land to their own uses, and had reduced the young and inexperi- enced king to a state of poverty. Charles immedi- ately appointed special commissioners to recover the royal domains and apply the revenue to the use of the crown, introducing also certain reforms which ' "Ann. Moiss.," an. 793 ; M. G. SS., p. 300. ' Mombert, pp. 291, 292. Distribution of So6. 295 might strengthen the position of Louis, but great caution was followed in order not to alienate the nobles from their king. Louis usually spent the summer months with his father, but the city of Toulouse, where his general assemblies were held, was nominally his permanent residence. In 806 Charles made a formal distribution of the kingdoms of the empire, the object being to strengthen the power by distributing the control, allowing a harmonious and uniform development of the several parts, and avoiding the distractions which might follow civil strife if either of the sons were left without territory. The brothers were to unite in the maintenance of each other's police regula- tions, in the common defence against enemies at home or abroad, and in the care and protection of the Roman Church. Without going into details, we may note that to Louis was assigned Aquitania, Vasconia, the southern part of Burgundy, Provence, Septimania, and Gothia ; to Pippin, Lombardy, Bavaria, and the territory on the southern bank of the Danube from its source to the Rhine. To Charles was given all the rest— Austrasia, Neustria, Thuringia, Saxony, Frisia, part of Burgundy, part of Alemannia, and part of Bavaria. It is to be noted that only three sons are mentioned whose right of inheritance is acknowledged, and most sur- prising of all, that no mention is made of the City of Rome or of the imperial title and authority. In other respects, however, the document is not of much importance, for its provisions were never car- ried out. After the division Pippin and Louis re- 296 The Age of Charlemag7ie. turned to their dominions ; Louis to continue the struggle against the Saracens in the South, and Pip- pin the defence of his possessions against the Moors, who were attacking Corsica and Sardinia. The rela- tions of Pippin and Leo were not very friendly,^ perhaps on account of their too great nearness, but the danger to the papacy, whatever it might have been, was averted by the death of Pippin in 810. Pippin left one son, Bernhard, who was sent by Charles to be educated by Rabanus Maurus, in the monastery of Fulda, and in 812 he was sent into Italy as king in his father's place/ In the year of Pippin's death occurred a great invasion by the Northmen, the Danes, but they were driven back, Charles himself taking the field against them with a large army, and it was not until the middle of the century, after the death of Charles and of his son Louis, that they finally entered within the bounda- ries of the empire, and not until the beginning of the next century did they effect a settlement and found the Duchy of Normandy, although Eng- land during all this time suffered from their inva- sions. Charles, the oldest son mentioned in the division of 806, died in 811. He had been most intimately associated with his father in all his affairs, and to him had been given the Duchy of Maine in 789, probably with the title of king." It was the same territory which once King Pippin had given to his ' Jaff6, vol. iv., p. 310 ; Leonis, iii., Ep. i, A.D. 808. '^ " Einhardi Ann.," an. 812, 813, 814; M. G. SS., vol. i., pp. 199, 200, 201. 3 "Ann. Mett.," an. 789 ; M. G. SS., vol. i , p. 176. Old Age. 297 brother Grifo/ and which later, 838, Louis the Pious gave to his son Charles the Bald." Charles was also the son who was crowned and anointed with his father by Pope Leo IIL at the imperial coronation in 800. It is probable that this signified his father's intention to bestow upon him the imperial crown, but there seems to be no further evidence of this, and, as we have seen, in the proposed division of the kingdom, Italy was given to Pippin without any mention of the imperial dignity. Meanwhile the emperor had grown old, though still vigorous and active intellectually and physi- cally. The capitularies of his later days, both in number and in character, show no decline in admin- istrative ability, and his campaigns against the Danes, although not requiring any fighting, gave evidence of his martial spirit, while hunting in the forest of Ardennes was still his favorite occupation. At last he felt the end was near. He had divided his kingdom in 806, and in 811 he had made his will ;^ but now only one son, Louis, the king of Aquitania, was left, and him he summoned to his imperial palace at Aix-la-Chapelle. Here Louis spent the summer of 813, receiving instructions and advice regarding the empire and its administration.* In September the general assembly was held, and an important capitulary was issued. Charles com- mended Louis to the nobles and ecclesiastics and all * "Ann. Mett.," an. 749 ; M. G. SS., vol. i.. p. 331. « "Prud. Tree. Ann.," an. 838 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 432. > Einhard, "Vita Karoli.," c. 33. Translated by Mombert, pp. 453-457. ,, ^ o^ * "Einhardi Ann., an. 873; M. G. SS., vol. 1., p. 200, 298 The Age of Charlemagne. the people present, and charged them to be faithful to him as emperor if they would bestow the title upon him. They answered his appeal with a unani- mous shout, and pronounced him worthy to be their emperor. On Sunday, September nth, in the church of St. Mary the Virgin, clad in his imperial robes and wearing his magnificent crown, Charles advanced to the altar and placed thereon the new crown for his son ; both knelt in prayer ; after which Charles delivered a solemn charge to the young em- peror. He bade him, above all things, fear and love God and keep his commandments, and govern well the church and protect her from her enemies. He exhorted him to show a tender regard for his kinsmen, for the priests and for the people, and to watch over the poor. He advised him to receive into his confidence only faithful ministers. God-fear- ing and opposed to corruption. He bade him to do justice and love mercy, and in all things to be an example to his people. Louis replied that he would obey these precepts of his father with the help of God. Then Charles bade him take with his own hands the crown from the altar and place it upon his head, and he handed to him the imperial sceptre.' Charles then commanded him to be proclaimed emperor and Augustus, and the multitude exclaimed, Long life to Emperor Louis !" Charles then de- clared Louis joint emperor with himself, and con- cluded with the ascription of praise: " Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, for that thou hast granted me grace ^ Thegan, " De Gestis Ludow. Pii," c. 6. Death of Chai^les the Great. 299 this day to see with my own eyes my son seated on my throne." ' Shortly after this Louis returned to Aquitania, and his fatlicr passed the autumn in hunting, returning about November 1st. The winter was very severe, and in the month of January Charles had a violent attack of fever, which increased in violence, and was accompanied by pleurisy, warn- ing him of his speedy end. He immediately sent for his archchaplain and intimate friend, Hildibald, archbishop of Cologne, who administered to him the sacrament and prepared him for death. On the following morning, Saturday, summoning all his strength, he stretched out his right hand, signed himself with the sign of the cross, first on his fore- head and then over his whole body, and at last, joining his hands across his breast, he closed his eyes, and with the words, " Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit," he breathed his last at nine o'clock on the morning of January 28th, 814. He was buried with all magnificence in the church of Aix-la-Chapelle. Through the earnest endeavors of the Emperor Frederick L and King Henry H. of England, Charles was canonized by the consent and authority of the anti-pope. Paschal, an act which was sanctioned, however, by the rightful pope, Alex- ander HL " The Roman Church observes his day on January 28th, and the special collect used at Minden and elsewhere reads as follows : ' O God, who in the superabounding plenitude of thy good- ness hast exalted the blessed Charles the Great, ^ Einhard, "Vita, "c. 30; " Chron. Moiss.,"an. 813 ; M.G.SS., vol. i., pp. 310, 311. 300 The Age of Charle^nagne. Emperor and thy Confessor, after having laid aside the veil of the flesh, to the glory of a blissful immor- tality, mercifully grant that as thou didst raise him for the praise and glory of thy Name to imperial honor upon earth, so of thy grace we may be found worthy ever to enjoy his pious and propitious inter- cession in heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord.' " ^ The great work of Charles was ended. Mot to make great conquests, whose possession should re- main in the care and keeping of his descendants for long generations ; not to found an enduring empire over which his successors might rule in unbroken peace and serenity ; not even to establish a system of laws which should remain the possession of Europe, nor to found institutions which should en- dure long after he had passed away ; but to bring the entire German people into one great whole for a period long enough for their development in civiliza- tion and Christianity — to form, as it were, a great imperial university for such a training of the German nation in learning, in civilization, in the principles of the Christian faith, and in the morals of the Chris- tian religion. More than this, for weal or for woe he had made possible the establishment of feudal- ism, out of which were to grow the free cities and the great monarchies of Europe ; and, above all else, he had placed the Roman Church in a position of independence, of strength, of security, and of in- fluence in which she might become the guide, the teacher, and the example of the West. Thus, after ' Mombert, pp. 487, 48S ; Boland, "Acta Sanct. ad Jan. 28," p. 874. Trite Greatness of Charles. 30: all, the greatness of Charles consists not in his famous exploits, neither in his wars nor in his laws, neither in his imperial organization and title, nor in his military generalship and victories, but in the results for civilization, for morality, and for religion which he made possible for Europe. The mighty agent through which he worked, the organization which he placed in control of these great forces, and upon which he conferred the possibility of using them, was the Christian Church, which had its head, its centre, and its chief bishop at Rome. In more than one sense his work was not complete. " An inclusion of the Anglo-Saxon and Irish territories in the union with the empire, an extension of the king- dom and of the Christian faith over the Northern Germans, an expulsion of the Mahometans from Spain and the restoration of the Christian rule in the whole extent of the peninsula — these, leaving out the problems which Africa and the East might present, were objects which a successor of Charles who wished to carry on his work could have placed before him." ^ The constitution which he had established rested essentially upon the kingdom as it had formed itself among the German people in the time of the wan- derings and conquests. The development of the feudal relations had a very great power and signifi- cance, but instead of giving a new support or a firmer coherence to the great kingdom, as Charles had hoped, it proved the greatest source of its weakness and one of the chief causes of its overthrow. It ^ Waitz, vol. iv., p. 635. 302 The Age of Char/emagne. endangered the unity instead of strengthening it, and all that Charles could do, with the summoning of all his power, was to unite it and bring it into some sort of connection with existing arrangements. Nothing resembles feudalism less than the sovereign unity to which Charles aspired, yet he was the real founder of feudalism, for by checking invasions and by repressing internal disorder, he gave to the local positions, interests, and influences time to take real possession of the land and of its inhabitants. It was in union with the church, and in the soli- darity of its members, that Charles found a principle and model for the unity of his realm. The unity of faith and of divine worship in which the people united outweighed the difference of nationality, of laws and of interests. The state took up the ten- dencies which the church had perfected in itself, and lent to its development the power which it possessed, and its comprehension served as a basis for some- thing great. CHAPTER XXVI. INTELLECTUAL LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT— THE DARK AGES — INFLUENCE OF MONASTICISM— LEARNING IN ENGLAND — BENEDICT BISCOr — ARCHBISHOP THEODORE— HADRIAN— BEDE— ALCUIN — THE LIBRARY AT YORK. E come now to one of the most important subjects, perhaps the most important of the whole period. It has been said that the permanent contributions made by Charles to the history of the world were the conquest of the Saxons and the establishment of schools ; and it is difficult to overestimate the importance of either. His activity, however, in both of these directions left much to be worked out and carried to completion by those who came after him, but the common opinion in regard to his intel- lectual work needs further explanation. In a recent most valuable work on the Universi- ties of Europe in the Middle Ages, we are told most emphatically that the schools of Charles the Great were not the origin of the University of Paris. " These schools were probably migratory, and fol- lowed the person of the sovereign, like the ancient 303 304 The Age of Charlemagne. courts of lav/, in his progresses through his domin- ions."' It is only by an assumption, therefore, that one can speak of the identity of the schools of the palace with the later church schools of Paris. We may believe, however, that some of the features which characterized the Parisian university system may be traced very rightly to the work of Charles, especially the intensely ecclesiastical character, the system of supervision by church authorities, and the complete identification of the scholastic with the clerical order. Undoubtedly, also, the general edu- cational traditions, as well as intellectual inspiration, inherited by the schools of Paris, were derived ulti- mately from the schools of Alcuin and of Charles, but the connection cannot be traced through any single school. The later intellectual life seems due to the gen- eral " revival of episcopal and monastic schools throughout the Prankish Empire." "" Through the dark ages which intervened between the age of Charles the Great and the twelfth cen- tury there were at least a few monasteries, and per- haps one or two cathedrals, where the fame of some great teacher drew students from distant lands, and where some ray of enthusiasm for the intellectual life still survived. The torch of learning, which Charles and Alcuin lighted from the fires of the Irish and English schools, never went completely out, but served in its turn to kindle the flames of knowledge after the storms and tempests of the barbarian invasions of the ninth and tenth centuries ' Rashdall, vol. i., p. 273. ' Ibid., vol. i., p. 274. Decline of Classical Leai'iiing. 305 had been stilled. But it is not easy to make right inferences and to form a just estimate regarding the intellectual position of these far-distant centuries. Gibbon/ Hallam/ and Robertson' give us indeed a gloomy picture of their intellectual life and require- ments which Maitland' has done much to correct, while Lorenz, in his biography of Alcuin, affirms that there was " a more universal education secured to the lower classes at the conclusion of the eighth century than France can boast of in the nineteenth.* The ancient and classical learning of Greece and Rome had been suffering for centuries a steady de- cline, due, in the first instance, not to the church, for it was not yet strong enough to accomplish so much, but to the same causes that had brought about the decline of the empire.^ A similar de- terioration may be noticed in the Christian writings, comparing those of the three centuries before Augustine^ with those of the three centuries suc- ceeding him, when the flood of barbarism poured down upon the empire, spreading confusion, igno- rance, and general demoralization everywhere. Nor was this all, for the church had been obliged from the first to condemn the social and political life all about her, and to isolate herself completely from it ^ Gibbon, ch. Ixvi., ad Jin. ' Hallam, ch. ix., part i. ^ Robertson, introduction to the " History of the Emperor, Charles V." 4 Maitland, "The Dark Ages." * Lorenz, p. 59. This statement may be due in some measure to German prejudice against the French. « Hallam, ch. ix., part i ; Adams, pp. 76-SS. ' The fourth century has been called " the golden age of Chris- tian literature." Chastel, vol. ii., p. 315. T J 06 The Age of Charlemag7ie, on account of its being inseparably bound up with and interpenetrated by the heathen and immoral acts, sentiments, and principles which Christianity necessarily opposed with relentless zeal and uncom- promising vigor. It had seemed equally necessary to ignore if not to condemn' that whole literature, however great and beautiful, which was so per- meated with heathenism as to form, at any rate at first, an obstacle to the progress of Christianity — an obstacle which could not be subdued, but could only be thrust aside. Indeed, out of this learning had arisen, at first direct attacks, and later, rival schemes and systems of belief and conduct, and though St. Paul, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and St. Augustine showed the possibility and even the advantage of the knowledge of the literary treasure of Greece and Rome, it was felt that only giants could resist such mighty power, and the days of giants were passing away. We need only refer to the later testimony of Jerome as to the general neglect of pagan learning, and the vision which he had in his early years, accompanied by the warning words, " You are a Ciceronian, not a Christian, * for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.' " Furthermore, as has been said, a general decline was taking place even in the classical litera- ture and learning, that went far to justify the church's condemnation. At the end of the seventh century, when pagan- ism might seem to be finally suppressed, the last ' "Apostolic Constitutions," bk. i., ch. vi.; " Anti-Nicene Fa- thers," vol. vii., p. 393. Monasticism. 307 advocates and great centres of the ancient learning already had disappeared, and the capability of its appreciation already had well-nigh vanished. With the barbarian invasions and settlements of the fifth century came, at the same time, the establishment of monasticism, which had, perhaps, an even greater influence upon education and civilization than it had, at any rate in the earlier centuries, upon the church and religion. Monasticism was of Eastern origin, and its orig- inal form partook very largely of the nature of East- ern life, to which it was closely adapted. More- over, in the East it had its origin in connection with religions and philosophies more or less alien to the true spirit of Christianity, and was based largely on the doctrines of the duality and irreconcilable antagonism of mind and body, of the essential evil of matter as it existed in the world and in the body, and of the necessity of subduing the physical and of elevating the spiritual by absolute isolation from the world in a life of bodily mortification and spir- itual contemplation in a more or less mechanical fashion. In other words, the spiritual element was to be developed and maintained by the annihilation of the physical. In the West, however, monasti- cism was hardly known, especially among the new peoples, except as the ally and agent of Christianity and as permeated with its spirit, and this, together with the natural difference of climate and of people, gave to it essentially different characteristics and tendencies. The redemption of the world, not the destruction of matter, but its service, subordination, 3o8 The Age of Charlemagne. if you will, to the higher development of man, is the fundamental principle of Western monasticism. Not always consciously present, we must admit, but generally moulding and influencing Western monastic life in its higher moments. It is for this reason that the practical element of the West, as distinct from the contemplative spirit of the East, plays such a large part in its history, and while the monks of the East, to whom their own spiritual welfare was proposed as the sole aim of existence tended to the unsocial, unproductive, unbeneficent life, the monks of the West became the cultivators of the soil, the teachers of agricul- ture, the preservers of letters, and the teachers and examples of the people. For just this reason, there- fore, we find another theory in regard to the use and advantages of the old pagan learning, a truer reflection of the earlier spirit of St. Paul, Clement, and Origen, which the monks of the West were able to take up and to develop in the practical carrying out of that famous motto, " Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good," So they would not con- demn the old learning, but just as it seemed about to fall into decay and to perish, they rose to gather up and to protect all that remained, that nothing might be lost. The school as a place of learning, for intellectual and higher spiritual influence, was, therefore, an institution connected with monastic foundations from the very earliest times, and though at first its range of subjects was limited and its methods narrow and inadequate, it soon began to take the place of the old imperial municipal schools Decline of Theological Learning. 309 which had disappeared rapidly under the attacks of the church and of the Germans. In the more important bishoprics in connection with the preparation of candidates for the clerical order, the episcopal or cathedral schools began to attain great prominence. Learning, however, was promoted for ecclesiastical purposes, so that read- ing and the transcription of manuscripts were largely confined to the Scriptures and to church services, music to chanting, arithmetic and astronomy to the calculation of Easter. Worse than all, there rose the so-called fourfold system of interpreting the Scriptures, encouraging the student to depart from the plain, literal, or historical meaning of the text, and to wander amid the vagaries and caprices of the allegorical or typical and figurative, the tropo- logical or moral and ethical, the anagogical or mys- tical and purely speculative meaning and interpre- tation, which a highly developed imagination might be able to supply. Under such influences, theological, as well as other learning, sensibly declined, and the state to which it came in the sixth century can be readily learned from the words and writings of Gregory of Tours. Under the Merovingians, learning almost ceased to exist. It had found refuge in the church and in the monasteries, but the condition of these at the accession of Charles Martel was one of great demoralization, although at the time the material prosperity was very great, for it is estimated that at the close of the seventh century the church owned or controlled about one third of the territory of 3IO The Age of Charlemagne. Gaul. But the demoralization of bishops, who en- gaged in war, in hunting and in pleasures, and of the monks, whose discipline had become very lax, on account of their increase in wealth and of im- munity from episcopal oversight and control, as well as on account of their large accessions from the lower classes, had become an open scandal. The accession of Charles Martel had brought the bishops under secular control, but his so-called work of reformation consisted principally of wholesale seizure of church property. He regarded the re- sources of the church chiefly as sinews of war, or as means of enabling him to reward his officers and soldiers for military achievements. The inroads of the Saracens completed the work of devastation in the South, although by the mis- sionary labors of Boniface and his followers a great Christian work was done under the protection of Charles Martel, but more particularly under his sons and successors. The revival of learning traces its origin to another source. The revival of learning, as well as the re- organization of the church and the further spread of Christianity among the rising kingdoms of the West, were due to men of Ireland and of England, acting, for the most part, under the influence and with the aid and inspiration of Rome. It was in the monasteries and schools of Ireland that learn- ing was maintained and developed unharmed by the shock and confusion on the continent, attendant upon the fall of Rome and the invasions and settle- ments of the barbarians during the fifth and sixth Irish and English Christianity. 311 centuries. In the islands of the West, scchided and far from strife, Christianity and IcarniuL,^ developed together. Special attention was given to the study of the Scriptures in the monasteries of Ireland, and ancient books of all kinds were diligently collected and copied. From here Christianity and learning spread to the Scots and Picts, and so down into Northern England. The conversion of Southern England by Augustine, and of the northern parts by Aidan soon brought the two forces together, and the English Church was united under the two great centres of York and Canterbury ; but the great in- spiration and a larger life came to the church in England from Rome. The English Church, from the very form and manner of its foundation, was brought into a peculiar relation of dependence upon the Church of Rome, and this was only increased and confirmed by the decision at Whitby in 664. This relation was regarded with the greatest pride and satisfaction by the early kings and chief eccle- siastics, especially by Bede and his school, so that it continued to exist and to be still further devel- oped. Pilgrimages by monks, nuns, bishops, nobles and princes, and even kings,' were made to the tomb of St. Peter at Rome. Thus the English were brought into closer relations with Rome, and this led, among other results, to the acquiring of rich additions of literature and art. When, in ^6%, the kings of Northumberland and of Kent had asked ' Ina, of Wessex, Gibbon, chap. xHx., note 36; Coenred of Mercia, Bede, bk. v., ch. xxiv.; Ceadwalla, of Wessex, A. S. Chronicle, an. 688, 709, 726, 728 ; Ethelwulf. of Wessex, A. S. Chronicle, S55. Alfred was crowned in Rome by the pope. The Age of Charlemagne. the pope to select and send some one fitted for the vacant See of Canterbury, Hadrian was first named. He was an African by birth, of noted scholarship, and at that time a monk or abbot of the Niridian monastery in Naples, near Monte Cassino. He had been in Gaul, but never in Britain, and the thought of the great work and responsibility appalled him. He secured, therefore, a learned Greek of St. Paul's city of Tarsus, who was known as Theodore the Philosopher. Theodore was induced to accept the position, and was consecrated by the pope for the vacant archbishopric, having received Hadrian's promise to accompany him and aid him in his work. In May, 669, Theodore arrived in Canterbury accompanied by a young English monk, Benedict Biscop, to be followed later by Hadrian, who had been detained in Gaul. During the two years that elapsed before Hadrian's arrival Biscop presided over the new school which Theodore established at Canterbury. We are quite right in tracing to Bene- dict Biscop the foundation of those schools and the instigation of that learning which made England famous throughout the eighth and ninth centuries. Born in 628 of a noble Northumbrian family, he de- voted himself at the age of twenty-five to the mo- nastic life, but it was to no dreary, selfish, and sense- less asceticism. Monasticism was in his mind but an agent of the church, a means to an end, and that end not the salvation of a man's own soul, but the redemption of the world and the building up of the kingdom of God — a work which in his view de- manded every advantage, the use of every oppor- Befiedict Biscop. 313 tunity, and the development of all the faculties of mind, soul, and body which a man possessed. Art, literature, experience gained by travel, and wide acquaintance with men and affairs, as well as strict adherence to the Benedictine rules of discipline, were all made use of in achieving this great end. It is this earnest zeal and wide comprehensiveness that makes the name of Benedict Biscop the first bright ray in the intellectual life of England. There had been learning in the island before, and there could still be traced the influence of the Scotch and Irish schools, with learning introduced from Gaul, but the first original impulse in England is undoubtedly due to Biscop. In 653 he made his first journey to Rome, a second followed in 665, and a third in 671. From each of these he returned laden with stores of learning, of experience, and of literature, from Rome and from Gaul, and especially from Vienne. On his return from the third journey he received from the Northumbrian king a large grant of land at the mouth of the Wear, and founded the monas- tery of St. Peter's at Wearmouth in 674. Here he deposited his library, to which large additions were made as the result of a fourth journey to Rome in 678. Workmen from Gaul, furniture, pictures, glass, and lattice-work provided an artistic and suit- able home for this great treasure, while an archchan- tor from Rome instructed the monks in music and in ritual. In 681 a sister institution was founded near by, at Jarrow, on land given by the pleased and grateful king. An additional wealth of pic- tures and of books was secured by the indefatigable 314 '^^^^ ^S^ ^f CJiaylemagne. Biscop in his fifth journey to Rome, in 687, from which he returned worn, shattered, and partially paralyzed, in which condition he lingered until his death in 690. As he left the world he urged upon his disciples and pupils the importance of maintain- ing the monastic rule and discipline which he had established after visiting seventeen different monas- teries on the continent. He implored them to take special care in the preservation of his precious library, and particularly emphasized the duty of dis- regarding the claims of nobility and of family in the choice of spiritual rulers. Bede has given us the fullest and most sympa- thetic account of his life.' The debt that England and, through England, the Western Church owes to Benedict Biscop is a very great one, and has scarcely ever been fairly recog- nized, for it may be said that the civilization and learning of the eighth century rested on the monas- teries which he founded, which produced Bede, and, through him, the school of York, Alcuin, and the Carolingian schools, on which the culture of the Middle Ages was based.'' The work of Bede, from the age of seven, when he first came under the direc- tion of Biscop, who was his teacher, patron, and friend, until his death at Jarrow, in 735, is too well known to require our present consideration. His writings were numerous, and covered a vast range of subjects, including commentaries and trans- ' Bede, " Historia Abbatum." Ed. Plummer, vol. i., pp. 364-370. "^ Smith and Wace, "Dictionary of Christian Biography," art. Benedict Biscop, by Bishop Stubbs. Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. 3 1 5 lations of the Old and New Testaments, grammar, rhetoric, poetry, arithmetic, chronology, epigrams, hymns, sermons, pastoral addresses and penitentials,. and even some writings on natural science, besides his great works of history and biography. Ilis learning included the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin languages, and quotations from Plato, Aristotle and Homer, Seneca, Cicero, Lucretius, Ovid and Virgil are found in his works. " I am my own librarian, my own secretary, and make my own notes," he writes. In the mean time the work of Theodore at Can- terbury had been going on. Hadrian, on his arrival, proved a most useful assistant to the archbishop. Both were able teachers, appreciated learning, and soon attracted large numbers of eager disciples through their influence. All the larger monasteries were converted into schools of learning, in which the laity, as well as the clergy, imbibed a respect for knowledge, and in some cases a real love for it. " Even the monasteries belonging to the fair sex," said Hook, " were converted into seminaries of learning, and the abbess, Hildelidis, with her nuns, were, in the next generation, able to under- stand the Grecisms of Aldhelm, in his Latin trea- tise, ' De Laudibus Virginitatis,' written for their special edification." ' In the time of Bede, as he himself tells us, there were scholars of Theodore and Hadrian who knew the Latin and Greek lan- guages as well as their own.' In another place Bede * Hook, vol. i., pp. 163, 164, ch. iv., § 2. 2 Bede, bk. iv., ch. ii. 3i6 The Age of CJiarlemagne. says that Albinus, Hadrian's disciple and successor in the government of the monastery at Canterbury, was so proficient in the study of the classics, that he knew Greek indeed in no small measure, and the Latin as thoroughly as that of the Angles, which was his native tongue.' The Saxon Chronicle notices the death of Theo- dore in the year 690 with this brief remark : *' Be- fore this the bishops had been Romans, from this time they were English." "^ In other words, this great man had converted what had been a mission- ary station into an established church, and had set on foot an intellectual movement by which native Englishmen were trained and fitted for the highest positions in the English Church. On the model of these schools, under the influ- ence of Bede and of the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow, the most noted of all, the school of York, was founded. From the time of Paulinus, 625, York had been the great ecclesiastical centre of the North, and though, after his flight and the introduction of the missionaries from the Ionian monastery, who had made Landisfarne their seat, its importance had waned, it was restored again by the sjolendor and magnificence which the presence of Wilfrid gave to it as his see city. Wilfrid, like Biscop, had spent more time amid the greater cul- ture of Gaul and Rome. He had seen the churches of Rome and other Italian cities, and could not endure the rough timber buildings thatched with ' Bede, bk. v., ch. xx. ' A. S, Chronicle, an. 6go. The Parker MS. Archbishop Egbert of York. 317 weeds which the Saxons had built, aiul with which the Ionian missionaries had been content. True, the church of PauHnus at York had been built of stone, but it was in ruins. Wilfrid repaired it, roofed it with lead, and filled the windows with glass. At Ripon he built a new church of cut stones. It was of great height and supported by columns, but the architectural wonder of the age was the church at Hexham, surpassing in splendor every church on that side of the Alps. Through the influence of Bede, York was raised to an archbishopric in 735, and from this time its future greatness and importance were assured. Egbert, the first archbishop, a friend and corre- spondent of Bede, was a learned as well as wise and successful ruler. His literary works are of great re- pute, and to him is due the honor of estabhshing the school of York, and the foundation of the library in connection with it. Its relation with Wearmouth and Jarrow must have been intimate and helpful. From the start scholars flocked hither from all parts of Europe, adding new honor to its fame and influence and to the increase of its library, thus fur- nishing a larger acquaintance with the wider field of literature. Alcuin has left us an interesting glimpse of Egbert's scholastic life. In the morning, as soon as he was at liberty, he used to send for some of the young clerks, whom he instructed in succession. At noon he celebrated mass in his private chapel. Dinner was followed by a general discussion of lit- erary subjects. In the evening Compline was said. 3i8 The Age of Charlemagne. Stubbs says : " It is not too much to say that the gentle influences of the school of York and of its teachers kept Northumbria together until the close of the century in which Egbert lived. At the last, when Northumbria became hopelessly disorganized, the disciples of Egbert were enlightening other countries than those they w^ere intended to human- ize. The pupils of the school of York taught the schools and universities of Italy, of Germany, and of France." ' The most famous scholar of all was Alcuin. He was a Northumbrian of noble family, born about 735, at or near York. He was quite young when he entered Egbert's cathedral school, with which he remained connected, first as a scholar, then as master, until he went to take up his residence at the Prankish Court. He followed the usual lines of instruction, being taught first to read, write, and memorize the Latin psalms, then taking up the rudiments of grammar and the other liberal arts, and afterwards the study of the Holy Scriptures. He soon became the most eminent pupil of the school, then assistant master to Aelbert, and on the death of Egbert, in ^66, when Aelbert suc- ceeded to the archbishopric of York, Alcuin became head-master of the school, and held the position of Scholasticus. In 780, on Aelbert's death, he took charge of the cathedral library, then the most famous in England, and one of the most famous in the Western world. It far surpassed any possessed * Smith and Wace, " Dictionary of Christian Biography," vol, ;i., p. 51, art. Egbert. The Library at York. 319 by cither England or France in the twelfth century, whether at Canterbury, at Paris, or at Bee. The full list of the volumes it contained is f^iven in a poem written by Alcuin when it was under his charge. The following is a translation : '* There shalt thou find the volumes that contain All of the ancient fathers who remain ; There all the Latin writers make their home With those that glorious Greece transferred to Rome — The Hebrews draw from their celestial stream, And Africa is bright with learning's beam. " Here shines what Jerome, Ambrose, Hilary thought, Or Athanasius and Augustine wrought, Orosius, Leo, Gregory the Great, Near Basil and Fulgentius coruscate. Grave Cassiodorus and John Chrysostom Next Master Bede and learned Anhelm come. While Victorinus and Boethius stand With Pliny and Pompeius close at hand. *' Wise Aristotle looks on Tully near. Sedulius and Juvencus next appear. Then come Albinus, Clement, Prosper too, Paulinus and Arator. Next we view Lactantius, Fortunatus. Ranged in line Virgilius Maro, Statius, Lucan, shine. Donatus, Priscian, Probus, Phocas, start The roll of Masters in grammatic art. Eutychius, Servius, Pompey, each extend The list. Comminian brings it to an end. " There shalt thou find, O reader, many more. Famed for their style, the masters of old yore, Whose heavy volumes singly to rehearse Were far too tedious for our present verse." ' > West, pp. 34, 35. 320 The Age of Charlemagne. Two authors probably are omitted, Martianus Capella and Isidore of Seville, on account of the exigencies of the verse. Of Aristotle little v>^as known except some quotations in Augustine, an abridgment of the Categories falsely attributed to Augustine, the " De Interpretatione," with the translation of Porphyry's " Isagoge, " or Introduc- tion, by Boethius, and logical treatises by the latter, and this furnished all their material for the study of logic. Nothing was known of the great ethical, metaphysical, and scientific works of Aristotle. Of Plato, the Phaedo and Timaeus were known, though not mentioned by Alcuin. Boethius and Cassiodo- rius formed the great mediaeval text-books in phi- losophy. The work of Isidore was a great encyclo- paedia, the most popular of all school collections. Alcuin calls him " Liuncn Hispanice,'' but " it must have been very dark in Spain." In astronomy he tells us that the sun is larger than the moon or the earth. There is little knowledge, and that of a very vague sort. Capella disputes with Augustine the honor of the division of knowledge into the Trivinm, consisting of grammar, rhetoric, and logic, and the Qiiadrivium, embracing arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. His work is an allegorical presentation, in the first two books, of the marriage of science and eloquence, the attendant virgins being the seven liberal arts, which he then proceeds to de- scribe. Gregory of Tours frankly admits that whatever of the arts or sciences was to be known in his day Mart tames Cape I la. 321 could be found in Martianus Capella.' His mythol- ogy and cosmogony were hardly orthodox enough for general use, and he is supposed to have sug- gested the great discovery of Copernicus, pointing out in his eighth chapter that Mercury and Venus revolve not around the earth, but around the sun. * Gregory, bk. x., ch. xxxi. CHAPTER XXVII. MEETING OF CHARLES AND ALCUIN — THE PALACE SCHOOL — ALCUIN'S METHODS OF INSTRUC- TION— CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS — ALCUIN ABBOT OF TOURS. rN the spring of 781 Charles and Alcuin met at Parma, the greatest conqueror of the age met the greatest scholar at the most critical time, when the need was greatest for the union of physical might and of intellectual ability, in order to lay strong and deep the great foundations, and to erect light and firm the mighty walls of the Western Empire. The rnen were well matched, and the most important results were sure to follow their union, not only in the cause of learning and of education, but also of ecclesiastical and political affairs. They had met once before, for Alcuin had been sent to Charles by his master, Aelbert, archbishop of York, in 768.' Charles was well prepared for the work which Alcuin was destined to accomplish under his direction, for from his earliest years he had been brought up in the Christian faith and trained by special teachers.'' ' Al;el-Simson, vol. i , p. 391 and note 6. * Alcuin, " Adversus Elipantum." bk. i., ch. xvi. ; Abel-Simson, vol. i.. p. 21. 322 Alcuin and the Palace School. It was Aelbcrt's successor, Eanbald, who sent Al- cuin to Rome to get from Pope Hadrian the pall as the seal and recognition of his authority. On his return he met Charles at Parma, as we have seen, and in response to the royal request promised to go to the Prankish Court, if he could gain per- mission from his king and from Archbishop Ean- bald. Permission being granted conditionally on his promise to return later to England, the end of 781 or beginning of 782 found Alcuin at the court of Charles. Here he became at once the head and centre of the literary circle, which had been joined already by Peter of Pisa, the Lombard Paul the Deacon, and Paulinus the Grammarian. The lat- ter, while in Italy, had been presented by Charles with a landed estate, and was made patriarch of Aquileia, probably in 787.' It was undoubtedly the stay which Charles made in Italy which gave the occasion for the meeting and the union of these scholars. During his residence there his at- tention had been drawn frequently to the intel- lectual superiority of the Italians, and the deter- mination was strong within him to free his own people from the yoke of ignorance. P^'rom this time on his efforts were unfailing, and he took ad- vantage of every means to gain this end. A palace school had from time immemorial existed at the Prankish Court long before the time of Charles,' although, as Charles himself says, " the study of letters had been well-nigh extinguished by the ' Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 411, 412. ' Mombert, p. 243. 324 The Age of Charlemagne. neglect of his ancestors." ' This school Charles de- termined to restore. Walafrid, in his preface to Einhard's Life of Charles, thus speaks of him : " Indeed, of all kings he was the most eager to seek out wise men and to bring them to great honor, that they might apply themselves to the pursuit of wisdom with real pleas- ure. So the cloudy and, I might almost say, the black extent of the kingdom committed to him by God, he gave back luminous with a new and before partly unknown ray of learning, God illuminating him." ^ All the scholars just mentioned formed the nucleus of this great intellectual work. Peter had taught grammar with great distinction in the school at Pavia, and, on the capture of that city by Charles, he had foUow^ed the conqueror to the Prankish Court, and he remained with Charles until his death, at an advanced age, near the close of the century.' Paul the Deacon was also an eminent Lombard scholar educated at the court of Rachis in Pavia. He was born about 725, and entered the Prankish Court in 782. His relations with Charles were very cordial, though he retired to a monastery in 787, where he wrote his famous history of the Lom- bards, tracing their history down to 744, where he ought to have begun it. But all these scholars were far surpassed by Alcuin in vigor of mind and in range of learning. Real originality was not to be found anywhere, but Alcuin's powers were of the ^ Iloretius, vol. i., p. 80. * Jaffe, vol. iv., p. 507. ' Abel-Simson, vol. i., pp. 391, 411 ; Mombert, p. 260. Alc7iin and Charles. 325 most effective kind, and admirably suited to his time and place. He was a great critic, an able compiler, and an intelligent, active student, an earnest and sympathetic teacher, who knew how to make the most of his resources, and in his teaching to bring all his material into play. Alcuin, like Charles, was earnestly devoted to the maintenance of the Catho- lic faith, and he had undoubtedly brought from England that strong feeling of devotion and grati- tude to Rome, which Bede felt and had done so much to foster and to encourage, and which showed itself so plainly in the labors and methods of the great EngHsh missionary, Boniface. Neither he nor Charles showed any cringing or timid subservi- ency to the Roman bishop, and each supported the other in maintaining the absolute freedom of the Prankish Kingdom from anything like papal domi- nation or absolutism, yet both maintained and sought to uphold the dignity, lofty position, and wide usefulness of the Roman Church. It was not an opportune time when Alcuin arrived at the court of Charles, for the king was in the bit- terest and closing part of the first series of Saxon wars. It is, therefore, only one more evidence of the wide range of his interests, and the vigor and determination of his spirit, that in the midst of such affairs he could find time and energy for the estab- lishment of a palace school, and it shows that he regarded the maintenance of learning in his king- dom as only second in importance to the main- tenance of the empire itself. It is also to be noted that in the school founded by Charles in his palace, o 26 T/ie Age of Charlemagne, attended as it was by the members of the royal family, and by the distinguished nobles of the court, learning was to be followed for larger interests and with wider purposes than could be realized in the training of the monks and of the clergy. Not only did Charles revere learning for its own sake, but he saw the value it would have in the moral and intel- lectual improvement of the whole kingdom. Here, then, it would be necessary to go beyond the ordinary chanting and reading of select passages in the Latin Bible, and calculating the return of Easter, and the learning of the times would have to be adapted to a school made up of adult students. Of the king's own attainments Einhard says : Gifted with a ready and easy flowing power of speech, he expressed clearly whatever he wished to say. He was not satisfied with his native tongue alone, but applied himself to the study of other languages, particularly to Latin, which he could speak as well as he could his own, but Greek he understood better than he spoke. He was so ready and fluent a speaker, that he might have passed for a teacher of rhetoric. He most zealously fostered the liberal arts, and held in the greatest veneration and loaded with honors those who taught them. '* He spent much time and labor in studying rhetoric, dialectic, and especially astronomy, in which he seemed to take a peculiar interest. He learned the art of reckoning, and gave much atten- tion to investigating the courses of the stars. He tried also to write, and used to keep tablets and blanks at the head of his bed, that at leisure hours he Reading and Writing. 327 might accustom his hand to form tlic letters, but he did not succeed very well in this work on account of his age and because he began too late in life." ' On this subject of his writing there has been a great deal of childish discussion which is much beside the mark. Gibbon says, with a contemptuous fling, In his mature age the emperor strove to acquire the practice of writing, which every peasant now learns in his infancy." ^ The truth is, reading and writing were not then, as now, the simple tests of elementary learning. On account of the scarcity of books and the ex- pense and difficulty of procuring materials for writ- ing, almost all instruction was given orally, even in the palace school itself, as may be seen by the ex- amples to be given. The study of reading and writing formed a special branch of the technical training, reserved exclusively for monks and other clergy, as having special need for these acquire- ments. Consequently the knowledge of how to read and write is no more to be taken as the test of general education in the early Middle Ages, than a knowledge of Hebrew or of Dogmatic Theology would be to-day. If further confirmation of this fact were sought, it could be found in the well-known immunity from the secular courts, granted to all clergymen, and called " Benefit of Clergy," it being only necessary to show one's ability to read and write to prove " Clergy," and to receive the immunity. The clearest idea of the method and amount of ' Einhard, "Vita," ch. xxv. - Gibbon, ch. xlix. 328 The Age of Charlemagne. instruction given under Alcuin at this palace school may be gained from some of the conversa- tions and lessons actually in use, and which have come down to us. Dr. Mombert has given us most interesting ones in his very valuable work on Charles the Great, from which some quotations may be made. " An entertaining specimen of catechetical instruction, drawn up by Alcuin for Pippin, and, presumably, others of his more youthful hearers, is here pre- sented. It is taken from * The Disputation of Pip- pin, the most noble and royal youth, with Albinus [another nickname for Alcuin], the pedagogue,' and we add, that Pippin was then about sixteen years old. P. What is writing ? P. What is speech ? P. What produces speech ? P. What is the tongue ? P. What is air? P. What is life ? P. What is death ? p What is man ? A. p. What is man like ? A. p. Mow is man placed ? A. P. Where is he placed A. The custodian of history. A. The interpreter of the soul. A. The tongue. A. The whip of the air. A. The guardian of life. A, The joy of the good, the sor row of the evil, the expec- tation of death. A. An inevitable event, an un- certain journey, a subject of weeping to the living, the fulfilment of wills, the thief of men. The slave of death, a tran- sient traveller, a host in his dwelling. Like a fruit tree. Like a lantern exposed to the wind. Between six walls. MetJiod of Instruction, 329 p. Which are they A. Above, below, before, hind, right, left. be- P. To how many changes is he liable ? P. Which are they ? A. To six. A. Hunger and satiety; rest and work ; walking and sleep- ing. A. The image of death. A. Innocence. A. The top of the body. A. The domicile of the soul. " Then follow twenty-six questions on the differ- ent parts of the body, of which a few may suffice : P. What is the beard ? A. The distinction of sex. the P. What is sleep ? P. What is the liberty of man? P. What is the head ? P. What is the bodv ? P. What is the mouth ? P. What is the stomach ? P. What are the feet ? A. The distinction of sex, honor of age. A. The nourisher of the body. A. The cook of food. A. A movable foundation. " From a number af questions on natural science, we select these : P. What is light ? P. What is day ? P. What is the sun ? P. What is the moon ? P, What are the stars ? P. What is rain ? P. What is fog ? A. The torch of all things. A. An incitement to work. A. The splendor of the universe, the beauty of the sky, the glory of day, the distribu- tor of the hours. A. The eye of night, the dis- penser of dew, the prophet of storms. A. The pictures of the roofs of the heavens, the guides of sailors, the ornament of night. A. The reservoir of the earth, the mother of the fruits. A. Night in day ; a labor of the eves. 330 The Age of Charlemagne. p. What is wind ? P. What is the earth ? P. What is the sea ? /•. What is frost ? P. What is snow ? /'. What is winter? P. What is spring? P. What is summer ? P. What is autumn ? A. The disturbance of the air, commotion of the waters, the dryness of the earth, A. The mother of all that grows, the nourisher of all that lives, the barn of life, an omnivorous gulf. A. The path of the daring, the frontier of land, the divid- er of continents, the hos- telry of rivers, the founda- tion of rain, a refuge in peril, a treat in pleasure. A. A persecutor of plants, a de- stroyer of leaves, a fetter of earth, a fountain of water. A. Dry water. A. The exile of summer. A. The painter of the earth. A. The reclothing of the earth, the maturer of the fruits. A. The barn of the year. " It Is probable that dialogue was the distinctive feature of Alcuin's oral teaching. At any rate, it characterized his instruction of the king, as appears from the subjoined example, in which Charles is introduced as pupil and Alcuin as his teacher. Charles. Proceed now with your philosophic definitions of the virtues, and first of all de- fine virtue. Charles. How many parts does it contain ? Charles. What is prudence? Alcuin. Virtue is a habit of the mind, an ornament of na- ture, a rule of life, and an en- nobler of manners. Ali2iin. Four : Prudence (wisdom), justice, fortitude, temperance. Alcuin. The knowledge of things and nature. CJia7'lcs as a Pupa Zl"^ Charles. How many parts does it contain ? Charles. Tell me their defini- tions also. memory, foresight Charles. Explain the nature of justice. Charles. Unfold also the parts of justice. Charles. How from the law of nature ? Charles, Explain this more clearly, and one by one. Alcuiu. Three : intelligence, and {pro7>idential). Alcuiu. Memory is the pow- er of the mind which recalls the past ; intelligence is the power by which it perceives the present ; foresight is the power by which it foresees something future before it comes to pass. Alcuin. Justice is the habit of the mind which gives to every- thing the merit it deserves ; it preserves the worship of God, the laws of man, and the equi- ties of life. Alcuiu. They spring from the law of nature, and the uses of custom. Alcuin. Because it comprises certain powers of nature, such as religion, piety, gratitude {gratia), vindication, observ- ance, and truth. Alcuin. Religion is the care- ful pondering of things per- taining to God, together with the ceremonial due to him. Piety is the loving discharge of what is due to kin and to one's native land (?'. e., in mod- ern phrase, patriotism). Grati- tude is the recollection of an- other's acts of friendship and kindness, and the disposition to reward them. Vindication is the effectual defence of what is right, and the effectual pun- ishment or avengement of in- The Age of Charlemagne. Charles. How \% justice sub- served by the use of custom ? Charles. I ask also for more information on these points. jury and wrong. Observance is the respectful and honorable recognition of the dignity of superiors. Truth is the power whereby things present, past, and future are declared. Alciiin. By pact or agree- ment ; by parity, i.e., equity, by judgment ; and by law. Alcuin. A pact is an agree- ment reached by mutual con- sent. Parity is observing equi- ty or impartiality to all men. Judgment is a decision ren- dered by some great man, or established by the sentence of a plurality. Law is right set forth for the whole people, which all are bound to guard and observe. *' Thus Charles spoke and thought ; and this brief dialogue both marks the man in at least one grand and unusual element of his greatness, and to some extent sheds light on at least one prolific source of his power. He was ever learning, and fond of learning ; no subject came amiss to him ; everything, from the most commonplace, every-day occurrence to the profoundest philosophical and theological inquiries, interested him — the price of commodities ; the stock- ing and planting of farms ; the building of houses, churches, palaces, bridges, fortresses, ships, and canals ; the course of the stars ; the text of the Scriptures ; the appointment of schools ; the sallies of wit ; the hair-splitting subtleties of metaphysics ; Aleut US Grammar. 333 the unknown depths of theology ; the origins of hiw ; the reason of usage in the manner and Hfc of the na- tions ; their traditions in poetry, legend, and song ; the mysterious framework of liturgical forms ; musi- cal notation ; the Gregorian chant ; the etymology of words ; the study of languages ; the flexion of verbs, and many more topics." * In the life of Alcuin, by Lorcnz, is to be found an interesting example in his work on grammar. In grammar the beginning of the section on prepo- sitions may serve as an example. To the question, * What is a preposition ? ' the answer is, ' An in- declinable part of speech.' Here an accidental, outward form is made the principal characteristic, and is so much the less accurate as there are many other words besides prepositions which are inde- clinable. Equally defective is the reply to the sec- ond question on the use of prepositions. ' They must be placed before other parts of speech, either by being compounded with or united to them.' A peculiarity like this can only be a sign, not a defini- tion, and besides this explanation excludes all the prepositions that are placed after their cases. Al- cuin's grammar was evidently written more for the memory than for the understanding." ' ' The study of Greek at that time seems to have held about the same relation to a higher education that the study of German held with us a quarter or a half a century ago. There was a great deal said about Greek. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, ' Mombert, pp. 244-251. See also Guizot, lecture 22. ' Lorenz, pp. 25, 26. 334 ^^^^ ^S^ ^f Chaidemagne. had introduced it into England, and it was taught in the schools of York, so that Bede is led to say that there were in his day scholars still living as well versed in the Greek and Latin tongue as in their own ; but this seems to have been a very notable feature which, by the words " still living," could not be expected to be true very long. The knowl- edge of the Greek New Testament and of the Sep- tuagint was kept alive for a while, but other Greek books, even of the early Christian Fathers, were very scarce. Nearly, if not all the Greek quota- tions in Alcuin's writings are taken not, as might appear, from the original, but from the works of St. Jerome. When Alcuin stepped beyond this limit he showed how little he really knew about Greek.* As to his knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, Haureau says : " There is no evidence that he studied Hebrew, since the Hebrew to be found in his commentaries on Genesis and on Ecclesiastes is taken directly from Jerome. He knew some Greek, as one of his letters to Angilbert testifies, but if he had understood this language perfectly, would he not have reproduced with more exactness the Greek names of the Ten Categories ? But why should we stop to conjecture, and thus make obscure what is very plain ? Alcuin had some glosses of Boethius, the abridgments of Cassiodorius, and of Isidore of Seville, and a poetic manual of Martianus Capella. There is nothing in his treatise on Dialec- tic which is not found in these writings, and in the ' Mullinger, on page 80, has pointed out some very amusing but egregious blunders. A kill lis Greek. 335 treatise on the Ten Categories. He has made only an abridgment of other abridgments."' His re- marks on the nature of the soid in different places of his works are always in the same terms, and are taken from Augustine's sixty-third sermon on the Gospel of St. John. Again, from his treatise, " De Ratione Animae," his remarks on the origin of ideas, on memory, and on imagination are taken directly from the eleventh book of Augustine on the Trin- ity, and from his letter to Consentius.' On a closer examination Mullinger has shown very plainly that the boasted letter to Angilbert contained no more Greek than is furnished by Jerome. MuUinger's remark that '* the younger members of the palace school seem to have required to be at once in- structed and amused, much after the way that would now seem well adapted to a night school of Somer- setshire rustics, while Alcuin's knowledge of Greek can scarcely be supposed to have exceeded that of an intelligent schoolboy well on in his First Delec- tus," ^ seems rather severe, but cannot be far from the truth. We must remember, however, that Alcuin not only was laboring under the disadvan- tage of scarcity of material and of immaturity in his pupils, but was further hampered and confined by the traditions of the church. The art of grammar had been regarded as not only teaching to read and to write correctly, but also to understand and to prove clearly, and in carrying out this conception the classical authors were of great importance ; but J Haur^au, vol. i., p. 105. "•' Ibid., vol. i., pp. 103, 104. 2 Mullinger, p. 83. 336 The Age of Charle^nagne. from the time of Gregory the Great the study had dwindled to the most technical knowledge of the Latin language. This led to Gregory's own words expressing concern that the archbishop of Vienne, who was giving instruction in conformity with the larger conception, could give instruction in gram- mar, inasmuch as the praises of Christ cannot be uttered by the same tongue as those of Jove. In regard to dialectic, still greater aversion was felt and manifested, largely on account of the use made of it in arguments against Christianity. True, as we have seen, it began to creep into the church from Porphyry and Boethius, and so on through Cassiodorius and Isidore, but the form was so shriv- elled and distorted as to be almost unrecognizable. Both dialectic and rhetoric were comprised under the head of logic, and Alcuin reproduced the same arbitrary classification. When we come to external nature or the study of anything like science, as pre- sented in the Quadrivium, the weakness and lack are almost pitiable. In arithmetic the treatment is largely mystical, fancies and whims of the imagina- tion being identified with the various numbers.' In astronomy, fancy or arbitrary hypothesis sup- plied the place of observation." "^ As a theologian, however, Alcuin ranked very high, and his attain- ments seemed to be more truly deserved. The famous Caroline books against image worship have been connected with his name, and in the main * Lorenz, pp. 32-37, " Even arithmetic first derived its title to be considered a science from its adaptation to theology." » Mullinger, p. 88. Lack of Originality, 337 were probably his work. The declaration at the Synod of Frankfort, in 794, closed with the state- ment : " The holy synod itself was reminded that it should deem it meet to receive Alcuin to partici- pation in its discussions and decisions, because he was a man learned in ecclesiastical doctrine, and the whole synod consented to the admonition of the lord king, and received him into full association with them."' But originality was noticed only to be condemned in the theology of that age, and Alcuin was the most perfect representative of the theology of his time — orthodox but timid, repeating what he found in accredited books rather than trying to present ideas. His statements and positions are admirable as a summary, but he is a pedagogue rather than a scholar. There is no evidence of advance or devel- opment in his conception. His influence in the Carolingian schools is especially discernible in the manner in which he perpetuated and enhanced the authority of the fathers. His commentaries are little more than reproductions of Ambrose, Augus- tine, Jerome, Chrysostom, Gregory and Bede. The larger influence of Alcuin is seen when, after the conclusion of the Saxon war by the submission of Wittikind, in 785, a seven years' peace ensued, broken only by a few minor campaigns — Brittany in 786 ; Benevento in 787 ; Bavaria in 788, and against the Welatabrians in 789. In 787 Charles issued his famous letter, " De Litteris Colendis." Ampere calls this the " charter of modern thought, * Boretius, vol. i., p. 7S. V 00* The Age of Charlemagne. from which dates the birth of an intellectual move- ment which still survives," ' and it surely may be considered as perhaps the most important docu- ment of the Middle Ages. Among the most glaring deficiencies resulting from the state of things which the king sought to remedy was the number of incorrectly transcribed copies of portions of the Scriptures, breviaries and homiHes scattered throughout the realm. Along with the decline of learning, the monastic libraries had suffered greatly from neglect, while the loss of papyrus, owing to the occupation of Egypt by the Saracens, had largely increased the costliness of the material. The letter is addressed to Baugulf, who was abbot of Fulda from 780 to 782. Charles de- clared that he, together with his counsellors, re- garded it as advantageous that the cathedrals and monasteries should be engaged in the pursuit of letters and apt to teach, to accomplish which he orders that men be chosen for this work who have the will, the capacity, and the desire of teaching others." Similar orders were given in the " General Admonition" of 789.^ The next royal instructions on the subject were contained in a circular letter on the occasion of send- ing around to the churches a homilary, or collection of sermons, made by Paulus Diaconus. He de- clares : " We have endeavored to make up for the inactivity of our fathers by the earnest study of ' Ampere, vol. iii., pp. 25, 27. ''■ Boretius, vol. i., pp. 78, 79. •* Ibid., p. 60, Adinon. Gen., c. 72, " Schools in each cathedral and monastery." Alcicins Difficulties. 339 letters, and, so far as wc can by our example, to encourage the study of the liberal arts. Already the books of the Old and New Testaments, cor- rupted through the negligence of copyists, we, too, have carefully corrected. We have made the same efforts and endeavors to correct the errors in the lessons for the various services, and we have en- joined that the work of Paulus Diaconus should be distributed and read, so that the sayings of the Catholic fathers may be carefully studied and well known."' Although the position of Alcuin was a most hon- orable one, and he received from the king every favor and support, it was no easy task to be the uni- versal instructor of the whole kingdom. It was no wonder that he sometimes found it hard to satisfy the insatiable curiosity of the king, or that, pressed beyond his powers, he was driven sometimes into confused or self-contradictory statements. " A horse," he says, " which has four legs often stum- bles ; how m.uch more must man, w^io has but one tongue, often trip in speech !" ' Furthermore, the school was frequently on the move to one or an- other of the royal residences, while other more seri- ous interruptions came in the shape of wars, politi- cal affairs, and the excitements of court life. Alcuin revisited England in 790, and attended the council at Frankfort in 794 as " a delegate from Britain."' The relations between England and the Frankish Kingdom were growing more strained, * Boredus, vol. i., pp. So, 81. "^ Migne, vol. c; Ep. 84. • Boretius, vol. i., p. 78, note 59. 340 The Age of Charlemagne. and the court of Charles too often served as a ref- uge for English outlaws. War seemed on the point of breaking out between Offa, king of Mercia, and Charles, when the return of Alcuin restored har- mony, or at any rate averted war. In 796, a short time after Alcuin's return, he was presented to the abbacy of Tours, and a new career opened before him, Theodulf succeeding him in the more general oversight of education. The Abbey of Tours offered one of the highest positions in the church. It was the wealthiest in the kingdom, and, by the possession of relics of St. Martin, second only to Rome as a centre of devoted pilgrimage and of re- ligious enthusiasm. Here he established a school for the training of young monks. His first aim being to provide them with a good library, he begged Charles to allow him to send to England some of his young scholars, " that they might bring back to Frankland the flowers of Britain, so that these might diffuse their fragrance and display their colors at Tours as well as at York." ** In the morn- ing of my life," he said, " I sowed in Britain, but now in the evening of that life, when my blood be- gins to chill, I cease not to sow in Frankland, earn- estly praying that by God's grace the seeds may spring up in both countries." ' It is well that he did. Civil strife and discord were devastating the North, and the Danes were already appearing on the shores of that fair land where Biscop, Theodore, Bede, and Alcuin had labored so hard to establish learning and education. ' Migne, vol. c, p. 208 ; Ep. 43. Alcuhi as Abbot of Tours. 341 Soon those centres of wisdom would be pilla<^ed and destroyed by the blasphemous hands of i^niorant barbarians. Had not the Northumbrian learniner been brought in the person of Alcuin to the court of Charles, it must have perished utterly in the Danish invasions of the ninth century. Alcuin's greatest work was done as abbot of Tours. Freed from the conventionalities and dis- tractions of the court, he could carry out in his monastery his ideas and principles of education, and devote himself without opposition to his work. The narrowness which had already shown itself in his close following of Gregory the Great and ]k*de, became now still more apparent. St. Martin's school had long been famous as the chief centre for the education of the clergy, and Alcuin took up the work with zeal and ability. Science and the classics found little place here, and severer rules than could have been enforced in the palace schools restricted the monks, especially the younger ones, to more technically sacred studies. An incident from the biography of Alcuin at this period will illustrate this fact. Sigulf, with two younger monks, Aldricus and Adalbert, afterward abbot of Ferrieres, began the study of Virgil, although it had been forbidden. *' The sacred poets," said the abbot, " are enough for you. You do not need to sully your minds in the rank luxuriance of Virgil's verse." For some time Alcuin remained in ignorance of what was going on, but at last he discovered it and sent for Sigulf. *' How is this, Virgilian, that without my knowledge, contrary to my direct command, thou 342 The Age of Charlemagne, hast begun to study Virgil ?" He then and there secured a promise that the objectionable poet should be studied no more, and dismissed the monk with a severe reprimand. However, from all sides students flocked to the school at Tours, many from England being espe- cially welcomed, and attaining positions of great honor. Thus Alcuin's greatest work was done, not in the teaching of princes, but in the training of teachers. Many of the great names mentioned in the cause of learning in the ninth century were of those who studied under Alcuin at Tours. CHAPTER XXVIII. IRISH LEARNING — ST. PATRICK — COLUMBANUS — IRISH MISSIONS AND MONASTERIES ON THE CONTINENT — IRISH SCHOLARS AT THE COURT OF CHARLES— OPPOSITION OF ALCUIN — DEATH OF ALCUIN. UT new influences were at work in the kingdom of Charles, and new methods and principles of learning and of educa- tion were being introduced. The great missionary work of the English Boniface, which had been carried on with such success under Charles Martel and Pippin, had served to spread not only Christianity, but the influence of the Roman spirit and the rule of Benedict, and thus in a great measure had prepared the way for Alcuin. His great success threatened to hide from view the labors of another line of workers gifted with another kind of spirit. By the efforts of one of the most noted saints and missionaries of the Christian Church, St. Patrick, monasteries and schools had been spread over Ire- land, until it gained the name it has since borne in history, " The Island of the Saints." Persecuted 343 344 ^^^^ ^S^ ^f Charlemagne. by one of the petty kings, whose morals he had en- deavored to correct, Columba, St. Patrick's suc- cessor, had, in 565, taken refuge in the island of lona, where he built a monastery, which soon be- came celebrated, both as a centre of great and suc- cessful missionary efforts among the Picts, the in- habitants of what is now known as Scotland, and as a source of Christian light and learning. Columba died in lona in the very year in which Augustine, missionary from the pope of P.ome, set foot on the island of Thanet, on the southern shores of Britain. In these monasteries and schools, far in the North and West, there was kindled and burned brightly a light of Christian zeal and learning, which had been lighted from other flames than those of Rome, and which reflected more of the glory of the Greek spirit of the East. Far removed from the turmoil of the great inva- sions on the Continent the light burned steadily on, cut off by the conquest of the Saxons in the fifth century from intercourse with the rest of the great church of the West. Not content, however, to re- main thus isolated and inactive, though powerless to reach the fierce Saxon hordes, by whom their Christian brethren had been ruthlessly put to death or driven westward to the mountains, they looked beyond, across the sea, for the fields white for the harvest. Fridolin was the first Celtic missionary to cross the Channel, about the year 500, laboring in Aquitania among the Arian Visigoths, continuing under the protection of Clovis after the conquest by the Franks in 507. He labored also among the Celtic Missionaries, 345 Alemanni, but little definite information regarding his work has come down to us. Another Irish monk, Columbanus, born in 543, trained in the monastery of l^angor, in the Province of Ulster, educated in the highest studies in classi- cal as well as in sacred learning, crossed over to Gaul in the year 590, and, where Christianity had suffered most, began to plant monasteries, the seeds of Christian life, learning and civilization. As the result of his life of labor and of sacrifice he left as monuments of his devotion three great monasteries — the first, at Anegrey, built in the forest of the Vosges on the ruins of an ancient castle ; the sec- ond, Luxeuil, on the southeastern frontier of Aus- trasia, already famous for its learning in the seventh century, when learning among the Franks was well- nigh dead ; and the third at Bobbio, near Parma, in Italy, by permission of the Lombard king, Agilulf. Here he died in 615. His ablest follower founded in Alemannia the justly famous monastery named for him, St. Gall. These labors not only sprang from different sources, but were of a very different character from those we have just been considering, and these differences are of great im- portance in history, and at one time gave promise of still greater importance. They require brief con- sideration. In the early centuries the union between the Brit- ish and Irish churches and the Church of Gaul had been quite close, and, as is well known, Christianity had been brought to Gaul from the East, especially from Asia Minor. But all intercourse with the 34^ The Age of Charlemagne. Continent had been broken off by the Saxon con- quest of Britain, and when once more the Celtic Church came face to face with Continental Chris- tianity, either in the courts of English kings, con- verted by missionaries from Rome, or in the course of their own missionary exploits among the German tribes, important differences appeared. These clearly showed themselves in the reckoning of Easter, the form of the tonsure, the consecration of a bishop, the baptism of children, the absence of required celibacy, and in a peculiar liturgy and a different system of monastic rules/ Of still more signifi- cance, however, was the fact that since the con- demnation of the * * Three Chapters" there had arisen a great mistrust of Roman orthodoxy. Pelagius I. had acknowledged the authority of the Fifth Coun- cil, but this led to a tedious schism between several Western churches and Rome,^ inasmuch as for a long time in the Western Church the rejection of the " Three Chapters" was considered a violation of orthodoxy, and on this account the bishops of Italy broke off their communion with Rome. The bishops of Milan and Ravenna were reconciled, in- deed, when, oppressed by the Arian Lombards, they were compelled to set a greater value on com- munion with the Catholic Church, but the arch- bishop of Aquileia, who since the conquest of Italy by the Lombards had resided on the island of Grado, and the Istrian bishops were more obstinate, and did not renew their fellowship with Rome until the year 698. These *' Three Chapters," as they were ' Gieseler, vol. i., p. 530. " Ibid., vol. i., p, 481. Cohtmbanus. 347 called, were the writings of Theodore of Mopsucstia, Theodoret's writings against Cyril, and the letter of Ibas to Maris, the two latter having been ex- pressly pronounced orthodox by the Council of Chalcedon.' Indeed, the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon were regarded by the Egyptian party as completely Nestorian." All these differences had been settled as far as England was concerned at the Council of Whitby, in 664, in favor of the customs and beliefs upheld by Rome, but the work of Columbanus and his companions on the Continent revived the question. Columbanus had already come into conflict with the Prankish bish- ops regarding the time of the celebration at Easter while at Luxeuil. " True," he said, " the diver- sity of customs and traditions has greatly disturbed the peace of the church, but if we only strive in humility to follow the example of our Lord, we shall next acquire the power of mutually loving each other as true disciples of Christ, with all the heart and without taking offence at each other's failings, and soon men would come to the knowledge of the true way if they sought the truth with equal zeal, and none were inclined to borrow too much from self, and each sought his glory only in the Lord. One thing I beg of you, that since I am the cause of this difference, and I came for the sake of our common Lord and Saviour as a stranger into this land, I may be allowed to live silently in these for- ests near the bones of our seventeen brethren, as I have been permitted to live twelve years among ' Gieseler, vol. i., p. 479- '^ ^''"''^•' vol. i., p. 359. note 66. 34^ ^^^-^ -^S^ ^f Charlemagne, you already, that so as in duty bound we may pray for you as hitherto v/e have done. May Gaul em- brace us all at once as the kingdom of heaven v/ill embrace us if we shall be found worthy of it." ' From Bobbio he wrote to the pope himself, shovv-- ing how he had been impressed by the power and majesty of Rome. He pronounced her the mis- tress, and speaks in the highest terms of her author- ity, especially on the ground that St. Peter and St. Paul had taught there and honored it by their mar- tyrdom. But he places the Church of Jerusalem for similar reasons in a still higher rank,'' and he ad- monished the Roman Church, and declared that her power would remain with her only so long as she guarded the truth, and that only he was the true key-bearer of the kingdom of heaven, who by true knowledge opened the door for the worthy and shut it upon the unworthy. He warned the Roman Church against setting up any arrogant claims, on the ground that the keys of the kingdom of heaven were given to St. Peter, since they could have no force in opposition to the faith of the universal church.^ This was plain speaking on the part of an Irish monk, and showed a deeper harmony with the spirit of the Greek theology than with the Roman external economy of a visible organization; while in the three great monasteries that marked the route of St. Columban's apostolate — Luxeuil, St. Gall, and Bobbio — numerous manuscripts of Origen * Neander, vol. lii., pp. 32, 33. ' Roma orbis terrarum caput est ecclesiarum salva loci dc:r.ini- cus resurrectonis singulari praerogativa. 2 Neander, vol. iii., p. 35. Irish Theology and Learning. 349 and other Greek fathers, written in the clc^^ant Irish character, long remained to attest the more inquir- ing spirit in which the studies of their communities were pursued. Other differences of a more specific character excited the jealousy and distrust of the Latin clergy. The Irish theologian did not concur in their condemnation and neglect of classical litera- ture. He was not infrequently acquainted to some extent with Greek. He used the Latin version of the New Testament that was not the Vulgate, and claimed to be anterior to Jerome. His text-book of elementary instruction was more often than not the dangerously speculative treatise Martianus Capella.' The scholars of Ireland were probably not un- known to Charles. Einhard speaks of the rich gifts to Irish kings, which bound them to the king of the Franks, so that they called him their lord and them- selves his slaves.^ When, therefore, some of them, Clement of Ireland and his companions, presented themselves at the court, they were cordially wel- comed and received, and Clement afterwards was made head of the palace school. Their presence soon made itself felt in the questioning by the king of some of the teachings of Alcuin. Letters were sent to the former teacher at Tours, to which Alcuin replied, bewailing the fact that the school of the Egyptians had gained an entrance into David's glorious palace. " When I went away," he wrote, " I left the Latins there, and I know not who intro- duced the Egyptians." Theodulf, who had been ' Mullinger, pp. ii8, 119. 5 Einhard, "Vita Karoli," ch. xvi. 350 The Agx of Charlemagne. made bishop of Orleans, also inveighed against the Irish school of theology. The Irish theologian he calls a lawless thing, a deadly foe, a dull horror, a malignant pest, one who, though versed in many subjects, knows nothing as certain and true, and even any subject of which he is ignorant fancies himself omniscient/ Charles was not looking for authority, however, but for truth, and the Irish school gained and held a place in the palace school for the greater part of the ninth century. But the work of Alcuin was not all done nor all forgotten. Once more he was summoned to a doctrinal contest, and by his theological learning and undoubted skill he refuted Felix, bishop of Urgel, and won a brill- iant triumph over the Adoptianists. He lived to congratulate Charles on his accession to the im- perial dignity, and becoming ill in the spring of 804, in accordance with his strong desire to live until Pentecost, he died on the morning of that great festival, May 19th, 804. Mullinger thus sums up his services : " A sense of the signal service rendered by Alcuin to his age, in days when learning strove but feebly and ineffectually amid the clang of arms and the rude instincts of a semi-barbarous race, must not lead us to exaggerate his merits or his powers. On a dispassionate and candid scrutiny, his views and aims will scarcely appear loftier than his time. By the side of the imperial conceptions of Charles, so bold, so original, so comprehensive, his tame adherence to traditions, his timid mistrust of pagan learning, dwarf him almost to littleness. ' Migne, vol. cv., p. 322. Final Estimate of Alcuin. 351 No noble superiority to the superstitions of his age stamps him like Agobard a master spirit. No hero- ism of self-devotion like that of a Columbanus or of a Boniface bears aloft his memory to a rej^ncjn which detraction cannot reach. He reared no classic monument of historic genius like that of Einhard, he penned no stanzas like those of Theodulf, ' Gloria Laus et Honor Tibi,' to waft from century to century the burden of the Christian hope until lost in the clamor of the Marseillaise.' " Yet let us not withhold the tribute that is his due. He loved the temple of the muses, and was at once their high priest and their apostle in the days when the worshippers at their shrines were few. He upheld the faith with vigor and ability against its foes, and amid the temptations of a licen- tious court bore witness to its elevating power with the eloquent, though unuttered testimony of an up- right and blameless life. He mediated between the two greatest princes of the West, and the blessing promised the peacemakers was his. He watched with a father's care over a band of illustrious dis- ciples, who repaid him by a loving obedience while he lived, and by a faithful adherence to his teach- ings when he was gone. And when, on the morning of Pentecost, his spirit passed away, it was felt that a light had been withdrawn from the church, and that a wdse teacher of Israel was dead." ' ' This hymn, " Gloria," was sung in France on Palm Sunday each year until the Revolution. 2 MuUinger, pp, 12O, 127. CHAPTER XXIX. LARGER DEVELOPMENT UNDER LOUIS THE PIOUS — THE SCHOLARS OF FULDA — RABANUS MAURUS AND SERVATUS LUPUS — THE GREAT REFORM- ERS— AGOBARD OF LYONS AND CLAUDIUS OF TURIN — PASCHASIUS RADBERTUS AND THE DOCTRINE OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION — JOHN SCOTUS ERIGENA — GOTTSCHALK AND THE PREDESTINATION CONTROVERSY. HE schools which Charles had founded multiplied and attained a greater glory in the reign of his sons and successors. Milman speaks of the acts of the Coun- cil of 817 as among the boldest and most comprehensive ever submitted to a great national assembly. The rule of Chrodegang was made to apply to the entire church, and the whole discipline of monastic life was defined with increasing strict- ness. Louis the Pious had ordered the translation of the Scriptures into the Lingua Tcudisca, and the national dialects of Neustria and Austrasia were already developing into distinct languages. Accordingly the episcopal schools became more prominent and distinct from those of the monas- 352 A Cathedral ScJiool. 353 teries, which began to be attended exclusively by the monks. These schools were attached to the cathedrals for boys destined to become priests, and were confided to the care of one of the canons called Scholasticus. Mullinger thus describes one : " We may picture to ourselves a group of lads seated on the floor, which was strewn with clean straw, their waxen tablets in their hands, and busily engaged in writing down the words read by the ' scholasticus ' from his manuscript volume. So rarely did the pupil in those days gain access to a book that ' to read ' {legcre) became synonymous with ' to teach.' The scholars traced the words upon their tablets, and afterwards, when their notes had been corrected by the master, transferred them to a little parch- ment volume, the treasured depository with many of nearly all the learning they managed to acquire in life, ' because,' says Rabanus Maurus, ' whatever the master taught me orally I committed it all to written pages, lest an uncertain mind should lose it.'"' In the ninth century, however, only two centres of church education in the Prankish territory stood forth as examples of the higher culture— one at Orleans, under Theodulf, and the other at Rheims. The latter, under Hincmar and his successors, claims the proud distinction of having preserved in this century that tradition of learning which linked the episcopal schools with the University of Paris, but » Me quia qujecumque docuerunt ore magistri ne vaga mens perdat cSncta^dedi foliis, Migne. vol. cxii., p. 1600; Mullinger, p. 130. 354 '^^^^ ^^^ ^f Charlemagne. throughout the ninth century, and, indeed, for the four centuries preceding the reign of PhiHp Augus- tus, the work of the episcopal schools was naturally quite eclipsed by that of the monasteries — Corbie, St. Riquies, St. Martin of Metz, St. Bertin, Fer- rieres and others, but Tours already had begun to decline on account of its wealth. A capitulary of Louis in 822 shows the same in- terest in learning that his father had, though sug- gesting some neglect in the past. It is decreed that every one in course of training for any position in the church shall have a fixed place of resort and a suitable master. Later each bishop was to exer- cise great diligence in instituting schools, and in training and educating soldiers for the service of Christ's church. Louis, it appears, was on the eve of an undertaking proposed by the bishops, to open three large public schools in the three most suitable locations in the empire, when the rebellion of his sons broke out and civil war ensued. In the mean time the monastery of Fulda was rising to importance through one of the greatest scholars of the century, Rabanus Maurus. He had been sent as a young man to receive in- struction from Alcuin at Tours, and speedily be- came a great favorite. On his return, deeply im- pressed with the learning and character of his teacher, he was appointed head of the monastery school, though only twenty-seven years of age. In 819 he wrote the celebrated " De Institu- tionc Clericorum," justly cited as evidence against exaggerated representations with respect to the Rabanus Maurus. 355 ignorance of the clergy of those times. He showed a greater Uberality of sentiment than Alcuin and Gregory on the subject of pagan Hterature and secular learning, especially in regard to Dialectic, of which he says : " This is the study of studies. It teaches how to teach. It alone knows how to know, and not only will, but can make men wise. Wherefore it behooves the clergy to be acquainted with this noble art." *' Indeed, it would seem," says Mullinger, " that the decline of the orthodox mistrust of Dialectics may be held to date from his teachings."' His words in regard to philosophy are of remarkable breadth, and show how he had already departed from his teacher's precepts. He held that if any of the schools, and especially the Platonists, were to be found maintaining doctrines that harmonized with the Christian faith, instead of regarding their teaching with mistrust, we should do well to convert it to our own use. In his com- mentary on St. Matthew, completed the year he was elected abbot, he seems to have used only the Latin fathers and Chrysostom, though he mentions Origen and the other Greeks. In his explanation of natural phenomena he was not so inclined to occult and supernatural origins as was Alcuin. Even ghosts, spirits, and similar phenomena are referred to the deception of the senses under the influence of overwrought mental faculties. In this way he explains the appearance of Samuel to Saul, as true not in fact, but with respect to the perception and the mind of Saul. Though rebuking pagan super- ' Mullinger, p. I44- 356 The Age of Charlemagne. stitions, many of which still lingered among the people, he fully shared the superstition of the age in the veneration of the relics. For his ability as a teacher he gained a high reputation. Einhard sent his own son to be educated at Fulda, telling him to take Rabanus as a model in all things, because thus instructed he will be wanting in nothing that relates to the knowledge of life. " I fear, my son," he wrote, " and I very much suspect that, leaving home, you may come to forget yourself and to for- get me also, for inexperienced youth, unless con- trolled by the check of discipline, proceeds with difficulty in the ways of righteousness. Endeavor then, my dear boy, to imitate the best examples. On no account incur the displeasure of him whom I have set before you as your model, but, mindful of your vow, seek to profit by his teaching with the most diligent application that he whom you have chosen as your master may approve. Instructed by his precepts, and accustoming yourself to put them into practice, you will be wanting in nothing that pertains to the knowledge of life. As I exhorted you by word of mouth, be diligent in study, and fail not to attain whatever of noble learning you may be able to gain from the most brilliant and fertile genius of this great orator, but, above all, remember to imitate the virtues which are his great- est glory, for grammar, rhetoric, and the other lib- eral arts are but vain things, and most injurious to the servants of God, if divine grace does not teach us that we must ever hold good morals above them all. Indeed, learning may inspire the heart, but Distirtguishcd Pupils. 357 chanty edifies it. I should nitlicr know that you were dead than soiled by pride and vice, for the Saviour has not asked us to imitate his miracles, but his gentleness and his humility. What more shall I say ? These counsels and others like them you have often heard from my mouth. May you then be so happy as to love that which procures by divine grace, purity of soul and of body. Fare- well." ^ Soon Rabanus himself became the centre of in- struction for other teachers, adding six monasteries more to the sixteen already affiliated under his rule as abbot. Among these six were Corbie, Hersfeld, Petersburg, and Hirschau. Among his pupils were Servatus Lupus, Walafrid Strabo, Otfricd of Weis- senberg, and Rudolph, perhaps the most famous of them all, who later succeeded Rabanus himself as teacher of the monastery school, and continued the annals of Fulda from the point where Einhard left off, a preacher whose oratory was the special de- light of Louis the Pious, a scholar notable for his knowledge of Tacitus — probably from some manu- scripts that subsequently disappeared — in an age when that writer was otherwise unknown. There were also many others. Indeed, one of the biog- raphers of Rabanus asserts that wherever, whether in peace or in war, in church or in state, a promi- nent actor appears at this period, we may predict almost certainly that he will prove to have been a scholar of this great teacher." ' Jaffe, vol. iv., pp. 477. 47S ; Einhardi, Ep. 56. ' Spengler ; quoted by Mullinger, p. 153. 358 The Age of Charlemagne. Another scholar of Fulda, associated with Ser- vatus Lupus, was Probus, whom the annals of Fulda describe as " the religious presbyter whose saintly learning and pure conversation made Fulda yet more illustrious." ' Servatus Lupus says of him that " he would admit Cicero, Virgil, and other noble men among the ancients, to the number of the elect, that the blood of Christ might not be shed in vain, and that the prophecy might be ful- filled. ' I will be thy death, O Death ! and I will be thy sting, O Grave t ' " '^ Indeed, they must have appreciated the beautiful language, the elo- quent style, and the noble thought of these classical masters after what they had been through. No wonder they welcomed them back with sincere de- light and crowned them once more kings of learn- ing and saints of literature. In the civil strifes and domestic feuds in which son rose against father and brother against brother, Rabanus still remained loyal to Louis, and after his death to Lothair, who received the imperial title. After the battle of Fontenay, in 841, he resigned his abbacy and retired to Petersburg. He had great respect and regard for Lewis the German, however, " and his testimony to the high character of the king is, perhaps, the least open to suspicion of all the tributes to the moral virtues of the best of the sons of Louis the Pious, his reputation being such as to render him superior to mere political ' " Ann. Fuld.," an. 859 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 373. ' Serv. Lup., Ep. 20 ; quoted by Neander, vol. iii., p. 602, Influence of Bishops and Abbots, 359 considerations." In 847, at the age of seventy-one, he was elected to the bishopric of Mainz, an office which involved the spiritual supervision of all Ger- many, except the diocese of Cologne. This office he held until his death, in 856. The position of the episcopate at this time was one of great importance. The civil power was weakened and divided, and the maintenance of law and order de- pended almost entirely upon the officers of the church. The influence and the authority of the bishops in sec- ular, as well as in ecclesiastical affairs, was well-nigh supreme. In the decay of the royal power, the rise of feudalism and the encroachment of the papacy, the power of the bishops looms up in a significant and de- cisive manner, and the number of great names shows the intellectual and administrative ability with which the leading positions were filled. Such men as Theodulf, Agobard, Rabanus Maurus, and Hinc- mar exercised an influence in guiding opinions and controlling events far beyond that exercised by any layman of the time. An extract from one of the chief ministers of Charles the Bald illustrates the influence of prominent ecclesiastics in affairs of state. " But yet," he says, " they refer the mat- ter, as is customary, to the bishops and priests, so that in whatever way the divine authority may please to settle it according to his will, they may assent with a free and ready mind." ' Thus, as we have seen, the influence at Fulda was broader and more inspiring than that at Tours. Servatus Lupus had been sent to Ferrieres, but in 830 went to Fulda, * Mullinger. p. 15C. '^ Nithardus, iv., 3 ; M. G. SS., vol. ii., p. 669. 360 The Age of Charlemag ne. where he remained for a short time, and then re- turned to Ferrieres as instructor in grammar and rhetoric. Many changes were brought about by the treaty of Verdun, in the intellectual as \vell as in the politi- cal world, and further changes were made in conse- quence of the pronounced sympathies of these great teachers. However, the bond uniting them to- gether remained unbroken, for their interests were unaffected by the political machinations and dififi- culties of the time. Like the bonds of scholarship and of commerce to-day, they were above mere party lines and sectional interests. Under Charles the Bald, the ruler of the Western Kingdom, the intellectual life received great encouragement and support. In his tastes and methods he was more like his grandfather. He v/as a keen theologian, fond of argument and debate, but the times were very evil. It is true, the shock of civil discord had largely passed away, but the invasions of the North- men brought woe and destruction to many of the fairest seats of learning. " All the monasteries and places along the Seine were either depopulated or left terrified after having given up much of their Avealth." ' Indeed, unlike the previous invasions, churches and monasteries seem to have been the chief objects of attack. Their defenceless condi- tion and the large amount of wealth which they had acquired served to invite the greed of the bar- barous and savage Northmen. Their ravages began about 840, and for more than half a century they > " Prud. Tree. Ann.," an. 841 ; M. G. SS., vol. 1., p. 437. Servatus Lupus. 36 were the terror of Southern Europe. Coastinj^ along the shores of the sea, they made frequent expeditions up each river as far as navigable, and thus were enabled to penetrate with their destroy- ing zeal far into the interior. Gaul, Spain, and the district lying along the Mediterranean between Spain and Italy suffered in this way. At last, how- ever, the monasteries themselves became centres of organized resistance ; abbots and monks alike were forced to bear arms, and monasteries were bound to furnish men and money to the State. In the midst of these invasions the nobles revived the confiscating policy of Charles Martel, and although Charles the Bald was a great friend to the church, he was power- less to resist the growing power of the nobles. In all these dangers and difificulties Servatus Lupus was one of the foremost advisers of the king, not only in regard to ecclesiastical affairs, but in questions of State policy as well. In 847 he went with Charles to Marsua, to settle terms with Lothair and Lewis. In 849 he represented Charles at Rome and at Bourges in the matter of the heresy of Gott- schalk. In 858 he was again prominent in the nego- tiations with Lewis. But although so high in influ- ence and position, he was unable to obtain simple justice for his own monastery, showing the strength of the opposition on the part of the feudal nobles. His literary correspondence gives a clear picture of the scholar's life.' Nearly every classical writer known or studied in his time was quoted or referred to in his letters — Livy, Sallust, Caisar, Suetonius, ^ Nicholas, " Etude sur les lettres de Servat-Loup. " 362 The Age of Charlemagne. Cicero, Quintilian, Virgil, Horace, Terence, Mar- tial, Macrobius, and Priscian, and the usual text- books of his time. His letters also reveal much re- garding the methods and difficulties of literary work. Books and manuscripts were borrowed and loaned, sent from one monastery to another for copying ; but often where the willingness existed the difficulties in the way were great. We are informed that a volume of Bede would not be loaned to Hincmar, because it was too large to hide in the coat or wallet, and the bearer might fall in with a band of robbers, who, tempted by the beauty of the manuscript, would seize and carry it off. Even within the monastery books were not always safe. " If you knew the situation of our monastery," Servatus writes to the abbot of Tours, ** you would not have thought of entrusting your treasure to our keeping, I will not say for long, but even for three days, for though access hither may not appear easy for these pirates, yet the monastery is so little protected by its situation, and we have so few men capable of opposing them, that it is itself a temptation to their greed." ' His higher intellectual activity, and his intimate knowledge of the wider views of the classical writers, gave him a strong distaste for unprofitable theological specula- tion. Altogether he appears as one of the most scholarly men of the ninth century, and is a good example of the highest and best influences of classi- cal learning upon the intellectual life of the time. He was held in great esteem, and died in 862. ' Serv. Lup., Ep. no; quoted by MulHnger, p. 169. Agobard and C/aiidiiis. 363 Two noted Spaniards also showed great intellec- tual ability and freedom of thought in this century. Agobard, archbishop of Lyons from 816 until his death, in 840, revised the liturgy in the interest of pure doctrine and of scriptural expression. He wrote against image worship and superstition, and even proposed to substitute rational investigation for the heathen methods of trial by combat and by ordeals, which were still retained under a Christian form. Claudius, bishop of Turin from 814 until his death, in 839, was an even bolder reformer, and op- posed most vigorously the growing materialism showing itself in the doctrines of images and of the Eucharist. He opposed pilgrimages to Rome and the growing power of the papacy. He laid the foundations of modern Protestantism in his doctrine of grace and of justification. "It is certain that from this moment there would be always some- where in the church a protest against the tendency to materialize Christianity." ' One of the most significant controversies of this century was brought out by a treatise by Paschasius Radbertus, a monk, and from 844 to 851 the abbot of Corbie. It was entitled " On the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ," was written in 831, and soon after 844 sent to Charles the Bald in a popular form that he might favor its spread. It is important as being the first formal statement of Transubstantiation, declaring " that by virtue of the consecration, by a miracle of almighty power, the substance of the bread and wine became converted ' Ampere, vol. iii., p. SS. 364 The Age of Charle?nagiie. into the substance of the body and blood of Christ, so that beneath the sensible, outward emblems of the bread and wine another substance was still present. " * Highly figurative language in reference to the presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper had been employed from very early times, and there was a strong tendency in a literal age to convert the symbolical and metaphorical language into a mechanical theory. But the church had been kept from a definite formulation of such a miscon- ception by the spiritual ideas, clear thought, and decisive language of Augustine.'^ The treatise of Paschasius, therefore, created at once a profound sensation. Charles the Bald re- ferred it to Ratramnus (Bertram), another monk of Corbie, for his consideration and reply. The answer was a clear, firm, and at the same time devout and scriptural denial of the doctrine. He affirmed Christ's presence in the sacrament, not in substance, but in spirit and influence, " spiritualiter et secundam potcntiam,'" in a work still read in English.^ The view of Paschasius was also condemned by Rabanus Maurus, John Scotus, and Florus of Lyons. ** Still the mystical and apparently pious doctrine, which was easier of apprehension and seemed to correspond better to the sacred words, obtained its advocates, too, and it was easy to see ' Neander, vol. iii,, p. 495. ' Epistle to Boniface, No. 98, ch. ix. ; " Nicene Fathers," first series, vol. i., pp. 409, 410. See also Gieseler, vol. i., p. 435, note 15. 8 Bertram, "On the Body and Blood of Christ." See Neander, vol. iii., pp. 494-501. Transtibstantiation. 365 that it only needed times of darkness, such as soon followed, to become general. In the same spirit Radbert also taught a miraculous delivery of Mary, but here, again, he was opposed by Ratram- nus. " ' But the tendency of the age was too strong to be resisted. '' The dogma was not forced upon the understanding from without, but was demanded by it," and was due rather to " the restless eagerness of a logical age." " The great evil was not in the doctrine of transub- stantiation ; that did represent, however imper- fectly, a reality, the presence of Christ in his church and in the faithful Christian ; but the evil lay in the doctrine which a later and more corrupt age deduced from it — namely, the sacrifice of the mass, on which the tremendous power of the priesthood of the Middle Ages rested— that a man could create the body and blood of Christ, and by his own act offer to God the propitiatory sacrifice which Christ in his own body on the cross had offered once for all for the sins of the whole world. In the midst of the intellectual life and learning of the ninth century a new light appears— startling, brilliant, keen, and irresistible, like a comet amid the stars, or lightning in a clear sky. We lose all sight of Clement of Ireland, and know little of the Irish school after the time of Charles the Great. It had received little encouragement from Louis the Pious, but a new impulse came under Charles the Bald, at whose court appeared the intellectual won- 1 Gieseler, vol. ii., pp. 83, 84. ' Maurice, vol. i., p. 464. 366 The Age of Charlemagne. der of his age, John Scotus Erigena. He forms the connecting Hnk between the traditions of the past and the later scholastic philosophy, of which he has been regarded as the real inaugurator. With far greater boldness than Rabanus he employed the art of dialectic and carried speculation to its utmost limit. He was born in the first or second decade of the ninth century, educated probably in Irish monasteries, as is shown by his Greek learning and his Celtic sympathies, but the only trustworthy in- formation regarding him concerns his life at the court of Charles the Bald, where he appeared about 845. His favorite manual was the much mistrusted treatise of Martianus Capella, and he was well versed in the Greek fathers, especially In Origen, who was no less an object of suspicion by the church. In- deed, the Greek fathers were his constant study, and the Greek methods of thought and points of view were his own. He at once established a close and sympathetic intimacy with Charles the Bald, whose mind naturally tended towards philosophical subtleties. Charles the Bald did for philosophy what his grandfather, Charles the Great, did for theology. His father, Louis the Pious, had been fond of the mysteries of scriptural interpretation, and mistrusted all that savored of speculation or showed a new and untraditional line of thought, but Charles was the patron of all schools and of all par- ties, and the most liberal benefactor of learning in his age. The very name of his palace was " The School." In his reign Irish scholars flooded the Western Kingdom. Fond of travel, of adventure, John Scot us Erigena. 367 and of change, they appreciated the welcome which they received at his court. The learning of Erigcna was fully appreciated by the king. He was selected to translate the Pseudo- Dionysius, a work on the Celestial Hierarchies, sup- posed to have been written by Dionysius the Areop- agite, who was confused with Dionysius, the bishop of Paris, or St. Denis, the patron saint of I'rancc. A copy of this work in Greek had been sent by the Emperor Michael to Louis the Pious in 827.' The translation was well done, and Erigena showed a fairly correct and at times elegant Latin style. He also compiled a commentary on Martianus Capella, " from whom," says Prudentius of Troyes, " he had imbibed a deadly poison," which seems to have been shown in his putting of reason above author- ity, and using dialectic rather than tradition in the investigation of truth. Perhaps the most marked influences upon him were exerted by the Tima^us of Plato and the Celestial and Ecclesiastical Hier- archies attributed to Dionysius. His great work was the " De Divisione Natur.ne," in five books. He posited as a fundamental principle that true theology and true philosophy are only formally different, but essentially identical. The truth is expressed in Scripture and in ecclesiastical dogma, as in a shell, accommodated to man's understanding by figurative and metaphorical phrases. Reason strips off this shell and outer covering, and by means of dialectic or speculation raises faith to knowledge. His system took on a pantheistic col- > Gieseler, vol. ii., p. 103, notes 14 and 15. 68 The Age of Charlemagne, oring, but he maintained that he was endeavoring to affirm Christian theism. God himself, the Ab- solute, is supersubstantial above all the categories of existence. The reason of man can see, therefore, only the manifestations of God, not God himself. God is created in things ; he realizes himself in what he produces, as our intelligence in our thoughts. All things return to him. and find in him their final end. Evil is not positive nor eternal, it exists, but as a lack, a negation which must pass away when all is realized and attains perfection. In him are the germs of the whole later contradictions of scho- lastic and mystic.^ He was hardly noticed in his own age, although Maurice calls him '* the metaphysician of the ninth century ; one of the acutest metaphysicians of any century." As Allen says : " John Scotus only con- fused and puzzled his age ; he seemed to be ortho- dox, but in a fashion hardly available for practical purposes. What could such an age as his do with a man who talked about evil as a negation, as hav- ing no real existence, or who defined predestination as the consciousness of achieving one's destiny? At a later time, the justice which he failed to re- ceive in his lifetime was meted out to him, and he was condemned as a heretic." ^ He v/as selected, however, by Hincmar to under- take the refutation of Gottschalk in the famous con- troversy about predestination. Gottschalk had shown a restlessness and uneasiness in the monas- ' Maurice, vol. i., pp. 467-501 ; Ampere, vol. iii., pp. 123-146. ' Allen, pp. 190, 191, Gottschalk. 369 tcry of Fulda, in which he had been placed by his Saxon parents while he was yet a child. At last a dispensation was granted by the Synod of ?.Iainz, Gottschalk having pleaded compidsion, and the plea being held valid on the ground that a Saxon could thus forfeit his freedom only when the cere- mony had been attested by a witness of the same nationality. Rabanus Maurus, the abbot of Fulda, appealed from this decision, and it was reversed by the Emperor Louis, and Gottschalk was allowed only a transfer to another monastery. Accordingly he left Fulda and entered the monastery of Orbais in the diocese of Soissons. Here he began the study of Augustine and Fulgentius and the other fathers of his school. He became an ardent advocate of the doctrine of predestination, and began writing letters on the subject to his friends and former com- panions. The doctrine of unconditional predestina- tion was asserted in the strongest terms, based on the immutability of God and his absolute wisdom and power. Consequently the destiny of man could not depend on his own conduct, nor be in suspense until death. Men were not only chosen or predes- tined to salvation, but also to everlasting punish- ment, for the unchangeableness of the divine decree required this double predestination, and with God foreknowledge and foreordination must be identi- cal. This not only denied the freedom of the will from the first act of man to the last, but also gave no scope for the agency or ministration of the church, whose rights and services could have no avail in the salvation of the soul ordained to perdi- X 370 The Age of Charlemagne. tion. In reality the church system was semi-Pelagian, and must have been in order to give scope for its operations. It is a fact familiar to the students of church history that fatalism in theology has gener- ally been the creed of those who have rebelled most stubbornly against ecclesiastic tyranny. But God's service is freedom ; fatalism in this regard takes one out of man's hands into God's hands, and such a theory has always been the inspiration of indepen- dent and daring conduct. It is the very foundation- stone of Mahometanism, and was the inspiring prin- ciple of the Pilgrim Fathers. Rabanus Maurus was not friendly to Gottschalk ; opposed him in a treatise published in 840, and pur- sued him relentlessly. Gottschalk appealed in per- son to Mainz, but was condemned, scourged, and handed over to Hincmar. Few will be disposed to call in question the comment of Diimmler, that it was a harsh and unrighteous sentence, and leaves a stain on the reputation of Rabanus. Treated as badly by Hincmar in the West — condemned, de- graded from his order, and scourged — Gottschalk was consigned to perpetual imprisonment in the monastery of Hautvilliers. Persecutions began to take the place of argument in theological discus- sions. At this time, however, the sympathy of many was aroused, and a movement in his favor set in. Ratramnus took his side, Prudentius of Troyes, Amola and Remigius of Lyons, with Florus, a presbyter of Lyons, and Servatus- Lupus. Hinc- mar was now at a disadvantage, not having much ability in theological speculation. opposed by John Scotia 0/ It was at this point that Jolin Scotus Eri^^cna was called in. In this discussion he shows the strong influence of the Tima^us and the Pseudo-Dio- nysian writings. No irresistible omnipresent pur- pose working from all eternity is to be found in theTimcXus, and the purely negative character of evil is set forth in the Pseudo-Uionysius. These ideas John Scotus also took up, making an extended use of dialectic. He first laid down the principle that philosophy and religion can never be at variance ; secondly, he reproduces, as MuUinger has so inter- estingly pointed out, the passage from Rabanus, in which he speaks of the value of dialectic to the de- fender of the faith, and that it ought not to be left to the opponent.' This prominent use of dialectic roused opposition, and the unpopularity of Ilinc- mar, together with the sympathy expressed for Gottschalk, but especially the peculiar ideas ad- vanced by John Scotus, drew much attention to the case. John appealed to the Greek fathers and philosophers, and referred particularly to Martianus Capella. The hostility to Hincmar from Lyons was partly due to the rivalry of the two great ecclesias- tical centres, Rheims and Lyons. The position is illustrated most clearly in Prudentius. Rarely arc the dogmatist, as seen in Prudentius, and the ration- alist, as seen in John Scotus, to be found in stronger contrast. Prudentius said he detected in John the Pelagian treachery, the folly of Origen and the mad- ness of the Collyrian^ heresy. He says that John 1 Mullintrer. p. 1S5, note i. , , u » Probably Ihe Collyridians. A sect in tli. fourth cr-niury who J/ The Age of Charlemagne. Scotus reminds him very forcibly of Pelagius, and he speaks of " that Capella of yours*' as the source of many of his errors. In spite of the great names and strong feeHng connected with this controversy, one cannot estimate the Hterature very highly. The main points at issue, the fundamental princi- ples, were grasped by none of the disputants except, perhaps, by John Scotus Erigena, and by him in such a way that they would be still more thoroughly concealed from every one else. The dispute was one of words, or rather one of personal feeling and rivalry. The decisions were indefinite, and, as Mozley says : ** There is nothing in the language of Kiersy to which the most rigid predestinarian would not subscribe." As it was, the chief decision was reversed at Valence in 855, and the views ad- vanced by John Scotus were condemned. Ampere says of John Scotus in relation to Hincmar : " A very convenient ally, but quite a dangerous one, whose assistance had only served to compromise." " Mere learning and skill," says Mullinger, ** could not atone for the evident laxity of doctrine of the brilliant Irishman." ' Of the last of his life little or nothing is known. It is conjectured, however, that he remained at the Frankish Court, and continued to be one of the chief ornaments of the palace school, though William of Malmesbury says that he went to England, taught at Oxford, and died as seem to have transferred the ceremonial of the worship of Ceres to that of the Virgin Mary. ' Mullinger, p. 189. Continuation to the Eleventh Century, i^-i^ abbot of Malmesbury, bcini^ puL to death by his own pupils in 891. The invasions of the Northmen were less fatal on the Continent than in En[;land. The tradi- tions which after the time of Alfred the Great are no longer to be discerned in England may plainly be traced in France. Indeed, the influence of John Scotus is of that vaguer and more general kind which is felt rather than seen, but from Raba- nus we may perceive the handing down of the un- mistakable and unbroken tradition. Eric of Auxerre, the pupil of both Rabanus and Servatus Lupus, continued the intellectual line, and Auxerre became one of the chief centres of learn- ing. Among Eric's pupils was Remi of Auxerre, who taught at Rheims and Paris. At Rheims were also to be found Rcminghad, Hildebald, and Blidul- fus, the founders of the school in Lotharingia, and Sigulfus and Frodoard, who carried on the school at Rheims and prepared the way for Gerbert. At Paris Eric had for his pupil Odo of Cluny, a monk from St. Martin of Tours. In the foundation of Cluny, in 910, Odo became a famous teacher, and revived the Benedictine rule and cultivation of let- ters. He raised Cluny to the very highest position in learning and ecclesiastical order, famous for its scholars in the tenth century, among whom were Aymer, Baldwin, Gottfried, and others, and in the eleventh century Gregory VI., Hildebrand, and the popes of the restoration. CHAPTER XXX. ACCESSION OF LOUIS THE PIOUS — WEAKNESS OF THE IMPERIAL UNITY — RELATIONS WITH THE PAPACY — REGULATION OF THE EMPIRE — IN- TRODUCTION OF PRIMOGENITURE — HUMILIA- TION OF LOUIS. HE unity which Charles had built up and left to his only son Louis lasted through the period of the latter's reign, but the forces of disunion were present and growing all the time. We have noted many of them already, and have seen how strong they were, for in spite of the underlying race unity of the German people, there were between the vari- ous tribes which had come to make up the empire vast differences which seemed to offer well-nigh irresistible obstacles to any real union. There were differences in training and in civilization, some tribes being almost completely Romanized, others which first learned of Roman institutions through their submission to Charles, and many with memories of an earlier independence of a tribal, if not national political unity. There were differences in laws and customs, few, if any, having a written code of for- mal laws, but each having a mass of traditions, cus- 374 Obstacles to Unity. O/O toms and usages, more or less peculiar to itself. There were differences In climatic and ^Geographical conditions with all that these implied. There were also the outlying foes threatening the empire at every point ; the unconquered, unconverted Danes and other Northmen, ready with their wandering bands and pirate ships to attack and devastate the northern boundaries and the western coasts, the barbarian savage Slavs and other Turanian hordes threatening continually the whole eastern frontier, and there were the fierce and fanatical Saracens in Spain and along the African shores of the Mediter- ranean as a constant menace on the South. Nor were these imaginary dangers, for as an actual fact the invasions and ravages from all these directions began before the middle of the ninth century ; nay, some even In the reign of Louis himself, and con- tinued with increasing vigor and destructiveness until after the middle of the tenth century,' thus making the tenth century the dark ^^q par excellence, the sceculuin obsctcriim of the Middle Ages. Further- more, the elements of feudalism forming, as we have seen, during the period of the weak or almost non- existing central system preceding the Carolingian monarchy, although having for an object the afford- ing of that protection to property, to rights, and to life, which the central authority was not strong enough to give, became more and more strength- * The first definite attack of the Northmen took place in the sack and burning of Rouen in 840, their final settlement taking place in Normandy in 911 ; the final victory over the Huns \yas gained by Otto I. in 955 ; while the Saracens began by making themselves masters of Sicily in 837. 2,'j6 The Age of Charlemagne. ened, established, and organized, exercised an un- dermining influence, and were a constant menace and obstacle to any central authority. Charles, it has been seen, recognized these elements, and not being able to banish them, used them for his pur- poses, but he had neither conquered nor thoroughly subordinated them. The institution, if such it may be called, grew stronger and more completely organ- ized, until it became the rival, and for a time the suc- cessful rival of the empire and the monarchy, which really had to pass through and develop out of it. As if all this were not enough, there was in the very imperial power itself, as it existed in its Ger- manic form, the root principle of its own weakness. This was the Teutonic theory of the inheritance of kingly power. Again and again the unity of the Merovingian monarchy had been broken up by this principle of equal division among the sons of the king. The Carolingian mayors of the palace had been able to re-establish a unity which the Carolin- gian kings, Pippin and Charles the Great, had been able to maintain by fortunate conditions which they did not make. Pippin's oldest brother, Karlmann, had retired to a monastery, voluntarily we are led to believe, but very fortunately for Pippin, within six years after the two brothers had received from their father, Charles Martel, the power which he divided between them. Three years after a divided monarchy had been inherited by Pippin's sons, Charles and Karlmann, Karlmann had died most' opportunely, and Charles, receiving the allegiance of his brother's subjects, found himself reigning Signs of Disintegration. 2>77 alone. On that foundation he had built up a united empire, but its strength and unity existed in his own person ; his force, his abiHty, his character, and the fear and reverence for his name energized the form which he had constructed. The only outside influence for the establishment and continuance of unity, and it was a very strong one, rested in the organization of the church. Karl- mann and Pippin, under the guidance of Boniface, and Charles himself, under the inspiration of the pope and of his own theories and conceptions, had done their best to make this influence effective by the strong ecclesiastical organization, with its hier- archy of presbyters, bishops, metropolitans, and provincial and general assemblies, which they had established in the kingdom, and which had been still further emphasized and unified by the pre-eminence and superiority accorded to the papacy as the great head and central power of the church. Political in- stitutions sometimes gain a strength which they still retain even after they have passed into weaker hands, but such could not be the case with the empire of Charles : the foundation was neither deep enough, nor strong enough, nor complete enough ; it had been in existence for too short a time, and the materials out of which it was created were too hetero- geneous. It is a question whether Charles himself really hoped or expected his empire to remain. Like his predecessors, he thought only of the equal division among his sons, and, as we have noted in the division he proposed in 806, no reference was made to the imperial power which he regarded as 378 The Age of Charlemagne. not to be considered in such a division or as some- thing personal to himself. Once, again, circum- stances over which he had no control conspired to make possible the longer continuance of imperial unity. Two of his three legitimate sons having died, Louis alone was left to receive the undivided inheritance from his father. Bernhard, however, the son of Pippin of Italy, who died in 8io, had received his father's share in Italy in 812 from the hands of Charles himself.' Louis, on the other hand, started out with a new policy, undoubtedly suggested by the pope, and one with which we ourselves cannot fail to sympa- thize. The chief difficulty was that he began too soon. He determined to preserve the unity of the imperial power, and to hand it on unbroken and undivided to one of his sons, and to give to the other two — for he had three sons, Lothair, Pippin, and Louis'^ — kingdoms which they might hold in mutual dependence on their older brother. He thus departed from the old German custom of co- equal division, and introduced the rule of primo- geniture, the exclusive right of the firstborn. This, a peculiar and essential characteristic of feudalism, shows the influence that feudal principles already had gained. The results of this attempt will appear as the history proceeds. Louis was in Aquitania, and did not reach Aix-la- Chapelle until a month after his father's death. With the unanimous consent of all the Franks he J Einhard, " Vita Karoli," ch. xix. '^ Louis, the German, sometimes called Ludwig. Zeal of Louis. 379 ascended the throne, and at once took up the affairs of State. An important assembly was held in August of this same year. With commendable zeal he at once dispatched niissi to all parts of the em- pire to establish his authority, to administer justice and to remedy abuses. He summoned to him his nephew Bernhard, king of Italy, to receive his fealty, and sent him back laden with gifts, and assured of imperial favor and support. To his sons, Lothair and Pippin, he gave kingdoms as his father had given to him and his brothers. Lothair he estab- lished in Bavaria and Pippin in Aquitania. His third son, Louis, was too young to receive any ap- pointment.^ Ambassadors and deputations, sent from many different peoples, were received and dis- missed. A new emperor, Leo V., having succeeded to the throne of Constantinople in 813, and having despatched ambassadors to the court of the Franks, an alliance was made with him. In the North, Louis took up the defence of Harold, the exiled king of the Danes, and the Saxons and other Northern tribes were ordered to make a campaign against the Danes in his support. Louis had gone further, and had undertaken to reform the morals of the court,' which had been far from pure during the reign of Charles,' but in so doing he had removed the chief friends and advisers of his father, thus permitting the beginning of an opposition party. At the head of this party were Adalhard, abbot of Corbie, and 1 "Einhardi Ann.," an. 814; M. G. .SS., vol i.. p. 201. 2 Borctius, vol. i., pp. 297, 298; "Cup. tie Discip. Pahii. Aquis." « Einhard, "Vita,"c. xviii. o 80 TJie Age of Charlemagne. his brother, Count Wala, cousins of Charles and grandsons of Charles Martel, their father being Bern- hard, Charles' uncle. Three of the illegitimate sons of Charles — Drogo, Hugo, and Theoderic — and the five sisters of Louis were induced to take up the monastic life, the favorite resort for dethroned sovereigns, royal rivals still dangerous, or persons whose presence might be disagreeable. The relations of Louis with the pope did not be- gin auspiciously. The Romans, followers, proba- bly, of the leaders in the revolt of 799, had taken advantage of the death of Charles and the removal of imperial protection to rise against Leo, and their conspiracy having been discovered, the pope him- self seized and publicly put to death all of the prin- cipal offenders. When this was reported to Louis he was highly indignant.^ The pope had acted with a passion and severity unworthy of him and of his high ofBce, and had also infringed upon the im- perial rights. Louis at once settled the affairs of Harold and of the Slavs, returned to his palace at Frankfort, and sent his nephew, Bernhard of Italy, who had been aiding him in his Northern campaign, to Rome to make an investigation. Bernhard was taken ill soon after his arrival, but sent back word to the emperor by Count Ceroid, informing him of all he had learned of the affair. Ceroid was followed by three papal legates sent to explain and to justify the pope's position and acts. In consequence of the shock and anxiety, the pope, who was now an old man, fell seriously ill. His enemies, now thor- ' " Einhardi Ann.," an. 815 ; M. G. SS., vol. i., p. 202. The Papal Visit and Coronal ion. 381 oughly enraged, taking advantage of his illness, rose against him, pillaged and bnrned the farms he had established in the papal territories, and resolved to march to Rome to compel him to restore their con- fiscated property. Bernhard immediately de- spatched a force under Winnigis, duke of Spoleto, against them, and put down the uprising, reporting the afTair to the emperor. On June 12th of the fol- lowing year, 816, Pope Leo died, and on the 22d Stephen V. was consecrated as his successor. The tumults and factions in Rome probably furnished the reason for such haste, and for not waiting for the imperial confirmation, a right which seems to have been unquestioned at this time. However, Stephen exacted from the Romans the oath of fealty to the emperor, and two months later he set out to visit Louis, having sent two legates to an- nounce his consecration, and to inform the emperor of his intended visit. The attitude of Louis to the bishop was as yet unknown. He was in a different position from that which Charles had occupied, having received his title and authority by inheritance, and having been crowned without the intervention of the pope or the presence of any papal legate. Louis at once set out to receive the pope at Rheims, and sent forward to meet him Theodulf, bishop of Orleans, John, the archbishop of Aries, and the archchaplain, Hildebald, archbishop of Cologne. The pope, ac- companied by King Bernhard, arrived at Rheims in October. Louis met him a mile from the cathe- dral, and threw himself at his feet. The pope an^ 382 The Age of CJiarlemagne. noLinced the reasons for his journey, the explanation of his position at Rome, the needs of the church, and his desire for the renewal of the compact of friendship and of support between emperor and pope. Gifts and courtesies were exchanged for three days, with frequent conferences regarding the re- lations of state and church, and proposed legisla- tion on the subject. The fourth day being Sunday, after celebrating mass the pope crowned Louis and the empress, Irmingard, having brought an imperial crown for the purpose from Rome. Louis, how- ever, already had spoken of himself as the '* Em- peror Augustus by the ordinance of divine provi- dence," ' and it is doubtful if this coronation was regarded by him as anything more than his recog- nition by the church, and the sign and seal of the bond of union between the two. Yet in a capitulary of November, 816, issued just after the papal corona- tion, he says : *' Crowned by divine will, ruling the Rome Empire," '" after which, however, he reverts to the earlier form. Stephen returned to Rome, where, possibly in fulfilment of the requirement made of him at this time, he assembled a synod and issued a decretal or- daining that in future the popes should be elected by the cardinal bishops and the Roman clergy, in the presence of the Roman Senate and people, but that their consecration should take place in the presence of the imperial ambassadors.^ At the ' Borctius, vol. i., p. 261, " Constitutio prima," a.d. 815. '■' Ibid., vol. i., p. 267, "Cap. legi add." ^ Lea, p. 42, referring to Gratian Pecret , Dist. 63, Can. 28 ; KV zog, vQl. ii.,p. 255. TJic Donation of Loiu's. 38 0"v) same time the emperor held a council at his pahice in Compiegne with his bishops, abbots, and counts, in which were drawn up capituhiries setting forth the duel for the laity and the judgment of the cross for ecclesiastics, in order to settle, cases when wit- nesses were hopelessly contradictory.' Stephen having died January 24th, 817, shortly after his return from the coronation of Louis, Paschal I. was unanimously elected and consecrated on the very next day. He at once sent presents to the emperor with a letter of excuse, in which he represented that the honor of the pontificate had been thrust upon him, not only in the face of his refusal, but in spite of all his efforts to resist it. He also sent an embassy to beg the emperor to ratify and confirm the alliance made with his pred- ecessors, a request which the emperor granted.' At this time also Louis is said to have confirmed to the pope and to his successors the city of Rome with its duchy, the cities of Tuscany and Campagna, the exarchate of Ravenna, and the Pentapolis, which had been originally restored by his grand- father, Pippin, and his father, Charles ; the district of Sabina, as originally presented by his father, Charles ; places in Lombard Tuscany, the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily, the patrimony in Benevento, Salerno, Calabria, and Naples, grant- ing also the free canonical election of the pope. Regarding this donation Lea very justly remarks : ** He took care to reserve to himself the sovereignty ' Boretius, vol. i., p. 268, " Cap. legi add.," ch. i. 5 " Einhardi Ann.," an. 817 ; M.G. SS., vol. i., pp. 203, 204. 384 The Age of Charlemagne. of the territories whose usufruct he bestowed on St. Peter, by the clause, ' Saving in all things our dominion over the said duchies and their subjection to us.' This clause and a succeeding one, by which the emperor reserves the right of interference in case of tyranny and oppression, dispose me strongly to regard the document as genuine. The abnega- tion of the right to control the papal elections is probably an interpolation of a later period, as also the extensive donations of territory in Central and Southern Italy, which either was retained by the Carolingian emperors or else never belonged to them."^ The general assembly for the year 817 was held in July at Aix-la-Chapelle, and here Louis carried out what had probably been his part of the arrange- ments arrived at in the conference with Stephen V. in the previous year. The entire German principle of inheritance was radically changed, that of primo- geniture being adopted in its place, and from this may be traced the beginning of the civil strife and discord which filled the rest of the period, and re- sulted in the final division of the empire in the treaty of Verdun, in 843, leaving the title of em- peror a merely nominal one. For at this assembly Lothair, the oldest son, was crowned by Louis, and associated with him in the title and dignity of em- peror,' each of the two other sons receiving only the title of ** l Frodoard, p. 193- 4o8 The Age of Charlemagne, favor, and having expressed his gratitude to them and to all the people, he dismissed Pippin to his king- dom, and took Louis with him to Aix-la-Chapelle. Here with his counsellors and chief men he discussed the position of Lothair. Messengers were sent to all parts of the empire announcing his restoration and claiming the allegiance of all. Meanwhile Lothair had fled to Vienne, and there Louis sent promises of forgiveness, calling upon Lothair to re- turn. Lothair, however, refused, and it having been learned that a plot was on foot to murder the empress, she was taken from the monastery and brought unharmed to the emperor. Together with Louis, joined also by his other son, Pippin, he ad- vanced against Lothair, and finally induced him to submit, offering to him the kingdom of Italy and agreeing to preserve the life and property of his followers. Thus the first stage of the rebellion was ended, but Ebbo, the archbishop of Rheims, who had been the prime mover in the revolt, made a public con- fession in the church, declaring that the emperor had been unjustly deposed, and that the charges made against him were false and unfounded. All repaired to the palace, where Ebbo in full synod confessed himself guilty of a capital crime, pro- claimed himself unworthy of his episcopal office, and confirmed this in writing. By a unanimous decision he was then deposed. Further attempts were made to reconcile Lothair in 836, and he was induced to send as ambassadors the abbot Wala and Eberhard, the son of Count Berengar, to treat for a settlement Renciucd Opposition. 409 of their mutual relations, Lothair promising to attend the assembly at Worms in September, from which, however, he v/as kept by sickness. In October of the followin(^ year the emperor made another attempt to enlarge and extend tlie territory of Charles. A new district was assigned to him, consisting of the greater part of the old Bel- gium territory, including Friesland, the land between the Maas and the Seine, and back as far as Bur- gundy, including in the eastern part some of the territory between the Seine and Loire. Accordingly in his presence the bishops, abbots, counts, and royal vassals who held fiefs within this territory commended themselves to Charles, and took the oath of fealty to him. In the spring of 838 news came to the emperor that his sons Louis and Lothair were in conference together. Messengers were immediately despatched declaring the displeasure of the emperor and threat- ening them with force. Louis immediately returned and shrewdly made peace with his too credulous father. An attack by the Saracens in the South forced the emperor to summon a general assembly in the middle of August at Kiersy. Here, with the aid and support of Pippin, Charles received the knightly belt, and a part of Neustria, consisting of the duchy of Maine and all of Western Gaul, be- tween the Loire and Seine, was conferred upon him. At the close of the year Pippin, the king of Aqui- tania, died, leaving two sons, Pippin and Charles. In 839 a further arrangement of the territory of the empire was made at an assembly at Worms. In 4IO The Age of Charlemagne. May Lothair was received by his father, and fear being expressed on account of the approaching old age and weakness of the emperor, he was urged to make a final provision for the future. The em- press, remembering the promise made by Lothair at the baptism of her son, proposed to Lothair the division of the whole kingdom, with the exception of Bavaria, between himself and Charles. Lothair agreed to this, and it was confirmed by an oath. A reconciliation was effected with the emperor, and Lothair fell at his feet and asked to be restored to his earlier place. The emperor was induced to agree to this arrangement made between Charles and Lothair, and the empire was divided into two parts, and Lothair given the choice. One half in- cluded Italy, part of Burgundy, and the country east and north of the Rhone, and from there along the Maas to the sea, including Ripuaria, Worms, Speier, Alsatia, Alemannia, Thuringia, Saxon}^, and Friesland ; the other half included Burgundy, the country west of the Rhone, along the Maas to the sea, land between the Maas and the Seine and be- tween the Seine and the Loire, with the Mark of Brittany, Aquitania, Wasconia, Septemania, and Provence. Lothair chose the former, east of the Maas, and promised to hand over the other half to Charles. The brothers were to come into complete possession, however, only after their father's death. In July Lothair returned to Italy with rich gifts, his father binding him with the strongest oaths. To Louis the emperor sent messengers confirming his possession of the territory of Bavaria, and command- Death of Loicis the Pious. 411 ing him not to pass beyond its boundaries without his consent, and requiring from him an oath to that effect. The refusal of Louis to comply with these conditions forced the emperor to take arms against his son, and in 840, after having celebrated Easter at Aix-la-Chapelle, he crossed the Rhine and forced Louis into flight. Returning from this campaign, he was taken ill at Mainz, and died on June 20th. The death of the emperor was the signal for a great struggle between the brothers. Lothair, hav- ing learned of the death of his father, hastened from Italy into Gaul, and boasting of the name of " em- peror," armed himself against both of his brothers, Louis and Charles, and sought battle with both, but not successfully. Louis and Charles, one on one side, and one on the other side of the Rhine, partly by force, partly by threats, partly by promises of honor and by other conditions, reconciled and united their followers, and Lothair, having attacked Louis at Mainz, crossed the Rhine, and forced him to re- tire to Bavaria. He then turned his arms against Charles, but without success, Louis rendering aid to his brother. The young nephew. Pippin, claiming the inher- itance of his father in Aquitania, found his claims slighted and his possessions seized by his uncle Charles. He accordingly joined his forces with those of Lothair, who was preparing to meet the allied brothers in a final struggle. It was said that Charles and Louis were anxious to avoid a battle, but Lothair insisted, claiming the empire. The battle was fought at Fontenay, near Auxcrre, in 412 The Age of Charlemagne, Lower Burgundy, on June 25th, 843, and ended in a complete victory for the German forces, under Charles and Louis, against the Romanic army of Lothair. \\\ view of their success the two brothers met at Strassburg, and entered into a mutual agree- ment, binding themselves, each to the other, to resist the demands of Lothair. " Here, for the first time," says Emerton, " we have a distinct recog- nition of difference of race and language as a basis of political action am.ong the Franks. The kings first addressed the ' people' — that is, the army, each in his own language. ** Then Louis, being the elder, took oath in the liJigiia rornana^ as follows : ** * Pro Deo amur et pro christian poblo et nostro commun salvament, dist di in avant, in quant Deus savir et podir me dunat, si salvaraeio cist meon fradre Karlo et in adiudha et in cadhuna cosa, si cum om per dreit son fradra salvar dist, in o quid il mi altresi fazet ; et ab Ludher nul plaid numquam prindrai, qui meon vol cist meon fradre Karle in damno sit.' " After this Charles repeated the same oath in the li7igua tciidisca : " ' In Codes minna ind in thes christianes folches ind unser bedhero gealtnissi, fon thesemo dage frammordes, so fram so mir Got gewizci indi madh furgibit, so haldih tesan minan bruodher, soso, man mit rehtu sinan bruodher seal, in thiu, thaz er mig sosoma duo ; indi mit Ludherem in nohheiniu thing ne gegango, the minan willon imo ce scadhen werhen.' The Strassbiirg Oaths. " The translation of the oath is as follows : For the love of God, and for the sake as well of our peoples as of ourselves, I promise that from this day forth, as God shall grant me wisdom and strength, I will treat this, my brother, as one's brother ought to be treated, provided that he shall do the same by me. And with Lothair I will not willingly enter into any dealings which may injure this, my brother. ' " Then the followers of the kings took oath, each in his own language, that if their own king should violate his agreement, they would refuse to aid him against the brother who should have kept his word. " These oaths, valuable to us as a proof of just how things stood between the rival kings in the year 842, have an especial value as the earliest specimens of the old-romance and the old-germanic languages. We see here the former just emerging from the an- cient Latin, and reminding us already of the later French, Spanish, and Italian. We see the latter, without any admixture of the Latin, already so like the modern German, English, and Dutch that one can read it without much difficulty." ' In the next year, 843, Lothair, convinced of the futility of any further attempts, met with his broth- ers at Verdun, and negotiations were begun, result- ing in the treaty of Verdun, which is rightly re- garded as marking the end of the Carolingian Em- pire, and the beginning of the nations of modern Europe. Although in 885 the Carolingian ruler of the East, Charles the Fat, who had been crowned ^ Emerton, pp. 2C-28. 414 The Age of Charlemagne. emperor by the pope in 881, was acknowledged by the nobles of the West to be their king as well, and so once more the empire was united under one rule. The unity could not last long. A treaty made with the Northmen in 886, which opened to the invading barbarians a way to the rich lands of Upper Bur- gundy, alienated and offended the subjects. In 887 the empire once more broke up, and six different kingdoms appeared — Germany, Italy, Burgundy, Provence, and, in the West, Neustria and Aquitania. The latter united into one under Hugh Capet in 987. CHAPTER XXXII. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES — EBBO AND THE DANES — ANSGAR AND THE SWEDES — OLAF AND THE NORWEGIANS — METHODIUS AND THE MORAVIANS— SECULARIZATION OF THE BISHOPS — POLITICAL INFLUENCE AND DEPENDENCE — FEUDAL RELATIONS — REFORM MOVEMENTS. |N spite of all this confusion and disturb- ance, Christianity was reaching out for new victories. When the embassy came to Louis, asking him to help the royal party of the Danes in their endeavor to maintain their king, Harold, on his throne, Louis took occasion to send back with them a missionary to introduce Christianity. Ebbo, archbishop of Rheims, undertook this work at the emperor's re- quest in 822. With him was associated Halitgar, the bishop of Combray. So successful were they, that, in 826, when Harold appeared again at the court of Louis, he and his wife were both baptized, Louis standing as godfather to Harold and Judith as godmother to the queen. The presents and en- tertainment which the new converts received went 415 41 6 The Age of Charlemagne. far towards making the example of the king a popu- lar one to follow. When he returned Ansgar, a young monk of Corbie, brought up under Paschasius Radbertus, and under Wala, the abbot of New Corbie, accompanied him and continued the work of converting the Danes. But the people, sus- picious of the Franks and of their religion, again drove out Harold, and Ansgar was obliged to retire. A way was opened to him for a larger work. Chris- tian captives had brought their religion to the atten- tion of the people in Sweden, and when Swedish envoys appeared at the court of the emperor they asked for teachers of Christianity. The Danish mis- sion being put in charge of the monk Gieslemar, Ansgar was selected by Louis for this new Vv^ork. Accompanied by Witmar, a monk of Corbie, he em- barked for Sweden in 829 ; returning two years afterwards, Louis decided that the time had come for carrying out the plans of Charles ; accordingly he established a metropolitanate at Hamburg as a centre for the Northern missions, and Ansgar was sent to Rome to receive the papal confirmation and the pall. Gregory IV. confirmed his work, raised him to the archiepiscopal dignity, and conferred upon him, together with Archbishop Ebbo, charge of the missions in the North. In attempting to renew his work among the Danes, he purchased captives, that he might train a native clergy for a people too proud to receive their relig- ion from foreigners. The death of Louis and the division of the empire deprived him of a friendly protector, and the conquest and pillage of Hamburg Ansgar, the Apostle of the North. 417 by the Normans, in 845, seemed almost like utter ruin. At the same time his mission in Sweden was destroyed, and Gauzbert, whom he had consecrated as its bishop, was driven out. His faith and perseverance would not allow him to despair ; indeed, at this very time his affairs changed for the better. The bishopric of Bremen becoming vacant. King Louis of Germany offered it to him. At first he refused it, as, being under the archbishopric of Cologne, confusion and trouble might arise if he tried to associate it with Hamburg. After long negotiations, however, it was finally arranged in 849, when Ansgar received it and united it with the See of Hamburg, the change being ap- proved by the pope. From this time, as safer and less exposed to attack and invasion, it became the seat of the archbishop. Success now was assured. He was able to win over Horik, or Eric, the savage king of Jutland, and not only in ecclesiastical, but in political affairs, became his chief confidant and adviser in his relations with the empire. Horik per- mitted Ansgar to introduce Christianity among his people, to lay the foundations of a church in Schles- wig, and to establish Christianity there. In 851 Ansgar revived his mission among the Swedes, send- ing to them the hermit Ardgar, who remained there but a short time, however, and in 853 Ansgar, ac- companied by a priest named Erimbert, went back to them. Olaf, the king, supported by the nobles and peo- ple, after appealing to the heathen lots, received him favorably, and having settled Erimbert there he re- AA 41 8 The Age of Chaidcmagne, turned to his own diocese in 854. Ansgar was able to accomplish more, because he and his missionaries asked nothing from the people, supporting them- selves by their own labor or by voluntary gifts ; in- deed, they made presents to the kings and nobles, thus gaining protection and support. Not the least of Ansgar' s powers lay in his own earnest and reso- lute, but humble and Christlike setting forth of the Gospel in his own life. Rightly has he been called the ** Apostle of the North.** When it was said of him, as of others at that time, that his prayers wrought miracles in healing the sick, he replied : " Could I deem myself worthy of such a favor from the Lord, I would pray him to vouchsafe me but one miracle, that out of me, by his grace, he would make a good man." ^ Having labored for nearly thirty-five years among these people of the North, he was seized by a severe illness, from which he suffered for four months, until at last he entered into rest, February 3d, 865, at the age of sixty-four years. Erimbert was his faithful disciple and successor in the See of Hamburg- Bremen, but the continued invasions of the ninth and tenth centuries delayed for long the progress of the work. It was not until the eleventh century, under Cnut, in Denmark, under Olaf Skotkonung, in Sweden, and under Olaf, the Holy, in Norway, that Christianity was finally established in these countries of the far North. Eastward Christianity spread by the efforts of Arno, archbishop of Salzburg, under Charles the ' Neander, vol. iii., p. 287. Ecclesiastical Politicians. 4 1 9 Great, and of Urolf, archbishop of Lorch, under Louis the Pious. Their work was taken up and extended among the Moravians by two Greek monks, Cyril and Methodius, and in 867 the latter was consecrated by Pope Hadrian II. as metropoli- tan of Pannonia and Moravia, promising obedience to Rome.' But not all the bishops were thus engaged or even interested. The discipline of Charles the Great, though reinforced by Louis in the Benedictine re- forms and by the establishment of the canonical life, was relaxed. Secular affairs engrossed the higher ecclesiastics, and ignorance began to charac- terize the lower clergy. The election of bishops, in spite of laws and attempted reforms, came more and more under the control of the emperor and kings. Men like Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, might stand firm and resist, but he was an exception in many ways. Indeed, Ampere speaks of him as " the greatest political personage of the ninth century." ' It soon became a common thing for the kings to appoint men from among the clergy of their own court to the more important bishoprics. The bishops themselves recognized that it was to their interest to bring their churches into dependence upon their rulers. This tendency was carried even further, and firmly crystallized in feudalism, where the large ecclesiastical estates and properties, to- gether with the powers political as well as ecclesias- tical exercised by the bishops and abbots, forced * Neander, vol. iii., p. 317, note i. ' Ampere, vol. iii., p. 92. 420 The Age of Chai'lernagne. them to become an integral part of the feudal order. In connection with the ceremonial attending the act of homage to the lord, and the conferring of the rights and privileges upon the vassal, various sym- bols were used to indicate the different official rela- tions of the vassals. A similar custom came into use in connection with the consecration of bishops and abbots. Already in the fifth century the pope had introduced the custom of conferring the pall upon distinguished prelates as a mark of the favor and authorization of the Roman See and of their allegiance to it. With the development and exten- sion of the feudal relation, bishops and abbots, at their consecration, were invested with the sceptre, the crozier, and the ring as symbols of their official authority and position. The objectionable feature lay in the fact that these symbols, representing spiritual no less than temporal authority, were con- ferred by the secular power, not only seeming to imply that the civil ruler was the source of their authority, but also emphasizing and even increasing their dependence upon him. Thus a strong secu- larizing tendency began to exert an almost irresisti- ble influence. Few prelates distinguished between their spiritual and their temporal interests and func- tions, and with very many of them political and secular affairs were the most absorbing. In the struggles of the ninth century the great church prelates take the place of the secular nobles in politi- cal influence and counsel. Ebbo, and later Hinc- mar, of Rheims, Agobard, of Lyons, Theodulf, of Orleans, are only a few of the more prominent Efforts for Peace. 421 among the influential ecclesiastical politicians of the century. The influence of these powerful ecclesias- tics, so often on different sides of the strife, served also to increase the power of the pope, whom each party was eager to secure at any time as an ally. The feudal relations and political dependence of the bishops and abbots, as shown in the right of investi- ture, led to still greater evils by allowing the capri- cious bestowal of these positions as benefices on court favorites, or by making them objects of traffic and sale. Under such circumstances the spiritually minded prelates w^ere not very numerous, nor were the conditions such as to develop them. Among the burdens from which the churches were not exempt was the obligation of the bishops and abbots for military service or its equivalent. As we have seen, the clergy not only were exempt from personal military service, but were forbidden to en- gage in war or to carry arms. However, the secular position and duties of the bishops and abbots, the civil wars, and especially the barbarian invasions, made the keeping of such laws increasingly difficult, and even the holiest men were forced to engage in preparations for the armed defence of their churches and monasteries, and sometimes even to lead their soldiers. Yet it was only in case of severe and sud- den attack that such extreme activity was required, though the warlike spirit and deeds of many drew forth severe condemnation from reformers like Peter Uamiani. Strong efforts were made by the church to establish order and quiet, and the peace institu- tions— the " Vcd^Qc,'' pactum pads, in the tenth cen- 42 2 The Age of Charlemagne. tury, and the " Truce of God/' triiga Dei, in the eleventh, were due to the influence and active co- operation of the clergy. Secular obligations and interests brought with them also internal evils and corruptions. Simony and lay control, ambition after power, greed of rich revenue, and pride of birth, all tended to lower the standard and to weaken the power of the bishops and higher clergy. Morality declined, and manners suffered in consequence. Marriage was common among the clergy, and ecclesiastical property was divided among their families. There was danger of building up a regular clerical caste. Vice of every kind increased. The archbishop of Cambray, in order to draw his clergy from their infatuation for dice, or to turn it in a better direction, invented for his diocese an ingenious game of dice with stones named after the Christian virtues.^ As with the bearing of arms and the marriage of priests, so in other respects the church laws of the earlier times were disregarded and violated. Men were ordained absolutely — that is, without any fixed parish, and so without any responsibility or control, and private chapels and the right of patronage still further weakened authority and discipline. There were movements for reform, like those of Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury, Atto, bishop of Vercelli, and Peter Damiani, bishop of Ostia, but the age succeeding Charles the Great waited for a Henry III. and a Hildcbrand. * Neander, vol. iii., p. 410, note 3. CHAPTER XXXIII. ECCLESIASTICAL LEGISLATION AND THE CONSTI- TUTION OF THE CHURCH IN THE NINTH CENTURY — THE FORGED DECRETALS — ORIGIN — DATE — PLACE— OBJECT — CONTENTS— USE- LATER HISTORY. HE constitution of the church had been slowly forming itself in harmony with the events which we have thus far been describing. Most of the legislation had been the work of the local synods, under the leadership and guidance of the archbishops and metropolitans, but as the new powers of the West arose to take the place of the old Roman Empire, and especially, as the kings and chiefs of these new peoples gave their assent to Christianity, and were most active in its spread, securing its acceptance among their people, and supporting its claims by their authority, the connection between church and state became ever closer and more intimate, and their interests approached a greater harmony and unity of purpose. The filling of bishoprics and the higher offices with native ecclesiastics, the increase of church lands 423 424 The Age of Charlemagne. and property, and the formation of great eccle- siastical estates, whereby these officers were brought into and made a part of the rapidly forming feudal system, still further tended to this same end. The organization itself was changing. The personal authority of the bishop of the chief city over the presbyters of the district was taking the place of the local council, while the bishops were brought under the control of provincial synods, and of the metro- politan or archbishop, the bishop of the metropolis or chief city of the province. These metropolitans received also a civil authority, which strengthened, although it tended to secularize their position,* Moreover, the synods ceased to be held, or began to lose their separate and independent power, while the political assemblies, in which the chief bishops and abbots sat as a part of the territorial nobility, regulated ecclesiastical as well as secular affairs. The history of the church in England previous to the Norman Conquest furnishes a clear and forcible illustration of this development. It is seen also in the history of the Prankish Kingdom. The conver- sion of Clovis, who thereafter waged his wars of conquest and extension, having among his avowed objects the suppression of Arianism and the conver- sion of the heathen to Christianity, the authoriza- tion by the church of the change from the Merovin- gian to the Carolingian line, and the coronation of Pippin by the pope, were only moie marked events along this same line. Boniface himself had said, " Without the patronage of the Prankish ruler, I ^ Hatch, pp. 32-39, 126-129. Subjection of the ChureJi. 425 can neither govern the people nor defend tlic pres- byters, monks, or handmaidens of God ; nor even could I forbid the pagan rites and sacrilegious idola- tries without his mandate and tlie fear of his name." This union gave to the church a discipline which, at times, was sadly needed, while it gave to the kingdom a divine sanction and autliority, as well as an instrument of power with well-organized means for its exercise. Consequently, during the reign of Charles the Great, both powers grew and flourished, and he appeared like a second Constantine, the ruler, because the strong and efficient protector of the church. With the accession of his son and sole successor, Louis the Pious, a change began to take place. The weakness of the central power, even in secular affairs, brought about division and strife, in which the church became involved. The great power which Charles the Great had used for her support and de- fence was now divided, and often used against her, till she became the object of oppression, and her subjection to an alien power was only too apparent. To free the church from this subjection, to make her independent of the temporal power, to strength- en, unify, and solidify her own organization, and to give it a strong foundation in law and precedent, was the great problem which, in the ninth century, pressed with ever-increasing urgency upon those who had the interests of the church at heart. It was to solve this problem and to meet this need that the Forged Decretals, as they are now gener- ally called, were put forth. 426 The Age of Chariemag7te. Laws already existed, and collections of them were well known and widely circulated. These col- lections included the canons of CEcumenical Coun- cils, and of some of the most important and well- known local synods, also the more formal and authoritative letters of distinguished bishops, espe- cially those of the apostolic, or more important and well-known sees, and the canonical laws of the em- perors, particularly Theodosius and Justinian. By far the most important collection was that made about 500 A.D. by Dionysius Exiguus, a Roman abbot, who thus became the founder of the Western system of canon law, and is also known as the originator of our practice of numbering years from the birth of Christ, the Christian or Dionysian era. In the seventh century another collection appeared in Spain, afterwards called the collection of Isidore, being ascribed generally, but probably erroneously, to Isidore, archbishop of Seville, who died 636 A.D. Since then two centuries had passed, centuries of great and momentous history, in which many changes had been wrought, new influences set at work, new conditions realized, and new needs cre- ated, which the laws enacted under secular control either were powerless to meet or only aggravated. Attempts at reform were made by the synods held under Louis the Pious and his sons, and also by new collections of laws. These laws or capitularies, as those put forth by the Frankish kings were called, were placed in a genuine collection, in 827, by Ansegis, abbot of Fontenelles, which was included Pseudo-Isidore. 427 in a collection made about twenty years later by the so-called Benedict Levite, of Mainz, who added some and composed many more from both i^cnuinc and spurious ecclesiastical legislation, the whole bearing the title of the Capitularies of Benedict Levite. A further attempt was made in the capit- ularies, ascribed to Angilram, bishop of I\Ietz, in the last part of the eighth century, but really be- longing to a later date. It remained for him who took the name of the renowned bishop of Seville, already identified with the famous collection of the seventh century, to put forth the most complete, most effective, and most fraudulent collection of all, and therefore called the Pseudo-Isidore. The full name which the author assumed was Isidore Mercator (changed in a few manuscripts to Peccator, which is therefore probably an erroneous form), but the latter name seems to be of unknown origin and meaning, though possibly derived from a well-known writer of the fifth century.' The collection appears in three parts. The first contains the preface, two letters, one pretending to be from Aurelius of Carthage to Pope Damasus, asking the pope to send him the statutes of all the pontiffs from Peter to the beginning of his own pontificate, a request which Damasus in the other letter grants.' After the * ' order for holding a coun- 1 Hinschius, p. ccxxxvi. ; Kurtz, vol. i., p. 512 ; Neander, vol. ii., p. 721. 2 Damasus was bishop of Rome from 366 to 3S4 A D. The genuine decretals, as the authoritative papal letters are called, be- 428 The Age of Charlemagne. cil" are inserted the apocryphal so-called Apostolic Canons, introduced by a forged letter from Jerome. Then follow the decretals, fifty-nine letters from thirty popes, beginning with Clement and ending with Melchiades, bishop of Rome from 311 to 314, all, with the exception of parts of the first two, which are an earlier forgery, the work of Pseudo- Isidore. The second part contains the acts of the principal councils, including the first four general and some early Eastern ones, as well as the principal African and Spanish councils. These were inserted from the earlier Spanish collection, in order to give his own greater completeness and value, and also to impart to it a greater semblance of exactness in places where it could be easily tested. All are genuine and correctly copied with one exception ; the limitation of the authority of country bishops is made the declaration of the seventh canon of the second Spanish council, by the addition of the words " and country bishops," to the words " presbyters," adding also " all which things are knov/n to have been prohibited by the Apostolic See." This change would not be easily detected, and served to bring the council into agreement with one of the forged letters of Leo. There are two or three other pieces, chief among them being the edict or letter of Constantine to Pope Sylvester, giving an account of his conversion, baptism, and healing by Sylves- ter, concluding with the famous donation, a forgery of the preceding century. gin with Siricius, who was the successor of Damasus. Hence, the significance of this feigned request is easily seen. Soin^ccs of the Decretals. 429 The third and last part includes the decretals and other documents, one hundred and ninety in all, of the popes from Sylvester to Gregory II., of which thirty-five are forgeries. This part concludes with the capitularies of Angilram, which, Ilinschius is in- clined to think, were written by Pseudo-Isidore himself before the rest.' The principal sources from which the collection was made up are the ecclesiastical histories of Cassi- odorus and Rufinus, the " Libri Pontificum," the writings of Eunodius, the Vulgate (Psalms in Jerome's version), early church fathers, letters to and from Boniface, letters of the popes, especially Leo the Great and Gregory the Great, genuine decretals and acts of councils, Roman law collections, Frankish capitularies and decrees, the collection of Benedict Levite and of Angilram.^ Of course it is not neces- sary to suppose that Pseudo-Isidore had all these books together at any one time or in one place, or that he read each of them entirely through in order to get one sentence or a brief extract ; in many cases he undoubtedly used extracts already made \\\ books which he had at hand. If, for example, he used as his principal source the collection of Bene- dict Levite, a conclusion which is highly probable and is now quite generally accepted, the number of separate w^orks will be diminished by about one fifth. It is quite unnecessary to enter upon a technical discussion of this question of sources, but one pijint is of considerable importance and of no little inter- ^ Hinschius, p. clxxx, ' H'U-, PP- cx.-cxxxix. 430 The Age of Charlemagne. est — that is, the consideration of the version of the Bible used by the writer in the quotations he makes from the Scriptures. Unfortunately the question is fraught with many difficulties, and scholars are by no means agreed. He probably used the Vulgate, but he does not seem to quote passages with verbal accuracy, except in the Psalms, where it is agreed that he used Jerome's translation. We thus find popes of the first four centuries quoting from a translation made long after they were dead. In regard to the vexed, but important question as to the relations between Benedict's collection and that of Pseudo-Isidore, Hinschius declares it to be his opinion that Pseudo-Isidore used Benedict's collection as the source of his own, and supports his theory by several arguments. First, Benedict often changed the sources which he used, and the same things which Benedict interpolated into the genuine sources, Pseudo-Isidore also introduced, but the latter also changed some passages in which Benedict agreed with the sources. Secondly, chap- ters are found in Benedict's collection compiled from different sources already altered by Benedict. These same sentences occur in Pseudo-Isidore with the changes of Benedict, and with other changes also differing from the source still more than they do in Benedict. Consequently, Benedict is in closer agreement with the source, and so nearer to it than is Pseudo-Isidore. Thirdly, in some chapters Bene- dict has completely changed the sense of the source, and Pseudo-Isidore puts forth the same with other changes, Fourthly, there may be found also pas- Date of the Decretals. 43 sages in Pseudo-Isidore which have been made up out of several in Benedict, and in which Pseudo- Isidore has used not only the text of the chapters, but their titles as well. These arguments settle the vexed question, and so help to fix the date of the False Decretals as after the capitularies of Bene- dict, for Benedict expressly says : " Otgar, who was then archbishop of Mainz, commanding me, I compiled the three books." Inasmuch as these lines occur in the preface to his work, the words '* was then" show that it must have been written after Otgar ceased to be archbishop — that is, after his death, which took place April 21st, 847. The False Decretals must have been composed after that, if, as seems to have been proved, their author used the work of Benedict. They must also have appeared before the year 853, for the first certain reference to them was made at the synod held at Soissons in that year. To these considerations Hinschius further adds : ** If, however, you take into account the time neces- sary to circulate the collection of Benedict, and to write up and circulate the decretals of Pseudo-Isi- dore, it will seem very probable that the latter com- pleted his work about 851 or 852 A.D." ' France was unquestionably, and probably Rheims, the place of their origin. They were cited first by Frankish writers and in Frankish councils connected with the affairs of Rheims, their sources also are largely Frankish, while they abound in Gallicisms, using both expressions and names peculiar to the ' Hinschius, p. cci. 432 The Age of Charlemagne. Western Kingdom ; but more than all, the contents and aims of the decretals harmonize most perfectly with the history and conditions of the Church of France, even in some of its minutest details.' The changed conditions in the Prankish Church at the accession of Louis the Pious have been mentioned already earlier in this chapter. Greater evils fol- lowed, as we have seen in the preceding chapter.^ The attempts at a division of the kingdom among his sons, the rebellion against their father, and the civil strife among themselves before and after his death, filled the land with woes and miseries of every kind, for besides the bloodshed and devasta- tion always wrought by war, there arose widespread depravity and sacrilege, the contempt of all law and religion. The desecration and spoliation of churches and of ecclesiastical property, the oppression of the clergy and their subjection to and dependence upon the civil power were the inevitable results. All ecclesiastical discipline was failing. The clergy ceased to obey the bishops and abbots who could not or would not help them. In too many cases the abbots and bishops themselves had taken part in the civil strifes with all the fierce partisanship of the lay nobles, and the laity too often saw in their bishops and clergy political opponents rather than spiritual guides. They even bore arms and fought for the cause they had espoused. Thus in a battle, in 844, between Charles the Bald and Pippin II., two abbots were taken prisoners and two bishops were ' Wasserschleben, p. 375 ; Clarke, p. 369. ^ bee above, ch. xxxi. Faihire of Other Attempts. 433 found dead on the field. Sometimes they took up arms to defend their churches and to keep their property from becoming the spoil of some hiy lord. The continual civil strife left the country exposed to the ravages of the Northmen, which began about this time, and which the divided and weakened kingdom was powerless to oppose. The armies that marched against them were hardly less devas- tating, and here again abbots and bishops had to arm themselves in defence. Western Francia was forced to endure the worst of it, for there the great rebellions took place, the severest battles were fought, and the most frequent devastations were suffered from the Northmen. Life, property, every- thing was insecure. Ecclesiastical discipline became almost an impos- sibility. The ecclesiastical power lost its sacred character, and having no strong arm to protect it, and unable to defend itself, fell more and more under the rule and sway of the secular power. The acts of the synods held at this time at Paris in 829, at Aix-la-Chapelle in 836, at Meaux in 845, and at Paris in 846, show at once the nature of these evils and their failure to remedy them.' The only hope of averting such disaster was to be found in reforming the church, and in elevating the dig- nity and importance of the ecclesiastical order. The nobles had opposed the attempts already made, the acts of the synods could not be enforced, and some other scheme must be devised to accomplish the desired result, and at the same time to establish • Hinschius, pp. ccxv.-ccxxi. ; Clarke, pp. 358-360. BB 434 ^^^^ ^S^ ^f Charlemagne. an authority which would compel respect and uni- versal acceptance. This goes far to explain the general system of the Forged Decretals, as well as the reason and method of their success. By the development and increas- ing influence of feudalism, the church not only had been brought into closer relations with the secular power, and into what we have seen was practically a feudal subjection to the state, but also had been very much weakened and divided in its own internal organization, or, to express it more accurately, its lack of a strong, united, and even centralized organi- zation had been made increasingly apparent, and the need of something of the sort directly in line and connected with its previous development was increasingly felt. The three great objects to be sought, therefore, were freedom from the secular power, establishment of the ecclesiastical hierarchy with a firm discipline, and centralization of organization, upon which all could depend. This threefold object, so perfectly adapted to the needs of the time, is the aim and purpose of the Forged Decretals, as appears from a careful study of their contents. It is therefore evident that their author wished to put forth not only a collection of the ecclesiastical sources which should contain the ecclesiastical discipline as it was set forth in particu- lar councils and in genuine decretals, but also such decrees as he deemed necessary for restoring the ecclesiastical rdghne, which had been corrupted and almost destroyed by the civil war waged by Louis Object of the Decretals. 435 the Pious and his sons ; therefore, in the false part of his collection he wished to accomplish that which the synods could not do. Consequently, by the greatest authority known to the church — namely, that of the Roman bishops, and especially of those who lived in the early ages of the church — he cor- roborated that which every article of the decrees of the Synod of Paris and of the Constitution of Worms, and the declaration appended to the Synod of Aix-la-Chapelle asserted, which Benedict had put forth as drawn from the capitularies. He beheld the wounds inflicted upon the Gallican Church in the turbulent times of Louis the Pious and of his sons, he saw that Louis the Pious had hastened with great zeal to aid the ruined church, and that the bishops assembled at the Council of Meaux had set forth many canons for reforming ecclesiastical discipline, and he knew that the earnestness and labor of the emperor, and of the bishops especially, had been rendered fruitless by the nobles. Having all these things in view, therefore, he forged the decrees by which he sought to provide that those things which up to that time had troubled the church might be done away with forever ; hoping, perchance, that if he showed forth to the men of his own age, as in a mirror, the decrees which exhib- ited the laws observed in the earliest Christian churches, they might at length be aroused by such a method to reform the ecclesiastical condition.' As Alzog, the Roman Catholic historian most accessible to Protestant readers, rightly points out, ' Hinschius, p. ccxvii. 436 TJie Age of Charlemagne. " The majority of critics have confined their atten- tion almost entirely to questions of ecclesiastical lazv, such as the primacy, the relations of bishops to the secular power, to metropolitans, to provincial coun- cils, and to others of a kindred nature, as if the three parts into which this collection is divided in the most ancient manuscript copies contained only such, whereas their subject-matter includes dogmatic and moral theology, litjirgy, penitential discipline, teachings on the prerogatives and dignity of the Roman Church, on the right of appeal to Rome, on the various degrees of the hierarchy, and the like." * In a similar way Schaff calls attention to the vari- ety of contents. " All these documents make up a manual of orthodox doctrine and clerical discipline. They give dogmatic decisions against heresies, espe- cially Arianism (which lingered long in Spain), and directions on worship, the sacraments, feasts and fasts, sacred rites and costumes, the consecration of churches, church property, and especially on church polity. The work breathes throughout the spirit of churchly and priestly piety and reverence." "^ The author lays down most firmly as fundamental the distinction between clergy and laity, amounting to an absolute separation. Expressions in the New Testament applying to the relations between Chris- tians and non-Christians he applies to the relations between clergy and laity. To the members of the priesthood are applied the phrases which usually have been referred to all Christian believers. The priests, the clergy, are * Alzog, vol. ii,, pp. 270, 271. ' Schaff, vol. iv., p. 269. Superiority of the Clergy. 437 the spiritual, the members of God's household. They are the leaders of the blind, the salt of the earth, the light of the world. Me wlio resists them resists God. They cannot be judged of men, for God alone is their judge. The greater cannot be judged by the less. They are the masters, and the servant is not above his master. On the other hand, the laity are the carnal, they are the blind, the members of this world, and are subject to the clergy, for the life of all priests is higher and holier than that of seculars and laymen, and is separate from them. Even to the emperor or to any guard- ian of religion it is not lawful to undertake any- thing against the divine commands, nor to do any- thing which is forbidden by evangelical, propheti- cal, and apostolic rules ; for an unjust trial and an unjust decision, rendered by judges influenced by the fear or order of the king, is invalid, nor will any- thing stand which has been done contrary to the constitution of the evangelical or prophetical or apostolic doctrine of the fathers who arc their suc- cessors. All princes of the earth, and all men are to obey them {i.e., the bishops), and to submit their lives to them and to be their helpers, that they all may appear equally faithful and co-workers of the law of God, lest it be said of them, " All they who are incensed against thee shall be ashamed and con- founded : they shall be as nothing, and they that strive with thee shall perish" (Isa. xli. 11. 12).* The next point is the establishment of the hier- 1 See especially, Ep. i., Clementis, §§32-3^. 42 ; Ilinschius, pp. 40, 41, 44, 45. 438 The Age of Charlemag lie. archy and the relation of the different orders of the clergy. ** The order of priests is twofold, presby- ters and bishops, in accordance with the will of the Lord, who appointed the twelve apostles, and then ordered the seventy disciples to be chosen to aid them. The bishops hold the place of the apostles, and the presbyters the place of the seventy disci- ples. The bishops are the keys of the church. All the presbyters ought to obey in all things without delay. Wherefore all the faithful, and especially all the presbyters and deacons and the rest of the clergy, must give heed to them, that they do noth- ing without the permission of their own bishop ; for those who obey their bishops seem, indeed, to confer a favor on God." ' " The bishop ought to be ordained not by one, but by many bishops, and to be placed in an hon- orable city, not in a small one, lest the name of bishop be lowered in dignity. But the rank of apostles is one, though those are primates who hold the chief cities, who in certain places are called patri- archs by some. Those, moreover, who have been established by us in a metropolis, by order of the blessed Peter, and of our predecessor, Clement, can- not all be primates or patriarchs, . . . but the other metropolitan cities have archbishops or metropoli- tans. But this sacred Roman Apostolic Church has obtained the primacy not from the apostles, but from our Lord and Saviour himself, as he said to thle blessed Apostle Peter, * Thou art Peter, and upon ' Ep. iii., Anacleti, § 38 ; Ep. i., dementis, §§ 36, 37 ; Ep. iii., dementis, § 70 ; Hinschius, pp. 85, 41, 57. Headship of Jkodic. 439 this rock I will build my church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ' (St. Matt. xvi. 18). Therefore the first See by the favor of heaven is the Roman Church. The second See, at Alexandria, was consecrated in the name of the blessed Peter by Mark, his disciple. The third See is at Anti- och, where the blessed Peter lived before he came to Rome, and he appointed Ignatius as bishop there. . . . Then the blessed apostles settled it among themselves that the bishops of each nation might know who among them was chief,' so that their greater care might be given to him ; for even among the blessed apostles there was a certain dis- tinction, and though all were apostles, yet it was granted to Peter by our Lord, and they wished the very same thing among themselves, that he should have the rule over all the rest of the apostles, and be Cephas — that is, the head — and should hold the headship {principium) of the apostleship, who also handed down the same system to their successors and the rest of the bishops. And this is declared not only in the New Testament, but also in the Old. As it is written, ' Moses and Aaron among his priests' (Ps. xcix. 6) — that is, they were chief among them." ^ From all these quotations, which have been given thus fully in order that a fair and complete idea may be gained regarding the general contents of the Forged Decretals, it will be readily seen that the author's main object was to free the clergy from • See St. Matt. xx. 25, 26 ; xxiii. 8-12 ; St. Mark ix. 33-35. 2 Ep. ii. and iii., Anadeti, §§ 26-33 ; Hinschius. pp. 79-84- 440 TJie Age of Charlemagne. the secular power, and to establish the hierarchy, maintaining the coequal authority of all bishops, though they might differ in importance, placing the Roman See at the head, possessing all power and authority derived, not, as the others, from the apos- tles, but from Christ himself, through St. Peter, whom he had appointed and whom the other apos- tles acknowledged as their chief. The authority of the bishops had diminished greatly, and the metropolitans and primates threat- ened to rival the power of Rome herself. Many bishops had been accused and deprived of their sees by the secular authority. Special attention, therefore, was given to the manner of bringing charges against the bishops and of proceeding to trial. These accusations and trials were made as difficult as possible ; impossible, indeed, for the secular power, and every opportunity was given for an appeal to Rome. The judges were to be very carefully chosen, and many requirements were de- manded in each case. The chief obstacle lay really in the feudal relation of the bishops to the emperor, by whom they were promoted to the episcopal rank, and from whom they received their temporalities. A complete reformation of the ecclesiastical condi- tion would have demanded, therefore, the surrender of other rights of the emperor besides that of judg- ment, especially the right of conferring bishoprics. This, however, was not attempted till the Hilde- brandine era, for in the period of which we are writing no other relation than the feudal was thought of or conceived, and it was only in the Case of Ehbo. 441 matter of accusations and of depositions of bishops that the integrity of the church seemed in danger, and that ruin threatened. It was to this point, therefore, that much of the attention of both Bene- dict and Pseudo-Isidore was directed. Indeed, a case in point had recently occurred which was of great importance, and which undoubtedly served to give force and definiteness to their statements. This was the famous case of Ebbo, archbishop of Rheims. Ebbo was a special favorite with Louis, had been brought up with him at the palace, and had received from him many grants and immunities for his church.* In 822 he had distinguished himself as a very successful missionary to the Danes," but he took more interest in the secular affairs of the court, and had been won over to the cause of Lothair. In 833 he was among the bishops openly arrayed against Louis, and was foremost in bringing about the emperor's deposition, and in imposing the eccle- siastical penalty upon him. Consequently, when Louis was re-established on his throne in the follow- ing year Ebbo was seized and imprisoned in a mon- astery, and ordered to await there the action of a synod. One was accordingly held at Thionville, in 835, and having received from Ebbo a written con- fession of his crime, deposed him. The whole pro- cedure is clearly set forth in various parts of the decretals,' so exactly, indeed, that the passages ' Frodoard, pp. 193-213. ' See above, pp. 415. 4i6 ; also 407. 408. 2 Ep. i., Alexandri. ^g 3. 4, 7 ; Felicis I.. ^Ji 2, 3. 4. 5 ; " I^c- creta Julii," §§ 12, 13 ; Hinschius, pp. 95, 97, 98, I99. 4(^7, 47i- 442 The Age of Charlemagne. must have been written from an intimate knowledge of Ebbo's affairs, for if they had been in existence at the time he would have used them in his defence. Upon Lothair's accession to the throne in 840 Ebbo was restored to his archbishopric by an im- perial decree signed by twenty bishops, a smaller number than had signed his deposition. The canons declared that a bishop deposed by one synod could be restored only by a larger one. It Avas, therefore, declared by the Forged Decretals that Athanasius was restored by the counsel and decree of a smaller number of bishops than deposed him. In reality, Athanasius was restored by the imperial decree alone, but this did not correspond closely enough with Ebbo's case.' When Charles the Bald gained the throne of the West, Ebbo again lost his see and fled to Lothair in Italy. Then in the year 844 he received the bishop- ric of Hildesheim from Louis the German ;^ but as he had never given up his claim to Rheims, he came into new opposition to the canons, which allowed a change of sees only when absolutely required for the good of the church, and then only by a decree in synod. Here, again, Pseudo-Isidore declares it " permissible for a bishop to change his see when forced by necessity or urged by special advantage, but especially it is always permitted when a bishop has been driven from his see, and, moreover, the decree of a synod is not at all necessary."^ Thus ' " Decreta Julii," § 13 ; Hinschius, p. 471, cf. p. ccxii, ' Where he died, in 851. » Ep.Anteri,i^2 ; Ep. ii., Pelagiill., §2 ; Hinschius, pp. 152, 727. Defence of tJie Bishops. 443 all things done against Ebbo were declared by Pseudo-Isidore to be unlawful, but whatever he did contrary to ecclesiastical laws was declared to be lawful. Much of the work of the Forged Decretals cen- tred, therefore, about the bishops, who were de- fended not only against the secular power, but also against their own metropolitans, by making a bishop's trial more difificult, as we have seen, and by establishing the right of appeal to the primate, or to Rome, at any time, as all greater, that is, episcopal, cases, were declared to be under the direct supervision of the Roman See. Accusations are made difficult, if not impossible ; ' neither laity nor lower clergy can bring accusations,'' and even for the higher clergy the test is very vague and in- definite.^ If the accused suspects his judges (that is, if he fears conviction) he can appeal to the pri- mate or to the pope.* He may chose his twelve judges.^ The witnesses against him must have the same qualifications as are required in accusers," and must be seventy-two in number.' Appeal to Rome may be made during the trial * or afterwards, for no * Ep. ii., Fabiani. § 13 ; Ep. ii., Stephani I., § 10; Hinschius, pp. 162, 185. 2 Ep. iii., Julii, § 12 ; Ep. ii., Stephani I., i; 12 ; Hinschius, pp. 467, 186. 3 Ep. ii , Evarasti, § 10; Hinschius, p. 92. ■* Ep. iii., Fabiani, §29; Ep. ii.. Cornelii, § 5 ; Ep. i., Felicis. § 3; Ep. ii., Felicis, § 14; Hinschius, pp. 168, 174, 19S, 203. * Ep. i., Zeppherini, ^ 5 ; Hinschius, p. 132. ^ Ep. ii., Calixti, ^ 17 ; Hinschius, pp. 140, 141. ' Ep. i., Zeppherini, ^ 2 ; Hinschius, p. 131. » Ep. ii., Eutychiani, § 7 ; Hinschius, p. 211. 444 ^^^^ ^^^ ^f Charlemagne. final sentence can be rendered without the will and knowledge of the Apostolic See.^ The bishops were to be protected also from those who were specially rivalling and undermining their power, bringing weakness and confusion into the ecclesiastical organization. These were the country bishops, who had been appointed at first for large outlying districts which had no prominent city or town. In many cases they became a sort of irre- sponsible body, sometimes being used as assistants by regular city bishops, whose dioceses they under- took to rule, usually with great disadvantage and loss, while the regular bishop was away at court or elsewhere. Often they were placed in charge, by the secular power, during a vacancy in a diocese, that its regular income might be seized and misap- propriated. The results had been confusion, neg- lect, and the seizure of church lands and property by both clergy and laity. This was especially marked in the province of Rheims, which had been in the care of country bishops from the deposition of Ebbo, in 835, to the election of Hincmar, in 845, with the exception of one short interval.^ Under one of these substitutes Charles the Bald had seized and distributed among his vassals a great part of the possessions of the church, which Hincmar recovered only in part and with the greatest difficulty.' An- other, in charge for a time, was the one who had ordained Gottschalk, whose doctrines concerning predestination had shaken the whole Gallican Church. ' Wasserschleben, p. 371. • Frodoard, p. 214. ^ Ibid., pp. 220-225, TJie Priviatcs. 445 Earlier councils of the century already liad at- tempted to diminish their rights and privileges, and finally it was established that they should have only priestly authority/ Synods in Rheims had tried to abolish their powers, and Hincmar was strongly opposed to them." The Forged Decretals absolutely forbade their ordaining, and denied to them any other rights than those of presbyters.' The bishops were still further protected, and the hierarchy developed and strengthened by the estab- lishment of primates or patriarchs above the metro- politans, and in closer relations with Rome. The metropolitans, whose waning power Pippin and Charles the Great had endeavored to restore, had become more closely connected with the national unity, and thus more dependent upon and in the control of the secular power of the princes. This union of the metropolitans with the civil power brought about the subjection of the lower clergy, especially the suffragan bishops, whose only refuge was in the popes." But it would be impossible for the bishops to run away to the pope on every occa- sion of difficulty. The position of primate is there- fore interposed between that of the metropolitan and that of the pope. Unlike Benedict, Pseudo- Isidore uses indiscriminately the names primate and patriarch. To primates, or patriarchs, belong the * Gieseler, vol. ii., p. 52. ■ Frodoard, p. 240. 2 Ep. xix., Damasi ; Ep. xcvii., Leonis ; Hinschius, pp. 509- 516, 628, 629. -* Hatch, pp. 121-135; Chastel, vol. iii., pp. 173. ^74; Kurtz, vol. i., p. 497 ; Gieseler, vol. ii., pp. iii, 112. 44^ ^^^^ -^^^ ^f Charlemagne. provinces as already divided before the coming of Christ. No archbishops or metropolitans are called primates except those who hold the principal cities, whose bishops and their successors have been regu- larly appointed to be patriarchs or primates, unless some people is later converted to the faith, for whom it is necessary that a primate should be ap- pointed on account of the multitude of bishops.* When necessity arises the bishops may appeal to the primate, saving the authority of the Apostolic See, the final sentence being reserved to Rome." To the primate the metropolitans are to be obedi- ent, although reverence and respect are to be paid to the metropolitans by the bishops.^ As to the other matters introduced and subjects discussed — morals, ritual, and belief — they may be regarded either as falling in with the general purpose of reformation and discipline, or as tending to make the work more natural, and to give it greater value and more general acceptance. They are neither of so much importance nor of such interest. As an ex- ample of the false moral teaching coming into vogue, he declares that seizing church property is sacrilege, and that sacrilege is a greater sin than an offence ' Ep. i., dementis, §§ 28, 29 ; Ep. ii., iii., Anacleti, §§ 26, 29 ; Ep. Anicili, § 3 ; Decreta Julii, § 12 ; Hinschius, pp. 39, 79, 82, 83, 121, 469. ' Ep. Victoris, § 6 ; Ep. ii., Stephani I., §§9, 10; Ep. Sixti II., ^§2, 3; Decreta Felicis II., §§4-12 ; Decreta Damasi, §§ 8, 9 ; Hinschius, pp. 128, 129. 185, 190, 479-488, 502, 503. But com- pare Ep. i., Pelgii II.; Ep. i., Anacleti, § 15 ; Hinschius, pp. 724, 73, and preface, p. ccxiv. ^ Ep. i., Clemcntis, ^§ 28, 29 ; Ep. ii., Stephani I., § 9 ; Ep. Luci, § 5 ; Ep. Aniciti, | 2; Hinschius, pp. 39, 185, 176, I2i. Relation to the Papacy. 447 against one of the ten commandments.' In dog- matic affairs he confines himself to decisions of the early councils. There is no allusion, for example, to the Gottschalk controversy, due probably to his desire to appear orthodox and to avoid theological entanglement. Many other questions in dispute at that time, and which came up for discussion in the councils, were left unnoticed by him, showing be- yond a doubt that we have fully considered what seemed to him the most important matters for re- form, and that his collection, after all, was drawn up to accomplish a few, but very important things. He preferred to make sure of success in those par- ticulars by continued reiteration, rather than to attempt so many different things that the energy and force of his work would be dissipated. It has been said sometimes, and it is supposed quite generally, that the main object of the decretals was to enhance the supremacy of Rome, but this view is now given up by all the best and most re- cent scholars. In the first place, most of the arguments for it have been directly disproved. The Forged Decre- tals were not composed by the popes, nor written at Rome. They were not first known to the popes, nor first used by the popes ; indeed, were used very little by the popes until after the tenth century, when they had become incorporated into the gen- eral ecclesiastical legislation. They give recognition to the authority of papal decretals, which had already begun to be shown in the Dionysian collection, and * Ep. ii., Pii I., § 9 ; Hinschius, p. 119 ; Neander, vol. iii., p. 348. 448 ^'^^^ ^^^ ^f Cha^demagiie. had been greatly increased by Gregory the Great. The powers ascribed to the Roman bishop were very evidently granted for the freeing of the church from secular control, and for protecting and increasing the power of the bishops. If the author had had in view the advantages and privileges of the Roman See in and for itself, he must have paid some attention to the patrimony of St. Peter, the gifts of lands, rights, and powers of which the papal letters of the eighth century were full. True, the Donation of Constantine is inserted, but that was a forgery already in existence. It forms an isolated instance in his collection, and the favorable opportunities to uphold and strengthen it in the papal letters of the fourth and fifth centuries he does not even notice.' Indeed, the position given to the primates and the mere mention of papal vicars, in only four places,'^ are regarded by Hin- schius and others as showing that Pseudo-Isidore was more intent on freeing the bishops from the metropolitans than on extending the power of the popes.' The later history of the decretals throws more light on these questions. As we have seen, the first distinct reference to them was at the Council of Soissons, in 853, when questions came up regarding the validity of the ordinations made by the deposed Ebbo. In 857 they were quoted at the Council of Kiersy, and it is evident that they were first known ' Wasserschleben, p. 371. ^ Ep. i., Marcelli, ^ 2 ; Ep. Victoris, § 5 ; Ep. i., Sixd II., § 2 ; Decreta Julii, § 12 ; Ilinschius, pp. 224, 128, 190, 467. ' Ilinschius, pp. ccxxv., cxcix., cc. Use of the Decretals. 449 to Nicholas I., so as to be used by him in 865/ though both Hinschius and Wasserschlcbcn refer to the fact that Servatus Lupus called the pope's atten- tion to them in 857 or 858 ; but Nicholas in his reply passed over the reference in silence.' Later, how- ever, in the disputes with Hincmar about Ilincmar of Laon and Rothad of Soissons he undoubtedly made use of them. The process between the two Hincmars furnishes an example of a complete prac- tical application of the Forged Decretals on the side of the nephew, the decretals here serving, in their original sense and character, the special Pseudo- Isidorian — that is, episcopalian tendency ; while in the case of Rothad, and later on, they were always appropriated to the papal interests.' With Hinc- mar opposition to them ceased for a long time. After Nicholas L they were used by Hadrian H.,* also by Stephen IV., Leo IX., Gregory VII., and Paschal II.' The P^rankish and German episcopate clearly recognized the danger which threatened the existing ecclesiastical constitution and valid rights by means of them, and they were quoted only in harmless passages in the synods of the last part of the ninth century. In the Synod of Rheims, in 991, one more strong resistance was made against them by the Prankish bishops, but the ecclesiastical indifference and demoralization of the bishops, to- 1 Hinschius, pp. cciv.-ccvii 2 Ibid., p. cciv ; Wasserschleben, pp. 3S0, yii. 8 Wasserschleben, pp. 3«^ 3S2. „ ^ . ^ .,. ,.^, ;,. 4 Ep. 28, Ad Episcopos Duziac; Harduin, Conciha, \ol. n., p. 722 ; a passage from Anterus. »> Wasserschleben, p. 3S3. CC 450 The Age of Charlemagne. gether with their general absorption in political affairs, brought the unresisting church into com- plete dependence upon the power of Rome, and an- nulled the early independence and national individ- uality. It was therefore those general ecclesiasti- cal, political, and moral conditions which brought about this result, while the forgeries alone never would have made it possible.^ " The same shield under which Pseudo-Isidore fought for the protection of the bishops against metropolitans and synods, the primacy of Rome, was the same with which the Church of Rome crushed them." In this way the Forged Decretals, in complete opposition to their original purpose, became a lever for raising and supporting the power of the papacy.^ Just as Pippin and Charles the Great, in connec- tion with their coronations, had ascribed to the pope, for their own benefit and advancement, a power which he was only too ready to use w^ith such en- dorsement, and which he never afterwards forgot, so did Pseudo-Isidore ascribe to the papal see, for the protection of the bishops, powers which it speedily went on to realize and to use for its own sake. If all this is true, it will be seen that the in- fluence of the P'orged Decretals, based on a miscon- ception of their contents and history, has been very much overestimated, but there is no difificulty in accepting the statement of Alzog. " The compilers of the decretals by stating as facts what were only the opinions or the tendencies ^ Neander, vol. iii., p. 350. ' Wasserschleben, p. 380. Proof of their Falsily. 45 of the age, by giving as ancient and authenlic docu- ments such as were supposititious and modern, and by putting forward as estabhshed rights and legal precedents claims entirely destitute of such war- rant, did, in matter of fact, hasten the development and insure the triumph of the very ideas and princi- ples they advocated, signally contributed to the growth of that spirit of freedom among the bishops which made them independent of the secular power, and gave a new impulse to the increasing influence of the head of the church {cpiscopus universalis), especially in its relations to metropolitans and pro- vincial synods. ' ' ' Down to the fifteenth century belief in their gen- uineness was quite general, only a few voices being raised against them. Peter Comeston, in the twelfth century, Stephen of Tournay, in the thirteenth, Marsilius of Padua, in the fourteenth, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, in the fifteenth, and Erasmus, in the sixteenth, questioned their genuineness, but it remained for the Magdeburg Centuriators, the great Protestant historians of the sixteenth century, to give full proof of their spuriousness, while shortly after, in 1628, David Blondel, in a masterly work against the Jesuit Turrian, who had made one more attempt to defend them, finally decided the ques- tion of their falsity, which to-day no one doubts. ' Alzog, vol. ii., p. 274, CHAPTER XXXIV. THE HEIGHT OF THE PAPACY— NICHOLAS I.— HADRIAN II. — JOHN VIII. — END OF THE CARO- LINGIAN LINE IN ITALY — IN GERMANY — IN FRANCE — DEGRADATION OF THE PAPACY. S a result of the impetus and support given by the early Carolingians, espe- cially by Charles the Great, and the spirit which was or had worked in the first half of the ninth century, and which found its completest expression in the Forged Decretals, the height of the papacy was reached in the three popes whose pontificates cover a little more than the third quarter of the ninth century (858-882)— Nicholas L, Hadrian II., and John VIII. Nicholas I. was the greatest of the popes between Gregory I. and Gregory VII. (Hildebrand), a man of resolute determination, of clear insight, and of keen intellect. He was supported by a strong public opinion, and was able to take advan- tage of the political conditions of his age. In three great controversies he showed at once his moral greatness and the wide influence which his position afforded, as well as the strength of the papal organi- zation as it had grown up under his predecessors 452 Pozucr of NicJiolas I. 453 through the fostering care of the Carolingian kings and emperors. The first struggle was with Lothair II., of Lotharingia, the second son of the Emperor Lothair. He had discarded his wife, Thietbcrga, accusing her of heinous crimes in order to marry his mistress, Waldrada. Though the queen was ac- quitted by a civil tribunal in 858, Lothair treated her so cruelly that she was induced to confess her- self guilty before a synod at Aix-la-Chapelle, in 859, held in the presence of the two metropolitans, Giinther of Cologne and Thietgaut of Treves. After- wards regretting this act, she fled to Charles the Bald in Neustria. Lothair, however, induced a second synod, held in 860, to annul his marriage with her, and he formally married Waldrada. Ilinc- mar, however, defended the queen, and she ap- pealed to the pope. Nicholas sent two Italian bishops as his legates to investigate the affair, but being bribed by the king, they pronounced in his favor at a synod in Metz in 863. Nicholas himself then took the matter in hand, excommunicated his legates, and deposed the two metropolitans. In order to retaliate, they incited the Emperor Louis XL, Lothair's brother, to take up their cause. He went so far as to attack Rome, but soon came to an understanding with the pope. Lothair was brought to terms, and a papal legate obliged him to put away Waldrada and to take back his queen. Waldrada, however, exer- cised her charms, and was once more restored to the favor of the king. The queen now asked for a divorce, but Nicholas would not grant it. 454 -^^^^ ^£'^ ^f CJiarlemagne. His successor, Hadrian II., continued the strug- gle, and finally Lothair himself went to Rome, and took a solemn oath that he had been innocent of any wrong after taking back Thietberga. The pope accordingly administered the sacrament to him, but on his way home he died, in 869. The second affair was in relation to Constantino- ple and the Eastern Church. Ignatius, the patri- arch, had been deposed and banished for excommu- nicating Barbas, the uncle of the Emperor Michael III. and regent of the empire, who had been living in open sin. Photius, formerly commander of the imperial forces, was put in his place, and appealed to Nicholas to support him. Nicholas sent two legates, who in 861 decided against Ignatius. Here again Nicholas, who had made independent inquiry, deposed his own legates, reversed their action, and declared in favor of Ignatius. Photius called a synod in 867, and accused the Church of Rome of many intolerable heresies. At the request of the pope an able reply was written by Ratramnus of Corbie. In the same year Michael was murdered, and Basil, his murderer, became his successor, and supported the cause of Ignatius, appealing to Hadrian II. Ignatius was restored by a synod at Constanti- nople in 869, regarded by the Romans as the eighth general council. Photius bore his defeat with patience, became reconciled to Ignatius, and when the latter died, in 878, Photius was restored to the patriarchate. He was deposed again in 886 by a new emperor, Leo VI., and died in monastic exile in 891. Victory of JoJni VI If. 455 The third struggle was much more serious and of greater importance to the organization of the church and to the claims of the papal power, involving as it did a struggle with the leading arclibisliop of the West, and the practical overthrow of any indepen- dent episcopal authority. Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, had deposed Rothad, bishop of Soissons, in 861. Rothad appealed to the pope on the ground of the rights conferred by the Sardican canons, and after a long and severe struggle Nicholas secured his reinstatement in 865. A similar contest took place under Hadrian II. Hincmar deposed his own nephew, Hincmar of Laon, and Hadrian, in 869, took up the side of the nephew, but the metropoli- tan gained the victory. John VIII., the last of the three popes, and the last great pope before the weakness and corruption of the next two centuries, seemed to have attained a complete victory over the temporal power. He succeeded in freeing the papal chair almost com- pletely from the imperial authority. After the death of the emperor, Louis II., he supported the claims of Charles the Bald, who appeared in Rome, and was crowned by him on Christmas Day, 875, but, as we have seen, this support was purchased by Charles at the price of great concessions. Hincmar and his clergy made a determined protest, and at the synod in 876 a violent controversy arose. Nor was either the pope or the emperor satisfied ; in- deed, the pope had freed the papacy from the im- perial power only to leave it uni)rotected to the sport and passions of nobles and party factions in 456 The Age of C/iarle?nagne. and about Rome, and he died, in 882, apparently by the hand of an assassin. Hincmar died in the same year, and the glory and independence of the Prankish archbishops disappeared for a time. In the corruption and disorder that ensued, the papacy, separated from the empire, became the sport and prey of the factions of Italian nobles, and sank into weakness and confusion, which lasted until the Synod of Sutri, in 1046. The empire, divided by the strife and struggles of the sons and successors of Louis the Pious, though united for one brief moment under the weak and ignominious rule of Charles the Pat, finally fell apart in 887, never to be reunited. The Carolingian line died out in Italy in 899, in Germany in 911, and in France in 987. The empire which Otto I. created in 962 was the Holy Roman Empire of the German people, but of the vast domains of Charles the Great it comprised only Germany and Italy. Thus for a time the weaken- ing of the empire and the division of the imperial forces had seemed to aid the papacy to realize the position, and to exercise the powers gained by the influence of Charles the Great, but it overreached itself, and the final collapse of the imperial power left it without anything on which to lean for sup- port. Like the air to the flying bird was the im- perial power to the papacy, and the weakness of the empire was followed in this, as in every instance, by papal demor^dization. INDEX. Abassides, overthrow Ommiuds. 165. Abogard of Lyons, 4'20. Ad al hard, abbot of Corbie, 200. 270, 379, 888. Adalung, abbot of Saint Vedast, 392. Addula, abbess, 186. Adelbert, condemned by Boni- face, 77, 107 ; at Soissons, 10;'). Adelperga, 191. Adoptionists, condemned, 2.j5, 263 sq. ; beb'ef. 266, 350. Adrian. See Hadrian. Adrianople, battle of, 26. ^tius, chief minister of Irene, 216. -^tius, Roman general, 29. Agobard, 269, 351, 359, 363. Aistulf, King of Lombards, 129 ; relations to Stephen IIL, 131 sq. ; struggle with Franks, 140 sq. ; final subjection, 146 sq. ; killed, 151 ; characterized, 152. Alaric, 26. Albinus. 316. Alboin, leader of Lombards, 96. Alcuin, 183. 188 ; on Charles, 172, 214, 215 ; meets Charles. 236 ; " Four Caroline Books," 261 ; treatise, 266, 267, 268 ; meets Felix, 269 ; on the Filioque, 270 ; on Egbert, 317 ; sketch of life, 318 ; relations to Charles, 322 sq. ; powers. 324, 325 ; specimens of ques- tions, 328 sq. ; of definitions, 333 ; poor Greek scholar, 333, 334, 335 ; no evidence as to Hebrew. 334 ; great theolo- gian, 336 ; timid, 337 ; infiii- enee. 337 ; trials, 339 ; abbot of Tours. 340 sq. ; opposes Irish school, 349. 350 ; refutes Felix. 350 ; death, 350 ; sum- ming up, 350, 351. Alenianni, 30, 31 ; Fridolin amonff, 55 ; rebellion. 110. 112. Alexander HI., canonization of Charles, 299. Alex-andria. i>atriarchatc, 18 ; in P.seudo Isidore, 439. Ahnansor. 165. Alubert, bishop, 187. Alzog, on Images, 85 ; on Forged Decretals, 435. 436, 450. 451. Amelia, occupied by Liutpraud, 126 ; restored, 128. Amola, 370. Amoricans, 31. Ampere on " De Litteris Co- lendis, " 337; on growth of Protestantism, 363 ; on Scotus, 372 ; on Ilincmar, 419. Anagrates, monastery, 55. Anastasius, Emperor, titles Clo- vis. 31. Anastasius, papal biographer, on Donation of Charles, 196. Anastiisius, patriarch of Constan- tinople, 87. Andrews, on Charles, 240. Aneffrey, monastery, 55. 345. Angilbcrt, abbot, 263, 334, 335. 457 458 Index. Angilrara, bishop of Metz, capit- ularies of, 427, 429. Auiane, monastery, 281. Anointing, 120, 121. Ansegis, abbot of Fontenelles, 426. Ansegis, son of Arnulf , 42. Anselm, S87. Ansgar, missionary, 416 ; mis- sion destroyed, 417 ; see of Bremen, 417 ; success, 417 ; " Apostle of the North," 418. Antioch, patriarchate, 18 ; in Pseudo Isidore, 439. Apocrisiarius, 95. Apostolic Canons (false), 428. Aquitanians, submission, 65 ; re- bellion, 110, 161 ; revolt on death of Pippin, 168. Arabia, Arabs, 64 ; contests with Charles Martel, 64 sq., 101 ; conflicts with Christians, 293, 294. See Mahomet. Ardgar, hermit, 417. Arians, Arianism, 30, 31, 44, 51, 52, 63, 436. Arichis, duke of Benevento. See Beneyento. Aristotle, study of, in Charles's time, 320. Arithmetic, in Charles's time, 336. Arno, missionary, 418. Arnulf, bishop of Metz, 3, 41, 49. Astronomy, in Charles's time, 336. Athalgis, son of Desiderius, 191, 197. Athanasius, relation to Forged Decretals, 442. Atto, bishop of Vercelli, 422. Augustine, Knglish missionary, 344. Augustine, studied by Charles, 19, 226 ; against Transubstan- tiation, 364. Aureiius of Carthage, 427, Austrasia, 32, 34 ; battle of Tes- try, 42 ; power, 59 ; peace under Pippin, 122. Autchar, duke, 133. Avars, 236 sq., 293. Avitus, to Clovis, 45. Aymer, 373, Baldwin, 373. Barbarians, 10. See under sepa- rate titles. Barbas, uncle of Michael III., 454. Basil, murderer of Michael III., 454. Baugulf, abbot of Fulda, 338. Bavaria, Bavarians, 33 ; Boni- face among, 70, 75 ; rebellion, 110 sq. Bede, 20 ; on mission of Willi- brod, 59 ; on Biscop, 314 ; work, 314, 315, 317 ; on study of Greek. 334. Begga, daughter of Pippin, 42. Beiisarius, defeats Vandals, 26 ; conquests, 92. Benedict, archdeacon of Kome, 392. Benedict Biscop, 312, 313, 314. Benedict Levite, 287. 427, 430. Benedict of Aniane, 268, 281, 386, 400. Benedict of Nursia, 54. Benedict, Rule of, 280, 281, 386, 400 ; enforced at first German synod, 105. Benedictines, 53, 54. Benefices, 35, 62, 105. Benevento, duke of, 125, 152, 153, 190, 197, 236, 237, 290, 293. Bernhard, count of Barcelona. 398, 399, 404. Bernhard, grandson of Charles, 296, 378, 379 ; relations to Leo, 380, 381 ; conspiracy, 386, 387 ; surrender, 387 ; death, 387, 388. Bernhard, uncle of Charles, 234, 380. Bernharius, bishop of Worms, 270. Indc 459 Bcrtrada, queen of Pippin, 118, 138, 109. 170. Bcser, influence on Loo, 8!. Biscop, Benedict, 812, 3i;3, 314. Bishops, position of, 20, i21, 40 ; metropolitan system, 273 sq. ; election, 277 \ influence, 278 sq., 284; subordinate, 270; temporal power, 284 ; under Louis, 280, 359 ; feudalism and secularization, 419sq., 423 sq. ; effect of Forged Decretals on, 427 sq., 448. Blera, occupied bj' Liutprand, 120 ; restored, 128. Biidulfus, 373. Blondel, David, on False Decre- tals, 451. Bobbio, monastery, 50, 345. Boethius, 320, 330. Bohemians, 293. Bomarzo. occupied by Liut- prand, 120 ; restored, 128. Boniface, 20, 57 ; on bishops under Charles Marul, 01 ; on Charles Martel, 07 ; " Apostle of Germany," 08 ; life, 08 sq. ; oath to St. Peter, 71 ; impor- tance of work, 73 sq., 99, 108, 110 ; archbishop, 75 ; papal legate, 75, 109 ; among Bava- rians. 75 ; diocesan system in Frankish centres, 70, 107, 108 ; at flrst German synod, 70, 104 ; settles at Mainz, 77, 108, 109 ; monastery of Fulda, 77 ;_ se- cures condemnations of bish- ops, 77 ; no part in Pippin's plots, 78 ; letter to Cuthbert, 78, 108 ; resignation, 79 ; martyr- dom, 79 ; power under Karl- mann, 103 ; consecrates bish- ops of Rouen, Rheims, and Sens, 100 ; connection with Pippin's synods, 107 ; not pri- mate of all Germany, 108 ; influence over Gregory ot Utrecht, 188 ; on Sturm, 187 ; patronage of king, 424, 425. Bremen, d ioce.se. 180. BreLwalda, Ofla, 292. Brunliilda. 40. 55. Brycc on coronation of Charles, 210, 211. Buraburg, bishopric, 70. Burchard, bishop of Wurzburg, 117. Burgundians, Buri;:undy, 31 ; conciuered, 33 ; part of Mero- vingian monarchy. 31 ; conver- sion, 44 ; rceonqucn'd, 05. Bury, on coronation of Charles, Ca?ciliu^, taunt of Christiana, 83. Calabria. 124. " Canonical life," 280. ' Cancns, Dionysian. 283. j Canons, Sardican, 287. Capclla, Martian us, 320, 371. : Capet, Hugh, 414. Capitularies, Saxon, 177 sq. ; of Charles, 229 sq., 244 sq., 255 sq. of Frankfort, 275 ; of Louis. 281, 354. 383 ; of An- gilram, 429 ; of Isidore and t others, 420 sq. I Carolingiaus, 3, 25 ; end, 413, ■ 414, 450. See under names of I monarchs. Cassiodorus, 320, 330. Chalcedon, Council of, 347. Chalons, battle of, 29. Charlemagne. See Cuaiiles tiie GUE.VT. Charles ^lartel. 3, 42, 60 ; rela- tions to Church, GO so , 07, 70, I 101 ; victory over Mahonie- I tans. 04, 05 '; reconquers Bur- ■ gundy, 05 ; attacks Friesiuns, I 05 ; Saxons, 65 ; continiU'S ; strui^'gle again.st Ambs, 65 ; ' diUiculties, 00 ; drives Arabs ' to far South. 0(5 ; peacp, 60 ; appealed to by Gregory IIL against Lombards, 101. 102, I 120 ; death, 102 ; division of 460 Index. kingdom, 103 ; view of Church property, 310. Charles the Bald, 297 ; charac- teristics, 860, 361, 366 ; Eucha- ristic controversy, 364 ; friend- ship for Scotus, 366, 367 ; birth, 391 ; kingdom, 397 ; new division, 4U5 ; sent to monastery, 407 ; fresh attempt to enlarge territory, 409 ; re- ceives knightly belt and terri- tor}", 409 ; attacked by Lothair, 411 ; victory, 412 ; compact with Louis, 412 ; treaty of Verdun, 413 ; relations to Eb- bo, 442 ; to Hincmar, 444, 455. Charles the Bold, accepts crown, 224. Charles the Fat, 414, 456. Charles the Great, title to great- ness, 2, 3. 6, 7, 170 sq., 240 sq., 377; the era, 3; creates Carolingian empire, 25 ; over- throws Lombards, 27 ; meets Stephen III., 134; consecra- tion, 138 ; " Patrician of the Romans," 138, 139, 202, 204; letter from Hadrian L, 157, 198 sq., 282 ; crowned at Noyon, 168 ; relations to Karimann, 169 ; overtures to Tassilo and Desiderius, 169 ; disowns wife, 170 ; takes up his great work, 170 sq. ; sketch of life, 171 sq. ; relations to Church, 171, 172, 226, 281 sq., 425 ; wars with Saxons, 172 sq. ; subjec- tion of Saxons, 176 sq., 182; massacre of Verden, 180 ; fresh revolts, 182, 183; final con- quest, 184; " Enlightener of the Saxons," 185 sq. ; relations to missionaries, 185 sq. ; mar- riage, 191 sq. ; letter from Cuthwulf, 194 ; Lombard war, 195, 196 ; enters Rome, 196 ; ' ' King of the Lombards, "197; not crowned with iron crown, 198 ; Donation, 196, 200, 201 ; protection of Leo, 205 ; in Rome again, 205, 236 ; coro- nation, 207 ; theories concern- ing, 210 sq. ; relations to East, 214 sq. ; letter to Michael, 217 ; Rome not his home, 224 ; imperial supremacy, 225 ; fond of Augustine, 226, 227 ; Gen- eral admonition, 227 sq. ; the- ocracy, 231 sq.; Spanish cam- paign, 233 sq. ; at Pavia, 235 ; capitularies, 235, 244 sq., 255 sq. ; meets Alcuin, 236 ; con- quers Avars, 236 sq. ; alle- giance of Benevento, 236, 237 ; subdues Tassilo, 237 ; three- fold nature of his work, 241 sq. ; administration of govern- ment, 242 sq. ; national assem- blies and synods, 249 sq. ; iconoclastic controversy, 259 sq. ; " Four Caroline Books," 261 ; Adoptionism condemned, 263 sq. ; Filioque, 269 sq. ; " Veni Creator," 271 ; attempt to establish metropolitan cen- tres, 277 ; nomination and elec- tion of bishops, 277, 278 ; " Canonical Life," 280 ; Dion}'- sian canons, 283 ; sacramen- tar}^ of Gregory, 283 ; marriage laws, 283 ; tithes, 283 ; su- preme j udge of clergy, 284 ; closing years, 288 sq., 297 sq. ; revision of laws, 288, 289 ; re- lations to Mahometans, 290 ; papal support, 290 ; friendly to foreigners, 292 ; protects Louis against corrupt adminis- tration, 294 ; distribution of kingdoms, 295 ; takes field against Danes, 290 ; confers crown on Louis, 298 ; last sick- ness and death, 299 ; canon- ized, 299 ; summar}^ 300 sq. ; schools, 303, 304 ; intellectual life and development, 303 sq., 326, 330 sq. ; relations to Al- cuin, 322 sq. ; " De Litteris Index, 461 Colendis," 837; relations to Irish scholars, 349 sq. ; forces of disiiuion, IJT-i sq. Charles, son of Ciiarles the Great, 182, 292 ; early career, 29.3 ; kingdom, 295, 29G ; death, 296. Charles, sou of Pippin, and grandson of Louis the Pious, 409. Childeric I., 29. Childeric 111 , 108, 115. Chilperic, 47. Chrodegang, bishop of JEet/, 138, 280 ; rule, 352, 88G, 400. " Chorepiscopoi," 279. Chronicles of Moissac, on coro- nation of Charles, 208 sq. Church, lirst three centuries, 14 sq. ; inheritance, 14 ; religion established, 16, 17. See Rome, Chukcu of. Classe, taken by Pippin, 146. Claudius, bishop of Turin, 363. Clement, condemned by Boni- face, 77. Clement of Ireland, 349, 365. Clement. See Willickod. Clergy, Forged Decretals on, 427 sq. See Bishops. Clodio, or Clogio, 29. Clotaire II., 38, 39, 40, 56. Clovis, 8, 29 ; victory over Syag- rius, 29 ; conversion, 80 ; greatness, 30, 31 ; conquests, 31 ; king of Ripuarians, 32 ; division of kingdom at death, 32 ; Catholic champion, 44, 45, 97 ; contrasted Avith Tiieo- doric, 92 ; not anointed, 121. Cluny, 878. Cnut. 419. Coelesiine, primacy of Peter, 22, footnote ; greatness, 24. Cologne, archbishopric, 274. Coloni, 10. Columba, St., 55. 344. Columbanus, missionary, 55, 345, 347 sq., 351. Comestou, Peter, on Forged Do- cretals, 451. Conrad, brother of Judith, 4U4. Constantine V.. 108. Constantine VI.. betrothed to Ruthrud, 212, 261. Constantine, Phrygian ])ish()p, 84. Constantine, Donation of, 89, 155 sq.. 448. Constantinople, struggle with Rome, 4 ; patriarchate, 18. Sec Eastkux Ciiukch and Em- pi kk. Corbie, monastery, 357. Council, Seventh General, 108. Courts, Ecclesiastical, 285. Cuthbert, archbishop of Canter/ bury, 78, 108. . ' Cuthwulf, letter to Charles. 194. Cyprian, 19 ; apjjeal to Rome, 18. Cyril, Greek monk. 419. Dagobert, 88, 89, 41. Dalmatia, 218. Damasus, Pope, 23, 427. Damiani, Peter, 421, 422. Danes, invasion, 296, 840. 341, 360, 361, 375 ; missions among, 415 sq. Daniel, bishop of Winchester, 69. Dante, on Donation of Constan- tine, 158. Decretals, False. 287, 425, 426. 427 s(i. Sec Donation ok Con- stantine. De Maistre, on Charles, 2. Desiderata, daughter of Desitlc- rius, 191, 193, 194.. De.'^iilerius, King of Lombards, 152, 153, 160, 169 ; political alliances, 190 ; war -with Charles. 195. 196 ; conquered, 197, 198. Diaconus. Paulus, on Charles, 240, 241. Dialectic, in time of Charles, 880, 355. Diocletian, 13. 462 I)uiex. Dionysiau canons, 283, 426. Diouysius Exiguus, 426. Donation of Charles, 196, 300, 201. Donation of Constantine, 89, 155 sq., 448. Donation of Pippin, 136 sq. Dorner,on Adoptionism, 264, 265. Droclitegang, abbot of Jumieges, 133 Drogo, 380, 387, 388. Dunstan, archbishop of Canter- bury, 422. Dyotheletic Synod, 264. Eardulf, 290. Easter dispute, 346, 347, Eastern Church and Empire, struggle with Rome, 4 ; rela- tion of Charles to, 214 sq., 222 ; Filioque controversy, 269 sq. See Exakchs ; Image Worship ; Leo III. Eaubald, archbishop of York, 323. Ebbo, archbishop of Rheims, 174, footnote, 407. 408, 420 ; work among the Danes, 415 sq. ; bearing of Forged Decretals on, 441 sq. Eberhard, 408. Edict of 615, 40. Egbert, archbishop of York, 317, 318. Egypt, Mahometan, 64. Eichstadt, bishopric, 76. Einhard, on Karlmann, 112 ; on puppet kings, 115 ; on Frank- ish support of papacy. 136 on war with Saxons, 173 sq. on coronation of Charles, 212 on double emperorship. 217 on llaroun ai Raschid and Charles, 291 ; on Charhs's in- tellectual attainments, 326 ; on Rabanus, 356 ; letter to Lothair and death, 401 sq. ; Elipantus, archbishop of Toledo, 263, 264, 268. Emerton, on distinction of race and language among Franks, 412. England, Church of, time of Charles, 311 sq. ; previous to Norman conquest, 424. English, conversion of, 20. Ennodius, bishop of Pa via, use of word " pope," 23, footnote. Ephesus, Council of, primacy of Peter at, 22, footnote. Episcopate. See Bishops. Erasmus, on Forged Decretals, 451. Erfurt, bishopric, 76. Eric of Auxerre, 373. Eric of Jutland, 417. Erigena. See Scotus. Erimbert, 417, 418. Estinnes, Council at, 105. Ethelbert, archbishop of York, 318 3^'-^ Eucharist, 265, 363 sq. Eudes, 65. Eugene II., 393 ; peaceful reign, 397. Eutychians, 265. Exarchs, Exarchate, 88, 93, 95, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 139, 203, 204. Exiguus, Dionysius, 426. False Decretals, 23, 287, 425, 426, 427 sq. Farfa, monastery, 392. Felix of Urgel, heresies con- demned by Charles, 231, 263, 267 sq. ; belief, 266 ; meets Alcuin, 269; refuted by Al- cuin, 350. Feudalism, 5, 21, 35, 36, 40, 46, 47, 65, 258, 284. 300, 301, 302, 375, 376, 378, 403, 419 sq., 423 sq. " Field of Lies," 406. Filioque clause, 269 sq. Fleury, on letter from St. Peter, 145. Floras of Lyons, Eucharistic con- Indi c.w 4^3 troversy, 364 ; predestination controversy, ;j70. Foldrail, abbU of St. Denis, \\1 , 133, 147. 159. Fontuna), Oo. Fontcnay, 55, 411. Frankfort, assembly of, 255, 263, 268. Frankfort, capitularies of, 275. Franks, the, 5, 25, 27 ; Catholics 44 ; help from Church, 45 ; difference between their kin^^- dom and other German king- doms, 53 ; prestige established, 100 ; rebellions after death of Charles, 110 sq. ; signilicance of Pippin's coronation, IIS, 119 ; donation of Pippin, 136 sq. ; bound to papacy, 151 ; council of Vermcuil, 162 sq. ; distinctions of race and lan- guage, 412. bee under uames of kings. Frederick I., canonization of Charles, 299. Freising, bishopric, 75. Fridolin, Irish missionary, 55. Friesians, 59, 05, 69. Frodoard, 373. Fulda, 77, 187, 354, 359. Fulrad. See Foldrad. Gallese, acquisition of by Greg- ory, 125. Gallus, founder of St. Gall, 56. Gauzbert, missionary, 417. General admonition, 227 sti- ; 338. Gentilly, Synod at, 269. Gerberga, daughter of Deside- rius, 191. German Church. See Boniface. Germans, inheritors of Roman power and civilization, 13, 25 sq. ; results of migrations and conquests, 43 sq. See Cmvis ; Charles the Great ; Mero- VLNGIANS ; Fra2>K8, aiid names of separate tribes, German Synods, First, 76, KH ; Second, 105. Gcrmanus, patriarch of Coustan- tinoi)le, deposed, H7. Geroid, brolher-iii-law of Charle.H, 237. Geroid. count, 380. Gcruni;-, 3^9. Gewiliieb, 109. Gibbon, on Theodoric, 92 ; on temporal power, 159 ; on (Charles, 210. Gieslemar, monk. 416. Gisla, sister of Charles, 170, 191. Goths, 26, 30 ; conversion, 43. Gottfried. 373. Gottschalk, on Predestination, 368 sq. Grammar, time of Charles, 335, 336. Gratian, confers papal rights upon Uamasus, 23. Greece, intellectual inheritance from, 8, 9. Greek Church. Sec Eastern CiiURCir. Greek, study of, time of Charles, 333. Gregorovlus, on cont^uest of Liutprand, 100 ; on Icono- clasm, 123. Gregory I., greatness, 24. 97, 98, 124 ; on image worship, 82 ; checks Lombards, 97, 98 ; Milmau on, 98. Gregory II., aids Boniface, 69 ; policy towards Leo, 87 sq.. 123 ; checks Liuti)rand, lUO ; death, 101 ; probable attemi)t at confederation. 156. Gregory ill., relations to Boni- face,"75 ; to Franks, 101. 102, 126 ; death, 102, 127 ; decrees against Iconoclasts, 123 ; cou- llict with Leo, 121 ; in pos- session of Gallese, 125 • rela- tions to liOmbard dukes. 125 ; prol)able fal.-^lty of tradition of visit to Charles Martel, 133. 464 Index, Gregory IV., 397, 406 ; missions in the North, 416. Gregory VI., 373. Gregory VII., enforces use of word "pope," 23, footnote; scholar of Cluny, 373 ; Forged Decretals, 449. Gregory of Tours, on Clovis, 32 ; social position, 45 ; on Chilperic, 47, 48, footnote ; on learning, 309 ; on Capella, 321. Gregory of Utrecht, 186, 187. Gregory the Great. See Greg- ory I. Grifo, 103 ; rebellion, 113, 114 ; killed, 114, footnote, 134 ; ter- ritory, 297. Grimoald, 42. Guizot, on Charles, 241 ; on as- semblies, 254 ; on capitularies, 255, 256. Giinther of Cologne, 453. Hadrian I., letter to Charles, 157, 198 sq., 282 ; policy, 195 ; Donation of Charles, 196, 200, 201 ; relations to East, 214 ; sends copy of Dionysian canons to Charles, 283 ; also copy of Sacraraeutary of Gregory, 283. Hadrian II., 449, 454, 455. Hadrian IV., claim to Ireland, 157. Hadrian, missionary, 312, 315. Halitgar, bishop of Cambray, 415. Hambury, ecclesiastical jurisdic- tions, 275. Hanold, duke of Aquitanians, 110, 111, 112, 168, 169. Harold, King of Danes, 379, 415. Ilaroun al Raschid, 291. Ilaureau, on Alcuin, 334. Henry II., England, grant of Ireland, 158 ; canonization of Charles. 299. Herbert, 404. Hcrsfield, monastery, 187, 357. Hertford, Council of, 70, Hessians, Boniface among, 71, 73. Hildegard, 193. Hildelidis, 315. Hildibald, 274, 299, 373, 381. Hildigar, bishop of Cologne, 134. Hincmar, on General Assem- blies, 250 ; power, 276, 353, 359, 419, 420 ; relations to Gottschalk, 370 ; to Charles the Bald, 444 ; to Nicholas I., 449, 455 ; defends Thietberga, 453 ; relations to Hadrian II., 455 ; death, 456. Hincmar of Laon, 449, 455. Hinschius, on Pseudo Isidore, 429 sq., 448, 449. See Dona- tion OF CONSTANTINE. Hirschau, monastery, 357. Holy Roman Empire, 224, 456. Horik of Jutland, 417. Hugo, father-in-law of Lothair, 399. Hugo, son of Charles, 380, 387, 388. Humfrid, count of Coire, 392. Huns, 26, 29, 375, footnote. Ibas, letter to Maris, 347. Ibn-al Arabi, governor of Sara- gossa, 234. Iconoclasm. See Image Wor- ship. Ignatius, patriarch of Constan- tinople, 454. Illyricum, translated to patri- archate of Constantinople, 124. Image Worship, 81 sq., 99; iconoclasm, 85, 87, 88 ; de- crees of Gregory III., 123, 124 ; council of Nicea in favor of, 214, 259 sq. ; Constantino- politan decrees condemned at Frankfort, 255. Immunities, 284, 285, 327. Ingelheim, diet of, 237. Innocent I., 24 ; greatness, 98. Ireland, zeal in, 54 ; develop- ment of learning in, 310 sq.. Indc 465 u4o sq. ; school opposed by AlcuiQ and Thcodiilf, 349 S(i. Irene, 209. Irmiugard, wife of Lotliuir, 388. Irmingard, wife of Louis, 382, 387. Isaac of Constantinople, ad- dresses Frederick as emperor, 218. Isidore ^Mercator, 427. Isidore of Seville, 320, 330, 426, 427. Islam. See IMAnoMETANisM. Italy, after division of empire, 01 sq. ; national movement, 125. Jerusalem, first local centre of Church, 15 ; patriarchate, 18. Jews, image worship, hindrance to conversion, 83. John, archbishop of Aries, 381. John, bishop of Blanche-Selve, 392, 393. John VIII., offers crown to Charles the Bold, 224 ; great- ness, 455. Judith, wife of Louis, 388, 391, 397, 400, 404, 410 ; godmother to Danish queen, 412. Julius, bishop of Rome, right to receive appeals, 22. Justinian, 92. Karlmann, son of Charles Martel, 7G, 103 ; relations to Boniface, 103 ; German synods, 103 sq. ; proceeds against Saxons, 111 ; murders Alemanuians, 1 12 ; retirement, 112, 129 ; urges Pippin not to yield to Stephen, 140 ; removed to Vienna and death, 141. Karlmann, brother of Charles, consecrated bv Stephen III., 138 ; " Patrician of the Ro- mans," 138, 139 ; crowned at Soissons, 168 ; desertion of Charles, 169, 194 ; marriage, DD 170, 191 s(i. ; death, 168, 170, 194. Karlmann, sou of C'liarles, 236. Kiersy, Council of, 448. Lal)uinus, missionary, 186. Land f rid, duke of the Aleman- uians, 113. Langobards. See Lombards. Learning. See Alcuin ; Ciiaules TiiH Great ; Louisthk Pious. Lehuerou, on consecration of Clovis, 121 ; on General As- semblies, 255, Lcidrad, archbishop of Lyons, 208. Leo I., pope, primacy of Peter, 22, footnote ; greatness, 24, 98 ; relation to Pippin, 290. Leo III., emperor, victory over Mahometans, 64 ; on images, 82, 84, 85 ; edict, 86, 87 ; death, 102 ; conflict with Greg- ory IIL, 124; confers Mirfa and Norma on pope, 129. Leo III., pope, receives Charles's royal claims, 204 ; flees to Charles, 205 ; purgation, 205, 206 ; crowns Charles, 207 ; Prankish account of corona- tion. 208 ; Filioque, 270 ; se- verity, 380 ; troubles and death, 380, 381. Leo. v., emperor, 379. Leo VI., emperor, 454. Leo IX., pope. Forged Decretals, 449. Leo, master of the Knights, 393. Leo, son-in-law of Theodore of the papal palace, 392. Lestinnes, council at, 105. Liptime, council at, 105. Liutprand, ally of Charles Mar- tel, 06, 107 ; checked by Greg- ory II., 100 ; death, 102, 128 ; attacks Spoleto, 126 ; present at the function of Zucharias, 127 ; treaty with Zacharias, 128 ; attacks Ravenna, 128. 466 Index. Lombards, 25, 27 ; couversiou, 44 ; aid Charles Murtel, 60 ; time of Leo IIL, 88 sq. ; an- archy, 03 ; invasion, 95 sq. ; history sketched, 96 ; checked by Gregory, 97, 98 ; by Greg- ory II., 100 ; final efforts, 155 ; marriage alliances with Franks, 190 sq. ; war with Charles, 195, 196 ; conquest, 197, 198. See Aistulp ; Liut- PRAND. Lorenz, on education in eighth century, 3U5, 333. Lothair I., crowned in Rome, 224, 358, 378 ; crowned at Aix- la-Chapelle, 38-1, 385 ; mar- riage, 388 ; in ] taly and Rome, 389 ; godfather to Charles the Bald, 391 ; protector, 392 ; strength, 392; sent to adjust relations with Eugene II., 394 ; supreme in Rome, 394 ; Ro- man constitution, 394 sq. ; en- croachments of Charles the Bald, 398 ; against Louis, 398 ; confined to Italy, 399 ; letter ■ from Einhard, 401 sq. ; head- strong, 403 ; open rebellion, 404 ; restores father to rights, 404, 405 ; new division of ter- ritory, 405 ; supreme, 406, 407 ; brothers plot against him, 407 ; submission, 408 ; division of empire with Charles, 410 ; arms against his brothers, 411 ; joins with Pip- pin, 411 ; defeat at Fontenay, 412 ; treaty of Verdun, 413 ; case of Ebbo, 441, 442. Lothair II., 453, 454. Louis the Pious, coronation, 213 ; never at Rome, 224 ; King of Aquitania, 236, 293 ; adminis- tration of districts under, 248, 254, 255 ; election of bishops, 277 ; position of bishops under, 279 ; " Canonical Life," 281 ; capitularies, 281, 354, 383 ; early career, 293, 294 ; king- dom, 295 ; gives duchy of Maine to his son, 297 ; closing years of his father's life, 297 ; joint emperorship with father, 298 ; translation of Scriptures, 352 ; no encouragement to Irish school, 365 ; not specu- lative, 366 ; forces of disunion in kingdom, 374 sq., 384 ; early career on throne, 378, 379 ; relations with Leo, 380 ; with Stephen V., 381 ; crown- ed, 382 ; donation to papacy, 383 ; Lothair crowned, 384 ; "Regulation of the Empire," 885, 388 ; rebellion of Bern- hard, 366, 387 ; penance for severities, 388 ; sends Lcthair to Italy, 389 ; investigations in Italy, 392 sq. ; under influ- ence of queen, 397 sq. ; rebel- lion in family, 398, 400 ; char- acteristics, 400, 401 ; con- quered by sons, 404 ; retired, 404 ; restored, 405 ; rebellion of Louis, 405, 408 ; fresh re- bellions of sons, 406 sq. ; Louis and Pippin to the rescue, 407 ; submission of Lothair, 408 ; territory of Charles, 409, 410 ; arms against Louis and death, 411 ; patron of missions, 416 sq. ; case of Ebbo, 441. Louis, son of Louis the Pious, dispute as to succession after death, 224 ; primogeniture, 378, 379 ; receives Bavaria, 385 ; sides with Lothair, 398 ; new division of territory, 405 ; rebellion, 405, 406 ; to rescue of his father, 407 ; submission of Lothair, 408 ; fresh plots, 409 ; possessions confirmed, 410 ; attacked by father, 411 ; compact with Charles, 412 ; treaty of Verdun, 413 ; offers see of Bremen to Ansgar, 417 ; relations to Ebbo, 442. Index 467 Louis II.. brother of Lotliair If., 224, 455. Louis the German. Sec Loi is, Son ok Louis the Pious. Ludvvig the Geriniin. See Louis, Son of Louis the Pious. Lii.!;enfcld, 406. Luidger, missiouary, 180, IHH. Luitperga. I'JO. Lull, successor of Bouifacc, 79, 274. Lupus, duke of Wasconia, KiO. Lupus. Servatus, 357, 359, 301 sq., 440. Liittich, under Hildibald, 274. Luxeuil, monastery, 55, 345. Luxovium, monastery, 55. Macchiavclli on Theodoric, 92. !Magdehurg Centuriators, 451. Mahomet, "iMahometanlsm, influ- ence on Church, 4 ; victories and progress, 63 sq. ; power, 63, 64 ; at diet of Paderborn, 233, 234 ; in Spain. 264 ; rela- tions to Charles, 290 ; conflicts with Christians, 293, 294 ; pre- destination, 370 ; invasions, 375. Maifield, Mayfield, 144, 102, 176, 249 sq., 254, 255. Maine, duchy of, 296. Mainz, ecclesiastical centre, 274 ; jurisdiction, 275, 270, Major domus. See Mayors of Palace. Mar field. See Maifield. jMariolatry, 81. Marriage, laws of, 283. ]\larsilius of Padua, on Donation of Constantine, 158 ; on Forged Decretals, 451. Maurus Rabanus. See Rabanus, Mauius. Mayors of the palace, 38 sq., 59, 114 sq. ]\Iartianus Capella. 320, 371. Mcaux. Council of, 435, 1 Merovingians, 3, footnote, 29 ' sti. ; deca}' of power, 34 sq., 40 ; fall, 42. Methodius, Greek monk. 419. .Metropolitan system, 270 sq. ; Forged Decretals, 430, 438, 440 S(i.. 451. Metz, ecclesiastical position, 270. Michael I., emperor, relations to Charles. 217. Michael III., emperor. 454. Milman, on Gregory, 98. Mirfa, conferred on Church, 129. Mi»i^l Domimcly 243 sq. Missionary work, 0, 53 sq. ; under Charles. 184 sq., 343 sq. ; among Danes, 415 sq. ; in Sweden. 410, 417. SeeAxs- GAll ; ArNO ; COLUMBANUS ; Boniface ; Fkidolln ; Wil- LIBUOD ; WiLLEIIAD. Moissac, clironicles of, on corona- tion of Charles. 208 sq. ]\Iombert, story about llildegard, 193 ; on intellectual greatness of Charles, 330 sq. Monasteries, position of, in this era, 0, 21 ; united under Bene- dict, 54 ; immunities. 284, 2i:5 ; history sketched, 307, 308. Monophysitism, 84, 85, 264. Monothelitism, 85, 204. MuUinger, on Alcuin, 335. 350 ; on episcopal schools, 353 ; on Rabanus, 355 ; on Scotus, 371, 372. Narses, overthrows Ostrogoths, 27 ; con(iuests. 92 ; relations to Lombards, 90. Neander, on Adelbert, 107. Xefrid, bishop of Narbonne, 208. Nestorius, Nestorianism, 261. Neustria, 32, 34 ; battle of Tes- tr}', 42 ; under Charles Martel, 00; und(T Pippin, 122; after death of Pippin, 168. Nicephorus, 217. Nicholas I., Forged Decretals, 440 ; greatness, 452 ; relations 468 Index, to Lotliair II., 453 ; to Eastern Church, 454. Nicholas 11, , Forged Decretals, 449. Nicholas of Cusa, on Donation of Coustantine, 158 ; on Forged Decretals, 451. Norma, conferred on Church, 129. Northalbingians, 183. " Octavius" of Minucius Felix, 83, 84. Odo of Clugny, 373, Odoacer the Herulian, 27, 29, 91 ; overthrown, 92. Offa, Bretwalda, 292, 340. Olaf, of Sweden, 417. Olaf Skotkonung, 418. Olaf the Holy, 418. Ommiads, overthrown, 165. Orleans, school at, 353. Orte, occupied by Liutprand, 126 ; restored, 128. Ostrogothic kingdom, 31 ; con- version, 44, 51, 52. Otfried of Weissenberg, 357. Otgar, archbishop of Mainz, 431. Ottilo, duke of Bavarians, 110. Otto I„ 224, 375, footnote, 456, Paderborn, diet of, 233 ; under Mainz, 274, Palestine, Mahometan, 64. Pallium, the. 22, 276. Papacy. See Rome, Church of. Paris, Council of, 40. Paris, University of, 303, 304, 389 ; investiture of Louis, 392 sq. Paschal I., 383, 387 ; death, 393. Paschal II., 449, Paschal, anti-pope, canonization of Charles, 299, Puschasius Kadbertus, 266 ; eucharistic controvers}', 363 sq. Passau, bishopric, 75. "Patriarch," title, 23, footnote. " Patrician of the Romans," 138, 139, 202. 204. Patrick, St., 54, 343, 344, 373, 374, Paul I., 139 _; succession, 152 ; letters to Pippin, 153 ; on Ro- man supremacy, 283, Paulicians, 82, 83, Paulinus, of York, 316. Paulinus. patriarch of Aquileia, 268, 323. Paul the Deacon, 323, 324, 338 ; on Charles, 240, 241. Paulus Diaconus. See Paul the Deacon. Pavia, siege of, 146, 196. "Peace, The," 421. Pecock, on Donation of Cou- stantine, 158. Pelagius I., 346. Pelagius II., on Franks, 97. Persia, Mahometan, 64. Peter Comeston, on Forged De- cretals, 450. Peter Damiani, 421. Peter of Pisa, 323, 324. Petersburg, monastery, 357. Photius, relations to Nicholas I., 454. Pippin, Donation of, 136 sq. Pippin, father of Charles, 57, 76, 102, 103 ; synod at Soissons, 106 ; conquers Bavarians, 111 ; defence of Neustria, HI, 112 ; receives Karlmann's kingdom, 112 ; relations to Grifo, 113 ; puts down Saxon revolt, 113 ; coronation, 117 sq. ; character- istics, 122 ; peace of united kingdoms, 122 ; relations to Stephen III,, 132 sq, ; fresh re- volt of Saxons, 133, 134; meet- ing with Stephen, 134, 135 ; promises aid, 135 ; consecra- tion, 138 ; " Patrician of the Romans," 138, 139 ; overtured byKarlmann, 140 ; orders him to Vienne, 141 ; attacks Ais- tulf, 141 ; fresh appeals from Index. 469 pope, 142 ; deaf car, 143 ; let- ter from St. Peter, 145 ; crosses Alps again, 140 ; foundation of temporal power, 147 scj. ; return, 151 ; letters from Paul I., 153 ; war with Acpiitania, 161 ; at Verneuil, 162 ; rela- tions to emperor, 164, 165 ; to Almansor, 165 ; his work, 166. 167 ; death 161. 167 ; division of kingdom, 167 ; attempt to establish metropolitan cen- tres, 277. Pippin of Ilcristal, 3, 42, 59, 60. Pippin of Lansteu, 3, 41, 42. Pippin, son of Charles, King of Italy, 236, 293 ; early career, 293 ; kingdom, 295 ; relations to Leo, 296 ; death, 296. Pippin, son of Louis the Pious, 378, 379, 385 ; rebellion, 404 ; restores father to rights, 404, 405 ; new division of territory, 405 ; anger, 405 ; fresh rebel- lions, 406, 407 ; to the rescue of his father, 407 ; submission of Lothair, 407 ; death, 409. Pippin, son of above, 409 ; joins with Lothair, 411. Pirminius, 77. Pius IX., on Boniface, 79. Plato, study of, in time • of Charles, 320. Poitiers, battles of, 31. 87, 101. " Pope," history of term, 23. Porphyry, 336. Prccariuin, 62. Predestination controversy, 368 sq. Primogeniture, 378, 384. Probus, 358. Provincia, 33. Prudentius of Troj^es, on'Scotus, 367 ; predestinati i'>?/ K.AY ^ m' f) BW894.T28V.4 The age of Charlemagne Princeton Theological Semmary-Speer Library 1 1012 00015 5251